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3 years ago

omg this was- i can’t even explain it, it was so good!!

the plot was amazing i really got invested on it, i’m gonna need more of this au 💓

bucky was so sweet and cute i love him so much!!

Omg This Was- I Cant Even Explain It, It Was So Good!!

— Nothing Burns Like the Cold

 Nothing Burns Like The Cold

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Enhanced!Reader


Word Count: 8.6k

Warnings: detailed descriptions of violence, some magic shit ( powers... ), sad bucky, angst, fluff, smut ( praise, fingering, some sweet sex 👁 ), mentions of scars & descriptions of injuries.

Synopsis: On a mission you are pushed to your limit, causing you to learn something about yourself you never knew. The aftermath is less than ideal, but Bucky is there every step of the way.

“We need to wrap this up. They’re going to have more agents on our ass in no time.”

Natasha’s voice crackled through the earpiece, filtered through a litter of gunshots and muffled groans. Pushing a creaky door open you pressed your finger to your ear before speaking. “My wing is clear. I’m headed back to the jet. Let me know if you need backup.” You said, cautiously making your way down the dimly lit hall.

No one was more desperate to get home than you.

This mission had gone from reconnaissance to a full-scale raid. You should've been home a week ago, and you could only imagine how worried Bucky was. The thought of going back home to him was possibly the only thing keeping you so determined. This entire facility had been a walking nightmare - just teeming with faithful Hydra agents. Twirling Bucky’s knife between your fingers you kept your senses dialed to ten - waiting for some sorry excuse of an agent to attack you. Turning the blade in your hands you felt the familiar ridges of the handle, reminding yourself of what Bucky had said.

“Bucky, I can’t take this. What if you need it?”

He pulled you towards him by the holster strapped to your thigh. Flipping the clasp up he pushed his knife into the pocket, then clicking it closed. He held onto the backs of your thighs looking up at you with a smile.

“When you come back – safe – then you give it back.”

It was a setup in all reality. Bucky knew your insatiable appetite to please everyone around you, and if all he had to do to keep you from being reckless was handing you a knife, then he’d do it every time. What had kept you from being careless was the fact you wanted to be able to return the knife, so it worked.

Shattered glass crackled beneath your boots making a screeching noise against the tile. The place was a mess. Technology from centuries ago sitting in each of the rooms you passed by, the occasional bloodied agent lying on the floor littered with stab wounds from their own comrades. On an empathetic level, you felt sorry for these people – clinging so desperately to an ancient belief. But knowing what you know – knowing what they’d done to Bucky all those years – all the sympathy and compassion you could’ve had for a human had been drained out of your body.

A set of fluorescent lights flickered, the humming sound stuttering for a moment. Reaching the end of the hall you were standing in front of a large metal door. The door was covered in runes. Lines and patterns running up and down in abstract ways, clearly meant to communicate something. Running your hand across the cool metal you immediately recognized it as tungsten – also known as you’re not getting out unless the Hulk rips the door off the hinges. Pressing your hand to your earpiece you waited for the beep, “Guys, I think I might be screwed on this one. I’ve got a door made out of solid tungsten and it’s got all kinds of runes on it. I would describe it but I might need an art history degree to even attempt it.”

Swiveling around you kept checking your surroundings, unable to let that eerie feeling go. There was a crackle on the line, “Shit. Well, head back the other way then. Seems pretty simple to me, kid.” Tony’s less than amused voice filled your ears. Looking back at the door you were struck with a morbid curiosity. If there were any agents left then they would definitely be hiding behind a door like this. It seemed obvious. Bad guys hiding behind a door made of metal that rivaled vibranium – doesn’t get more blatant than that. Looking down at your belt you grabbed one of your detonators, wondering if it would have any effect.

“Tony, give me some stats on those new detonators you gave us.” You asked, turning the device in your hands. Clicking a button sharp points curled out from the sides like spindly spider legs. Preemptively you pressed it against the metal watching the little claws sink into the metal like it was nothing. Enamored by the thing you nearly forgot to listen to Tony as he spoke. “No way. Not now. We’re finished. No more blowing stuff up.” His instruction was in vain because you weren’t listening anyway. Tapping on the little control pad you set it to blow. Running back down the hall you sniffled dramatically and worked up the saddest persona you could.

“Guys, I just want you to know I love you so much. Nat, I’m sorry for taking your laptop charger. Tony, I’m sorry for using your black card to buy a car whenever I was on that mission in Hawaii. Steve, oh my god, Steve. I’m sorry for saying bad wor-”

Your little joke was cut short by the sound of the detonator going off. The blast was a lot more destructive than you thought it would be. The force behind it was enough to knock you over, even from a distance. More glass shattered across the floor, tiny pieces embedding into your skin leaving a dull sting behind. Your earpiece made a buzzing sound before cutting off completely. Choosing not to focus on the pain in your back you stood up ready to fight whoever was beyond that door. Overhead lights swung back and forth, some of them now holding on by one wire.

Pulling your knife out you headed towards the door. Your ears were ringing, and it was hard to focus. Approaching the threshold you paused waiting for any sort of sound. Again, the ringing in your ears was too strong to focus. Stepping inside you looked around for any sign of anyone.

The room looked lived in. A pile of clothing in the corner, and a messy bed. There was a bottle of pills on the dresser simply labeled “SUPPRESSANT”. Grabbing the orange bottle you turned it back and forth watching the pills roll back and forth. You shoved the bottle into your pocket, wanting to save it for the analyst. For all, you knew it was a new drug meant to alter human DNA in some way. There were holes in the walls - walls made of tungsten with holes conveniently the size of a fist. The room was seemingly empty, but that didn’t satisfy your curiosity.

What was in here?

Who was in here?

The question felt eery, and you could feel the hairs on the back of your neck standing at attention. The ringing had stopped and you were left with a sinking feeling in your chest. Anticipation for the inevitable. There was a disembodied huff above you, making you freeze in place. Suddenly, you wished you had exercised restraint moments earlier. The breathing became louder and more labored. A low humming sound followed and you felt your palms sweating. “Who’s there?” You asked blindly.

In the face of fear, years of training could fade away in an instant. You just imagined the reaction it would pull from any of your teammates. No one walks into a monster’s den and asks such a question. You weren’t a child in a terrible horror movie, so you weren’t sure why you decided to act like one. Then you began to think of a way out. Your comms were down so you had no way of asking for a plan, you needed to come up with it on your own. Naturally, fight or flight told you to run, but logically you knew you had no chance of getting away fast enough. Whatever was in there was strong, and you’d rather not tempt fate.

You could pull out a gun, blindly shoot into the darkness, and hope you hit something and the bullet wouldn’t ricochet off the metal resulting in your ultimate demise. There were no windows, you were deep underground. Your chances of making it out were growing slimmer and slimmer - and whatever you were up against hadn’t even presented itself yet. Resolve hit you like a tidal wave, and you held onto the knife a little tighter. If this was it then you were going to fight until you couldn’t anymore.

“Don’t be a bitch let’s get this over with.” You said, not knowing if the thing you were about to fight could even understand you. In a darker corner, there was a thud, like something falling. Instinctively you backed up keeping your eyes on the spot. You could barely make out a shape through the darkness. A distinctly human form but malformed by what you assumed was muscle. They moved and you listened to heavy boots against the ground, your heart pounding in your chest. As they approached you kept backing up, stumbling over the threshold.

A peal of deep laughter filled the room, echoing throughout the hall. You focused straight ahead, still trying to get a grasp of whoever this was. They stepped underneath the flickering lights and you finally could see what you were up against. Before you was a woman - one hell of a woman. She towered over you with a smug grin on her face. Her jet black hair was pulled back into a tight braid. Her black kevlar jacket had to be tailored to fit her frame and there was a plethora of ranking pins on the chest pocket. Every sort of weapon you could imagine was attached to her. An AK-47 strapped to her back, a Remington 870 across her chest, a wild assortment of knives in different pockets and straps. In every sense of the word, she was massive. Muscles bulging from beneath her clothes.

The longer you looked at her, the more faith you lost in yourself. You weren’t one to back down, but this looked like a lot more than you could handle. “You steal from me,” She said pointing to the pills in your pocket, “- and you insult me.” Stepping closer towards you it was as if her footsteps were heavy enough to shake the ground. Her face was contorting into an expression of anger but you didn’t move. If you looked confident she would be none the wiser. She went to grab you but you grabbed her wrist faster than you thought you could. Staring at your hand for a moment she tilted her head to the side, seeming surprised that you were up for the challenge.

“Let's see who the bitch is.”

In a swift motion of her arm, she pushed you forward, your back colliding with the already crumbling wall. The impact was harsh, but you were too focused to let the pain linger in your mind. She was coming at you again, her fist pulled back ready to beat you to a pulp. Ducking down you watched her fist collide with the wall exposing the support beams that were in the middle. If she would’ve hit you, you would’ve died in an instant. Her strength was altered, and you were realizing that you were up against a super-soldier.

This situation was too familiar, and it was painful. Pulling her hand back she shook off the bits of concrete that had embedded into her knuckles. You pushed yourself between her legs standing behind her and pulling her braid as hard as you could. She yanked backward letting out a cry as you dragged her to the floor. On the way down she grabbed you by your leg making you kneel beside her. Knife in your hand you pulled back ready to drag the blade across her neck. Angrily she reached out grabbing the sharp edge with her bare hands, both of you struggling for the high ground. You watched the blood trickle down her arm and across the blade. That knife was no joke. It was sharp enough to cut through bone if it was used the correct way. This chick was strong.

Moving over she kicked you square in the stomach and you crumpled beneath the pressure. She ripped the knife from your hands and with your head down you could see the blood dripping into the tiles. Again she kicked you, making you fall straight back against the floor. Putting her boot against your chest she pressed hard enough that you could feel some of your ribs cracking making it hard to breathe. One move too sharp and she could crush your chest completely. You writhed around trying to find a way out, but it just wasn’t possible. Looking up at her you watched as she examined the knife - Bucky’s knife.

“Hm. The asset never was any good on his own.”

A wave of ungodly anger tore through you. Listening to any Hydra freak refer to him as an ‘asset’ made your skin crawl in the worst way. Pushing on her foot you tried relieving some of the pressure, but it only got worse. Whimpering in pain you stilled, not wanting to face the consequences of your foolish actions. Leaning forward she pressed the sharp tip against your cheek, adding just enough pressure to break the skin. You tried to reach up and grab at her wrist but the pressure she added to your chest made you wheeze and your arms fall back. She was staring you directly in the eyes like she was looking for something.

“So much wasted potential. I see something in you. Something great if it is used to its fullest potential.” She dragged the knife down your cheek leaving a hot trail of blood behind. The feeling of it rolling down your face and towards your neck nearly made you sick. In a last-ditch effort, you grabbed onto her boot again, pushing upwards as hard as you could. “Avengers have a tendency to take from others…justify their actions.” She started, but you were in no mood for a speech on morals. You needed out, and you needed out now. Pushing harder and harder you could feel the knife digging further into your skin. The pain was searing; it was like your entire nervous system was on fire.

“Let me go.”

You weren’t pleading, you were commanding. Stopping her in the middle of her speech only seemed to make her more agitated. She pushed harder on your chest, and you weren’t sure how many ribs had cracked at that point. “You’re being rude.” She said, there was a sinister tone to her voice. Looking over at Bucky’s knife in her bloody hand made something in your change. You weren’t just angry. You were absolutely seething. She trashed your friends, your reputation, cracked your ribs, cut your skin, and slung you around like a toy.

“As I was saying, all of you are wasted talent. Geniuses, superhumans, liars, and everything in between. It’s astonishing to me how you all choose to waste the asset. Without control, he is no more useful than a stray dog. I believe with control, you would be useful as well. I hate to waste good soldiers.”

Mind in a frenzy you pushed again, much harder than you had before. She stumbled - not far - but just enough to let you move away from her. Tearing the knife from her hand you stood up striking her shoulder as hard as you could, the blade lodging into the muscle. Labored breaths left your lungs as you tried to straighten your posture despite the state of your chest. Staring at the wound she just grinned. Reaching up with her bloody hand she pulled it straight out of her skin - not even phased by the blood that sprayed out. The tile between the two of you now stained crimson. There was no fear in you anymore, just righteous anger.

The asset.

Your hands were shaking at her disregard for Bucky. Your heart was racing and there was immense pain behind your eyes. She began walking towards you again. The look in her eyes was simply manic. Everything felt cold. The temperature of the room had to drop at least ten degrees within the span of a few seconds. You were trying to ignore the sudden change, but she was closing in on you. You had no weapon, no other option, and no time. Charging towards her a visceral scream escaped your throat.

Ducking from her outstretched arm you reached out grabbing onto her arm. With your feet planted firmly on the ground, you felt a frigid surge move through your veins. It traveled from your legs right up to your hands and you watched as a dull glow emitted from the skin of your hands. Your assailant whipped her head around, staring at your hands with a truly terrifying look on her features. A pulsing feeling came from your palms and you felt just as scared as she looked.

“What the hell is this?!” She shouted, going to shake you off. Your focus went back to her. All of your energy focused on making sure she wasn’t getting away from this. In a split second, you were overwhelmed with a sense of tranquility. Watching your breath form into the cold air you felt as if your very being was flowing through your hands. Engrossed in the way her face contorted in pain you didn’t even notice the way ice began creeping up her appendage. There was a ringing in your ears so you couldn’t hear the way she was pleading. You could just see the way her eyes begged for mercy.

In a last-ditch effort, she shoved the knife into your side. The pain was almost unnoticeable. It felt like the equivalent of getting a shot. Her actions only made you angrier. Squeezing her harder you felt that same energy coming from every pore in your body. Consumed with a fury you let out a frustrated scream.

“Why won’t you give up?!”

All the power that was building within you burst through your hands and across the tile floors. The ringing in your ears stopped as you watched the woman’s body go limp, a thin icy sheen forming over her wide eyes. Ice covered every surface within your general vicinity. Everything was frozen but you. Tearing your eyes away from her body you looked down at your unbelievably stable hands. There should’ve been at least a tremor to your body, but you were calm. While your mind was racing every other part of you was still. The corridor had to be below zero, but you felt no different than you had earlier. In fact, you were sweating beneath your suit.

Reaching down you pulled the knife from your side wincing at the cool air against the wound. Kneeling in exhaustion you looked over at the woman watching for any sign of life behind her now ghostly eyes. Nothing. It was like all life had been sucked out of the hall leaving nothing but you behind. Looking down at the scarlet-stained blade you tried wiping the blood away, but the moment you tried the tips of your fingers began to glow turning the liquid into a piece of solid ice. Dropping the knife, the clatter of the metal sliding against the slick floor brought you back to reality.

Steve’s voice was getting closer. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from the handle of the knife. It didn’t even concern you that your teammates were finally coming to get you. Heavy footsteps came down the hall and slowed once they reached the edge of the sheet of ice. “Dammit! What did I tell you?!” Tony’s voice shook you a little. You didn’t bother to turn around reaching out and grabbing the knife again, running your fingers across the deep engraving that read: JBB. Footsteps got closer and you were terrified to reach out - to seek any comfort. Trailing your eyes across the woman again a deep fear settled in you.

What if I hurt them?

“Hey. Come on. Buck’s waitin’ on you.” Steve’s voice got closer and closer. Finally turning your head you looked up at him, seeing the way he quivered in the cold air. You should’ve felt some comfort in his words, but you were slowly dreading your return. Steve reached out to you and you stared at his hands, almost grabbing him. Ignoring his offer you pushed yourself standing as steadily as you could. Your entire body was racked with pain. Injuries on any spot one could possibly manage. Natasha went to grab your hands and you pulled back forcefully.

“C-can I have your gloves?” You asked, hoping that none of them would ask questions. She gave a look before pulling the fabric from her hands. Avoiding any contact you took the gloves from her hands sliding them over your own. Steve shooed her off and picked you up as gently as he could. Tony used one of his scanners to assess all of your injuries. You tuned out all the noise and listened to the sound of your own pulse in your ears. None of them dared to ask you anything - your silence spoke for you. “You’re lucky we’ve got Cho with us this time. The poor woman is gonna be exhausted by the time she’s done with you.” Tony said.

