Bucky Barnes Fic - Tumblr Posts
What have I done !? || Bucky x reader one shot

Words: 1133
Warnings: major character's death, slight cursing, a lot of sadness & angst
SUMMARY: Bucky’s still in a shock after a misadventure, as a result of which Captain America has died. Reader's trying to comfort him, even when the fault is on Bucky’s side...
Author: Rouge
A/N: story has been written for the writing challenge made by @letsimagineitall

It was painful to see him like this. All you could do was embrace him and let the torrent of his tears to soak through your shirt. You could feel him clench his fists, not knowing whether to be mad or to give up hope all together. You could hear him silently screaming, suffocating with each breath he took holding onto his pride. You ran your fingers through his hair, time and time again, in an attempt to calm the silent war within his mind. "Everything's gonna be alright, Buck." You slowly stroked his muscular shoulder trying to comfort him as much as it was possible.
"Go away, Y/N!" Bucky pushed your hand away aa he rose from the couch and went apace to the huge window with a view on the city below. He leant his metal forearm against the glass and let out a loud sigh wiping his tears off. You hesitated. You weren't sure how will he react, when you will try to get close to him again. You good knew he was a ball of anger now. But you found a courage and slowly rose from the couch. You headed towards him. "Don't, Y/N." It sounded like an order, so you stopped immediately. "Bucky.. Darling..." "Shut your fucking mouth, Y/N!" Bucky yelled loudly and went out of the room. Instinctively, you've followed him. He slammed into the bathroom door. Bucky didn't care if you saw. He just broke down. The sobs punched through, ripping through his muscles, bones, and guts. Man pressed his forehead against the grimy stall door and began to let his heart yank in and out of his chest. His life crumbled in his fingertips. You weren't scared at that point. You knew you have to do everything. To calm him down. "Bucky" you mumbled quietly as you approached him. Your hand was placed on his nape where you stroked him. "Calm. Down. And talk with me." You were kinda surprised, when he didn't pull away from you. And when he sank onto his knees, you did same, embracing his shoulders. He sobbed into your chest unceasingly, hands clutching at your shirt. You held him in silence, rocking him slowly as his tears soaked your chest. A tiny lapse let him pull away, blinking lashes heavy with tears, before he collapsed again, his howls of misery worsening. The pain must have come in waves, minutes of sobbing broken apart by short pauses for recovering breaths, before hurling him back into the outstretched arms of his grief. "Hush, Buck... It wasn't your fault, darling" you said in the most mild tone you could ever make. "I wanna disappear" he whispered quietly as he breathed heavily. "You should be pretending you don't know me. You should stay away from me. I'm dangerous. It would be better if you would just erase me from your life, Y/N.." "I can't just forget you. That's not how it works" you told him unhesitatingly. He closed his eyes, his head has rested on your laps. As you were stroking his nape, you let your thoughts flow at ease.
Two days before was the saddest day ever. Bucky has killed Captain America. It was nothing more but a misadventure. Both men were on the mission to Serbia. There, they branch has been attacked by enemies. They were taken by surprise. Bucky managed to escape from under the firing. Of course, he was trying to come back for Steve. He found his pal, when Captain was attacked by heavily armed enemy soldier. Trying to help his friend, Bucky took the aim and shot. He was aiming to the foe. But the other one was much faster. Guy pulled Captain ahead, using him as a shield. The bullet went straight through Captain's chest, piercing his aorta. The second man disappeared, when the chaos has reigned. Bucky, being in panic and shock, was about to do something to save his friend. But it was too late…
“B.. Buck…”
“Hush.. Oh God, hush, Steve. You need to stay conscious. Do you hear me? Focus. Natasha!! For fuck’s sake! Quickly!”
Steve choked with his own blood.
“Oh God! Steve! STEVE! Motherfucker, don't ya dare to close those eyes!”
Steve reached hand placing it in Bucky’s metal arm.
“Don't…. D… Blame.. Yourself..”
“Shut up, pal. You need to stay calm. Everything's gonna be alright!”
Steve closed his eyes.
Bucky pressed the wound on his friend’s chest with his bionic hand.
“No! No! No! Rogers, you old prick, don't do this to me!! Natasha!!! You fucking bitch, move your fucking ass up here! Steve's dying!”
“Buck.. Cold.”
Huge tears rolled over Bucky’s cheeks.
“Steve. I beg you. Stay with me. You have to stay with me, brother. I won't make this without you! We’re brothers under the Sun.. Remember?”
“Mmmmhmm… Ah.. ..It's burning..”
Captain's voice was nothing but a quiet whisper, although his lips seemed to not move at all.
“Hush, Steve, I'm with you, pal.. Oh God, what I've done..”
“...mmmmm.. I've… Accepted it.. Don't…. Buck… It… Feels… Like…….. Mmm.. Home..”
“Steve?! Dear God!! Steven!?”
Captain's chest stopped to move.
“I won't forget you…” Bucky, trembling all over his body, reached with his metal fingers to Steve's eyes and he slowly closed them down. “You'll never be replaced… Forgive me..”
Captain America has passed away in Bucky's arms.
"I'm a monster. How can you even look at me?" his voice has broke down. "I'm a fucking murderer. It will be better if you will forget me. Forget us." "I won't." This time you hissed angrily. "You know I love you. No matter what. We are a couple. I'll be with you for good and for bad." He nuzzled to your knees. "Look. Imma mess. I've let all those people down.. I've let myself down. I've killed Captain. I've killed my friend.. I've murdered him..." You wanted to slap him in the face. He was pissing you out with blaming himself. It was an accident. And everyone knew it. "I will never leave your side. We're in this together." As you touched his yet wet cheek, he shivered under your touch. "Will.. You won't leave?" he raised his chin to look you in the eye. "Never. And I won't forget you. You're the best thing in my life." He nodded.
You woke up in the middle of the night after a terrifying nightmare. Instinctively and blindly, you touched the second part of your bed.
You let out a sigh of relief, when your hand rested on his bionic limb. He was there. He didn't run away. It was a sign. That he was trusting you. That was the most important. You knew a hard time was about to come. But you were prepared. Not only for yourself. Mostly for him.

