Bondrewd Headcanons - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

What do you think would capture Bondrewd's attention in someone enough for him to desire them as a lover? Would he still consider someone eligible if they aren't smart and intelligent as him?

What kind of person would Bondrewd's ideal lover be?

What Do You Think Would Capture Bondrewd's Attention In Someone Enough For Him To Desire Them As A Lover?

Bondrewd (Made in Abyss) x GN!Reader

Warnings: none

Note: love the question! And thanks for the question. I wanted to write something about Bondrewd again, but I couldn't really think of anything and that's why the question helps me. I have to admit that I had to think a bit about what kind of person Bondrewd would find "alluring." In the following text I will answer your questions individually about what kind of person I think Bondrewd's ideal lover could be and how important intelligence could be for him. :)

I think to get Bondrewd's attention you should do activities like creating new innovations and finding new information about the Abyss

As a scientist he would value other scientists very much

Making it to the 5th layer on your own can also lead to impressing Bondrewd. Not many make it to the 5th layer alive

Bondrewd's attraction for someone is likely to be influenced by their intelligence, strength, wit, and ambition

Someone who is able to challenge him and keep up with his own high standards, while also possessing a sense of adventure and a willingness to explore the unknown, is likely to draw his attention and interest

Bondrewd would be best suited for someone who is strong-willed, determined, and independent - someone who is comfortable with taking risks and isn't afraid of exploring the unknown

They should also be passionate and dedicated; someone who can share Bondrewd's enthusiasm for scientific exploration and is willing to stand by him no matter the odds

Be sure to express your admiration of his accomplishments. Appreciate his hard work and dedication. Bondrewd will be drawn to those who recognize the hard work he has put into his endeavors

You should take the time to get to know Bondrewd on a personal level. Learn his interests, goals, and values. Understand his motivations and work to understand his unique way of thinking

He would appreciate a partner who shares his love for adventure and is ready to help him with his complex and often dangerous endeavors

It is important that Bondrewd's romantic partner is accepting of the fact that his work comes first and that they understand that he needs time and space to focus on his goals

Additionally, they should be someone who is open-minded, charismatic, and understanding; someone who is able to look past his flaws and still accept him unconditionally

He looks for someone that can be his inspiration

Bondrewd is a brilliant scientist and thinker, so it is unlikely that he would be with someone not as intelligent as he is

Bondrewd is all about progress and expanding his knowledge and intellect, which he would not be able to do if he was with someone who could not keep up

However, it's possible that Bondrewd could appreciate someone with a different set of skills, such as a creative, emotionally intelligent partner

He could also appreciate someone who is loyal, brave and who has a strong desire for knowledge

It's also possible that Bondrewd could find value in someone who complements him and supports him emotionally, even if this person is not as intellectually advanced as he is

He appreciates those who can think outside the box, who can come up with creative solutions to difficult problems, and who are determined to complete tasks no matter the cost

In conclusion, I think the ideal lover of Bondrewd does not necessarily have to be extremely intelligent. The person can balance intelligence through other character traits. But I believe that the person should have an intelligence that is above average. Bondrewd might not have the patience to explain many things twice

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2 years ago

what do you think is bondrewd's ideal date?

Headcanons what Bondrewd's ideal date would be

What Do You Think Is Bondrewd's Ideal Date?

Bondrewd (Made In Abyss) x GN!Reader

Warnings: none

Note: Realistically, he wouldn't go on dates, but who cares. In the fanfiction universe, you can break just about any rule! ( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)

Bondrewd is an enigmatic figure – mysterious and alluring, his date agenda is sure to be interesting. From exploring the depths and secrets of the Abyss to sampling exotic dishes from the local markets (I'm not sure yet if I would want to eat the food in the Golden City though…)

For Bondrewd, the perfect date would be an adventure

He loves exploring and trying new things, so an exciting day out filled with activities and experiences would certainly spark his interest

He would love to take his date out for an eye-opening tour of his beloved Abyss, showing off the beauty and unique creatures that live within its depths

“Come with me. I have great things in store for us… You have nothing to be afraid of, my dear. Let me take you to a realm of infinite wonder, where your greatest wishes and desires will come true… Let me take you to the Abyss, where all shall be as you desire…”

He would show you creatures like the Crimson Splitjaw (The Crimson Splitjaw is a large, legless reptile found in the 3rd Layer)

Bondrewd values ambition and courage, so he'd likely choose a date activity that involves pushing his boundaries and testing his limits, with plenty of inspiration and admiration for the wonders of nature

He would take the time to get to know his date, talking and listening intently

“Tell me about yourself, I am quite interested to learn more about you. Please, enlighten me.”