Finally, in the safety of the jet, you thanked Steve for being so gentle. “Don’t sweat it. I made a promise to a dear friend of mine. Gotta keep my end of the deal.” He said, giving you that signature captain smile. As much as you wanted to smile back at him, you couldn’t. Cho came rushing towards you with an abundance of med-kits in her hands. You quietly asked her not to take your gloves off as she got to work. The request didn’t phase her as she began working on your mangled ribcage. Natasha wasn’t far off, watching you closely.

“Don’t worry. You’ll be fixed up by the time we get back to the tower. Then you and Barnes can run off and hold hands in secret.”

While that should’ve provided you with some sort of comfort, it only proved to make you dizzy. Bucky would notice if a hair was out of place, and he would definitely notice if you wouldn’t touch him - or anyone for that matter. You were already formulating plans in your head about how you could avoid him but not make him worry. The logical part of yourself knew there was no way not to worry him.

It was Bucky.

If it was possible for him to have you attached to him twenty-four-seven, he would definitely make it happen.

“I’m going to unzip your suit, okay?” Cho said, giving you a little reassurance. Nodding you stared up at the ceiling as she began to work. The painkillers kicked in, making you relax. She spent the entirety of the seven-hour flight fixing four broken ribs, closing up a four-inch-deep stab wound to your side, and a dislocated shoulder. She also made a point to tell you how bruised up you were in certain areas. You could already hear the lecture you were going to get from Bucky.

Finally arriving at the tower you reluctantly had to give Natasha her gloves back. She questioned you about it for a moment, but once you gave her a clear sign you weren’t in the mood to talk she let the subject go. Cho gave you some instructions on caring for your stitches and told you to come to her if you had any issues. There wasn’t a chance you were going to be able to get away from Bucky at any point in the day, but you were planning to make time to see Banner. If anyone could figure out something as insane as what you were dealing with, it would be him. Everyone gave you some encouragement as they walked off the jet, but you were too afraid to really leave.

If you were to hurt any of them you would never forgive yourself.

If you hurt Bucky - Oh god if you hurt Bucky.

Shaking the thought you stood up and slowly walked off the jet. Of course, once your boots hit the floor everyone turned to look at you. You felt agitation creeping up on you due to their pitiful stares. The cold feeling began aggregating in your palms again. “Where’s Bucky?” You said, digging your nails into your palm. Steve gave you a sympathetic look before pointing upwards. Walking past all of them you tried containing that odd feeling that stirred in your chest. You wanted to be confident that you could keep yourself calm, but you were starting to panic.

It only got worse whenever you finally found Bucky. As much as those blue eyes and bright smile brought you comfort, you couldn’t allow yourself to calm down completely. Pulling the knife from your holster you reached out handing it to him. Looking down at it he grimaced at the traces of blood on the side. “Sorry.” You said, absentmindedly running your hand over the cut on your face. He didn’t seem too concerned about the knife - he was more concerned about you.

“What’s wrong?” He said, gently running his hand over your arm. As prepared as you were for the long speech you weren’t prepared for the touch of his hand. Specifically so close to your own hand. Immediately you pulled away, holding your hand to your chest. You contemplated whether you should be honest or not. Would it make it better if you somehow hid this from him, or would it only make it worse. The stress of lying to him would’ve probably made your brain freeze - literally.

“Something happened to me.” You said, watching the concern fill his eyes. Bucky stood up from his seat, his knife clattering onto the floor. Just looking at him you knew that if you gave the word he’d take care of whoever had wronged you - if only it was that simple. “I can’t...explain it. Help me find Bruce, okay?” You said a little shakily. He didn’t have to say anything, he gave a firm nod before grabbing you by your arm. The worry was radiating off of him, and only adding to your distress.


Bucky didn’t like this.

Watching Banner stick all sorts of wires to your skin, explaining the purpose of each one. He didn’t expect your arrival to be like this. He expected the usual. You ‘sneaking’ up on him, kissing all over his face, telling him how much you missed him, and hearing your dramatic retelling of everything you’d done.

He didn’t just expect it, he looked forward to it.

The mission had gone over, he wasn’t able to talk to you, and he spent the entire time worried. Needless to say, by the end of the week, everyone was steering clear of him due to his sour mood. He was relieved for a moment when he first saw you. Yes, there was a nasty cut on your cheek, but he overlooked it. You were here, and you were alive. That’s all that mattered.

Now, he was back to worrying.

And you were right in front of him.

There was a distant look in your eyes. A look he knew all too well - he knew the feeling behind that look. Fear of the uncontrollable and panic that wouldn't reach the surface.

What made it worse was the fact he couldn’t touch you.

You wouldn’t let him.

“Can you tell me what happened?” Banner asked, sitting back in his seat. As he began typing away, Bucky kept a close eye on you, curious as to what was wrong. You shifted in your seat taking a deep breath - trying to calm yourself. You glanced over at him, and he gave you the most reassuring look he could muster. Instinctively he wanted to reach out and hold you close, but he fought the urge knowing it would only cause problems.

“If you’re not comfortable talking about it we can try and pull some footage from the base.” Banner said, looking over at you. Your leg bounced up and down and you tapped your fingers on the armrest. Bucky could tell you were struggling to keep your composure, but he wasn’t sure what he could do.

“Pull the footage. I’m not sure what happened myself.” You admitted, putting your head in your hands. While Banner started looking through files Bucky came over to you, making sure not to touch you. “Don’t stress yourself, doll.” He said. Looking up at him you nodded. For a moment you almost reached out and touched him, but you quickly pulled away. “Sorry.” You said quietly, directing your attention back to whatever Banner was doing.

Bucky’s patience was wearing thin.

He wanted to know what happened, know how to fix it, and get you back to yourself again. “Damn.” Banner said under his breath. Bucky caught it though, walking over to him. “What?” He asked, a little too urgently. Banner just pointed at the screen.

It was you against some wall of a woman. The fight was pretty intense, but you held your own. Of course you did, you’re his girl. There was quite a bit of struggle, but you caught your footing again, pulling yourself up off the floor. Clearly, you were in immense pain, but you weren’t giving up. Though something shifted in your demeanor. Your posture straightened, you reached out holding onto the woman’s arm, and it was enough to make her stop.

She struggled for a moment shoving the knife in your side. That alone looked like enough to make an normal person give up. You didn’t move though. If anything you seemed more calm than you were moments before. The footage got all fuzzy for a moment, the edges of the cameras lens becoming blurry. The woman was clearly in an immense amount of pain trying to pry your hands off of her. Something was creeping up her arm, penetrating the layers of kevlar. You said something - no, screamed something - and the woman fell over. Not exactly limp, but stiff as a board - as if she were frozen.

He could make out the shock on your face as you fell to your knees, sliding against the floor. He still didn’t have the answers he was looking for. “What the hell happened?” He asked, trying to keep his voice low as to not freak you out. Banner was just as confused, analyzing everything before him. If anyone could catch something odd it would be him.

Bucky glanced over at you, feeling more and more faithless as time went on. He hated not having the solution to your problems.


Banner stood up abruptly causing his chair to fall back dramatically. You flinched at the sound giving him a look like he was insane. He went striding towards you and naturally Bucky was at your side quickly. Your breathing was a little erratic and you were trying to lean away to the both of them. “Okay okay. Hold this.” Banner grabbed a random water bottle pushing it into your hands.

Bucky thought he was just too old to understand what was happening.

You held the bottle in your hands staring back at the scientist waiting for some form of instruction. “Whatever you did back there. Do it again.” He said, clearly enamored by whatever he had seen. Bucky was feeling nervous, and really wanted to urge you just to let it go, to let him try and help you instead.

“Bruce, I don’t th-”

“Barnes, it’s alright! I just have to see something.”

You looked at the bottle and then up at Bucky. He could see the worried look in your eyes. Unable to help himself he reached out putting his hand on your face. “Don’t do something you don’t want to do.” He urged, reading that reluctant look on your face. Stubborn as ever, you shook your head looking back at the bottle.

You looked at the bottle and then up at Bucky. He could see the worried look in your eyes. Unable to help himself he reached out putting his hand on your face. “Don’t do something you don’t want to do.” He urged, reading that reluctant look on your face. Stubborn as ever, you shook your head looking back at the bottle.

"Whatever that focus was. Whenever you were holding her arm. Do that again." Banner encouraged, giving you a gentle nod. You took a breath staring at the liquid. Bucky wondered what he was supposed to be looking at, but he was in no position to question the validity of this experiment.

You shifted in your seat taking a deep breath. "Can you guys, like, back up or something? I can't focus." You asked. Bucky reluctantly stepped back and Banner backed up rather hastily.

The distance seemed to make you a little more comfortable. You closed your eyes taking in a deep breath through your nose and out through your mouth. In that brief moment the temperature of the room became significantly colder. So much so that Banner was holding onto himself trying to suppress a shiver.

Bucky was rather used to the cold, but this cold was much different. It permeated the room making his blood feel cold. You squeezed the plastic making it crinkle underneath your hand. Furrowing your eyebrows together you let out a frustrated sigh.

He wasn't sure what he was looking at, but your hand seemed to shake for a moment and there was a dull glow in your palm. Worriedly he looked over at Banner, on the verge of making you stop, but he just looked on with an amazed look in his eyes. Where your feet were planted on the ground a thin sheet of ice began to form.

Your expression changed, and you didn't seem as frustrated as you were a moment before. Bucky was worried at this point. He called out your name beginning to walk towards you. You didn't say anything your just let out a sigh and the water in the bottle froze.

Not like it had only become cold, but frozen solid. As if it had been sitting in the freezer for hours.

Banner clapped his hands together excitedly, while Bucky was slightly enamored by what he had just witnessed. Banner brushed past him almost slipping on the ice that surrounded you. Once you opened your eyes the anxiety seemed to creep back up on you. Bucky cautiously walked across the ice coming over to you, ignoring Banner's rambling.

"Hey, are you alright?" He asked, gently holding your face in his hands. Despite the penetrating cold in the room a bead of sweat rolled down your face. Your skin was hot to the touch but you didn't seem like you were hurting in any way.

"I'm fine."

Finally, you smiled, but it didn't reach your eyes.

It was a slippery slope after that. Banner was running test after test and Tony had joined in at some point. Bucky didn't necessarily care about the specifics. He just wanted to know that you were okay, and from what he understood you were.

It was well into the night before you got up from that chair, peeling all the nodules off of your skin. You expressed your worry about accidentally hurting someone, and Tony explained that it was highly unlikely for you to hurt someone without the intent of doing so. From what they had gathered, it took a lot of focus in the midst of stress to even do something little. They weren't sure though, and they advised you to pay close attention to how you felt.

Bucky was tired of waiting around all day. He just wanted you to himself. It wasn't exactly his plan to spend the day of your arrival in a lab. In fact, it was quite the opposite of his plans.

He'd spent that entire week fantasizing about how he was going to show you just how much he missed you while you were away.

Instead he was walking back to your shared room - at a considerable distance - wondering if you were even in the mood to have a conversation with him.

He didn't want to stress you out, or make you feel like you were being treated like glass. So, he just waited for you. You'd quietly asked him to help you change clothes, and of course he did. The dim light of the lamp granted him a gracious sight of the different stitches that lined your ribs, and the dark bruising that decorated the expanse of your skin.

"Baby..." He sighed, lightly running his fingers against your skin. You looked back at him with sad look in your eyes. Gently he pulled one of his shirts over your head, then carefully wrapping his arms around you. You hugged him back, but he caught how you wouldn't lay your hands on him. "M'sorry, Bucky." You said, your voice breaking. Without a word he pulled you into bed slipping under the covers. Hearing you sniffle he was quick to hush you.

"Nothing to be sorry about, doll. You're just sleepy. M'not going anywhere." He said. It didn't take long for you to drift to sleep. Bucky took a bit longer to sleep. He knew this wasn’t going to be an easy adjustment.


He’d lost count of the amount of times you had pushed him away.

He knew it was inevitable, but he wasn’t prepared for the toll it would take on him.

“Bucky, I don’t want to hurt you.”

He’d lost count of how many times he’d heard that too. It wasn’t like he was unaware of your worries. What happened on that mission had left you very shaken. You avoided everyone, and you spent most of your day in one of those closed off labs. At night you would toss and turn, shoving your hands underneath your pillow letting out a frustrated sigh. What made it worse was the fact that you wouldn’t allow him to comfort you in any way. Truthfully, you were terrified of hurting him, and he realized that.

The distance started wearing on him. He felt more like a distant roommate rather than your boyfriend, and he didn’t like that at all. Bucky was a very touch oriented person when it came to you. After countless years of being on the receiving end of nothing but violence, he craved every loving touch you offered him. You would kiss him like your life depended on it, and everytime after he’d have to remind himself that this was his reality. You’d run your hands through his hair making him purr like a damn cat at all the attention he was receiving.

Sometimes he just wanted to be affectionate towards you. After a long day of dealing with tedious analysts you’d be all moody and he’d hold you in his arms listening to you rant until you fell asleep. He just loved you and he loved having you to himself.

Now, you wouldn’t let him within a foot of you.

You were hurting, and he understood that pain. He understood the fear of being a danger to everyone around you. He understood the fear of having no control, but he knew better now. You were the one that spent all that time assuring him that he wasn’t a threat. If you would do it for him, he’d do it for you. He wasn’t going to give up on you.

“Sweet girl…” He called out, knocking gently on the lab door. You’d been in there for awhile now, and he was becoming worried. There was no answer but he could hear you shuffling around. With a sigh he pushed the door open looking past all the tables and monitors wondering where you had hidden yourself. A faint humming came from the vents indicating the heat had kicked on.

Walking past the table he made sure to keep his steps heavy - just so you wouldn’t be startled. Pushing one of the chairs in he finally found you, sitting on the floor with your legs crossed leaning your head against the window. You hadn’t acknowledged him, but he knew you were aware of his presence.

“M’not in the mood for an argument, Bucky.”

He huffed at your stubborn nature, realizing you were more like him than he cared to admit. This was a mirrored image of the way things had been whenever the two of you had met. Him annoyed by your persistence and you completely ignoring his pushback. “Argument? Since when do we argue?” He laughed, taking a seat beside you. You didn’t look over at him, but you tucked your hands into your lap.

“I’m- I don’t know.” You sighed. Looking out the window he was still a little enamoured by the view of the city. This life was something he never even thought possible, but here he was. Sometimes he wished he could go back in time and let himself know that through all the horror he’d still end up on the other side. Not just on the other side but he’d have you too.

“I miss you.” He said plainly. The sentiment seemed to make you smile, but it was a sad one. Finally you looked over at him with your glossy eyes. “I know you don’t like hearing me say it, but I’m not worried about you hurting me - neither is anyone else.” He affirmed. Looking at him you blinked a few times before turning back towards the window. He wished he knew what you were thinking, but you were elusive as ever.

Shakily you held up your hand, not bothering to look over at him.

“I held onto her arm, and now she’s dead.” You said, closing your hand into a fist. You glanced over at him and he caught the tearful look in your eyes. There wasn’t much he could say. It was true. “Who's to say that I wouldn’t accidentally do it to you, or anyone else in this fucking building?” You said, your anxiety seeping into your tone.

Scooting closer to you he put aside his better judgement grabbing your hands. You looked at him with shock written into your expression, but you didn’t pull away. Lacing his fingers between yours he gave you the most sincere look he could muster. He was trying to make a point in the midst of his relief at finally feeling your skin against his. No one was freezing to death. The room wasn’t collapsing in on itself. Visibly you seemed to calm down, and he was becoming more and more satisfied with his patience.

“I trust you with my life, and I know you won’t hurt me.”

This was all an effort to make you trust yourself, and it seemed to be working. Finally resolve seemed to settle over you and you wrapped your arms around him. After what felt like a lifetime of not being able to touch you, he was finally holding you against him. He could smell the bit of perfume that clung to your clothes, and he’d never realized he could miss that smell until right then. “M’sorry Buck.” You whispered, placing a cool kiss against his neck.

