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5 months ago

My take on Shroomy's family tree


Shroomy: our loveable mushroom man whose both a Boy Scout and a former Demon Slayer(to be debated if Anti-Shroomy returns PLEASE SMG4 HOW IS HE) that stole our hearts. What is this mushroom man's family like? How is he the only known mushroom man to have his face on the mushroom CAP instead of the STEM like everybody else? Where is the rest of his family?

Well, let's go over what we DO know about this lovely mushroom's family:

Relatives known are: Wheeler as his Grandfather, Doomguy as his uncle, Lady Alcina Dimitrescu as his aunt, and the Dimitrescu sisters; Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela as his cousins.

Lady Alcina Dimitrescu eventually divorces Doomguy in the episode: "SMG4: She's Back!" at timestamp 5:17 so by some technicality she is now Shroomy's Ex-Aunt and the Dimitrescu sisters his Ex-cousins if we are go off the idea Doomguy didn't want the trio in the divorce since he was too busy hanging out and training with Isabelle to care about them, much less Shroomy.

Even WHEELER, HIS OWN FREAKING GRANDPA could care less about him, with two occasions of not bothering to acknowledge his existance in "SMG4: Mario Gets His PINGAS Stuck In Car Door" at timestamps 3:20 and 4:52 (the latter one is him LITTERALY RUNNING HIS WHEELCHAIR INTO HIS FACE WHAT)

Aside from that, we've got nothing family-wise to Shroomy...

But what about "SMG4: Stupid Mario Odyssey 2" and the Luncheon Kingdom? Shroomy states the reason why he's there in the episode is to "visit family" at timestamp 5:27. So what about them? Odds are they might've been eaten in Mario's rampage on the place but what if they weren't? These unknown Luncheon Kingdom family members may explain my main question about our beloved mushroom man:

Shroomy (SMG4) PNG
Wheeler (SMG4) PNG
My Take On Shroomy's Family Tree


Toads of the Super Mario Series? on the STEM. Mushrooms of Super Mario Series? on the STEM. HECC I BET YOU A WHOLE COOKIE TO LOOK UP "chibi mushroom" RIGHT NOW AND FIND AN IMAGE WITH THE FACE ON THE CAP. (you don't actually HAVE to I can't force you to do anything because that would be mean. But my point stands.)


It's most likely not Wheeler's side of the family, given he has the dominant gene of "face on the stem" and Doomguy I'm willing to bet is adopted given that he is a full on human in a family of mushroom people with significant skill in weaponry and destruction, demon or otherwise.

Which makes the possibility of it being from the other side still living in the Luncheon Kingdom more likely to have the many mushrooms with faces on the caps instead of stems.

So, my attempt on a take of Shroomy's family is this:

in order from top left to bottom right: Sky Blue mushroom man concept, Glowing Jack O' lantern mushroom woman concept, Russula emetica mushroom woman concept, Wheeler (SMG4), Wood Blewit mushroom woman concept, Boggy Brittlegrill mushroom man concept, Doomguy, Lady Dimitrescu, Shroomy, and the Dimitrescu sisters.

That's all I got, if you've got any theories/other ideas/point out inconsistencies or misinformation, let me know! Thank you for reading my ramble.^^

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5 months ago

Mrs. Monitor Lives (SMG4 AU): A Concept

[aka: Hal Monitor wins squid game and sells the lifetime supplies of PS5s for money to pay for his wife's surgery]


What if Hal Monitor won in "SMG4: If Mario Was In.... SQUID GAME"? What if Hal got the prize and sold the PS5s for the money he needed? Well I'm gonna rewind and try to show you my take on if he did win, and how he did it.


The first question would be HOW does he win SQUID GAME? Well, we can deduce where he originally lost by checking the roster between games, as even if they are removed offscreen, they show who survived at the start of the next game.

"SMG4: If Mario Was In.... SQUID GAME" timestamp 8:26.
"SMG4: If Mario Was In.... SQUID GAME" timestamp 10:37

To which we find he was eliminated during the marbles minigame, which leaves us with a couple of questions:

Who did he versus out of the winning group? We can immediately eliminate Mario and Wario, as we see them win against their opponents: Old Man and Waluigi respectfully. We can Also eliminate Squidward, Dipsy (Teletubbie), Colonel Sanders (KFC mascot), Donkey (SHREK ICON), Buff Carl, and Joker (Persona 5) as they weren't apart of the group shown for the marbles minigame and are included in the glass bridge minigame as a gag. Which leaves Meggy, Steve, or Luigi as our final suspects. Personally I'm more likely to believe it was Steve, as his capablities of throwing random stuff as a gag would fry Hal's system and thus, lose the match. So instead, Hal would possibly load all his marbles into a makeshift gun and shoot Steve, eliminating him on the spot.

How would he succeed the glass bridge minigame? As the glass bridge is one of the two minigames he must win at before being crowned the winner, he needs to pass this to contiune onto the next and final round. If he were replace Steve, and (for a super spy gag) had a way to differentiate the wrong or right way for glass pathing, we could still use the "Wario trips up Luigi and immediately faces the consequences of his actions" bit by Hal just chokeholding Wario and yeeting him into the pit saying that "Wasn't very legal" as he threw him.