Bondrewd loves to share his knowledge of the depths and the creatures that inhabit it, and his date would be amazed by his stories of his adventures

On a date with Bondrewd, you would never quite know what to expect

He displays an almost theatrical level of stoicism and control, while also being incredibly unpredictable and calculating

His conversations are always full of wit and charm and he is always looking for ways to further his agenda. His presence exudes an aura of danger and mystery, making for an unforgettable and exhilarating experience

You would spend time together chatting around a campfire about your thoughts on the Abyss; the light flickering through the trees and casting it's warm glow upon what is sure to be a beautiful night

Bondrewd sometimes feels bad about taking a person he loves to dangerous places. That's why he worries when he takes his darling to other places that aren't Ido Front

An intellectual conversation in Ido Front would also suit his interest

What Do You Think Is Bondrewd's Ideal Date?

After some wandering, how about a cup of tea? The tea itself is from Iruburu, and you can sit with it in the area known as "The Garden of the Flowers." There you will see a lot of beautiful and various plants, and even creatures of the Abyss that are not too dangerous

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1 year ago

The Unwavering Depths of Despair: A Yandere Bondrewd Oneshot

The Unwavering Depths Of Despair: A Yandere Bondrewd Oneshot

Bondrewd (Made In Abyss) x GN!Reader

Synopsis: You killed your lover Bondrewd…But did you really? Sometimes escape is impossible.

Warnings: violence, abuse, emotional abuse, attempted murder, blood, abusive relationship, manipulation, derealization, possessive behaviors, angst

Note: The idea of this Oneshot comes from an anonymous request! I have to admit that this is one of my first full texts. Nevertheless, it was a lot of fun to get out of my comfort zone. While I was writing this, I was listening to "Transcendance and Hanezeve!" The song fits perfectly with the Oneshot. The Oneshot is absolutely inspired by the "Bondrewd Resurrection Scene." Disclaimer: the following text does not describe a healthy relationship and I do not support such relationships in any case.

My love, I never envisioned our story to culminate in such a way. Your blood stains my clothes and saturates the earth beneath us. Nothing in this world can instill fear in me anymore, for I have witnessed so much death that no fate can intimidate me.

As I stand here drenched in the relentless downpour, the tremors coursing through my hands are a mere physical manifestation of the storm raging within me. My heart is pounding with a ferocity that threatens to break free of my chest. For, just moments ago, I committed the unthinkable - I ended the life of the one I once cherished with all my heart. A love that was once pure and unadulterated had decayed over time, morphing into a toxic blend of bitterness and resentment, until it became an unbearable burden that I could no longer carry. And yet, in my moment of desperation, I made a choice that I now deeply regret. The consequences of my actions, I know, will be dire.

The rain washes away my tears as I try to come to terms with what I have done. Now I must live with the guilt of my actions for the rest of my life. But, despite my guilt, I know that I have done the right thing.

My mind is reeling, and I find myself in a state of utter disbelief. Could it be that I have finally managed to free myself from the clutches of my tormentor? Yes, it is true. I have taken the life of Bondrewd - the very same individual who had kept me captive, subjecting me to unspeakable horrors that have left me scarred for life. The weight of his tyranny had been crushing me for far too long, and I had reached a breaking point. But now, as I stand here, my hands still trembling with the force of the act I have just committed, I realize that my situation is far from ideal. The repercussions of my actions are sure to be grave, and I cannot help but wonder if it was worth it.

The thick fog engulfs me, its near-solid presence making it difficult for me to make out my surroundings. I feel a wave of dizziness wash over me, my brain seemingly swathed in a cottony blanket. I can't help but feel like I'm being watched, my mind conjuring up all sorts of dark possibilities that may be lurking just beyond my sight. The chill of the cold wind sends a shiver down my spine, my gaze darting around as I try desperately to see if anything or anyone is in the distance. Despite my efforts, I'm met with nothing but the fog, its heavy presence making me feel increasingly isolated and uneasy.