“No no. You’re alright. Come on, I missed you, angel.”

Without much effort he pulled you and himself up off the floor. Really he couldn’t have made his way back to your room any faster. It didn’t take much to pull you out of your - no pun intended - chilly stupor. Already you were kissing all over his neck, your cold fingertips running against his skin. Just as quickly as he opened the door he kicked it closed behind him. “You’re nothing but trouble.” He laughed pushing you back onto the bed. Grabbing him by his shirt you pulled him down with you causing his balance to falter for a second. With his hands on either side of you he looked down at you with a smile, “You’re a damn work of art.”

Rolling your eyes you pulled him down into a kiss. Finally he tasted what he’d missed so much, sweet and savory all at the same time. A taste addictive enough to drive a man crazy. A new sensation was how invitingly cold your skin was. It wasn’t so cold that it was uncomfortable but just cold enough to feel nice against him. Propping himself up on his knees he made quick work of undressing you. “What’s the rush? You got something to do?” You said, clearly trying to get a rise out of him. That little smile you gave him was nothing short of mischievous.

“Don’t start with me.” He warned with a cautious smile. Pulling your sweater off he caught the way you tried putting your hand over the stretch of scarring on your ribs. Quickly he grabbed your hand pulling it away from your skin. “Not exactly pretty is it?” You joked nervously. Shaking his head he leaned down kissing your skin. “Hm, maybe not pretty but it’s definitely sexy.” He said honestly. You laughed a little, putting your hands on his shoulders.

Trailing those kisses further and further down he ran his hands down your sides resting them against your hips. Hooking his fingers underneath the fabric of your panties he pulled them off throwing them to them to the side. He paused for a moment looking back up at you, a little overwhelmed by how much love he wanted to show you.

“I love you so much.”

You smiled back at him.

“I love you Bucky.”

With a smile he put his hand between your legs, pushing his fingers through your folds. You writhed beneath him, reaching out and grabbing his wrist. “You’re so pretty, angel.” He said wistfully, ignoring the way his pants were becoming too tight. The bit of praise made you whimper, and he moved his fingers to draw slow circles into your clit. Already he could see your breathing picking up, and the slight shiver that raked through your body.

Dragging his fingers downward he eased them into you audibly groaning at how warm and wet you were. “I will never get tired of this.” He said, reveling in the soft moans that left your parted lips. Curling his fingers inside of you he watched the way you squeezed your eyes shut and tried closing your legs despite him being seated between you. Hushing you a bit he ran his hand up and down your thigh. It took a moment to calm you down, and once he did he picked up his pace again.

“Bucky- Please-”

Listening to you beg for him, and hearing the absolutely pornographic sound of how wet you were for him was driving him crazy. He could tell you were close by the way you squeezed his fingers. “Not yet, I wanna be in you.” He said, pulling away from you. “Oh my god.” You whined squeezing your thighs together. Bucky quickly pulled his shirt over his head, and kicked his pants off along with his boxers.

Wrapping his hand around his almost painful erection he took his hand - that he strategically kept your slick on - and stroked himself a few times. Leaning down he pressed his lips to yours expertly distracting you with his tongue as he slowly pushed himself into you. “Holy fuck, you’re so fuckin’ wet.” He moaned against your skin. “You’re gonna kill me, babe” You laughed shakily, sort of pushing your hips against him.

The act within itself caused him to grab you by your hips harshly. He was too worked up to do any of this slowly. Pulling you against him he felt himself seated deeply within you, your slick walls already fluttering around him. After a moment of soothing himself he started thrusting into you. “Oh, James, fuck-” A smile worked its way onto his face as he lost himself in his pleasure. The sound of your delicate whimpers and the slapping of skin had him sweating profusely. The feeling of your warm pussy wrapped around him was enough to throw him over the edge, but he wouldn’t let go before you did. “So good Bucky. ‘Love you so much.” Your words were rushed and slurred together. Groaning he reached out wrapping his arms around you, pulling you upwards so you were sitting in his lap, creating an angle that made his cock press further into you.

Wrapping your arms around him you buried your face into his neck. “You’re so good to me, angel. Can’t push me away ever again. I can’t live without you.” He moaned holding you by your waist to move you and down on his cock. Your legs twitched against his and you pulsed around him in such a way that he could feel the fuzziness on the edge of his consciousness coaxing him into a release. Your voice had been reduced to a mess of incoherent words as your nails dug into the skin of his back.

“I love you.”

His own simple admission sent him into his unraveling. The feeling of his cum shooting deep inside of you made you yelp and cling to him even tighter. Hot streaks of his release slowly began seeping out of you, and he was trying to stop the twitching in his legs. Everything was too sensitive for him to even focus, and he almost didn’t catch the way that the room had gotten significantly colder.

Not like the A/C had kicked on, but a cold that permeated the atmosphere, causing the moist edges of the windows to crystalize. It took him a moment, but then he realized what was happening. Reaching up he grabbed onto your face trying to pull you out of your daze. Saying your name a few times you finally looked at him through half lidded eyes. “M’okay. Highly intense emotions, things like that” You said simply, cracking a lazy smile. He didn’t question it, reaching over to pull the comforter around the both of you. You leaned forward kissing him gently, devolving into a bit of laughter.

“Highly intense emotions. That’s one way to put it.” He laughed, pulling you out of bed with him, shivering at the cold air. The both of you got cleaned up, and you had to take a moment to chase away those intense emotions, seemingly making the frost dissipate. Bucky brought you one of his shirts kissing you a few times before he finally pulled it over your head. He carried you back to bed, the both of you cuddling back up to each other. Running his hands along the skin of your back he sighed. He’d missed this closeness, and the feeling of having you so close. In the midst of your pillow talk there was a loud bang on your door. Bucky immediately got up ready to lay into whoever dared to interrupt his quiet evening. Swinging the door open he was met by an annoyed looking Tony.

“Tony, what the h-”

“Zip it cyborg. I don’t even want to know what you and Elsa are getting up to in there, but can you calm it down? This entire floor is below zero.”

You let out a very amused laugh, and Bucky tried keeping a straight face. “Yeah yeah. Sorry. Intense emotions, you know?” Tony made a very dramatic gagging noise before walking off. Closing the door behind he looked over at you.

“Hey, don’t look at me like that. That’s your fault.”

Shrugging he came over climbing back into bed with you. “I’ll take credit for that anyday.” He said, feigning a sense of pride. You wrapped your arms around him, placing kisses all over his face.

If an entire floor being cold meant he would have his girl, then everyone else should invest in good winter coat.

This post was taken down, and I am so upset about it. So this is a repost. I love this damn story, and fuck tumblr for taking it down...If you would reblog this it would be greatly appreciated!

Tags :
2 years ago

"I wanted to take my time with you doll, make you cum over & over before I let myself fuck you. Make you see stars with my fingers & my tongue, god so many times with my tongue, before I let you have my cock. But, fuck, you & this pretty little pussy are driving me nuts here. Don't think I can wait any longer."

this is all i’ll be able to think about for the rest of the day 😩

Deserve Better

Smut/Explicit content - 18+ only!

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Summary: Another blow to your confidence tips you over the edge when a guy ditches you. Bucky is determined to show you that you derserve so much better.

Warnings: Smut (NSFW) - 18+ ONLY - oral sex, fingering, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, dirty talk, pet names, language, alcohol use, negative self image, general filth

More of this story than I would like to admit is based on real experience, at least all the crappy stuff. Alcohol was involved while writing. I suck at spelling & grammar but correct things as I find them. Hope you enjoy the results of my shitty evening.

Deserve Better

Well this felt really pathetic. If you started crying could this count as a temper tantrum not a breakdown? You didn't really get stood up or dumped. Your friends with benefits bailed on you... Again.

You weren't mad. He had given you good reasons. Granted you had no idea if they were true or not, but if they were they were reasons you would have cited too.

You were diaappointed though. You had pretty much given up on dating, it seemed the only guys who were ever interested were nut jobs or people you would have to be paid to touch, & you didn't do one night stands. They just didn't feel safe. So this had been your last chance to get laid for a few months. You had also passed up the chance to go to a Rangers game to meet up with your FWB.

You sat waiting for your to-go order running through the options in your head, quickly realizing your best option was once again your vibrator. You inwardly sighed as you threw down the rest of your gin & tonic way too fast. You realized you were actually sick of fucking yourself, the thought of another night with your own hand & even your favorite toy made you groan, & not in a good way.

The waiter dropped your bag next to you & you paid for your drink. You tipped an extra dollar since he was nice enough to ignore that you probably looked like you were about to cry when you had ordered it.

As you were pulling a couple ones out of your wallet a cute-ish seeming guy came in by himself. Clearly from out of town with a slight European accent. You figured what the hell? & said hi pulling out your flirty yet coy smile. He totally ignored you.

Well that was close enough to 3 strikes you're out. You tilted your glass as far back as you could, hoping for even the tiniest amount of gin, & grabbed you bag of food. You headed back to the tower with your tail tucked between your legs, pity tears pickling at your eyes, & your new lingerie you had bought just because feeling like it was an irritant on your skin.

At least it was windy. You could play off the stray tear as being caused by that or picking at your mascara. Your only stop was a drugstore where you grabbed a bottle of wine.

As you stepped into the elevator you opened the twist top on the glass bottle & let the first couple real tears fall. All your life you had never felt good enough, pretty enough. You were never anyone's first choice. Now you weren't even good enough to just screw & leave.

You didn't think you were asking a lot, you really didn't care if this ever became anything beyond sex. But for the first time in your life, at nearly 32, you were finally having good sex. The thought of going another 4 years, your longest dry spell, untouched made you want to throw yourself off the roof.

Thank God the elevator doors opened & pulled you from your own destructive thoughts. There was no one in the living room or the kitchen & it was basically silent, because of course it was. It was a Friday night & everyone had their own things to do. So you wandered into the kitchen grabbed a fork from the utensil drawer & the new pack of AA batteries from the junk drawer.

Sure you wanted a relationship, not necessarily with your FWB, but you were also very aware that beggers can't be choosers. You were a begger & you always had been, which is why you were where you were now. Horny, a little drunk, & on the verge of tears.

Sinking into the couch you displayed your sad little picnic on the coffee table in front of you. Burger & fries, screw top wine bottle already part way empty, & batteries that were now your date for the night. You collapsed forward onto your own thighs letting your arms wirelessly drape over so your knuckles brushed the floor & sighed in complete defeat before muttering a "just kill me" into your leggings.

"But what if I kinda like having you around?" A deep but light hearted voice answered you softly from the hallway. Clearly trying not to startle you. Ending his statement with a chuckle, seemingly to apologize for eavesdropping.

With a groan you lifted your upper body back up to a seated position before flopping back into back of the couch. Looking up at the man who had spoke you felt your heart lift slightly. You should have guessed Bucky would be there. He wssn't a big fan of going out on the weekends, there were too many people out.

He cautiously moved forward, not 100% sure if he was welcome or not. You noticed his hesitancy & moved a few inches to your right signalling it was fine to join you. To reinforce your comfort with him joining you you told him "sorry Buck, if I knew you were here I would have gotten you food, but you can have mine if you want. I'm not that hungry anymore. Just don't touch my wine."

You forced a small laugh past your lips & tried not to come off too sad. As he sat down next to you, Bucky wasn't buying it. He could see the pain in your eyes. He wanted you to tell him what was wrong. He wanted you to tell him everything.

He knew you had plans tonight with that guy, the one that he really didn't like, but now you were here with tears in your eyes. He wanted to punch him for putting that look on your face. You had told Bucky you had no intention of getting serious with this guy, that you were friends from forever ago, that it just made you feel good someone was actually interested in you that way. You said you were so sick of dating & heartbreak, you just wanted to have fun. Well you didn't look like you were having much fun, & it didn't look like you felt particularly good. That tore him up inside.

You curled your legs up underneath you & pulled the blanket off the back of the couch onto your shoulders. You tried to ignore the way Bucky kept glancing at you as he picked at the fries. Every couple minutes he would hold one out to you & you would accept it. Eventually you softened enough that you finally said with a little bit of a shaky breath "he bailed on me at the last minute, again."

All Bucky could do was nod in understanding & turn to look at you. You were still staring at your hands, tears sparkling at the corners of your eyes. Finally letting them fall as you spoke again.

"I'm now consistently getting blown off by my friend with benefits. I can't even keep a guy interested when the only thing I'm asking him for is sex. How pathetic is that? I'm not even good enough to just be a regular fuck buddy for someone I guess."

You choked back a small sob. It wasn't about that particular guy, it was about all of them. How they had all beaten you down & made you feel worthless.

You had confided in Bucky one night after a particularly terrible date how you hadn't even gone on a date until college. That you had spent so much time watching all the other girls in high school get asked on dates, go to dances, & fall in love. While you were left to wonder what was so wrong with you. It's a wonder you had managed to lose your virginity at 19. Especially considering only one other guy had even so much as kissed you before that.

You had spent all your life being the girl who felt passed over, so when the opportunity of having a friend with benefits opened up you jumped at it. Not that you were overly attracted to the guy, which in a sex only relationship was a good thing, but you felt desired & that felt great. It was also the best sex, & really the only good sex, you'd ever had. So you put up with all the little inequalities & things.

Bucky wanted to grab you & hold you. Tell you how much time he spent thinking about you. Wanting you. How you deserved so much more. How he wanted to spend the rest of his life trying to give that to you.

The straw the finally broke the camel's back was when you stood up to go to your room. The wine bottle now mostly empty but most of the food still untouched. You shrugged off the blanket as you got up & started to wiggle your shoulders & reach back behind you with Bucky watching on in confusion.

"You wanna know the really pathetic thing? If it weren't for the fact that he's the only guy who's ever made me cum I don't think I'd put up with it... Or spend the money. There's $75 I'm never gonna see again." You chuckled in absurdity as you pulled your bra out through your sleeve & let the metallic maroon lace dangle from your fingers.

You said goodnight & shuffled away to your room dragging the see through bra behind you, leaving Bucky a jumble of emotions. On one hand he genuinely cared for you. In truth he was head over heels for you, & he didn't want to leave you feeling so down on yourself. You were kind, & smart, & funny, & my god you were so sexy.

He was also furious that not only had all these other guys treated you so badly, apparently they couldn't even mange to please you either. You were overdo probably at least a couple thousand orgasms & Bucky would happily give his right arm to be the one to remedy that.

Between your admission that none of your worthless ex's could make you cum & pulling your bra off like some dirty magic trick Bucky was also now really turned on. He didn't want to seem like he was taking advantage of you, especially since he really wanted you to be his girl, but he wanted you so bad right now. He looked at the table trying to formulate what to do.

The batteries. You had probably meant to take them with you. He could bring them to you. Although if his plan didn't work & he had to listen to you play with yourself with that fucking toy tonight thru the wall he might just explode. His hand lingered over the packet, it was now or never.

Before he could second guess himself he snatched the packet & quickly walked down the hall to your door. Knocking on the door before his brain could register the sound of the shower from the other side. He cringed as he heard you sniffle fumbling toward the door, cursing as you tripped over something before opening it

"Sorry for interrupting. You... You forgot these." He extended his vibranium hand & you noticed the batteries. Truth be told you had forgotten about them completely. You had been wrapped up in thinking about the man that now stood in front of you. You adored Bucky, but you didn't want to jeopardize your friendship when you were sure he didn't feel the same way. Secretly you dreamed of him whisking you off your feet like your very own Prince Charming, but you wouldn't take the risk of losing him completely. 

Now here you were, with your dream guy standing at your door. In your grungy sweatshirt, fancy new very tiny lace panties, & mascara tinted tears on your face. You moved back from the door & sat on the edge of your bed pulling your hands into your sleeves & staring at your fingers. You let the dark thoughts take over.

"Thanks you can just throw them on my nightstand. Umm.... Can I ask you a question Buck? As a guy... What's wrong with me? Why am I so unwantable? What makes me so unsexy? It's not even about him, I just..."