"My dog ate your christmas present” || Bucky Barnes x reader drabble

Words: 774
Warnings: none
SUMMARY: Bucky's dog ate the present for reader. Bucky had to invent something ad hoc.
Author: Beast.
A/N: Drabble written for @caplansteverogers writing challenge. I hope you don't mind me changing the character I was supposed to write about.

Shit, shit, shit!” Bucky was running over his room looking for something, when Steve stepped in.
„Hey, pal, what's up?” Captain asked.
Bucky only waved his hand slightly. “I have a problem here...” James laughed nervously. “I mean, just look at this mess” he pointed at the corner.
Steve frowned but looked at the direction his pal has pointed.
He noticed Bucky's dog. The animal was laying on the floor eating a colorful decorative gift paper.
“Is this...?” Rogers gave Bucky a look. “Yes. It it.” Bucky sat on the bed slipping hands in his hair. “What I'll do now?” man wailed loudly. “This one time I thought it'll be nice. That I'll make HER happy. It's Christmas time... And again I failed.”
“Hey, hey!” Steve took a seat next to his friend and wrapped arm around him. “Hush, bud, don't worry. We still have time. We can make it up.”
“How?” Bucky spreaded his arms in a gesture of helplessness. “We have only an hour to Christmas Eve. I won't find anything proper for her now.”
Steve sighed. “So maybe just tell her the truth? She's gonna understand I bet.”
Bucky looked at his dog. “Boof!” animal barked happily waving its tail. “Hey, you. Yes, you! I wouldn't be so happy if I'd be on your place, mate! Hey, I'm talking to you!” Bucky snarled deeply rolling his eyes while dog got up and rushed briskly to his owner. German shepherd sat in front of the bed and put its head on Bucky's laps.
“C'mon, Champo!” Bucky sighed, but finally he ruffled dog's fur. “Who was a bad boy?” Dog looked at man with his huge eyes.
“Haha, just look at him, Bucky!” Steve smirked and also pated dog's head. “Can those eyes lie?”
Bucky cocked his brows looking at Steve. “Eh. Only this time! Bad boy! Bad doggo!”
Champo wagged his tail happily and barked again.

