Bonsi Talks - Tumblr Posts
Your art is stunning and a HUGE inspiration to me. I’m kinda curious though, how do you make your work look like it’s painted? (Specifically with the way you color and shade skin, makes it look really realistic and like a painting)
Thank you! I kinda made this sorta step by step of what I do for shading skin! I prepared a drawing too! Now on medibang, I got these two brushes called Flat Brushes that i learned from a video on fur shading actually! For the most part, i use the wet one because it just blends so nicely. ( WARNING IM IN NO WAY AN EXPERT AT THIS! I JUST DRAW WHAT IVE LEARNED LOOKS NICE)
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Hey, how do you color your drawings? Cuz I try using the fill tool but it doesn't fully color it. Y'know what I mean right? Like it leaves the edges of the lineart uncolored?
(I’m on the assumption that you’re using medibang and if not, I’m sorry for this)
Fill tool is too finicky for me to use most of the time. I pretty much use it only for my faux cookie run style artworks.
So here’s my process to coloring in my drawings! It’s rather long because I wanted to give you a visual so here we go!
So Imma take my banana cookie drawing for this. First thing I do is get the select tool and select the space around the drawing.

Then, I would go to Select and click Inverse which will contain the drawing like this:
( Note: if you have some parts unselected that you want to color in, right under the select tool, click the selectpen tool so you can manual color in what you want to include in the select.)

Now if you think we move on to coloring, we’re not there yet. If you color, you’ll see how the color kinda bleeds outside and that’s no bueno.

So what you’ll do is go back to Select and click Contract. You will only need to contract one pixel to get it looking clean uwu

So NOW you would just make your pen really big and color the drawing in. But what if the select also contain parts that didn’t need to be colored? Well, you could just erase it manually but let’s make it easy on us and let the Fill Bucket tool work for us.

So select the Fill Bucket tool, click that white checked box ( turns your brushes into erasers), and poke that part to erase! But unfortunately, we come to your initial problem: like how the bucket tool won’t fully color, it won’t fully erase. BUT THERE’S A SOLUTION!

You see “ Expand pixel”? Does exactly what you think it does. You can expand the radius the bucket tool covers so you can say goodbye to those botched fill ins. Of course, there’s bound to be straggler pixels in there but nothing manual cleaning can’t fix.

And there you go! Barely any spots!

Yo how does your shading look so pretty?
because I fake it to make it and you can too

also thank you