Waves of memories drown me as I remember the promises, he made to me. I remember when he said to me, “Come with me. I have so much I want to show you. Let me take you to an unprecedented realm, a realm of the unknown. Come, enter this new world with me. I promise you won't regret it… Let me take you down to the deepest reaches of existence, the 5th layer of the Abyss…”

He wrapped me in promises, and soon I was blinded.

That was the moment, the moment that ruined my life, the moment I realized that even the darkness carried a shadow.

Initially, he showered me with an overwhelming amount of affection and admiration, which made me feel elated and cherished. However, I couldn't help but notice the gradual shift in his behavior, which became more manipulative and controlling as time went by. It was as if he had some sort of ulterior motive for showering me with love, and that was to never let me go.

As the days passed, I found myself getting more and more entangled in his web of love, despite the warning signs that were becoming increasingly evident. He would often talk about the Abyss and how dangerous it was, but assured me that all the answers I sought could be found in Ido Front. I was gullible enough to believe him, even though a part of me knew that something was amiss.

Soon, I found myself struggling to maintain my sanity in Ido Front, as the environment was highly oppressive and claustrophobic. My desire to do something about it outweighed my fear of Bondrewd, and I knew that I had to take action before it was too late.

Now, as I stare at his lifeless body lying in front of me, I realize that I will never again have the privilege of listening to him talk about his latest discoveries or spend long hours with him in the lab, discussing new inventions.

Memories of our happy times together come back, of the days when I felt like the happiest person in the world. The past devours me, while I mourn the future, slowly dying in my mind in the ever-present.

Sometimes memories are the worst form of torture.

The rain continues to fall, and I begin to feel a sense of peace. Though I have done a terrible thing, I found solace in the fact that I have taken a stand for myself.

With a focus on a new beginning, I'm taking steps forward. I look one last time at the body in front of me, which is now almost completely soaked by the rain. While watching Bondrewd, I have a tightness in my chest and a heaviness in my limbs. It feels like needles are poking into my throat. My tears are barely distinguishable from the rain running down my cheeks.

As I turn around, I am faced with the daunting prospect of walking into an unknown future, with no clear direction or sense of purpose. It's a feeling of being lost in a vast and unfamiliar landscape, with no clear markers to guide my way. Despite my uncertainty, I know that there is no other option but to keep moving forward.

Suddenly, a clatter breaks the silence, and I turn around to investigate the source of the noise. To my horror, I see an Umbra Hand approaching Bondrewd's lifeless body, picking up his helmet. At that moment, my mind is flooded with a thousand thoughts, ranging from fear to confusion and disbelief.

Before I can even process what is happening, the Umbra Hand takes Bondrewd's helmet, triggering a sudden and dramatic transformation in his body. My legs feel heavy, as if they are rooted to the ground, and a scream gets caught in my throat. It's a moment of sheer terror and unbelievingness, as I watch the unthinkable unfold before my very eyes.

Finally, I snap out of my state of shock and turn around, running as fast as I can. It's a desperate attempt to escape the horrors that have befallen me, and to find some semblance of safety and security in the midst of chaos and confusion. Despite my fear and uncertainty, I know that I must keep moving forward, even if it means facing the unknown.

A sudden constriction grips my throat, and my heart races with an unparalleled intensity. Despite the overwhelming urge to press forward, I hear a low, guttural growl behind me, forcing me to pause in my tracks. "You should not have tried to kill me," the voice hisses, its tone laced with a menacing edge. Every fiber of my being screams at me to ignore the voice, to keep pushing forward. However, my better judgement prevails, and I reluctantly turn around, bracing myself for the worst.

As I face the source of the voice, a towering, dark figure looms before me. The realization that this was no mere nightmare dawns on me, as I come face to face with Bondrewd himself. The man whose life I had taken, is now standing right in front of me. My mind reels, trying to make sense of the impossible situation. How could he be alive? I had made certain that there was no way he could have survived.

My entire body seizes up in terror, leaving me utterly paralyzed. With each slow, measured step he takes towards me, my breaths quicken, coming in short, sharp gasps.