You finally broke. Dissolving into sobs completely forgetting the shower running. You held one hand to your face, trying to hide, & wrapped your other right around your waist.

Bucky's heart shattered & he scrambled into the room shutting the door behind him. Dropping to kneel in front of you, sliding your legs apart to slot himself between them without even thinking. He grabbed your hands away from your body & cradled your face in his hands. Quietly shushing you & kissing the tears away from your cheeks. Trying his best to soothe & calm you.

"Hey, hey, hey. Look at me sweetheart. There is not a god damn thing wrong with you, y/n. It's all those fucking guys that have something wrong with them. Okay? I wish I knew what to tell you to make you believe this, but you are so fucking sexy & incredible. Any guy that doesn't spend every moment of everyday wanting you is insane or stupid. I can't stand to hear you talk like this, watch you feel like this. I wish you could see what I see."

He pulled you flush to his chest & let you wrap your arms tight around his neck, fingernails digging into his shoulders. He let you heave & squeak out a few more sobs into his neck, complete with several hiccups & hurried anxious breaths. He rocked you side to side, gently kissed your head, & tried to hold back his own tears. His heart ached for you, to love you, & he had let you down by even letting you feel this way in the first place.

Your breathing slowly leveled out & your arms released their death grip. Bucky let you pull back from his chest & pressed his forehead to your's. Your eyes puffy & your cheeks red. He had to tell you how he loved you. He had to show you how amazing & beautiful you were. Hopefully you would let him. Even if it was only for the night, he was determined to make you feel like the goddess you were to him.

Your soft sniffles continued & your eyes were still closed, but the tears had now subsided. He let his hands slide from your waist to the outside of your thighs rubbing his thumbs up & down against your soft skin. He suddenly became aware that he was on his knees between your bare legs, a place he thought he would only dream of ever getting to be. He started to speak & he knew there was no stopping.

"Listen I know that you are in a bad frame of mind right now, & I need you to know that I would never take advantage of you. If you tell me to leave I will. Just say the word. But... I want you to know that I mean every word okay? You are the sexiest woman in the world & you drive me absolutely insane. You have no idea how bad I want you. All you have to do is smile at me & I turn to goo. You can be dressed up or in this ratty sweatshirt & all I want to do is take you to bed & worship you. When you pulled that trick with your bra out there, oh my god, I nearly passed out with how fast my blood left my brain."

That statement made you giggle. It was only then that you realized you were holding your breath. You couldn't believe what you were hearing. This couldn't be happening. It was too perfect. You let your hands rest on the back of his neck & play with his short chestnut brown hair. The muscles of your stomach clenched & your heart jumped when his fingertips pressed into your hips just below the thin waistband of your panties.

Your eyes had opened at some point during his confession & you were now staring deep into his gentle blue eyes. You bit your bottom lip as you gazed at him looking for any hint of hesitation or lies. You found none.

"It's not just physically either. I mean you are fucking gorgeous but God I love all of you so much, y/n. Your sense of humor, the way you think, the way you get along with everyone. I can't believe I'm actually telling you this, but I love you & I have loved you for so long. It has killed me watching you be with all those idiots. The fact that they made you feel this way, & didn't even put your pleasure first, makes me want to rip them limb from limb. You deserve so much better than them, you deserve so much better than me. You deserve the entire fucking universe at your feet. Right now I don't care if I'm making the biggest mistake ever & if you never want to even look at me after this, but please even just for the night, let me show you how much I love you & how incredible you are. Please just let me make love to you. Let me make you feel good. Let me try to give you what you deserve."

"Please y/n, just say something. You're killing me here." He pleaded, trying to steal his feelings. Now fearing the worst.

You moved your face just a little bit closer to his & began to pull his body into you. "Yes please Bucky. Make love to me."

Your mouths finally met in a soft but passionate kiss. His plump lips running over yours slowly caressing your skin. His tongue slow slid against your bottom lip asking to deepen the kiss, to let him in. You quickly obliged & he began to massage your tongue with his.

As you pulled apart you both panted out of breath. Pressing light kisses on each other & nuzzling your faces together it was your turn to confess.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that. I love you too Buck. I just thought there was no way you could love me."

He moved his hands to grip your ass & yanked you forward on the mattress. Groaning as he felt your bare ass cheeks separate by the delicate lace g-string. "I'm gonna spend all night showing you how much I love you, y/n. I'm gonna make you cum so many times you will forget anyone else exists."

He smashed his lips to yours & began clawing at the plush flesh of your hips. He pulled your sweatshirt over your head leaving you in just your panties. He dropped his gaze to look down at your body & inhaled deeply, taking in the scent of your warm body & your now apparent arousal for him. The sound of him making you nipples stiffen in anticipation.

Bucky began placing hungry open mouthed kisses up & down your neck & throat as you wrapped your legs around his waist making his hips start to grind against you. You could feel his large hard bulge through the rough material of his jeans & the feeling of it only spurred you on. Your hands scraping up his side's to pull his shirt off.

"You are so sexy Bucky." You marveled at his body as you ran your hands up & down his chest. He smiled & sweetly kissed your lips.

Moaning at his suggestion you looked at him through lust heavy eyelids, now blissfully unaware of your smudged makeup. You nodded enthusiastically & squeaked in surprise as he effortlessly hoisted you up off the mattress, his hands under your thighs & carried you into the bathroom that was now clouded with steam.

"You're sexier baby. Now, since you've already got the shower running, why don't we go clean up before we run out of hot water. Plus if we keep going like this I'm gonna rip these tiny fucking panties right off of you, & if I remember right you said they weren't cheap."

He gently lowered you to your feet. Taking his time as his hands caressed slowly up your body. He looked at you like you were a precious piece of art. Your mouth fell open & you stood speechless at the man before you who in a single moment in a single touch had nurtured your heart, your mind, & your body in a way no one ever had.

He softly pressed his lips to yours as he pulled your hair loose & brushed it back. He started making his way down your body. Pressing kiss after kiss to your skin that was now buzzing like a live wire.

First he kissed your neck & whispered in your ear how beautiful you were. Then your collarbone, the top of each breast & between them. He let his lips ghost over your nipples without providing direct stimulation. He chuckled as you whined in protest & tried to angle a nipple back towards his mouth.

He pressed his face to the center of your ribcage & gently scolded you, "not just yet babydoll. I wanna take my time with you." Once he had reached your hips he kissed the top of each hipbine before placed a kiss right onto your mound over your panties.

Hooking his thumb under each side strap he gazed up & you for permission to take them off. You let your hands thread through his hair & whispered "please Buck".

He gave you a lopsided slightly goofy grin & said "as incredibly sexy as these are doll, & I definitely want to see you in the whole set sometime, I think you will be fucking delicious with them off." With that he slowly slid them down your legs, pausing momentarily as the wet fabric separated from your slick pussy. A groan was pulled deep from somewhere in his chest as he got his first good view of your sex. You were soaked.

"So wet doll. Can't wait to taste you later. All this really for me?" He inhaled your sweet scent & had to fight the urge to devour you right then & there. He dropped your panties to the floor & you stepped out of them as he stood back up bringing his hand to pop the button & pull down the fly of his jeans.

You took his hands & moved them to your waist before taking over where he had left off. Sliding your hands inside the denim fabric at his sides & catching your thumb in the waistband of his boxer briefs you tilted your head up & whispered into his throat. "All for you Buck. Just for you."

Placing a wet sucking kiss on his Adam's apple as you pushed the fabric of both layers down his muscular frame. Feeling the resistance of his hard cock against the elastic band of his underwear, you dropped your head down to see him as he sprung free. You both gasped in unison, him at the delicious bit of friction & you at the magnificent sight of him bare before you.

Dragging your fingers across his low belly you let yourself run your hand along the underside of his thick cock before stroking him up & down several times. As if reading your mind he leaned down to whisper in your ear "All for you babydoll. All because of you." & placed a kiss on the sweet spot under your lobe. 

Relishing each other's touch for a moment longer you stood on the balls of your feet & sunk into his kiss once more. As an anxious as you were for him to take you straight to bed you did want to wash the lingering stress from your body. So you reluctantly pulled apart & stepped into the shower under the warm water with Bucky's firm body pressed up behind you.

Between the heat of the water & the comfort of Bucky's arms around you, your muscles melted & you immediately felt even better. You grabbed your face wash & proceeded to scrub the remainder of ruined makeup for your eyes & cheeks.

Bucky's lips had yet to stop dragging along the skin of your neck, shoulders, & upper back. One flesh palm & one vibranium held tight against the curve of your soft stomach. If this was any other man you would cringe & move his hands away from your most insecure spot, but with Bucky it felt right. You extended your arms backwards to give his thighs a squeeze, telling him to soften his grasp momentarily so could reach to grab the body wash.

He gladly obliged & grabbed the bottle from your delicate fingers. He deftly flipped the cap & squirted a line of gel down the center of your torso. Your hands met & spread the slick substance over your frame in tandem. The heady scent of berries, patchouli, rose, & amber quickly enveloped you both adding to the eroticism.

His large hands groped & kneaded your breasts. For the first time his fingers began to toy with your nipples. Swirling the pads of his fingers around them before gently pinching them. The sweet sudden pressure caused your hips to buck back grinding your ass against him. His now leaking head making contact with your low back & his shaft sliding between your cheeks.

The touch of him so needy against you sparked a flame in your chest & you spun around in his arms to face him. You spent several more minutes running the fragrant suds over each other, seemingly trying to memorize the curves & planes of each other's bodies. Lips locked in heated contact.

It was you who reached the end of your rope first, pulling him under the stream to rinse you both as you began to beg him for more.

"Please James, I can't wait any longer. I need you to fuck me."

Between hearing you call him by his real name, & your desperate plea for him, his own resolve snapped. Quickly turning off the water & grabbing a towel to hurriedly dry you both. He picked you up once more, your legs wrapping around him & your dripping cunt pressed to his abdomen, & he carried you to your bed.

He laid you down on the soft blankets like you were a priceless piece of porcelain & gingerly lowered his large frame to rest on top of you. Your legs spreading open to slot his body flush against you.

He let his weight balance on his vibranium forearm & ran his flesh fingers over the curves of your right side. Cutting across the crease of your hip he stopped just short of where you body was screaming for his touch. He locked eyes with you one more time to confirm that  you still wanted this. That you still wanted him. As if there was any stopping the cascade of need for each other that had been set in motion.

You brushed your thumb across his cheek & grinned with a single nod. With that his fingers finally slid past your mound & down to caress the supple wet lips of your pussy. Initially ghosting over them with a single digit, but on feeling how drenched you were Bucky moaned a breathy "fuck" & pressed 3 fingers firmly to your slit.

The pressure he finally made against your cunt caused your back to arch & your eyes to snap shut. You legs pulled back farther to grant your soldier even better access to your sex & your hips were starting to rut against his fingertips. Bucky couldn't help but smile, never in his wildest dreams had he ever thought you would react like this to his touch.

He gently slid his long middle finger inside you as he brought his thumb to dance along the edges of your clit. He wanted to memorize every noise you made, from the whimpers coming from your plush lips to the wet suctioning against his finger each time it plunged back into you.

Without any warning he added his index finger to action, feeling your tight hole stretch to accommodate his second finger had his own control hanging by a thread. His vibranium hand gripping onto the pillow beneath your head.

"Fuck so tight babydoll." He praised under his breath as he bit his lower lip trying to keep focused on the pleasure he was wringing from you.

He quickly added his ring finger to his assault. Dragging all 3 three fingers in & out of your fluttering heat as he let his thumb draw more direct circles on your now throbbing clit. He could tell you were quickly hurtling towards the point of no return as he added a flick upwards in his wrist.

"Oh god Buck! Gonna cum, don't stop. Fuck yes James. Please don't stop!"

You now gazed slack jawed back into his sparkling blue eyes that were entirely focused on seeing you fall apart beneath him. Eyes that belonged to the sweetest man you had ever met, who was now responsible for the filthiest noises falling from your lips. You couldn't help but plead for him not to stop as your body began shaking & squeezing his fingers even tighter. Letting the wave of your orgasm crash against you.

You let him coax you back down slowly, stroking your hair with his metal finger tips as his flesh ones began to still inside you. Placing small kisses on your lips as fingers slipped from your wet depths, teasing along your now swollen sensitive pussy feeling how your orgasm had left you dripping. The thought that he was responsible for your wrecked state made a pride flourish in his chest.

Making sure you were watching his movements, he pulled his fingers to his mouth & took his time licking your juices from each one. It may only be his first real taste of you, but he knew right then that he would never get enough.

The sight of Bucky savoring the taste of your cunt on his fingers was almost too much to take. You felt empty & the only thing that could possibly make you feel full was Bucky's cock. You slid your hand down his sculpted abdomen & trailed a finger around his swollen leaking head working to spred his pre-cum around his ridge before closing your hand around his thick shaft & starting to pump him.

The feeling of him made your mouth water & your walls clench in anticipation. His cock was perfectly veined & silky to the touch. So solid & thick your fingers barely touched when wrapped around him. He began to needily thrust up into your fist when you added a twist at the end of each stroke. When he started to whimper you released his shaft & started to roll his balls between your fingers.

He eventually pulled your hands away from his cock & pinned them to the bed beside your head. He pressed his forehead to yours in between slow deep kisses as he tried to gather his composure. Panting as he looked at you laid out under him.

"I wanted to take my time with you doll, make you cum over & over before I let myself fuck you. Make you see stars with my fingers & my tongue, god so many times with my tongue, before I let you have my cock. But, fuck, you & this pretty little pussy are driving me nuts here. Don't think I can wait any longer."

You wrapped your legs around his hips & pulled his pelvis down to yours, managing to angle your hips just right so the tip of his cock was slotted just inside your opening.

"Then don't wait Bucky. Fuck me." Your expression softened for a moment, from one of passion to one of love, & you added, "wanna be your girl Buck."

Without a moment's hesitation he plunged his cock all the way inside of you. Eliciting a moan from both of you. Bracing & holding himself in place while your body adjusted to the stretch of him. While he waited he cupped your cheek with his left palm, the coolness of the vibranium a sharp contrast from the rest of his body.

"I've dreampt of hearing you say that. My girl."

Bucky placed one last sweet kiss on your lips before he started slowly thrusting in & out of you. Each push & pull dragging deliciously against your walls allowing you to feel every milimeter he gave you. Slowing all the more as the top of his cock head slid against your g-spot.

"Oh god Buck, you're so big. So fucking deep! Fuck me harder baby!"

You were gripping onto his shoulders, burying your face into his scar where his metal arm connected to his body. Making a conscious effort to place extra licks & kisses along the mared skin to show him how much you loved even the spot he sometimes hated.

"Yeah? You want it harder doll? Here I wanted to be all soft & sweet with you the first time. Should have known you were really a dirty little girl. Let me hear you baby. Tell me how my princess wants me to fuck her tight little pussy."

He punctuated his statement with a bite your neck & started thrusting harder into you, but he purposely kept his pace slow to let you get your words out. Even though he wanted to plow you into next week.

"Soft & sweet later James, right now I want it hard & fast. Been teasing me all night. Turning me into your little slut. You know what you're doing to me. Fuck me hard."

Bucky moaned loudly into your neck the moment he heard you call yourself his little slut. It took every ounce of strength he had not to cum right there. You were an absolute minx & he was the luckiest son of a bitch alive.

"Well if you're my little slut then why am I doing all the work?" He quickly rolled so you were on top of him & before you could react he brought his right hand to slap your ass.

"Now be a good little slut & ride my cock. Take what you want baby. Make yourself cum & let me watch. There's my good girl."

Bucky had been so incredible to you already, even though you knew your night was no where near over, you wanted to give him a good show. You sat up nice & straight as you started to bounce on him. Letting your breasts jiggle up & down as the sound of you ass hitting his thighs richoted around the room.

You rolled your hips forward & backward as you rode his cock creating an extra friction on your clit. When that friction started to build & throb you let your head drop back & your eyes squeeze closed. Your hips thrust faster & shallower as you chased your orgasm.