When gifts were given, Bucky still had his eyes on you.
“Hey! Does everyone have a gift?!” Tony yelled loudly outshouting others. He briefly looked at you and frowned a bit. “Hey! Bucky! You were responsible for dispensation of presents! Where is the one for Y/N?!”
Bucky blushed slightly and desperately glanced at Steve, who only gave him a nod.
You blinked when Bucky approched you. “Y/N, let me explain...” he stuttered a bit.
You lowered your head shrugging. “It's okay, Bucky. I know you had a lot on your shoulders lately. I'm not mad at all. It's okay.”
He slipped his metal palm under your chin and forced you to pick your head up and to look into his eyes. “It's not like that, Y/N. I didn't forget.” Bucky took your face into his hands. "My dog ate your Christmas present."
You blinked few times. “E... Excuse me?” you enquired. “Just what you've heard” Bucky mumbled quietly. “I left it on my bed. When I came back I found him eating your present.”
You slowly put your hand up covering your mouth.
“Y/N, everything's alright?” man narrowed his brows.
You bursted into laugh. “Oh, God! Bucky!”
As confused as he was at that moment, Bucky tilted his head slightly. “Have I done something wrong?”
“No! Of course not!” you giggled happily. “I just thought you forgot!”
Bucky blushed once again ruffling his hair. “I haven't. This time it was just an unfortunate coincidence.”
You smiled at him brightly stroking his cheek. “My lovely unlucky fellow” you chuckled gaily.
Bucky looked at the rest of Avengers over his shoulder. They were sitting at the long table, drinking and eating and enjoying their presence in that special time of the year. Bucky looked you deep in the eye, then he wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him
“B.. Bucky? What are you doing?” you asked nervously looking around. “Someone can spot us!” “I. Don't. Care” he smiled widely at you, then he leant down and kissed you deeply.
“Woooaaah!” Tony rose from his seat, he was glancing at you two. “Can you see this, guys!? Barnes has girlfriend!” he clapped his hands eagerly. The rest of the team was cheering loudly and cheerfully, whistling.
Bucky broke the kiss and pressed his rough lips to your nose. “Taking I don't have any reserve present for ya, so here I am. I'm gonna be your Christmas gift” man whispered into your ear.
You felt like your cheeks were blushing fastly, so you nodded. “Yes, please!” you nuzzled to him purring softly.
Rest of the Christmas dinner went quietly in a wonderful atmosphere.You and Bucky didn't have to hide anymore. Now you were a real couple.

The story is amazing. Short, well written, easy and nice to read. You did a great job! Thank you so much for your participation. ~Greetings from Panda Squad. 🐼❤️

FORGIVE ME, I LOVE YOU || Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary: Bucky got into an argument with you. But good thing is he realized his mistake rather quickly.
Words: 813 (it’s short, sorry guys!)
A\N: I made this little drabble for the best squad I’ve ever met. @thepaperpanda ~ guys, I ❤ you and thank you for the opportunity you had given me by your writing challenge. All the love to ya!

Bucky was at the office on the one of important team meetings. You were there also, taking you were working for Tony Stark as his personal assistant.
Tony dispensed some folders to each of team members. “Take a look at our new guidelines. I’ve decided to introduce a few changes into our previous regulations.”
Bucky exchanged surprised looks with Captain. “Wait, wait, wait. What?” Rogers asked frowning and shaking hia head angrily. “Why you didn’t consult this with us before?” Steve growled.
“To be honest I thought it won’t be a problem to you all,” Stark shrugged rolling his eyes. “But as I can see, Mr Rogers has an issue, as always.”
Bucky clenched his metal hand into a fist.
“Oh! Barnes, are you okay?” Stark contorted his lips in a wry grimace.
“Yeah. I am,” Bucky looked briefly at you.
You were sitting next to Tony making a notes from the meeting.
The truth was you and Bucky were meeting since few months. But you had to be very secret about it. You knew how Tony would react if he would find out. Besides, Bucky didn’t want to make himself any additional problems.
You threw him a mean look and Bucky turned his eyes away. This moment didn’t run of Tony’s attention, however he said nothing.
“Next time, consult such things with rest of the team before you will make them official, is that clear?” Steve asked firmly. He also looked at you. You ran your glace away.
Tony was silent for a bit, then he nodded insensibly. “Yes,” he agreed.
After the meeting, while you were walking along the corridor in the Tower, Bucky caught you up. “What the hell was that, doll?” He questioned out loudly. “Who does he think he is!?”
“Buck…” You started quietly, “don’t ask me. He’s my boss. I don’t have any influence at his decisions,” you explained shortly. “But that doesn’t mean I agree with him.”
“You cold make a statement, but you rather wanted to stay silent about things, huh, Y/N?” He lowered his strong voice while speaking to avoid others to hear your argument.
You cocked brews and took a step back. “What’s that? Why are you accusing me?” You whispered. “You know I would do everything for you.. For us..”
“He again made a fool from Steve,” Bucky crossed arms over his chest.
“Hah, so that’s the reason?! Steve. Great Captain. Friendship before love, huh?!” This time it was way too much for you to handle. You raised your voice, almost yelling.
Bucky growled deeply, turned around, and rushed back toward staircase. He stopped after few steps, and looked at you above his shoulder. “Maybe you like him more than you like me? But like you wish, go to him! Go ahead! If you want to be his puppy on the leash and obey his every word, no problem. It’s your shitty decision, Y/N!” He went away leaving you in a shock in the middle of the corridor.
So this was the real problem between you two. Bucky was jealous.
After the work you came back home, and got changed in some casual clothes. You decided to go out for a little jogging. You were living in the nice district at the suburbs. It was a calm and great place to live in, and you were enjoying that fact.
When you were running through near park, you heard your phone ringing. You ait on the bench and pull your phone out of the pocket, and answered the incoming call.
“Hi, Y/N.” It was no one else but Bucky.
“Sup?” You weren’t in mood for a conversations.
“Listen, doll, I wanna apologize.” Ok. It was something new and completely unexpected. “I judged you wrong, I should know how does it work.”
“Yes. Indeed.” You rolled your eyes but little smile appeared on your face. You were proud of him. It was a very first time when Bucky admitted that he made a mistake.
“Please, forgive me, I love you,” he muttered softly. “Don’t be mad at me any longer..”
For few seconds you remained silent, but then giggled and agreed.
“Yes. I forgive you.”
“Thank you, Y/N.” You heard a happiness in his voice. “And.. By the way. I really do admire your pretty butt in that tight leggings.”
You blinked and quickly got up from the bench looking around. How huge was your astonishment when you saw Bucky sitting few benches away from you.
You lauged and walked to him. Man got up also and wrapped his arms around your waist. His smile etched its way back into his face. His body was warm and toned as he hugged you, comforting to the touch. His voice was deep, with an serious tone. His lips brushed your ear as he spoke.
“I really do love you, Y/N.”

