Bob Rock - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

It looks sooooo cool WOAHH

Load & Reload, 1996-1997
Load & Reload, 1996-1997
Load & Reload, 1996-1997
Load & Reload, 1996-1997
Load & Reload, 1996-1997
Load & Reload, 1996-1997
Load & Reload, 1996-1997
Load & Reload, 1996-1997
Load & Reload, 1996-1997
Load & Reload, 1996-1997

Load & Reload, 1996-1997

I am talking about them together because they were intended to be a double album, but were split into two for sales.

Metallica was continuing to work with producer Bob Rock, and they were pushing themselves more towards mainstream, radio friendly hard rock and heavy metal.

Generally speaking, these are not great. There are a few good tracks, but I wouldn’t buy these records.

Not really much to say beyond that. Most of Load is better than most of Reload.

The singles are all pretty good and I remember them being in heavy rotation on the radio.

I’ll pick two from each record. From Load:

“Until it Sleeps” was apparently not fun to record, with a lot of studio mixing and post production effects. They recently started playing it again live. Makes me feel like I’m in 7th-8th grade again. Good track.

But the best track of both records is “Outlaw Torn”, the last one Load.

From Reload:

I’ll go with “Unforgiven II” and “Fuel”. I kinda feel the same way about them as I do “Enter Sandman”, but Enter Sandman is better, lol.

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