Little squeaks & grunts coming from your lips as you fucked yourself on Bucky's cock. Your body was thrown over the cliff's edge as you felt his hips buck up from underneath you & your weight fell forward onto his chest as you shuttered & wailed.

He kept fucking you through your orgasm, thrusting into you from below. Each time his tip brushed your sweet spot a new firework burst behind your eyelids. Your mewls & whines pushing him right to his edge & he was chanting "so close baby."

As you started to come down you wanted to feel him even closer. Knowing his orgasm was just around the corner you wrapped your arms under his neck & pressed your lips to his ear as you whispered "Cum in my pussy James. Want you to fill me up."

Something snapped in Bucky's brain when you said that. Something animal took over & he threw you hard on your back before frantically rutting into you like his very life depended on it. His face was pressed into your neck & his teeth clenched when you heard him growl as he came.

Feeling his thick warm cum fill you spray by spray you sighed in pleasure & wiggled your hips to milk even more from him. Cooing in his ear about how good it felt being full of his cum, & it did.

He slowly leaned back & pulled himself from your body much to your reluctance. Watching as his cum began to trickle from you. He grabbed his shirt off the floor from were you had thrown it earlier & quickly wiped you down. It wasn't the best job but it was good enough for now. He wanted to hold you for a bit before either of you did anything else.

He dropped the shirt back to the side & pulled you tight to his chest. He knew what you said about being his girl, but his mind kept telling him maybe you just said it in the heat of the moment. So as you snuggled into his chest eyes closed with a content smile he began to open & close his mouth like a fish gasping for air.

From your comfy spot you said with a chuckle "I smell the gears starting to smoke Buck. Stop worrying. I meant it. I wanna be your girl. It took you long enough to ask."

You lifted your head up & kissed him. Staring into his eyes once more. Both full of passion & boyish charm. He couldn't help but a sheepish shrug & replied "well, I thought you deserve better than me."

Tilting his chin up slightly with your index finger you answered, "James Buchanan Barnes, there is no one better for me than you. I love you Bucky."

A genuine smile crossed Bucky's face & after so long the feeling of being honestly happy & in love felt brand new again. It was a feeling he could get used to.

"I love you more, y/n."

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2 years ago

Navigation — Bucky Barnes Fic Rec

This is my fic rec blog! Where I reblog and organize everything I read. I mainly read Bucky Barnes, but will occasionally indulge in other fandoms such as Bridgerton or Harry Potter, etc... I also love reading books aside from fan fiction, so keep and eye out for that as well! 💚

Feel free to drop book/fic recs in my asks, as I'm always looking for new reads! 💚

This is not an +18 account but I encourage you to follow and respect the warnings laid out by all the talented writers! 🔫

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Navigation Bucky Barnes Fic Rec

*This list is constantly being updated!* 💚💚

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2 years ago


  sweet, sweet release

 Sweet, Sweet Release

synopsis: bucky offers to give you your first orgasm. and he fucking delivers.

pairing: bucky barnes (roommate) x f!reader

word count: 2.1k

warnings: 18+ ONLY. fingering, teasing, dirty talk, lots of pet-names because that’s the type of guy that bucky is (in my mind)

 Sweet, Sweet Release

Your confession hung heavy in the air. 

Bucky looked at you from where he stood leaning against the wall. The loose grey sweatpants he was wearing hung low on his hips, a sinful juxtaposition to the way his tight shirt clung to his skin. 

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2 years ago

there’s nothing better than a enemies to lovers where he falls first and becomes possessive!!!! i loved this so muuuuch, it’s was so so good 😩

Crossing the Line

Summary: After your friends set you up on a blind date with your sworn enemy, you both drunkenly decide to mess with them by making a bet to see who can pretend to be a happy couple the longest.

Pairing: Beefy!Bucky x reader

Warnings: 18+ only, smut, unprotected possessive sex, beefy!bucky manhandling the reader a lot, mirror sex, fingering, light angst with a happy ending, fluff, swearing, Fifty Shades of Grey reference, alcohol, jealous!bucky, brief run-in with an "ex" with a wife, pet names, Bucky is kinda cocky, enemies to lovers, fake dating.

Word Count: 10.1k

Like, comment, and/or reblog to put a giant smile on my face ♡

Crossing The Line

“We shouldn't, right? It’d be too cruel,” Natasha asked warily. 

“Nat, they have so many things in common, and frankly I am tired of their bitter rivalry over every little thing. We can’t finish a game of Uno without things getting contentious. And god forbid that they end up on the opposite team for charades,” Sam said. “Would giving them a chance at meeting outside of our game nights be so bad?”

“No, but you know how they get when they’re left alone.”

“Bitter and argumentative, sure, but maybe there’s a hidden spark just waiting to ignite into a blazing passionate fire.”

Nat looked at Sam incredulously, “I think you’re doing this to get back at Barnes for flirting with your sister.” 

Sam smiled sheepishly, “Well why did you offer to set her up on the blind date to begin with? You were fully on board at one point.”

“I just feel like there is something there that they’re not seeing, and I have a strong sense that if given the chance, it could work out really well. Plus Bucky’s not a bad guy, and after the dates she’s been on — well I trust him at least a little bit.”

“And at the end of the day it will be a really funny story if it backfires,” Sam said cheekily. 

Nat sighed, a knowing smirk playing on her lips, “Yeah, can’t argue with that.” 


You walked up to the doors of the restaurant with purpose. Your best friends Nat and Sam had set you up on a blind date, and while the thought of that was unnerving, you trusted their judgment. Blind dates were a fun way of meeting people, or so you told yourself, and at the very least you knew that the mystery man was vetted by reliable people, so it shouldn’t be too bad. 

With a deep breath you opened the door and walked towards the hostess. 

“Hello, do you have a reservation?” the cheery wide-eyed brunette asked. 

“I believe my date is already here. Is there a man in a blue shirt waiting for someone? I was told that’s what he would be wearing,” you said. 

“Yes, of course. He got in a few minutes ago, told me to expect a woman in a burgundy dress,” she said as she took in your attire. “Right this way,” she said gleefully before quickly grabbing a couple menus and walking you towards a candlelit corner booth. 

You couldn’t see the man given the angle of the booth, but the moment you arrived at the table you were filled with instant regret. 

“And here we are, your waiter will be right out in a second,” the jovial hostess said before giving you a sly wink and leaving you to be. 

You were met with familiar blue eyes that looked just as bewildered as yours. 

“You’ve got to be kidding me. You?!” you exclaimed at your annoying foe.

“I’ve got to be kidding? What the hell are you doing here?” 

You huffed out a breath before sliding into the seat across from Bucky. “Obviously this is some kind of punishment aimed at you for taking things too far last Saturday.”

He ran a hand through his hair, “When I play charades, I play to win, you know this.”

“I know, but did you have to nearly flip Sam’s coffee table?”

“This isn’t worth rehashing, what do we do, just go home?” he asked. 

“I’m hungry, and while I could go find something to eat elsewhere, we’re already here. Can you keep it together without any drama for a little while?” you asked sarcastically. 

“Only if you can,” he said with a raised brow. 

“Great, I’ll just need a lot of wine, but then I’ll be good to go.”

“Perfect, let’s get a bottle or two,” he said before flagging down a waiter. 


“Some prank huh?” you muttered after placing both your food and drink order because you had no intention of prolonging the night. 

“I know this is Sam’s way of getting back at me for something.”

“Yeah no doubt, but I’m not sure what I did to deserve this.”

“Right, because you’re perfect,” Bucky said drily. 


Bucky leaned back and looked at you with a tight smile. “So what do we do to get back at them? I don’t think they should get away with setting us up on a date that they knew wouldn’t work out.” 

“Whoa, I’m a damn delight, this could’ve worked out if you were anyone else.” 

Bucky pinched the bridge of his nose. “Why are you like this? I only agreed to this because Sam said this girl was unlike any I’d dated before. I didn’t think he’d mean it so literally.”

You furrowed your brows. “The hell is that supposed to mean?” 

He rolled his eyes, “Nothing bad, I just usually got along with my exes, at least for a while. You and I, on the other hand, have never gotten along.”

You nodded your head, “Yeah that’s true.” You paused for a minute as the waiter brought out your wine and poured it into your glasses, leaving behind the bottle.

After taking a few gulps, “Maybe you were right, I mean you pulled out an iron for that shirt, we can’t let them get away with this,” you said jokingly. 

“Thank you for noticing,” he said as he subconsciously ran his hands over his nicely pressed shirt. “So what are we thinking? We could TP their house,” he said before taking a big swig of his wine. 

You scoffed, “Bucky, how old are you?” 

“Well give us an idea, smartypants.”

You sighed, taking a moment to contemplate. Unfortunately, you realized every option would be juvenile. “Ugh I don’t know. Sadly, the mature thing to do would be to pretend like this didn’t affect us so that they don’t get the reaction they hoped for.” 

“That’s lame,” he said as your waiter brought out your food. 

“So is their prank,” you muttered before taking a bite of your pasta. 

The two of you ate in silence for a little bit because neither of you knew how to speak to each other companionably. It was always quips, retorts, and sarcastic remarks that fueled your conversations. 

After a beat, you asked, “Did you pick out the restaurant?” 

Bucky furrowed his brow, “Why, do you hate it?” 

Your eyes widened, “No, I actually really like it.” 

“Oh,” he chuckled in surprise. “I did, it’s my favorite spot for good Italian food.”

“Ah, well you’ve got decent taste — at least in food,” you said with a small smirk. 

He tugged at his bottom lip, trying to suppress a smile. “Do you want more wine?” 

“Yes please.”

Heat rose to your cheeks as the effects of the wine were finally making itself known. With one bottle down and another on the way, you felt a little more at ease in Bucky’s presence. 

“I don’t know why Nat would set me up with you, no offense — like she knows that I just got out of something a little messy.” 

Bucky’s eyes softened as he looked at you. “I know Sam is doing this to mess with me, but I can’t figure out what Nat’s thought process was in all of this. She’s usually so protective of you.”

“Yeah, I guess I’ll have to be more weary of her,” you said timidly. If you were completely sober you would shrug this off as a silly prank, but you weren’t and it was hard to process why your friend would mess with you in an area in which she knew you held many trust issues. 

Before you could ponder any further, the waiter reemerged, pouring more wine for the two of you. The two of you happily drank some more, not completely hating the date any longer. 

“You know what would be kind of funny?” Bucky mumbled more to himself. 


“If we pretended that this date was amazing and that we liked each other after it.” 

“Like liked each other?” you asked in surprise.

He let out a laugh, “Yes, like we felt a spark and decided to keep seeing each other.”

You giggled, “They’d never see that coming! But that would be hard to pull off.”

“I know,” Bucky blushed at the thought. 

“Regardless, you can’t seem to keep your cool around me when you’re sober, so it would never work.”

Bucky huffed out a breath, “Yeah that’s true, plus you despise me and start arguments for no reason whenever given the chance,” he shrugged.

You scoffed, “Right, I’m argumentative for absolutely no reason and you never upset me on purpose,” you muttered.

“That’s exactly right,” he said matter-of-factly. 

“I don’t know why you live to agitate me, I could totally keep it together and do it convincingly too.”

“Correction, you live to annoy me, and I know I could keep it together way better than you,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Wanna bet?” you blurted out. 

Bucky’s eyebrows raised, his interest was piqued. “Bet?”

“We do the pretend thing to mess with Nat and Sam — the first to back out loses.”

Bucky narrowed his eyes as he considered the proposition; it would be a good way to get back at Sam. And he would take that bet on principle just to prove you wrong and show you that you were the irrational one, but he knew something else was needed to make it more interesting. 

“What’s at stake? If we’re going to pretend to like each other in front of our friends it’s gotta be worthwhile.”

“Loser has to clean the winner’s place for a month.”

“Make it two months with laundry included and you’ve got yourself a deal. I could use the break.”

You snickered as you reached for your wine glass once more. “Yeah, and when I win you can enjoy the extra month of cleaning you’ll have to do at my place and yours.”

Bucky tilted his head, “Are we really doing this, or what?”

You extended your hand, “Two months of cleaning for whoever bails or starts drama first.”

He stretched out his hand, engulfing yours completely — and thus commenced the charade. 


You woke up feeling dehydrated and hungover; you needed a painkiller and a giant cup of water to quell the throbbing in your head. Begrudgingly getting up to retrieve that from your kitchen was a difficult endeavor, but it certainly helped you feel a bit better afterwards. Once your head felt a little less heavy you thought back to the bet you made with Bucky. Even though you were drunk then, it wasn’t difficult to remember every detail of the conversation now. 

In the light of day you started to feel uncertain about following through with it, and you wondered if Bucky was going to bring it up himself. You wouldn’t be mad if he didn’t, but as you put some bread in the toaster you felt your phone buzz in your pocket. 

Bucky: Hi sugarplum, honey pie…

Well shit, he remembered. There was no way you were going to back down now. 

Y/N: Workshopping nicknames are we?

Bucky: Duh. I’m in it to win it, muffin.

Y/N: Okay good for you, but why are you texting me? There’s no one around to see.

Bucky: Nat didn’t text you?

You were about to type that she had not, but your phone began to buzz at that moment. Speaking of the devil, it was Nat calling to likely see how her crappy set-up went. Before answering you reminded yourself that you didn’t want to be Bucky’s housekeeper. 

You soon found out that Sam had already spoken to Bucky and that Nat was checking to confirm if you really were good to grab coffee in an hour. She seemed genuinely excited to hear that things went well with Bucky, which confused you immensely. Nat even claimed that she knew something was there, but before you could ask her to elaborate on that she had to run. Before hanging up, you agreed to meet up with them. 

So much for coasting for a few days before having to play pretend.

Before you could grumble about it too much you remembered that you had to text Bucky back before getting ready. You pulled up your messages and quickly typed out your response. 

Y/N: Nat called, I guess I’ll be seeing you soon. 

Bucky: Right, I was going to ask if you wanted me to pick you up on my way. 

You couldn’t tell if he was being nice or whether he was trying to further prolong your suffering, but you had a feeling it was the latter. 

Y/N: Fine. 

Bucky: Cool, I’ll text you before I leave, babygirl :P

You rolled your eyes at your screen. 


Bucky pulled up to your place wearing a bright smile ten minutes before you were set to meet up with the other couple.

“What are you so happy about?” you asked as you buckled your seatbelt. 

“I’m just really looking forward to the upcoming two months of chore-free living, that’s all. Seeing you reminded me of what a great break I’m about to get.” 

You scoffed, “Wow, well I wouldn’t be too sure about that yet, Barnes.” 

“Barnes? No pet name for me, doll?” he asked cheekily. 

“I’ll think about it. Can we just save the talking for when we get to the coffee shop? I don’t even know why we’re doing this today.” 

“Steve and Sharon are out of town, so game night is pushed to tomorrow. Guess Sam and Nat still wanted to see us, and I think they’re also trying to confirm that we’re a thing.” 

“Well I am looking forward to messing with them about that,” you mumbled.

Bucky hummed in agreement, “Same, but let’s see how long you can hold out.” 

“All I know is it’ll be longer than you.”

Bucky scoffed as he turned a corner, “Right, just try not to fall in love with me while you’re at it.”

You snorted, “Shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Why’s that?” he asked with a self-assured smirk on his face. Bucky loved to mess with you, mainly because you were the only one that could keep up with him. 

You huffed a breath, “Because, I like my men a little less dick-ish.” 

“Ah, yes, that would be an issue then,” he said as he parked his car. After a second, he turned towards you with a smug smile, “But is too much dick, really that bad?” 

Groaning internally, you tried to rush out of the vehicle, ready for a moment away from him already. But Bucky was too quick, and he was there to help you out of the car once your door was open. You mumbled a thank you and moved to get across the street, but in your haste to get away, you tripped and stumbled onto the road. 

“Y/N!” Bucky shouted. He quickly grabbed your hand and tugged you back just as a cyclist zoomed past, barely missing you. 