Onto the Squid Game minigame and we run into the final obstacle: Would it still work to have Meggy and Mario both get past the glass bridge minigame to battle with Hal Monitor in the final frontier? Considering Meggy's skill with a splattershot, and both Mario and Meggy's training for the Splatfest, I doubt it. Mario did win with a gag so odds are he might've not stood a chance against someone like Hal, who is taking this FAR more seriously than himself if Meggy wasn't there. Say she is still there though, which can still play out well in a "Rock, Paper, Scissors" format: Mario defeats Meggy, and Hal quickly defeats Mario while he's distracted by beating Meggy.


Finally the ending of the episode after getting the money:

Hal and Jr are waiting in the hospital hallway, sitting on a bench outside the room. Hal's leg is going a mile a minute as Jr just sits, resting his head (toaster face?) on his father's lap. Hal got the money just in time, but the wait during the surgery was unbearable. The father-son duo glanced at each other, practically seeing the same amount of fear, paranoia, and dread on the what ifs for their dear microwave. The hospital door creaks open by a smiling E. Gadd. "The procedure was a success. Aside from needing to ease back into walking again, she should be clear. You both can see her if you'd like." But E. Gadd was quickly interrupted as the duo shot towards the door only to halt in the room and slowly step towards the medical chair where their dear Mrs. Monitor sits, assessing her newly added arms, merely astonished by the movements and gestures she could now make with just her hands alone. But what E. Gadd was far more than just arms, no he gave her a whole cybernetic body; legs, body, neck, and even making the microwave door of her face into a whole face plate! As she looked up from her hands, she saw her loving husband and their sweet boy gaze at her with a relived and loving gaze. Their fears were finally over. Hal and Jr go in to give her a big hug, that she just as quickly accepts with her new arms, tears welling up in her new eyes. Their family was finally back together again, and all is finally well for them in the world.

Mrs. Monitor Lives (SMG4 AU): A Concept


As always would love your thoughts on this and hope you enjoyed!

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5 months ago

Why does your version of Shroomy have a scar on his back? What happened?

Shroomy's been hit with more than ONE bear attack, if anything, I probably should've added more.

timestamp 0:26 of Mario Waits For The Bus
timestamp 2:53 of Mario Waits For The Bus
timestamp 8:05 of Mario Waits For The Bus

It got to a point where Shroomy wanted to throw hands with them ON SIGHT might I add.

timestamp 4:23 of Mario's Bus Trip where Shroomy is telling Swagmaster6969696969 to "DESTROY THEM"
timestamp 7:16 of Mario's Bus Trip where Shroomy is wielding a Shotgun about to fight a group of bears (animal) while DOOM Eternal music is playing in the background.

Suffice to say, man's got some scars from these fellas. Probably why we haven't seen Cub Scout leader "Victor Smokeavich" (I think that's how you spell it???) return because Shroomy probably has beef with him despite formally being his star pupil scout.

timestamp 1:57 in Mario The Boy Scout where Shroomy is pointed out to be "Victor Smokeavich" 's best pupil with a whopping 300,679 badges to his name.

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5 months ago

( I know that I just asked you a question but I’m bored af)

Do you have any Hal angst?


As for Hal angst... There's alot one could go over. Such as :

timestamp 2:39 of SMG4: Mario Runs Out Of Toilet Paper
timestamp 4:06 of SMG4: Mario Goes on Death Row
timestamp 4:08 of SMG4: Mario Goes on Death Row

How Hal's father's death affected his life, and possibly how he works at being an "enforcer of justice" (And the possibility that the "Death is inevitable!" quote might've unfortunately been his father's final words before said death) from then onward.

While his father might've meant this quote as a way to ease the pain for Hal, it definitely seems to have done the opposite. Man is probably putting the work in overwork at his job now because of one thing:

HE WAS AT THE SCENE WHEN IT HAPPENED. HE COULDN'T STOP IT. And he CAN'T accept that reality yet, if at all. HE is supposed to BE AN ENFORCER, not some bystander to something so tragic. So he tries to work hard to avoid speaking about his pain instead in a healthier way. He CAN'T. Not when there are people to protect from a similar fate.

Jr has tried to talk with him about this, but Hal always redirects the subject back to how Jr. is doing. Jr wants to help his dad, but his dad seems to not want any. Not until he can ENSURE SAFETY FOR ALL.

( I Know That I Just Asked You A Question But Im Bored Af)

How Mrs. Monitor's (albeit offscreen) death affected Hal and Jr.'s life (exclude this from the "Mrs. Monitor Lives AU")

This left Hal and Jr. in a more unstable finacial state, but when Jr. got his own body built, he took over his Mom's old "Apppliances Store" (Yes it's spelt that way in the show, and the headcanon why is because Mrs. Monitor "autocorrects" it to that instead of Appliances, to which Hal and Jr. refuse to change it). Now the duo are overworking buddies!