This story was really interesting! It was so great story to read! Thank you for sharing your talent with us! Thank you so much for your participation. ~Greetings from Panda Squad. 🐼❤️

SUMMARY: Bucky was hurt by you. You’ve cheated on him with his best friend. Will he prevail his anger and forgive you?
A/N: Hi. This story is written for @thepaperpanda and their writing challenge. My prompt was white. Thank you for allowing me to take part in this challenge ♥
You saw that disbelief in Bucky’s eyes when he was standing on the threshold of your bedroom glancing at you on Steve’s laps.
He was deeply hurt, you could easily feel it. Being his girlfriend has taught you a lot, most that when you’ll mess with him, he won’t forget and you’ll pay, sooner or later for what you’ve done against him.
Keep reading

Hello! Thank you for your story! It's a nice feeling to read a well-written dabble. Thank you for participation Thank you so much for your participation. ~Greetings from Panda Squad. 🐼❤️

Call me \\ Bucky Barnes x reader drabble
Words: 940
Summary: You met Bucky in the club and you both got along pretty well.
The music was as loud as thunder; it made the cutlery on the tabletops rattle. Neon lights flashed everywhere like police sirens, but much more colorful. Bucky was sitting at the bar sipping on his whiskey and casually looking around. When you stepped in, his gaze fell on you. He checked out your body and bit his lower lip; you were so beautiful, full of grace and young charm that his heart skipped a bit within second.
You took a seat at one of the high bar chairs, you crossed your legs nicely. You ordered a drink with vodka and orange juice and when a bartender handled it to you, you politely thanked taking a sip.
“Hey, gorgeous.”
You cocked your brow turning head around. “Hey.”
Bucky was glancing at you liting his cigarette. “Do I know you? I have a feeling we did meet somewhere.”
You were even more confused then before. “I don’t think so.”
He raised his mouth corner in a wry smile. “Maybe I was wrong,” he smirked, “nevermind. I’m Bucky.”
You nodded slowly sipping on your drink. “Y/N,” you answered. “Nice to meet you, Bucky,” you reached hand toward him. Bucky took it and shook it slightly.
For a while there was a confusing silence between you two. Finally, Bucky has broke these silence.
“What such a beautiful lady is doing up here, completely alone, huh?” He asked, ending his drink and ordering another one. “I just had a rough day,” you were honest. “I just wanted to go out and have some drink or few.” He let out a soft giggle. “Same here, doll. Exactly the same.” You winked at him with a bright smile on your lips. “So, taking we both are here, alone… Would you mind to get along a bit?” Bucky smiled widely nodding. “With a pleasure, Y/N” man said.
You both had few drinks. You were talking about miscellaneous topics enjoying your common presence.
“Hey, let’s dance,” Bucky offered getting up from his chair. “We have to lit the dance floor a bit!” Giggling, you nodded. “Sure.” He offered you his hand and it was when you noticed the metal arm. You hesitated. “Bucky…” you whispered covering your mouth. “Your arm…” “Hush, doll. It’s alright,” he said softly leading you to the dance floor. “But, Bucky!” You were tipsy a bit and you really got terrified about him. “You’ve been hurt..”
You both got on the dance floor. No one could see the dance floor, it’s wall to wall people dancing to the club music. There was no room for any more but somehow when Bucky and you hit it the space magically came. You were dancing like it was jive, twisting, turning, holding hands as we change sides. You both were all grins, you looked like idiots but you did’t care. “I have never had so much fun while dancing, Y/N!” Bucky smirked at you when you both were dancing together being hugged to each other. When DJ started a new set, you turned around letting Bucky’s hands rest over your hips from behind. He took a hold of them and you both were rocking together. You rolled your hips slowly from side to side and Bucky was so close to you pressing his chest to your back.
At the end of the night the dance floor was like an abused chess board. On it’s black and white squares were spilled drinks and broken glass. You and Bucky stayed until the staff asked you to leave the club.
Giggling and laughing, you got out and were waiting for a taxi to arrive.
Bucky puffed on his cigarette. “You know, Y/N. I’ve never, like really never, had such an amazing time like tonight,” he smiled, having his metal hand wrapped around your waist. You were leaning over him nuzzling to his chest and inhaling his scent. “Me either, baby.”
You glanced briefly at his metal hand. “So? Can you explain me this?” You pointed at his metal limb.
Bucky rolled his eyes laughing. “Sure. Like you wish, doll. I was a soldier. Many years ago. I was on the mission with my team and shit happened,” he let out a sad laugh. “I’ve lost my arm there. But I don’t like to remember that time, ya know?”
You nodded quietly. “Yes, Bucky. I completely understand. But, can I be honest?”
Bucky looked down at you. “Yes. Sure, Y/N.” You smirked. “It suits you. You look wild and alluring.”
Bucky smiled again and leant down kissing you passionately. You blinked but gave kiss back humming happily.
“But will you tell me the whole story…” you started after the kiss, but he only giggled and kissed you again. “One day, maybe.” Bucky ended his cigarette, and when the taxi came, he opened the door for you. “Thank you for the evening, Y/N.” You got to the car but when you were about to ask him about his number, Bucky closed the door and the driver pressed the gas driving away. “NO, NO, NO!” you screamed but there was no room for the taxi to turn around. You looked back over your shoulder and you saw how Bucky was walking slowly on the opposite way along the street.
A tear ran down your cheek as you already were missing the guy. You reached to the pocket for your wallet and then you narrowed your brows. You pulled a wallet and something else. A little piece of paper. You laughed happily wiping tear away. It was nothing else but his number written there slapdash. And one short sentence. CALL ME, XOXO
A/N: @thepaperpanda - this is for your Colorful Writing Challenge.
Public round || Bucky Barnes x Reader smut