All too fast, you heard a whiz of air and a shouting of expletives from the cyclist before you were roughly pulled against Bucky’s broad chest. “Shit!” you exclaimed, as you tried to recover your balance. 

“Are you alright?” Bucky asked as he placed his hands on your shoulders to steady you. He looked at you with concern, only now noticing the stunning hue of your eyes. He unconsciously brushed his thumb over your cheekbone, hoping to calm you, or perhaps himself as he took in your beauty.

Your heart raced as you stared into his sparkling blue eyes. And when you took a deep breath to calm yourself, you accidentally inhaled his warm cologne — like sandalwood and vanilla. Wow, did he always smell that good? 

Shaking your head and coming back to your senses, you finally found your voice. “This isn’t Fifty Shades of Grey. Thank you for saving me but I’m not going to gaze longingly into your eyes.” You only hoped that he wouldn’t bring up the fact that you had essentially done that already.

Bucky slowly released the grip he had on you, finally remembering where he was. “You sure? Could be good practice?” he said with a soft smirk on his lips. He was too mesmerized to call you out on that little moment, he was too caught up in you. 

You released a breath, before nodding your head. “I’m sure.” 

“Okay, well then it’s time to go put on a show. Is it alright if I hold your hand, for appearances of course?” Bucky didn’t tell you that he only wanted to make sure that you crossed the street safely. He was feeling unexpectedly protective over you after that adrenaline-inducing moment, and he was grateful when you wordlessly slipped your hand into his. 

As you crossed the street together, Bucky felt a weird sensation in his chest — and that worried him more than he cared to admit. 

Once you arrived in front of the coffee shop’s door, you both shared a knowing look. Plastering a fake smile on your face, you stepped inside as he held the door open for you. “Thank you, boo bear,” you said, looking back with a wink. 

Bucky looked at you in surprise. Oh, so she’s not going to make this easy on me.


“So you guys really hit it off, huh?” Sam asked curiously as you curled up next to Bucky in the wooden booth. 

Sam’s narrowed eyes showed his disbelief, but Nat appeared smitten and excited for whatever response you were going to give. 

“We did, what can I say?” you said gleefully as you looked into Bucky’s eyes. He tried to contain a smile, but failed miserably. You were too good at this, and he knew he had to put in some work to keep up.

“It was strange,” Bucky chimed in. “It was like I saw her for the first time last night. Suddenly, all of our petty arguments seemed ridiculous.” You looked over at him suspiciously as he spoke all too convincingly. He continued, “She was wearing this burgundy dress that looked so gorgeous on her, and I knew then that I wanted her. And of course, let’s not forget, she’s always challenged me like no other. She makes me want to be a better man. So thanks so much for the set up, Samuel,” he said with a charming smile. 

Nat listened attentively to every word, as Sam sat still, finding it all hard to believe. Bucky and you were practically sworn enemies from almost the moment you crossed paths. Sam knew Bucky’s aversion was because he thought you were an “exasperating wisecrack.” And Nat knew your disdain stemmed from the first rude encounter you had with Bucky, where he told you he thought you were an “annoying know-it-all.”

From those early moments he couldn’t stand you, and you had trouble speaking with him without getting upset. Undoubtedly, it was petty and based off of the most trivial encounter, but it magnified over time. Game nights with the gang only amplified your animosity, which continued to grow through seemingly every interaction you both shared. 

“Yes, thank you Nat. Seeing Bucky all cleaned up last night, looking so handsome, just did something to me. I knew then that I had to have him,” you said, groaning internally as you spoke. 

Sam nodded his head, seemingly convinced. “Well, I’m happy for you both. You guys deserve something good.” The two of you together wasn’t entirely implausible, because despite the surface hostility, he knew you both respected each other. 

“I guess this means game nights are going to look a little different too then, huh?” Nat asked teasingly. 

Bucky looked at you, “Of course, we’re on the same team now. Isn’t that right, baby?” 

“So true, bunny,” you said as you looked into his cerulean eyes. 

Nat spoke up, “I am loving this, so so much! I cannot wait until tomorrow night.” 

“Me too,” Bucky mumbled. 

“Me three,” you said, lying through your teeth. 


The ride home was uncharacteristically quiet. Neither you nor Bucky had anything to say to each other. You were starting to feel a little weird about the bet, mainly because it wasn’t exceedingly hard to uphold. Playing nice wasn’t nearly as difficult as you imagined it’d be, and that felt strange. It’s not that you loved Bucky’s company, but you didn’t hate it as much as you usually did either. 

Bucky was feeling his own version of unusual, because he too realized that sustaining the bet was too easy. He had been fairly honest, and he realized when he spoke of how beautiful you looked the night before, that he meant every word. Hopefully, things will change at game night. 

He still felt compelled to check on you despite his desire to win. After parking in front of your place, he turned to you. “Are you sure you want to keep doing this? We can come clean before game night because I’m pretty sure we’ve convinced them and made up for their prank.” 

“Is that your way of attempting to quit?” you asked curiously. Sure, you felt odd, but you were still in it to win it. 

Bucky huffed out of breath, “No, I was giving you an out in case this isn’t something you wanted to do anymore. We could call off the bet and have no winner or loser if you want.”

“That kind of defeats the purpose of this whole thing, Bucky,” you said frankly. 

“I… I know.” He shrugged his shoulders, unsure of what he was even trying to say in the first place. “So then, I’ll pick you up at 5 tomorrow?” 

“Sure, and thanks for driving me today, boo bear,” you said as you opened the car door.

He let out a laugh, “Can I put in a request for another pet name?”

“You can, but it might not get approved,” you beamed before shutting the door and leaving him alone with his thoughts. 

And that consisted of the thought of you in his arms, the feel of your hand in his, and the memory of you in that dress. 



The following day, you tried not to dwell on the unusual feelings you had about the night before. They didn’t matter, and you figured Bucky would finally start some drama later on at game night. He was too competitive not to, and that made you excited about what was to come. 

By the time Bucky had come to get you, you were giddy to get the show on the road. You both made casual small talk, and seemed to be in good spirits. The two of you even set boundaries on public displays of affection quite easily, agreeing on everything but kissing. However, your plans were briefly thwarted when Nat texted you, asking if you could pick up some ingredients that she forgot to get from the store. After letting Bucky know, the two of you stopped at the supermarket along the way. 

“What did she say she needed?” Bucky asked as he grabbed a cart. 

“Just a couple of things for her dip. We don’t even need a cart.”

“That’s okay, I like to drive it.” 

“Suit yourself. I just need a few things from the produce section,” you said before heading in that direction. 

“Alright, I’ll meet you there in a minute. I’m going to grab a couple drinks.” 

You nodded, as you made your way to grab the vegetables you needed. As you picked out some celery, you were disappointed to see your recent ex, if you could even call him that, Quentin headed your way. Things abruptly ended early on after you found out that he had a wife. After a crappy first date, and a dramatic second date where his wife stormed in, you realized he was an absolute tool. He still called and texted you afterwards, trying to see if you were willing to look past it but you blocked his number after declining multiple times. 

“Well if it isn’t Y/N. How have you been, sugar?” he asked obnoxiously. 

“Quentin, —.”

Bucky interjected before you could respond. “Hey, doll. Do you remember the whiskey Sam had last weekend? I forgot the brand name,” he said as he stood behind the cart facing you and Quentin. He furrowed his brow as he took in your demeanor — he couldn’t tell what was going on, but he could see that you were bothered. 

“Hey, um I don’t remember.”

“Oh alright, well did you find —.”

Quentin narrowed his eyes as he looked at you, “Who the hell is this, Y/N?” he interrogated. 

Bucky was taken aback, but he finally understood from context that this had to be one of your crappy exes. He chimed in before you had to. “I’m her boyfriend, and I don’t really care who you are,” he said as he crossed his arms over his chest, making himself appear broader. “Ready to go, doll?” he asked, not giving Quentin a second glance. 

Quentin was so shocked by the turn of events that he couldn’t think of a response. 

You nodded your head as you placed the greens in the cart. Bucky reached out for your hand, after you put everything down, which you gladly took. 

“Do you actually need anything else?” he asked as you turned the corner. 

“No, I’ve got it all. And thanks for the assist back there.”

“Any time,” he said as he squeezed your hand. For a moment you forgot that he was still holding it, and by the looks of it, he did too. “Oh um, sorry,” he said, slowly letting go of your hand.  

Bucky knew he shouldn’t, but he wondered if you felt it too, the captivating force that was pulling him to you — a small part of him wished you did. 

“Nothing to be sorry about,” you mumbled as your heart skipped a beat. And you’d be lying if you said you didn’t miss the feel of your fingers intertwined with his. 

“I forgot to ask, do you want me to circle back and kick his ass?” 

You let out a laugh, looking up at him in disbelief. “You’d do that for me?” 

Bucky cracked a smile, “Anything for my sugarplum,” he teased, nudging you gently. You only shook your head and tried to suppress a smile in response. 

And even if his tone was playful, he couldn't help but feel like he meant it. 


After arriving at Sam and Nat’s you took the opportunity to step away from Bucky. You had a feeling things would get contentious soon enough, and a brief break before that wouldn’t be the worst thing. Heading to the kitchen you dropped off the groceries and caught up with the girls. 

“How have things been with Bucky?” Nat asked suggestively, wiggling her eyebrows. 

“Oh my goodness, is that why you two arrived together?!” Wanda asked excitedly. 

“Nat, it's only been a couple of days, but it’s been great. He’s a good guy.” 

“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. I know you guys clashed when you met, but he’s a good person. I’m so glad you’re seeing that now.” 

Wanda chimed in, “Bucky really is the best — so chivalrous and handsome. I’m happy you guys settled your differences, because you make a lovely pair.” 

“Thanks ladies,” you mumbled, taking a good swig of your beer. You were well aware that this was supposed to be a prank — mess with Sam and Nat for setting you up on a bad date, and get a couple months of cleaning out of Bucky. But it didn’t seem like the others were taking it the way you had intended. You weren’t feeling the satisfaction that you thought would come from pranking them, and Bucky was being entirely kind to you. How the hell is this going to work out? 

Before you could worry about that too much, your old friend Thor walked in. 

Excusing yourself from the girls, you walked up to your blonde friend. “Hey, I didn't know you were coming!” you said excitedly. Thor rarely made an appearance at your game nights, but you loved it whenever he did. 

Thor beamed at you, “Hello, Y/N. It’s so good to see you! Are you well?” he asked before pulling you into a bear hug. 

You giggled as he let you go. “I’m good! What’s new with you?”

As Thor caught you up on his daily life, someone else was feeling unsettled at the sight of you standing so close and chatting so happily with him. 

From across the way, Bucky asked Sam and Steve, “Who invited Thor?”

“Oh right, I ran into him a few days ago. I invited him but I didn’t think he’d take up the invite. He’s always a good time though.” Sam paused when he saw Bucky's irritated expression. “Why do you look upset?” he asked. 

Steve let out a laugh, “Because Y/N’s looking awfully chummy with him,” he pointed his beer bottle in your direction. 

Bucky glowered at you laughing at something Thor was saying; your head thrown back as you gripped his large bicep for balance. Thor looked at you with the brightest smile, laughing along to whatever joke you two were sharing. It made Bucky’s chest tighten, and he did not want to think about the reason for that. 

“Oh,” Sam said. He thought your behavior coupled with Bucky’s concern was suspicious, considering you both were apparently together now. “Well, what are you worried about? That’s your girl now,” Sam said to goad Bucky. For the first time that night, Sam started to doubt the legitimacy of your short relationship, and he figured he could push Bucky into revealing something.

Bucky took a deep breath before realizing something himself — this was the perfect opportunity to maintain the ruse and get you to quit first. “That’s right, she is my girl,” he said impishly. “If you’ll excuse me gentleman,” he said before heading towards you. 

You saw Bucky strutting towards you jovially, a bright smile on his face. Those kinds of smiles weren’t usually directed at you, so you knew something was up. Unsure of the reason, but hoping to divert his behavior, you spoke up. “Hey, Buck! What’s up?” you asked behind an obviously saccharine smile.

“Nothing, just came over to see my girl,” he said as he reached out and wrapped his arms around your waist. 

Your eyes widened as Bucky settled behind you, resting his chin on your shoulder as you both faced Thor. 

“I didn’t know you and James were together,” Thor said with a sweet smile and a hint of confusion. 

Bucky lifted his head. “We sure are Thor, this little jellybean is the best thing to ever happen to me,” he said with feigned enthusiasm.  

“Well that’s wonderful, how long have you been together?”

“Three days, three amazing days,” Bucky said as he let out a chuckle.

Thor furrowed his brow, “Well congratulations, to the both of you,” he said before kindly excusing himself to get another drink. 

Once he was gone you turned around to look at the annoyingly affectionate man behind you. 

“What the hell was that?” you challenged. 

“What was what, doll?” Bucky asked with a cheshire grin. 

Your jaw dropped, narrowing your eyes, you grabbed his hand and tugged him outside to the backyard. “So we’re adding sabotage to the mix, now huh?” 

“Sabotage, what do you mean? Like your chances with Thor? Well I just thought he ought to know your relationship status. Plus, Sam and Steve were starting to get concerned, what with you flirting so openly with another man when you’re supposed to be with me.”

“So what if he was flirting with me? We’ve told them that I’m with you.” 

Bucky eyes widened, taken aback. “You knew?”

“Thor’s a flirt, who cares?” 

“I do, you’re my girlfriend.”

You shook your head, “You know you’re starting to sound like a jealous boyfriend.”

“Then I’m playing the part right,” he shrugged.

You scoffed at his indifference, “Is that what it’d be like? Dating you?”

“Why, are you asking because you’re considering it?” he asked with a smirk. 

“No, Bucky. I just want to properly warn the next girl that stupidly falls for those pretty blue eyes.” 

“Did you just say that you like my eyes?” he asked gleefully. 

“Ugh,” you scoffed before kindly shoving him out of the way and heading back inside. 

He smiled to himself, satisfied that he got the better of that exchange. 

Watching through the glass door, he saw you walk into the kitchen and pour yourself a drink. You looked frustrated with him, and normally that would make him quite happy, but today Bucky felt a touch of guilt in his smug satisfaction. He didn’t want you to actually be upset with him. Lately, when it came to you though, the more time he spent in your presence, the more confused he became. 

The only thing he knew was certain from that interaction was that you were right. He didn’t like seeing you with Thor, and come to think of it, he didn’t like seeing you with that guy at the store either. It made him feel that tightness in his chest that was now becoming common when it came to you. 

After you threw back your drink and headed to the restroom to freshen up, you finally had a moment to yourself. As you thought about the events of your typical game night, you started to think about Bucky’s present ridiculousness. By now you’d be at each other’s throats for some type of game disagreement, not because of something like this. 

It was true, you enjoyed Thor’s company, and his flirty nature was fun for you too. However, you didn’t think you’d like the way it felt to be wrapped up in Bucky’s arms more — but you really did. The way it felt to be held against that wall of hard muscle, the heat permeating off his body, it just felt so good. 

This was supposed to be fake, and perhaps there was more beneath the surface, but you knew you shouldn’t think about that. It was too great a risk to take, especially with the bet still in place. You couldn’t give that smug bastard the satisfaction of a win. 

After returning to the living room, you observed the girls finishing up a game of Uno. 

“Hey, charades is starting up in five. You and Bucky are on different teams. Since you both are friendly with one another, I’m sure it shouldn’t be a problem!” Nat said excitedly. 

Oh thank goodness. Finally, competitive Bucky can come out and ruin the day. 


Bucky was excited to play against you, because he knew you were just as competitive as him. He too was ready to finish this bet. Every time you both stepped up to grab the slip of paper with the phrases on it, you could feel the tension. And he brought his A-game, beating you out on the hardest phrases. Somehow he was able to act out building a sandcastle with ease, and he made sure to give you a cocky wink after getting that done. When you were both up again, you were able to convey shoveling snow faster than him, and you loved seeing how frustrated that made him. 