Jr. has been saving up for something for a while without his father knowing though... Therapy. Jr. knows what the two of them isn't healthy, even if they are "Robots/Cyborgs" thanks to the lovely advice from Shroomy and Karen (who stop by/babysit on occasion). He wants to help them get better, BE BETTER for each other's sake. But the only problem now is getting Hal to agree to going along with him to said sessions...

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5 months ago

How water-resistant is your version of Hal? Does he just pass out at the slightest amount of moisture? Or is he able to full-on swim?

Good Question!! Mainly because We aren't sure about canon Hal Monitor's resistance to water! (the screenshots being from the same episode makes it so confusing like why the scallop is he in the lake in one just fine and just knocked out by being sprayed like a cat MINUTES LATER???)

Timestamp 3:47 of SMG4: Officer Meggy
Timestamp 9:51 of SMG4: Officer Meggy

To which my theory on why he was able to submerge in water earlier but get damaged by the spray bottle water is these bad boys below!

usb port covers google search first ones at least on my end

I think Hal had some usb port covers plugged in (thus protecting himself from water leakage into his server systems) but had removed them to dry them off afterwards, leaving him vulnerable to the Shy Guy's attack.

How Water-resistant Is Your Version Of Hal? Does He Just Pass Out At The Slightest Amount Of Moisture?

So to answer your question: If he were to have these covers plugged in, my buddy boi here could swim without issue, without them he's definitely screwed.

A little angst for you too!

He may not say it out loud, but he's truly glad Meggy didn't go on to join him in the enforcing business and instead went for coaching in the end. She was capable yes, but that close call of a mission where he COULDN'T DO ANYTHING EXCEPT WATCH OVER HER while she went to stop the Shy Guy was quite the unnerving callback for him. Lucky she did "capture" the Shy Guy in the microwave, but it did leave him in his office for a while worried about what if she hadn't succeeded.

How Water-resistant Is Your Version Of Hal? Does He Just Pass Out At The Slightest Amount Of Moisture?

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5 months ago

Some things I found noteworthy of Hal from a small binge watching of SMG4 episodes in no particular order

Some Things I Found Noteworthy Of Hal From A Small Binge Watching Of SMG4 Episodes In No Particular Order

Hal Monitor can in fact breakdance. This man can literally bust it down to reel you in, and by the time you realize it, his crew probably already has you walking to the car in cuffs.

Some Things I Found Noteworthy Of Hal From A Small Binge Watching Of SMG4 Episodes In No Particular Order
Some Things I Found Noteworthy Of Hal From A Small Binge Watching Of SMG4 Episodes In No Particular Order
Some Things I Found Noteworthy Of Hal From A Small Binge Watching Of SMG4 Episodes In No Particular Order

2. Hal's face plate/monitor screen has seen some updates offscreen, allowing him to eat/drink like everybody else. I think it was the moment he and Meggy had in the "SMG4: Officer Meggy" episode that made him actually realize he hadn't eaten before (trying to mimic other coworkers behavior).

Some Things I Found Noteworthy Of Hal From A Small Binge Watching Of SMG4 Episodes In No Particular Order
Some Things I Found Noteworthy Of Hal From A Small Binge Watching Of SMG4 Episodes In No Particular Order
Some Things I Found Noteworthy Of Hal From A Small Binge Watching Of SMG4 Episodes In No Particular Order
Some Things I Found Noteworthy Of Hal From A Small Binge Watching Of SMG4 Episodes In No Particular Order

3. Transforming. Into. Other. Machines/Vehicles. I don't think anyone talks about this enough but Hal has transformed into a CAR, A TANK, A SENTRY GUN, AND EVEN GOT THE BODY OF OPTIMUS PRIME AT ONE POINT WHAT THE SCALLOP??? Only headcanon I can give that goes with this is that Jr. inherited this ability from his dad.

Some Things I Found Noteworthy Of Hal From A Small Binge Watching Of SMG4 Episodes In No Particular Order
Some Things I Found Noteworthy Of Hal From A Small Binge Watching Of SMG4 Episodes In No Particular Order

4. Warping through video recording devices. I think this is also very interesting because man can just be ANYWHERE in no time at all.

Am I just making this to make notes for any future writings/comics/headcanons I make of this guy?

Maybe. maybe.

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5 months ago

So... Today's SMG4 episode huh?

(WARNING: I'm going to be talking about the recent (as of October 5th 2024) episode of SMG4 and will be showing a screenshot from the episode, so SPOILERS AHEAD. Please go watch the episode before continuing if interested!)

Timestamp 11:14 of "Welcome to Puzzle Park"


Sonic the Hedgehog's introduction in SSBB's story mode: Subspace Emissary.

Please let Shroomy pull a Sonic from Subspace Emissary from Super Smash Bros. Brawl. PLEASE!!!

Shroomy version of the Sonic introduction in SSBB Subspace Emissary
(Bear-Boi-5 's version of Anti-Shroomy) Anti-Shroomy version of the Sonic introduction in SSBB Subspace Emissary

Even if they don't do this, WOTFI 2024 is gonna be PEAK. I can't wait to lose my marbles again over such a cool series.

Also gonna @ @bear-boi-5 because that Anti-Shroomy design is theirs.

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