“You have accomplished a great deed. You have shown the strength to hurt me, a lord of the Abyss and a White Whistle. Impressive… Very impressive. You have my respect for that. I find what you did both disrespectful and insulting, but quite remarkable.”

Bondrewd is now standing right in front of me. My words come back to me a bit and I manage to whisper, "But...How...This should not, this should not be happening.... How are you still alive?"

“The Abyss has provided me with all I require. I may die many times, and I will always return, no matter the cost. Do not doubt me. Your strength has allowed you to hurt me, but you will not be the one to bring my life to an end. Do not worry, I will never leave your side.”

There is only fog in my head, and I feel like I'm going to pass out at any moment. This can't be real. It can't. My surroundings appear distorted and blurred. I finally thought I was free of him and now he is standing in front of me, pretty much alive.          

My mind continues to buzz with questions about why he is doing all of this. Why can't he leave me alone?

As I notice his presence, a question escapes my lips, "What do you want?" I make an attempt to sound composed while masking the palpable sense of discomfort that has been triggered by his unexpected state.

"I want to talk to you," he replies, taking a step closer towards me.

"I don't want to talk to you," I respond firmly, taking a step back as I do so. However, he advances towards me again, and I sense my heart racing with apprehension.

"Listen to me," he implores, his tone softening.

Despite my inner reservations, I remain rooted to the spot, feeling as though I don't have a choice but to confront him.

"Why did you try to kill me?" he inquires, his voice calm and collected.

I avert my gaze, unable to meet his eyes. "You know why," I respond, my tone barely above a whisper.

"I don't understand why you would do something like that," he continues, inching closer towards me.

"You were always so controlling," I reply, my voice rising with palpable frustration. "I couldn't take it anymore."

"I was only trying to protect you," he counters, his voice turning firm.

"Protect me?" I scoff in disbelief. "You were suffocating me."

Unsure of whether to believe him or not, I look at him with a mix of suspicion and trepidation. Is he really capable of changing his ways or is this just another ploy to manipulate me?

As Bondrewd takes steps even closer towards me, I feel a sense of fear take over me. My heart is racing again, and I can feel the adrenaline pump through my veins. With each step that he takes, my anxiety increases tenfold. His eyes are fixated on me. I brace myself for the worst as I feel something cold and sharp touch my side, just below my ribs. It is small-scaled yet sharp enough to pierce through my skin.

"Do you think I enjoy hurting you?" his voice is deep and menacing. I can feel the fear taking over me as he presses the shard against my skin. The pain is unbearable, and I can feel the blood trickle down my side.

"My love, you are mine and only mine. You are a possession of mine, and you will remain that way until the end. We are one, one in soul and one in body, and one in the Abyss." His words send shivers down my spine. I always knew that there was something off about him, but I never imagined the extent of his cruelty.

"If you have any thought for me, you would give me back my peace," I try to reason with him, but my voice is low and shaky.

"There is no peace for us, darling. Only despair and greatest happiness," his voice is deep and calm, as if he is trying to reassure me. But I know better than to trust his words. I begin to realize that I can never leave him. He has a hold on me that I can never break free from.

A tear rolls down my face as I ask him, "How many times can you break my heart?"

"As long as you love it," he replies nonchalantly. His words are like daggers to my heart, and I know that I will never be able to escape his grasp.

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1 year ago

Bondrewd x GN!Narehate Reader

Bondrewd X GN!Narehate Reader

Synopsis: You, an adventure, are rescued by Bondrewd after a serious injury. But is it worth it?

Warnings: Yandere, kiddnaping, violence

Note: Oh well, did I write an open ending? Oh hell yea.

Alright, buckle up for a wild ride! But hey, before we dive into this crazy fiction, let's get one thing straight: I am absolutely, positively, and emphatically NOT on Team Bondrewd. It's just fiction!

The last thing you remember is the chilling grip of those villainous hands, dragging your helpless body into the bowels of that godforsaken dungeon. Panic surges through your veins as your vision fades into an abyss of darkness, the ominous sound of a heavy door slamming shut echoing in your ears.

