Blue Eye Samurai Netflix - Tumblr Posts

Just little Mizu being a menace around the forge.

Mizu’s first day at Master Eiji’s forge, when Swordfather began to wonder what he got himself into.
Someone commented that I should draw them with the “Show me what you have!” “A knife!” Vine and I immediately did.

Not quite what he had in mind, but Taigen finally got his duel. And played the worst card possible.
My Pinterest suggestions are becoming more and more unhinged.

This is how this scene went down, right?
Mizu looks dangerously gorgeous in episode 4. Nothing has made me question my sexuality more than her, I swear.

Same, Madame Kaji.

Whatever you say, lost boy. I don’t think she was really contemplating it in the show but you never know…
One of my favorite scenes in the show. Mizu’s so cute when she’s flustered.
Found this absolute gem of a screenshot, I am losing it.

I kind of borrowed the “streaking blood down the face” thing from Perfect Blue, but I’m a huge Satoshi Kon fan and I thought it’d fit Mizu perfectly.

Finished reading Those Damned Blue Eyes by the incredibly talented @fuukonomiko and OH MY GOSH. The smut. The story. All perfection, and I had to draw something for it.
Definitely recommend this fanfic and the author!

One more based on Those Damned Blue Eyes by @fuukonomiko because I didn’t know how much I needed drunk Mizu until I read it.

Akemi holding the precious child.

I couldn’t even handle her in this scene, she’s just too hot. She could literally stab me to death and I’d be happy.

Good god, Akemi, could you make Mizu turn any more red? (I bet she could.)
Procreate kept crashing on me and it was driving me INSANE, so some parts of these are kind of unfinished and messy.

My Mizemi art is starting to get hornier.
I’m getting really concerned about what pins Pinterest puts Mizu next to in my feed. Every time I open this app it’s wild.

I’ll always find it amusing that Mizu had to say no to “company” more than once during the show.

There, I fixed it. Mizu’s worthless husband has been replaced.
I present to you the first boobs I’ve drawn since my last figure drawing class in college.

Saw @hastyprovocateur’s petition for me to edit the rest of season 1 on my last Mizemi post and I’m here for it! This one’s from episode 2 (and I’m pretending like Akemi wasn’t describing killing Mizu here).
I seem to be in the middle of a smutty, horny art kick, which is totally new to me.