Summary: You were at the restaurant with your boyfriend, Bucky Barnes. He liked to tease you, so he dared you to do some certain things in public. You were not into this idea at the beginning but soon you found out that, in fact, you enjoyed it. And the whole situation could only have ended in the one certain way...
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, public sex, dirty talks, cursing, daddy kink
Words: 3296
Authors: Rouge & Beast

"You look beautiful tonight." Bucky clinked your wine glass. "Oh, you really do love me." You giggled softly. "I do, Y/N. I really do." He was telling the truth. For those long months when you both were together, you've learnt how to separate lies from truth if it came to his words. He played a col-hearted man yet he was just a lovely kitten that was in a need of love. "I love you too, Bucky," You said, clinking back. You and Bucky were out for our every once in a while fancy restaurant night.
"Do you love me enough to tell me which panties you're wearing?" He asked, curling lips in a wry smirk as my brows went up a bit.
You looked down at the table. "Buck, shhhh, you're embarrassing me again. Why do you do that?" This restaurant was quieter than most in New York, but there was still enough of a hubbub that no one was going to hear your conversation. "I don't want everyone listening to us." "Come on, there's almost no one here. We're at the early oldster sitting. So. Which ones?" "Oh, okay. The red ones." You were turning a light shade of red yourself. "The ones with all the lace? The super sexy red ones?" He continued. You nodded slightly, turning your face aside to hide the blush. "For me? You wore them for me tonight? Am I going to get lucky later?" Bucky cocked his brows and made himself comfortable in the chair, stretching his back a bit. You nodded again. "What? Tell me." "You know I can't do this in public. Wait until we get home, then I'll tell you, Buck." "Well Y/N, YOU might not get lucky when we get home if I can't hear a little more from you right now." Bucky insisted. You let out a loud sigh. "Yes Bucky," you lowered to almost a whisper. "You're going to get lucky tonight." He could barely hear your voice. "I'm going to fuck your brains out." There was a little pause. "Is that what you have wanted from me?" You crossed arms on your chest, looking him straight in the eye. Bucky smiled, and you smiled back. "Maybe you could give me those panties now so I can tell how lucky I'll be?" He said with a hint of hopefulness. "No, Sir, no FUCKING way." You sounded pretty resolute. And yet, Bucky could saw you shifting around in your seat. It was time for a little shove. "I want your panties. Now." Bucky said in a low voice of his, and that made a cold shiver ran down your spine. You shook your head however.
"You know it turns me on. And that it'll turn you on too." He almost moaned. Your shifting was becoming a little agitated. "Of course, I'd rather see your bottom hugged in by those panties. But, if I can't see that, I could think about it when you hand them over." Bucky was so stubborn. "Stop, please!" You pleaded in a hoarse undertone. "I'll say whatever you want at home. Not here! You know that I am shy!" Bucky just stared at you with a happy smile.
"What? What! You really want this?" You started to get up from the chair, looking slightly disgusted and somewhat defeated. “Okay, Buck! But this is only this time! And never again!” "No. Sit down." Bucky measured your figure with his steel eyes.
You were confused but you obeyed, taking seat slowly.
"Here. Take them off here." He said darkly. Your jaw dropped.
"Now? Here? No. It's too hard, everyone will see." Your head was shaking. “It'll take me a longer time to take them off in the way no one will see..” You mumbled. "I'm a patient man for the woman I love. And her bloomers." Bucky said with a genuine beam in his eyes. "I can't believe you're asking me to do this." You were mumbling as your hips were rocking back and forth. "And that I'm actually doing it!" You stopped for a second. "God," you exhaled, "I... My... I'm already soaked... You creep!" But you smiled at him. It was clear that you'd gotten them down past your ankles and over your heels as you were handing them off to Bucky under the table. "Y/N!" Bucky shook his head. "I want to see them." "I can't... Not here... Oh, I'm gonna kill you when we'll get back home!" You'd bunched up the red lace and pushed it across the table. Bucky opened them up in front of him before he grabbed them up and inhaled hem across his face. "I can't wait to get my mouth down there. Can you?" Bucky said as you blushed profoundly. "You didn't do that, did you Buck?" You were staring at him in