A timeless void engulfs your consciousness, until a spark of awareness flickers within your core. Your eyes flutter open, and you are greeted by a world utterly transformed. A strange sensation courses through every fiber of your being. It's as if your very cells are awakening, shifting and rearranging themselves to a mysterious symphony.

With trembling hands, you reach out to touch your own body, only to recoil in astonishment. Instead of the familiar contours of human flesh, you now possess a new form, a creature of untamed power and primal beauty.

Fur and leathery skin envelop your limbs, imbuing you with an otherworldly grace. Gone are the trappings of your former existence, replaced by dark brown pants that cling to your agile frame and a cloak the color of shadows, billowing around you like a shroud of mystery.

Confusion storms through your mind, a tempest of unanswered questions. Who or what has wrought this metamorphosis upon you? Why were you chosen for this bewildering transformation? Fear and curiosity dance within your soul, intermingling with a burgeoning sense of awe.

In the dimly lit corner of the room, a haunting figure materializes, and your instincts scream out that it can be no other than Bondrewd himself. A surge of determination courses through your veins as you gather the remnants of your strength, and the words spill forth from your trembling lips, "Bondrewd, what monstrosity have you unleashed upon me?"

Bondrewd slowly turns to face you, his eerie mask emitting a ghastly purple glow that cuts through the oppressive darkness. He meets your gaze. "Ah, so you still recognize me. Remarkable. It seems you have not entirely succumbed to oblivion," he remarks, his voice dripping with a sinister satisfaction. "Allow me to enlighten you. I have bestowed upon you a transformation of unfathomable magnitude. Through intricate and perilous surgical procedures, I have forged you into a new type of Narehate. The results, I must say, have surpassed even my lofty expectations."

The weight of his revelation crashes upon you like a relentless tempest, and disbelief engulfs your being. A surge of anger intertwines with the overwhelming sense of betrayal pulsating within your chest. "Why? Why would you subject me to such horrors?" you demand, your voice trembling with a mixture of fury and anguish.

His voice drips with a chilling nonchalance as he explains, "My dear, naive adventurer, my motives were simple yet ambitious. I sought to fashion a Narehate possessing an unparalleled array of powers. And to achieve that, I required a subject of extraordinary physical and mental fortitude. You, with your illustrious history as a formidable adventurer, were the epitome of perfection in my eyes." He pauses, a macabre satisfaction permeating his words. "You should consider yourself fortunate, for you have become my most potent creation."

As Bondrewd speaks, you feel the passion and determination in his voice, the room lighting up with his energy. You sense an almost obsessive aura surrounding him as he steps closer to you, placing his hand on your shoulder, his touch almost electric. "I have fallen in love with you," he whispers, his mask close. "Your strength, your beauty, your bravery - they are unlike anything I have ever seen. You are one of the most amazing people I have met, and I will never stop loving you."

As Bondrewd continues to explain his reasons for transforming you, his voice grows more excited, speaking of your qualities in detail, with a passion and reverence you have never experienced. Your determination, heroism, and strength in the face of danger are, in his opinion, absolutely unique. All of these qualities have captivated him, and he is certain he will never stop loving you. But even in the middle of his speech, he seems to forget the suffering and pain you have experienced. His love for you is so all-consuming that it blinds him to anything else.

As you stare up at him, feeling hopeless and helpless, you can't help but feel a wave of anger rising within you. The pain, the confusion, the lack of understanding - it's all too much to bear. And yet, your captor only seems to get more enraged with every word you speak. Finally, you ask the question that's been burning on the tip of your tongue.

"You call this love?" you say, your voice shaking. "You turned me into this creature, a Narehate. I can't even recognize myself in the mirror anymore. And yet, you dare to say that you saved my life? Do you have any idea what you've done to me?"

Bondrewd's fingers close around your throat, the grip precise and measured. He lifts you effortlessly, your feet leaving the ground as his hold constricts your airway.

The pressure sends shockwaves of agonizing pain rippling through your body, threatening to unravel your very existence. Desperate for release, you thrash and struggle against his unyielding grasp, but his hold remains steadfast, unyielding as the cold touch of steel.

Bondrewd observes your frantic movements with a serene, almost thoughtful demeanor. "Now, now, there's no need for such theatrics," he murmurs, his voice soft yet patronizing. "You're only making this more difficult for yourself."