Bucky had Steve on his team, which was an unfair advantage because it oftentimes felt like they shared the same brain. But you were grateful to have Wanda on your team because it almost felt like she could read your mind, which definitely helped rack up some points. 

As the game neared its end, both teams found themselves in a tie. It was down to you and Bucky to break it. After you both read “waterfall” you got to pantomiming the best that you possibly could. 

Ultimately, you were able to break up the word and make it recognizable for Sam, thus sealing your victory. You made sure to stick out your tongue at Bucky as you basked in your win. He only shook his head before heading out the back door. There’s the hot head that I know. 

You decided you’d follow him after a minute to see if you could push his buttons, and maybe win your bet too. But you didn’t expect to see him in such good spirits when you stepped onto the patio. 

“Hey, doll,” he said with a soft smile. “Congratulations on the win, I really thought I had you there.” 

“Here I was coming to gloat, and you’re being… nice. What gives?” 

Bucky shrugged, exhaling a heavy breath. “You know I don’t hate you, right?” 

“You told me off the day we met, Bucky. You don’t like me.” 

“I was drunk, which isn’t an excuse, but I only told you that you were a know-it-all. Did you ever ask yourself why I might've said that? 

You furrowed your brows. “No?” you asked quietly.

He took a deep breath. “I was being stupid and childish. I was the best at trivia, and then you came into my friend group, knowing more than me about American history — that was my thing. And it wasn’t just that, your team won the entire trivia match because of you alone. So I said something dumb when I shouldn’t have, because I was intimidated,” he said sheepishly. 

“Trivia, Bucky? Are you insane?” you asked in disbelief. That had to be the dumbest reason to start a bitter rivalry with a person. 

“We just clashed, we didn’t get along. And I guess I never did anything to fix that.” 

“You know, I studied up on those categories because I wanted to make a good impression on the new group of people Nat was introducing me to. I didn’t want to ruffle feathers, I only wanted to be accepted. But before the night ended you made sure I knew that I definitely was not.”

“I misjudged you, and I annoyed you when I should’ve seen you for the exceptional person you are. I should’ve been kinder, and I’m sorry.”

You eyed him suspiciously. “I don’t get it. Why are you saying this now?” 

“Because something’s changed, and I needed you to know that I —.”

“Hey lovebirds! Sharon convinced Nat to fire up the karaoke machine. You in or you in?” Sam asked excitedly, oblivious to the moment you were sharing. 

“Um,” you looked at Bucky. 

“We’re in,” he said. This was far too heavy a conversation for tonight, and he had already said what we wanted to. 

He gave you a shy smile before following Sam inside. 

You wished you could finish the conversation you were having. With the way Bucky was acting you felt like the bet would truly never end, and it scared you that you didn’t mind as much as you thought you would.

Now that you understood where he was coming from, as irrational as it was, it was hard to hate him. In his tipsy state he spouted out a statement borne of jealousy, which felt a little less harmful than what you had been thinking all this time. Still, you figured you could think about it all later. 

It was karaoke time now. 


After watching Steve belt out “Brown Eyed Girl'' by Van Morrison, then seeing Sam follow it up with “Don’t Stop Believing” by Journey, you started to feel a bit overwhelmed. Nat asked if you were feeling alright, and you weren’t sure how to answer that. You couldn’t fully pinpoint what was going on with you. 

Opting to avoid revealing anything that would lead you to lose the bet, you told her that you weren’t feeling well and that you were going to call it a night. Fortunately, Thor was heading out early too, so you left with him while Bucky dueted with Sam. 

Immediate relief washed over you once you were back home. Finally, you were alone and able to process your thoughts on your own. 

Things were getting weird with Bucky. Your friends were all too accepting of you two getting together, and even you were starting to get too comfortable with it. As silly as it was, you thought back to how you felt in his arms, when he pulled you out of harm's way. The way he looked at you, like he was seeing you for the first time — it was all too hard to forget. 

The man that you couldn’t stand a few days prior, now made you feel safe and somehow cared for? You pondered how that could be and gave yourself a headache thinking about it. Bucky went out of his way to apologize, when you were happy to dislike him for the rest of his days. 

Even though his rationale for being mean in the beginning was ridiculous, you realized neither of you did anything to stop it from spiraling out. And not only that, but he went on to tell you something had changed, making you even more confused. Did he feel something for you, like how you might feel for him too?

Deciding to forget about the whole thing, you lit a couple cozy vanilla candles and set up a warm bath for yourself. After soaking and relaxing your mind, you came to a decision. 

You were going to call off the bet. 

It had become pointless. Bucky treated you differently, and you couldn’t see how this would end in him surrendering. He was seemingly unbothered by the situation, so you had to be the one to put an end to it. You could always hire a housekeeping service or something to clean his place for him, the terms were never that detailed anyways.

As you slipped into your favorite pajamas, you felt content with your decision. Your life was going to go back to normal and an added bonus was that Bucky would no longer be your enemy — things were looking up. 

Just as you sat down with a cup of tea, your phone buzzed in your lap.

Bucky: Can I come over? Unless you’re with him. 

Huh? Maybe he was drunk texting you from Sam’s place. You decided not to text him back until the morning since it was already late. 

Bucky: I’m outside, if you’re awake. 

What the hell? You got up and opened the door, surprised to see him waiting on the other side. 

“He’s not here is he?” he grumbled. 


“The one that would be more than happy to give you a ride.” 

“Of course, Thor’s not here,” you stepped aside to let him in from the cold. 

Bucky breathed a sigh of relief. “Good, that’s good,” he muttered as you shut the door. 

“You really came all the way over here to make sure I wasn’t with Thor? Are you serious?” you asked in disbelief. 

“No, well, you left without a word and I had to make sure you were okay, and tell you —."

You cut him off before he could continue. “Look, I don't want to do this —.”

“I’m calling it. I don’t want to do this bet anymore,” he blurted out at the same time.

“You’re… we’re both quitting?”

His eyes widened as he processed your question. “Looks that way.”

“Okay. So neither of us wins and gets a housekeeper… I guess that’s fair,” you said.  

“I think so,” he nodded. “Okay well, I’ll let you go then,” he said before moving to leave. 

Placing a hand on his chest, “Bucky, why couldn’t this wait until tomorrow?”

He exhaled a deep breath, looking down at your hand. He wanted to confess that he came because he saw red when Nat told him you left with Thor, and that his heart wouldn't know peace until he saw you. He needed you to know that you had consumed his thoughts the last few days and he needed to release the pressure of the bet because he was overwhelmed by his emotions. 

Instead he asked, “Did you feel it too?” 

“What do you mean?” you asked timidly. 

Clasping his large hand over yours, he looked up into your eyes. “I think you know.”

“I don’t know what you mean,” you breathed out. Thinking back to all the instances in the last couple of days that made your heart race, of course you knew what he was referring to. But it wasn’t made to work, not with all the rough history between you two. 

His azure eyes bore into yours, as words were not necessary to express what laid under the surface. “Alright then,” he nodded before giving you a tight smile and dropping your hand to leave again. 

“That’s it? You’re not going to elaborate or anything?” you breathed out, before you could bite your tongue. 

Before you knew it, he was invading your space, slowly pushing you up against the door behind you with his hands on your waist. “I asked you a question, and you don’t want to answer honestly.” His lips were a mere inches from yours as he gazed into your eyes. 

“It was a vague question,” you whispered, your eyes falling to his soft pink lips. 

Bucky grabbed the back of your neck and pulled your lips to his — intentional and packed with everything he was too afraid to say. You reciprocated immediately; your confusion and doubt finally made sense. What you wanted, no, needed, was him. 

You gave into him completely, letting him take control of the filthy kiss. It was all tongue, teeth, and wanton desire. His rough hand dug into your hips as he pulled you towards him, melding you to his firm body. Your hands found their way into his hair, and you tugged his brown locks, earning a deep groan from his throat. 

Bucky didn’t want to let go of the feel of your lips on his, so he dragged out the moment until you were both too breathless to carry on. As he pulled away and released the hold he had on you, you reluctantly untangled your fingers from his hair and peered up at him; his eyes dark with kiss-swollen lips. 

“You knew what I meant,” he whispered, his thumb brushing against your bottom lip.

You nodded your head. 

Bucky smiled softly, one of his hands coming up to cradle your face. He couldn’t help it — his feelings were reciprocated and you were too gorgeous so he pulled you back for a wild, warm kiss. 

“You’re mine now, understand?” he muttered against your lips. 

You narrowed your eyes at him. “We’ll discuss that later,” you said defiantly, a smirk playing on your lips. 

A lazy grin tugged at his lips, “You are the most frustrating woman in the world.” 

You rolled your eyes, “And you are the most infuriating man I have ever known.”

“Yet for some reason, you like me, doll,” he goaded. 

“Shut up,” you muttered.  

His eyes widened, a twinkle of mischief glistening in his gaze, “Make me.”

He was about to tease you some more, but then you sucked his bottom lip between yours and he decided it wasn’t worth it; he’d gladly lose every little disagreement if you kept kissing him like that.

Bucky’s hand snaked its way to the back of your head as he savored the kiss, his tongue gliding along yours. 

Reaching up, you tugged at his hair to tilt his head for an even deeper kiss, pouring everything you felt into the searing kiss. 

Bucky’s hips grinded with yours, hands moving down to squeeze your ass as he kissed you fervently. You couldn’t help but moan at the delicious friction. His brain short-circuited, the sound sobering and disillusioning him at the same time. 

“I’m… fuck, I’ll stop.” He pulled away to look into your eyes, his hands doing nothing to release you from his hold. “I’m sorry, I don’t want to take advantage —.”

“You’re not, we can slow down if you want though,” you said before kissing him softly. 

He pulled away to smile at you. “I don’t want that. I want you.”


You pushed his chest, successfully getting him to back up and away from you. He raised his eyebrows in surprise. You knew he was letting you shove him around, and that in reality he only moved because you directed him to. 

“Come and get me then,” you said before making a break for your bedroom. 

Bucky let out a laugh before chasing after you, and right as you were about to hop onto your bed, his arms wrapped around your stomach, jerking you back towards him. You squealed in surprise as he pressed your back up against his hard beefy body. 

He moved you so that you were facing your tall mirror and the sight of him wrapped around you made your heart pound like a drum in your chest. Engulfed in his warm scent, captured in his strong arms, your head felt dizzy with desire. 

“Now that I’ve caught you, what am I going to do with you?” he rasped, as his hand slid down your torso, toying with the hem of your shorts. You bucked against him, as his hand ghosted over your clothed core. 

“Please, Bucky. Whatever you want.” 

“Anything?” Bucky asked as he deftly untied your shorts, allowing them to fall in a pool at your feet. 

“Mhm,” you mumbled as you watched his fingers dip beneath your panties, trailing his fingers through your soaked folds. “Bucky,” you whimpered, as his thumb pressed into your clit, his fingers prodding at your entrance.

“Yes, doll?” he asked, slipping two fingers into your tight hole, pumping slowly. 

You were rendered speechless, trying to stifle your moans as you writhed against him. 

“So gorgeous,” Bucky groaned, taking in your pleasured expression in the mirror. He curled his fingers and you keened as he gently caressed that spot that made you shudder. 

Reaching down to his hand around your midsection, you guided it up to your body as you rucked up your shirt. Understanding your intention, Bucky pulled your top off before cupping your breast with his large warm palm, squeezing and kneading you roughly. You gasped, arching into him and he picked up the pace, strumming your clit with his thumb. You leaned your head back against his chest as he touched you, moaning as he eased in and out of you in a perfect rhythm. Incapable of controlling your hips, you grinded down on his hand erratically.

“Fuck,” Bucky breathed out, “Look at you.” You were falling apart before his eyes, and he couldn't look away. 

You whined desperately, clutching his forearm as that familiar coil tightened in your belly, “Fuck, I’m —.”

“Go ahead, doll,” he groaned in your ear. 

You whimpered as your walls fluttered around his fingers. Your vision going white as pleasure coursed through your body. 

If it weren’t for Bucky’s arm wrapped around you, you were certain you’d collapse. As your breathing slowed and sight cleared, you got a good look at him in the mirror — you watched as he brought his soaked fingers from your pussy to his mouth, licking them clean. 


Reaching behind you, you palmed his hard erection, earning a deep groan from his lips. Keeping his hold on you, he buried his face in your neck, sucking at your pulse point as he rutted against your hand. 

“I need you so bad,” he muttered as he kissed along your jawline. “Are you ready for what comes next?” 

You weren’t sure if he meant what you’d do in the bedroom or what would happen once you crossed the next line, but you nodded your head eagerly because it didn’t matter — you were ready for it all with him. 

He kissed your temple before finally releasing the hold he had on your body. “Undress me.” 

“Yes sir,” you whispered, turning around and eagerly unbuckling his belt, tugging off his pants and dragging down his boxers. Your mouth watered as you finally got a look at his impressive length. You should’ve known, the man was a giant, it only made sense that he’d be well-endowed too. 

Bucky’s jaw went slack as he looked at you, wide-eyed and gazing at him with fire in your eyes. He pulled his shirt off himself because he could see your attention was elsewhere.  

You marveled at the gorgeous unclad man, and you started to slowly pump his hard cock, unable to keep your hands off of him. You were about to fall to your knees when he lifted your chin to look into your eyes. 

“I need something else more, doll.”

You looked at him quizzically, until he scooped you up and headed towards the bed. You giggled as his knees hit the edge of the bed and the two of you fell sideways onto your duvet. He let out a laugh as you sidled up next to him, hooking your leg over his own, as you peppered his neck with kisses. Bucky’s hand skimmed over your back, gliding his fingers along your spine until they settled around your waist. Your hand found his hard length, and you stroked him slowly, earning a deep groan from his chest. 

“Fuck, baby,” he moaned. 

He kissed you softly before pulling back to look in your eyes. His hand halted your movements, making you release him. You were about to protest but then he gripped the back of your knee, and rolled you onto your back, so that he was hovering over your wet heat. Bucky met your gaze, looking for any unease, only to find you nodding and biting your lip in anticipation. 

He let out a chuckle at your expression before coating himself with your slick and lining himself up. Your fingers tangled in his hair as he slowly sunk into you, gasping at the feel of him stretching you out completely. Bucky leaned in and kissed you, his tongue swirling around yours as he gave you a moment to adjust. 

You had never felt so full before, but you knew that you could get used to the feeling. Wrapping your legs around the small of his back tightly, you urged him to move. Bucky sucked your bottom lip before easing back and thrusting into you hard. He watched as your eyes squeezed shut and mouth fell agape, as he sank in and out of you. 

He relished the way you clenched around him, your breathing coming out shallow as he took what he wanted. His lips found your neck when he felt your walls squeezing even tighter, “Such a good girl, and she’s all mine now, huh?” he mumbled against your skin, 


“Use your words, doll,” he groaned as he suddenly slowed his movements. “Wanna hear you say it.” 

Your eyes snapped open as the peak you were so close to hitting started to slowly fizzle away. Bucky had a self righteous smirk on his face, like he knew he had you. He wasn’t going to give you what you wanted until you answered his question. 

“Bucky,” you whined in protest, trying to urge him to move faster with your hips. 

He halted his movements as he gazed deeply into your eyes, “You’re not getting out of this one, doll,” he smiled before nipping at your bottom lip.

“Later,” you pleaded. 

He swiftly pulled out of you, and manhandled you so that you were facing away from him while sitting in his lap. 

Your eyes flickered to his gaze in the mirror. “Do what you want then,” he muttered as he placed a pillow behind his back. 

You couldn’t help but think that Bucky was practically telling you to fuck yourself, but you didn’t care. You placed your hands on his thick thighs and tucked your legs up so that you were straddling him in reverse. The position had you spread open on your knees as you hovered over his lap. 

Bucky grasped the sides of your hips so that balance would not be an issue, allowing you to comfortably rock against him. The sight in the mirror made you even wetter, if that was possible — his brawny body taking up your bed, with his hands holding you tightly as you moved against his thick, perfect cock. 

You lined his length up with your entrance, and slowly sank down, releasing a shuddering breath as you went. The stretch ached in the most satisfying way, and you liked the control the position gave you. 