disbelief, the blush on your cheeks was visible. "In fact, maybe you could get up and show your perfect butt to me when you walk away to the ladies? And take off your bra for me too and bring it back. Is it red too?" Bucky was encouraging you. "Really? You're kidding, right?" Your whisper was hoarse again. "That's why you'll look so good." He sweet talked. "I... But... People will look..." You rolled your eyes. "And people will only see a gorgeous woman that turns their heads." Bucky shrugged his arms with his eyes still on you. "Are you sure? I mean, I want you to be turned on and happy with me...” You blushed harder, you felt how your heart was skipping a beat. "I'm already turned on. I want YOU to be turned on." Bucky smirked. You twinkled slightly and murmured. "You know you can make me horny with just your leer, but we're in the middle of so many people." That was an exaggeration, but you certainly were in a public place. "Everything will show. My nipples are so hard, they'll stick out a mile and everyone will see..." You trailed off as you started to get up. "All right, Buck. All right." But he could see you were smiling again. You were enjoying the shove. The waiters were just delivering your meals when you were walking back with your right hand trying, and failing, to contain all the material from clutching your bra. You quickly sat down as the waiters were departing. "Here!" You said as you thrusted your hand across the table and deposited the goods. "God, the material keeps rubbing, I feel like I could come right away." You went pink. "Don't do that to me, Bucky!" You giggled like a teenager, and then quickly covered your mouth with a hand. Bucky'd spread your bra out.
"Put that away right now." You said with a strong voice. Seeing Bucky like this, with your bra in his hands, in public, it made you turned on yet frustrated a bit. "I am mortified! Why do you like doing this to me? It doesn't really arouse me as much as you think it does." You added. "Oh, really? You know, when you were walking towards the ladies, I was fixated on the wet spot on the back of your dress." Bucky smirked proudly and slowly licked his lips. "What?! I had a spot?! Do you think anyone else noticed?!" Now the pink turned almost dark red. "I don't understand how you do this to me." You looked annoyed. "Can we eat? Please." It was delicious, as usual. You were quiet but not in any kind of bad way. Just subdued, like you were thinking about something, maybe what you were going to do later. After you ordered dessert and coffee, you looked over at Bucky. "I feel like I'm naked and all the people are staring at my tits." You sighed. Whenever you used the word "tits", he knew foreplay had started. "What do you mean?" "I don't know.." You quieted a little. "It tingles in my clit..." You were quieter still. "I feel my pussy leak a little more. I'm scared if I get up there'll be a puddle." You exhaled. "You like the sensations, right?" Bucky said in just as low a voice. "You can take it, can't you?" "Yes, I can take it! But I just want you to take me! But we can't until we leave. Do we have to have a dessert? I really need you to plow me." You bit your lower lip, throwing him an eager glance. Bucky only liked his lips as he stared at you. "Oh, Buck, stop. Really. You're torturing me..." You were breathing heavier. "You could stop it right now. Just reach under your dress." He smirked again. "No!" The blushed hit your cheeks hardly. "You'll like it. You'll not only get relief but it'll get you ready for the main event."
"No.... No... I fell for that once before. But no matter how hot am I, I am not going to make myself come in public again." You whispered clearly. Once when you were dating, Bucky'd convinced you to rub yourself to orgasm on a park bench. When you both got back to his apartment, you fucked for five hours, on every piece of furniture, on the floor, in the shower. You must have came many times... "Then tell me. You can guess what I'm going to do to you when we get home. Tell me what YOU'RE going to do to ME." Bucky reached to his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, he lit one up and inhaled the smoke while watching you carefully. "Hmmm, all right, I can do that. Let me think." Your eyes looked up at the ceiling for a second, before they found his again. "I'm going keep my clothes on. But you're not. Instead of my stripping for you, tonight you're going to stand in front on me while I'm prim and proper on the couch..." "Prim and proper without a bra or panties under your chic clothes, leaking all over the place." Bucky giggled wryly, he again licked on his bottom lip. “But yeah. Go on, doll.” "Shut up, you brat. It's my