Bondrewd chuckles softly, "my dear Narehate, how dare you presume to challenge me?" he says, his tone laced with condescension. "You, a lowly, transformed creature - you should be on your knees, thanking me for the mercy I have so generously bestowed upon you."

He pauses, "after all, is it not I who has granted you this... unusual existence?" Bondrewd muses, his golden eyes gleaming with a twisted sense of pride. "You should be grateful, not defiant. But I suppose I can hardly expect true understanding from one such as you."

Amidst the searing pain, you summon every ounce of strength to respond, your voice a mere whisper, yet infused with determination.

"Your… twisted… benevolence," you manage to gasp, the words a struggle against the suffocating grip around your throat. "It… is no… salvation… but… a… curse."

He drops you to the ground, and you feel the air rush back into your lungs as you gasp for breath. He crouches down, his mask inches from yours.

"I did what was necessary to save your life. My special surgery left you with a weakened mental state and a poor memory. And yet, here you are, questioning everything I've done for you. You really need to learn to appreciate all the good things I do for you."

"We found you in the fourth layer. You were in a very bad condition, suffering from many wounds. We managed to heal them, but you got a bad fever, and the only way to save you was to do a surgery."

As Bondrewd speaks, his voice gradually transforms from a cold, detached monotone to a softer, more empathetic tone. Gone is the rigid, uncaring scientist; instead, he now appears almost paternalistic, his aura occasionally flashing with the same madness as before.

"Please, let me go," you beg, trying to hold back tears as the realization sinks in that you are now truly at the mercy of this madman.

His voice is cold once more, and his grip on your chin tightens.

Bondrewd regards you with a mixture of exasperation and condescension. "Do you not appreciate the magnitude of what I have done for you?" he asks, his refined voice dripping with disdain. "I have saved your life, and granted you power beyond your wildest dreams."

He leans in closer, the eerie violet ether light casting an otherworldly glow across his serene features. "You seem to have forgotten your place," he murmurs, his tone taking on a subtly threatening edge. "You belong to me now. Your will is subservient to mine - you will obey every command I give, without question."

Bondrewd's grip on your chin relaxes. "Am I making myself perfectly clear?" he asks, the faintest hint of a dare underlying his words.

You respond with a simple "no," knowing that you are never truly safe until you are as far away from him as possible.

As you stare at the ethereal purple light, you feel a sudden burst of determination coursing through your veins. No matter the cost, you are not going to let this madman control your life anymore. You take a deep breath and steel your resolve.

"I will not obey you," you state firmly, your voice steady despite the fear that still rages in your chest.

"You will obey me," he says, the words rolling off his tongue with a deceptive smoothness. Though his tone remains composed, a subtle undercurrent of menace sends shudders down your spine. "Failure to comply will result in... unpleasant consequences."

At that moment, you realize that you have two choices: you can either continue to live in fear and obedience, or you can take a stand and fight for your freedom. Without hesitation, you choose the latter.

You reach deep within yourself and summon all the strength and determination you can muster. You know that it will not be an easy fight, but you are willing to risk everything to escape the clutches of this madman.

With a burst of energy, you break free from his grip and bolt towards the door, your heart pounding against your chest like a thunderous drum. Behind you, his voice echoes through the hallway like a haunting melody, but you refuse to look back. You just keep running, each footstep propelling you further and further away from danger.

As you sprint down the dimly lit corridor, every breath you take feels like a struggle. Your lungs burn, your legs ache, but you push through the pain, your determination unwavering. You round a corner and catch a glimpse of the end of the hallway. There's a door in sight, and your heart leaps with hope.

With a shaking hand, you turn the handle and push the door open, expecting to see the light of freedom on the other side. But what you see instead stops you dead in your tracks.

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6 months ago

Bro, I've never made any requests/asks before, but my Bondrewd brain rot has me in a chokehold, so here I am. I'm honestly so shocked at how little attention he has. You're like the only person who writes anything about him.