Your lips parted with a breathy moan as you started to move, bouncing up and down. Finding the right rhythm was easy as Bucky supported you and let you grind against him until you found what felt good. 

Bucky hissed beneath you, “Fuck, feel s’perfect.” He filled you up perfectly, like he was made for you. 

“Look at yourself, doll.” He grabbed the back of your neck, coaxing you to look at yourself in the mirror. “Watch how well you take my cock.”

You cupped your breasts as you saw your reflection, and then you understood why he insisted on making you see. The way you moved against him, the way your bodies melded together, it was all so beautiful. As you continued to appreciate the sight, Bucky sat up, so you could lean back against him.

He kissed along your shoulders, up to your neck as you took what you needed from him. “Don’t you see it?” 

And you finally realized, you did; you were perfect for one another, physically and literally. The thing that everyone saw, and you both were too afraid to admit, was that you were so damn similar. Both fiery, passionate, and a little crazy — you didn’t clash because you were different, you clashed because you were the same. 

You wrapped your hands around his, as he sucked a hickey into your neck. “Yes,” you breathed. 

“You belong with me.” 

“I do,” you moaned as the coil tightened in your belly. 

Before your brain could comprehend what was happening, he twisted you both onto your side and started thrusting into you from behind. “Good, now come with me,” he groaned. You arched your back, giving him better access as he pounded into you. His thumb found your swollen clit, rubbing rough deliberate circles, making you clench around him even more.

Your breath hitched in your throat as the sudden increase in pace and added pressure finally pushed you over the edge of bliss; your body tensing and mind blanking as your walls spasmed around him. “Fuck, fill me up please,” you cried out. 

His thrusts grew erratic as he buried himself as deep as he could go, hips driving into you with more force until he was spilling himself inside your core with your name on his lips. 

With one last squeeze on your hips, he carefully withdrew himself from you and rolled over on the bed next to you. You both laid there, panting as your breathing slowly regulated. 

After taking a solid moment you lazily turned towards him and reached up to play with his hair. 

Bucky turned towards you slowly, a lopsided grin on his face. His eyes were closed as he reveled in the way you touched him. 

“That was…” you said, barely above a whisper. Hot as fuck, ridiculously good, indescribable.

“Yeah,” he nodded, knowing exactly what you meant. “I wasn’t too rough was I?” he asked gently, finally coaxing his eyes open to look at you adoringly. 

You shook your head, “I liked it,” you murmured. 

Bucky grinned, grabbing your hand in his hair and bringing it to his lips, “And to think all the times we were bickering, we could’ve been doing this.” 

“Maybe we should take the weekend to make up for lost time,” you said teasingly. 

Bucky rolled you over, and pinned your hands above your head before you could blink. His lips hovered over yours as he caged you in. “I’ll need more than a weekend for that, doll.” 

You stretched up and pecked his lips before laying back and looking into his gorgeous blue eyes. “I think that can be arranged. After all, I am yours now, boo bear.”

He let out a laugh, “And don’t you forget it,” he beamed, leaning down to press his lips to yours.

Bucky would learn to deal with your silly nicknames, and your sass, and anything else you threw at him. Because now that you’d crossed the line, there was no going back — and he wouldn’t have it any other way. 

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2 years ago

i love every single thing about this. bucky is such a sweet baby and i love him more than anything.this was beyond beautiful 😭💗

How Could I Not?


Pairing: Beefy!Bucky x Reader

Summary: Bucky (Beefy!Bucky because 🥵) and reader are good friends and end up becoming friends with benefits. After a couple months, Bucky realizes he has deeper feelings for her, but he’s terrified to tell her. It’s fluff, it’s angst, it’s smut. Plus, there’s a little bit of sub!Bucky in here.

Warnings: 18+ please…not a massive amount of smut, but it’s there. Talk of torture and death. Unprotected sex (wrap it up kids). Cursing. Choking (in a non-sexual way). 

Author’s Note:  Story is not canon with the MCU, so FYI.

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2 years ago

Unrequited Love?


Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Summary: You and Bucky have been friends and roommates for a couple years. You’re madly in love with him, but you’re pretty sure he just likes you as a friend. There’s a chance you’re 100% wrong. 

Warnings: SMUT UNDER THE CUT. MINORS WALK AWAY. Bucky’s a dom (obvi). Metal arm kink. Cursing. Praise kink. Light choking.

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2 years ago

this made me feel unwell 😵‍💫😵‍💫

it’s so so good and omg this:

“I’m gonna need your help though, okay?” He then says, “can you be a good girl and help me out?”

“Lucky for us,” Bucky begins. “This is exactly how my dream started.” You’re wondering if you can come from just words, because you’re close.

i think i did too

This Made Me Feel Unwell

i can’t wait for the next parts, i need them right now!!! this is going to be amazing 😩

Synopsis: The First Orgasm Bucky Gives You Is With His Fingers.
Synopsis: The First Orgasm Bucky Gives You Is With His Fingers.

synopsis: the first orgasm bucky gives you is with his fingers.

pairing: bucky barnes (roommate) x fem!reader

word count: 2.1k

warnings: 18+ ONLY. friends to lovers, slow burn, dirty talk, praise kink, soft dom bucky, inexperienced reader, fingering, finger riding, grinding/dry humping

series masterlist | not my photo

Synopsis: The First Orgasm Bucky Gives You Is With His Fingers.

Your self proclaimed celibacy had been going great for about three months. It’s not like you were missing out on much, the sex you tended to have was mediocre at best. Now that there wasn’t any pressure on finding pleasure in a partner, you were more than happy with your drawer full of toys.

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2 years ago



(me right now)

UGH BABY i missed reading your fics so so much, you never disappoint, this was so hot and that cute ending omg 😩💗💗💗 i loved it so so much 💗

fingers fantasy fulfilled

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader

Word Count: 1998

Summary: If Bucky's doll wanted his metal fingers then that was exactly what she was going to get.

Warnings: smut, nsfw, daddy kink, metal arm kink, fingering (f receiving), squirting, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, explicit language, mentions of knife play. 18+ content.

A/N: I'm a slut for Bucky and his metal arm xx. Gif isn't mine.

Fingers Fantasy Fulfilled

Fingers Fantasy Fulfilled

"Is that what you wanted, babydoll? To have Daddy’s metal fingers buried so deep inside your tight little pussy?" Bucky taunted in her ear before adding a second finger and curling both upwards, massaging her upper walls.

They were supposed to be chilling indoors because the rain cancelled date night for them, but somehow and before she could stop herself, she ended up sharing too much with Bucky.

Feeling the determined tips of his fingers stroke her walls, she couldn't even remember what brought the conversation to her discussing her dirty fantasies about Bucky's vibranium arm with him. But she wasn’t exactly regretting it.

With the show on their TV screen muted and long forgotten, her sighs and whines were the dominating sounds in the living room. Her back leaned on Bucky’s broad chest and her top was rolled up to reveal her braless breasts to his flesh hand while his prosthetic one pushed in and out of her dripping hole. One of Bucky's legs was over one of her bare thighs, keeping her open as he worked his fingers inside her fluttering pussy.

"Yes, yes, daddy. Thank you," she moaned as she let her head fall back, not even able to let herself be embarrassed about the sloshing sounds his shiny fingers were making every time they found their way back between her warm, velvety walls. Bucky acting out one of her many daydreams about him made her cunt leak with desire.

She would've made a mental note to reward herself for telling Bucky about her metal arm fantasies if her mind wasn't so foggy. Besides, she was getting the best reward of all at the moment. Those fingers were in her.

"Aw, such a polite baby not forgetting your manners even with your eyes rolling back in your head," Bucky chuckled, his voice muffled as he planted wet kisses down her neck.

She whined at the teasing comment, opening her legs even wider for him. Bucky’s thumb was relentless on her clit, moving on the swelling nub in hard, steady circles. His flesh index and thumb tweaked her stiffening nipples, making her squirm on his lap. He sucked on the spot where her neck met her shoulder before biting down, making sure he marked her up.

“Taking daddy’s fingers so well, doll.” The fingers of her daddy’s right hand continued to toy with her nipples, pinching and pulling on the buds, making her push her breasts further to his palm. Her body was burning up against his, shaking with pleasure.

She could fee Bucky everywhere. His lips on her hot skin, his dirty whispers in her ear, the rough pads of his fingers on her sensitive nipples and his thick fingers fucking her wet cunt.

“You like that, doll?” Bucky didn’t need her verbal answer, her body was showing him that she did, but he wanted her to say it.

“Yes, daddy. Love it,” she managed to croak out before turning her head to him, needing his lips on hers.

Bucky’s right hand squeezed her left tit as he pushed his tongue between her parted lips, deepening their slow, sensual kiss. She moaned when he sucked on her tongue, thumb lightly swiping over her perky nipple.

She broke their kiss when Bucky's fingers, moving in a 'come here' motion, found her sweet spot. Mewling and throbbing, her hips bucked up to get his fingers to touch the same spot again.

"D-Daddy." Both her tongue and her hips stuttered while she struggled to keep her legs open for him, not wanting the pleasure to end.

"Right there, babydoll? We found your favourite spot, didn't we?" Bucky's digits pressed up harder on the spongy part inside her.

The only reply he got was her hips grinding down onto his fingers. Little pants and 'ah's rumbled from her chest as she tossed her head back and let her eyes close in ecstasy. Her body was shuddering under Bucky's touch and her pussy was drooling around his moving fingers.

"I'm so close. Can I cum, please? Please, Daddy," she whined, hips grinding down on his hard fingers as her pussy fluttered around them, chasing the feeling that will make the tight coil in her tummy snap.

"Not yet, babygirl. Hold it for me." Bucky's fingers repeatedly massaged her spot back and forth, wanting to hear her scream above him.

His thumb rounded her clit faster as his flesh hand left her breasts to press down on her tummy, keeping her wiggling hips in place. He wanted her to take all that he had to give her.

"Daddy, I can't. 't feels too good," Her breathless whimper went straight to Bucky’s hard cock, making it strain. She was in another world though, all she could focus on was the pleasure tickling up her spine.

"Please, let me cum, daddy. Need it."

Bucky’s soft laugh filled her ear before he was nibbling at the soft lobe, his large hand pressing harder on her tummy right above her mound.

"Go ahead, doll. Cream on Daddy's metal fingers."

At his granted permission, her back bowed and her legs shook as she reached her peak. Her blunt nails dug in Bucky's thighs and her mouth dropped open in a noiseless scream. Her pussy clenched and quivered around Bucky's still moving fingers as she became undone. She saw white, feeling fireworks-like tingles through every cell of her body. Before she knew what was happening, her cum was spraying out of her shuddering cunt like a fountain. Single tears left her eyes at the intensity of her rippling orgasm; her toes were curled and it felt like her legs wouldn't stop quivering. Bucky couldn't help but groan at the sight of his girl losing it, making a mess on his lap. It was so hot he almost came just watching her.

"Glad to know my metal hand can do that!" Bucky's proud voice rang between her heavy breaths, slowly bringing her back as he watched in amazement how her squirt now wet his sweatpants and their couch.

When her back was no longer arched and her legs were no longer jerky, she fell back on her man's chest, panting heavily in his embrace.

"You good, babydoll?" Bucky asked, kissing her temple, metal fingers still inside of her.

Her breath was still uneven and her pussy was still pulsating, but she swallowed and nodded anyway.

Before she could regain her ability to talk, she felt Bucky poke at her g-spot again, laughing when her hips jolted, an exhausted whine leaving her throat as she tried to get away. Bucky wouldn’t let her though.

“We’re not done yet, babygirl. Give daddy another one.” Bucky’s vibranium fingers slid out of her slick hole before going back in, filling her up to the knuckles.

“I know you can, doll.” Her tender pussy clenched as a result, much to her dismay (but not really). Her body was betraying her and reacting to every movement of Bucky's fingers; she both loved and hated it.

"D-Daddy, Too sensitive." She tried to plead with him.

"It's what you wanted, doll. Daddy's giving it to you, so be good and take it," Bucky's dominant voice told her, letting her know he wasn't going to stop until she was trembling for him again.

She gasped at the third finger joining the original two inside her pussy, stretching her more. Bucky immediately set a faster rhythm that had her keening and moaning in no time.

"Daddy, please!" Her hands clutched the material of his sweatpants again as she cried out.

"Please what, babydoll?"

“Please.” She felt too good to function, high on the pleasure Bucky was giving her.

“Tell Daddy what you want, baby. Use your words,” Bucky encouraged, kissing her shoulder when he leaned forward to watch her pussy swallow his fingers with ease.

"Please don't stop, Daddy please." She threw her head back again, resting it on his shoulder.

"You're doing so good, babydoll." Bucky tilted his head to place wet kisses on her open mouth, moving along her jaw and down her neck, "such a good girl for me."

Bucky’s praise warmed her pounding heart. Her chest was heaving in response to his propelling digits mercilessly fucking in and out of her. She could feel the wet patch she’d squirted on his sweatpants beneath her ass every time she pushed down to meet his hand and it made her face even hotter.

"Fuck, look at you. I could watch you like this all day," Bucky spoke softly, thumb flicking left and right on her sore clit.

The thought that Bucky's fingers could probably never get tired even if he kept fingering her for hours made her clamp around those very fingers harder than she's ever before. Her clit pulsed and her pussy ached, pulling Bucky's fingers deeper inside as her cries started coming out broken again.

The air in their living room was filled with her whines and the squelching sounds her wet cunt made. Bucky's right index flicked her hardened nipples and she sobbed in pleasure. Her cheeks were damp with her tears, her body was hot to the touch; she was ready to cum again.

"You ready to gimme another one, doll? That soon already?" Bucky's mocking drove her crazy as her chest pushed forward again, her legs going so straight she could almost feel them cramping.

"Yes, Daddy. Please, can I cum?" she begged, as pleasure flowed between her spread legs, feeling the deep aching in her abdomen grow more intense.

The muscles of her pussy contracted vigorously, nearly squeezing the colour off of Bucky's black and gold fingers. She couldn't stop the needy whimpers that were leaving her lips, not able to keep herself silent.

"Shake for me, doll." Bucky's thumb feverishly rubbed her clit, his other thumb circling her left nipple. His growl had her legs painfully tense, quaking with another powerful orgasm.

"Daddy, o-oh my-" Her pussy convulsed, gripping his fingers tightly as she came around them again.

Bucky's fingers slowed down their stroking, but didn't stop feeling around until she closed her legs on his arm to stop him from moving due to oversensitivity.

He chuckled, slowly pulling his fingers out of her, hearing a tiny whimper leave her mouth.

Bucky licked each of his three fingers clean as he waited for her to regain her breath, his other hand pulling her shirt down to cover her up.

"How was that, babygirl? Anything like your imagination?" Bucky asked, kissing her forehead lovingly, flesh thumb wiping away her tears from her red cheeks after he’d helped her pull her panties up her trembling legs.

"Tsk, that was way better.” She smiled, turning her face to his so she could kiss his cheek in gratitude.

"Yeah?" He smiled big, wrapping both strong arms around her waist.

"Yeah, Bucky. That was amazing," she replied, giggling a little, her voice hoarse and out of breath.

She pecked the corner of his mouth before catching his lips in a lazy kiss, “thank you, Buck”.

"You're most welcome, doll. You look the most beautiful when you cum for me."

"Do I?" She felt her cheeks heat up as Bucky's kisses trailed down the side of her neck, reaching her collarbones, teeth lightly nibbling at the skin there.

"Mmhm, I can't get enough of watching you tremble for me," he hummed as his nose nuzzled her hair, smelling the pomegranate shampoo she used that morning, "guess I'll just have to keep making you cum all night."

"God, I love you! Can't wait to tell you about the thoughts I get when you flip your knife in the air," she breathed out a laugh that was followed by a content sigh.

"I love you too, but careful what you wish for, doll." Bucky’s fingers dug into her waist as he pushed his thighs up to meet her ass, letting her feel his hard cock as well as the large pocket knife inside the pocket of his sweatpants.

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