turn." You started again. "You're going to do what I say, and button by button you'll open your shirt for me so I can see that muscular chest of yours, and your bionic arm. You'll take off your shoes and socks, unbuckle your belt, unbutton your pants." You closed your eyes for a second, getting into your thoughts. "And pull them down?" Bucky asked as he exhaled the smoke. He moved in his chair, crossing legs nicely. "Be quiet or I'm going to stop." You gave him angry gaze. "You've got the floor mistress." Bucky smiled. "Good. Back to what I want. You'll pull your cock out from the slit in your underwear and zipper, it'll be difficult because it's already as hard as a rock." You smirked darkly, leaning your back against the chair. Bucky nodded vigorously as he did same. "Yes, a total stiffy. And it'll stick out of your pants, straight up with that vain beneath that it has. It looks so dirty. It's so ridiculous that I have to grab it and put it down my throat." Your voice was soft yet delightful. Your story was getting intense. "Your cock always tastes so good to me. I just love having my lips around the tip, getting my red lipstick all over it and then cleaning it off."
Bucky saw your arm moved a little deeper under the table. "Keep your shirt on, but take your pants off. I want to see you balls too." You sighed lovely. He was a little bewildered.
"Now? Here?" Bucky was starting to sound like you several minutes ago. "Yes. Here." You smiled as you rolled your eyes. "No silly. At home." You gave him another smile. "I want to see your balls hanging down under your shirt tales. For some reason that's really sexy to me. With your dick standing straight up so I lick you all over, suck you, play with your balls, all at the same time." Your arm was going back and forth a little. You seemed to lost inhibitions about being out in the restaurant. "I love it when I soak your cock with my mouth, it feels so good. But I want even slicker, so I take you cock out of my mouth and spit on it. Few times..” With closed eyes that you was having, you ran the tip of your tongue around your lips. “I'm rubbing up and down, making you shudder in my hands, massaging it just up to the point where you're going to spurt... But I stop then." "Oh fuck, don't. I'm about to explode out in public myself." Bucky was barely breathing at this moment. "Don't you dare, there's more to come." You opened your eyes to wink at him. "As I'm rubbing your shaft I start getting a feeling I haven't had in a long time. I slowly stand up shimmying up my skirt. Can you imagine that?" Bucky's mouth was dry at this point. He only nodded.
"I just pull you by your hand and force you to sit down on the couch. And when you sit there, I slowly stradle you and my wet, dripping pussy slowly sucks your cock in..." You continued with a dirty smirk.
"Doll. Fuck." Bucky gasped.
You could saw how he moved his bionic arm under the table, you smiled even wider at that view.
"Huh? Something's wrong, darling?" Now it's your turn to tease him, and you've just found yourself enjoying this.
He didn't say a word.
Bucky simply got up from his seat and grabbed you by your wrist.
"C'mon, doll. Don't make me wait or I'll go crazy." It's more like an order than ask but you nodded as you got up, too.
Smirk was dancing on your lips as you followed Bucky. You stopped paying attention to the wetness that was dripping down your legs.
He led you to the nearest restroom. Bucky briefly looked at the sign that was saying "LADIES", and he opened the door, pulling you in.
"Buck, it's ladies..." You couldn't help but giggle.
He didn't respond. Bucky pulled you into one of the cabin, and he locked it from inside.
Bucky pulled your dress up along your thighs, exposing your dripping clit.
He simply went down on his knees and picked your one leg up, resting it over his shoulder.
Bucky rushed straight to your clit, he closed his full lips on your pussy, slowly sucking on your folds.
"Oh, fuck..." You whimpered quietly, looking down at him. "Yea.. Just like that... Just like fucking that.." You closed your eyes and you rolled your head back, resting it against the wall of the cabinet.
He buried his bearded face into your core, Bucky's tongue was slowly moving up and down your folds, teasing them with the tip.
You saw how he licked his metal fingers between he slipped them into your pussy without warning. They stretched your tight clit hardly, and made you let a loud moan mixed with a whimper.
"Fuck.. My pussy is so fucking tight, daddy." You slipped hand into Bucky's hair to pull his face back to your pussy. "Lick this dripping cunt, daddy. I wanna feel your tongue down there."
Bucky smirked as he slowly swirled his tongue over your clit.