My request would be headcannons with a gender neutral reader who is also a scientist. The reader is like a major major workaholic who literally has no social life, and they end up having to work with (or for) Bondrewd for whatever reason. The two have completely differing hypotheses on the thing they're working on, as well as conflicting personalities due to readers' complete lack of willingness to work with someone else. The two would be kinda like work enemies to tolerating each other to friends/lovers

Thanks for considering to do this, have a good day/night :)

Headcanons: Bondrewd (Made in Abyss) x GN!Reader

Bro, I've Never Made Any Requests/asks Before, But My Bondrewd Brain Rot Has Me In A Chokehold, So Here

Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence, no detailed violence

Note: It's really a shame that Bondrewd doesn't get more attention, right? He's such a fascinating character. That's why I decided to write about him, and I'm so glad you requested this! I hope you enjoy the headcanons. I'm happy to have the chance to explore his character again. ♡

You are a young scientist who has devoted your entire life to your research on the Abyss. Due to your extreme focus on work, you have no social skills or relationships outside of your studies

Bondrewd hears of your promising theories on understanding the nature of the Curse and invites you to join his research team at the 6th layer. You begrudgingly accept, wanting access to his vast resources

Upon meeting Bondrewd, you are immediately put off by his bizarre experiments and his casual brutality. However, you admire his intellect and the impressive results he's achieved

Where you see potential harm, Bondrewd sees opportunity

The two of you clash constantly in meetings as you question Bondrewd's unethical methods and hypotheses. He finds your rigid views on ethics naïve and annoying. Your coworkers are exasperated by your arguments

He starts testing your boundaries to get a rise out of you, partly to move things along and partly because he finds your reactions amusing

Early collaboration is disastrous as you and Bondrewd talk over each other, both convinced your methods are superior. You regularly storm away from meetings in frustration

He sees you as too emotional and stuck in conventional thinking. You see him as a madman who will stop at nothing, even sacrificing lives, for answers

Over time, you start to understand Bondrewd's perspectives better. While still disgusted by his actions, you realize he shares your passion and drive for discovery, even if he takes it to darker places

"Do not look at me with such disdain, my dear. Our methods may differ but our goals are the same - to pierce the veil of this enigma before us."

You are completely devoted to your research to the point where you often forget to sleep or eat. Bondrewd finds your single-minded focus amusing at first but it starts to frustrate him how you never take breaks

Bondrewd is intrigued by your fiery defiance of him. No one ever challenges him, and he sees potential in you as a researcher if you can think more creatively

The two of you are assigned to a dangerous expedition together deep in the 6th layer. Trapped in a cave-in, you have no choice but to cooperate with Bondrewd's leadership to survive

Working side by side in a life or death situation, you gain a grudging respect for each other's talents and start to see parts of yourselves in the other - two people willing to push all boundaries for knowledge

Back at the camp, you feel confused by the unfamiliar feelings welling up inside you for Bondrewd. This dangerous, cruel man should not be eliciting anything positive in you

"Do you feel it too, this connection between us? I think the Abyss works in mysterious ways, bringing souls like ours together in its depths."

One night, as you are working late in your lab, a sudden chill runs down your spine. The hairs on the back of your neck stand on end, and you can feel the presence of another in the room. Turning slowly, you find yourself face to face with the imposing figure of Bondrewd

"Forgive my intrusion, my dear," he says in a low, velvet tone. "I couldn't help but be drawn to your fascinating work." He takes a step closer, and you instinctively take a step back, your heart pounding in your chest

Bondrewd raises a hand, his fingers gently tracing the outline of your face. "You fascinate me, you know," he murmurs. "In the same way the Abyss does. I want to... study you more closely."

In that moment, you realize you've fallen for this monster of a man completely. Frightened but exhilarated, you surrender fully to your twisted love for Bondrewd and whatever the future may hold

In secret, a heated physical affair begins between you and the Lord of Dawn. You tell yourself it's just relief from stress, but your heart is becoming tangled

"Your mind is a thing of beauty, always questioning, analyzing, seeking the answers just out of reach. I find I cherish our debates almost as much as our other... encounters."

On expeditions, you and Bondrewd move seamlessly as a team, anticipating each other's needs and pushing your limits ever further. His praise and growing care for you is intoxicating

However, doubt haunts you - can you truly accept this man and all he's done? Your co-workers would be horrified. And what future is there when he views people as disposable?

"My methods may seem cruel, but it is all in aid of lifting the veil on this place. One day you may understand, as I strive to make you understand me."

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