"You like it, don't ya, doll? You love to have your pussy eaten, don't ya, Y/N?"
You only managed to nod as you tugged on his hair.
"Suck it, please, daddy." Your moans were loud and melodic.
Bucky started to suck on your folds, still fucking your pussy with his metal fingers, making a lot of wet noises while doing so.
"Yeah, fuck..." You pulled your breasts out of your dress and pinched your nipples, massaging your boobs at the same time.
Bucky looked up at you and he giggled a bit, sending vibes to your core.
After few longer moments, Bucky got up and pinned you to the wall. He rushed his hands to the belt and undone it.
You couldn't stop yourself from helping him, so you unzipped his fly and slipped your hand in his pants, pulling his dick out.
You licked your lips as you looked down on his cock.
"Hard as fucking rock. I love it, daddy."
Bucky only smirked as he pinned you to the wall again, he picked your leg up to wrap it around his hip as he pushed himself into your slick core.
You gasped and moaned his name straight into his ear.
"Oh, Bucky!"
Bucky was kissing wherever he could reach. He closed his mouth on your hard nipples few times while pounding in your cunt with a fiercely pace.
His shaft was slipping out of tour pussy slowly to get back roughly as he pushed forward.
With one hand on your boobs and one on your hip, Bucky was fucking your brain out.
Suddenly you both heard how few girls, probably three or four, got into the restroom, giggling and talking about some teenager's shit.
Bucky slipped out of your cunt and forced you to turn around. He pinned your front to the wall of the cabin, at the same time forcing you to stick out your bun.
You obeyed eagerly and you let out a whimper as you felt like Bucky's cock was stretching your pussy again, this time from behind.
Luckily, girls didn't hear you, they were too focused on gossiping.
Bucky's metal hand was moved to your mouth, covering it.
You bit inside of your cheek, the pleasure was unbearable. You wanted to scream to whom you've belonged to.
Bucky placed his other hand on your hip to control the speed of his thrusts.
He was going in and out, in and out, his pace was getting rougher and rougher. His cock was sinking into your core easily, and he felt how your walls were clenching around him. That meant you were nearing your orgasm.
When the girls left the restroom, Bucky moved his hand off of yoir mouth. You used the moment to started moaning.
"Daddy, fuck! I wanna you to cum in that fucking tight cunt, daddy! I wanna feel your fucking cum in me!" You moaned eagerly, you felt how your legs were shaking.
Bucky placed his mental hand on your other hip and he increased the pace, fucking your pussy with his hard cock as fast as he only was able to.
"Fuck... Fuck.." He was grunting deeply, and in the end, he cum deep inside of you, shooting his load into your core.
You gasped for the air and you slipped your hand between your thighs to rub your clitoris and to slip two of your fingers into your pussy, along with his cock.
"Yea, fuck, I cum, daddy..." You groaned lazily, turning your head to his.
Bucky leant down to you and crushed his lips on yours.
He tasted wonderful.
When he slipped his cock out of your clit, you turned around to him, improving your outfit.
You took a hold of his yet hard cock and you gave his shaft few long strokes.
Bucky closed his eyes, enjoying additional pleasure as you were spreading your mixed cums along his length.
You got on your tiptoes and kissed him at the same time.
You smirked after few moments, when you stopped playing with his cock.
Bucky slipped his dick back into his jeans and he buckled the belt.
When you both got out of the restroom, he looked at you.
"We gotta do this more often, Y/N."
You only smiled.
You already had another scenario in your head.

Pandies🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @peter-sommer @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @totorosbooty @whatever-thingswillgetbetta @humifiler @nwmtagsb @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @yessy2012
Reunion || Stucky Smut

Summary: Bucky is out of cryo in Wakanda. He lives calm life but he feels something's about to happen, soon. When Steve comes to Wakanda, it only makes Bucky sure of an uncertain future. Their meeting goes into very sexual way as soon as they get alone.
Warnings: Smut, small IW spoiler
Words: 3399
Authors: Cass & Beast
Request by: @infinity-stones-seeker inspired by ♥

It's been a while since he was awaken. Time seemed to be passing by quicker than it used to do before.
He wasn't a Winter Soldier anymore. He wasn't sergeant Barnes either.
White Wolf. His new name has sounded so proudly and he was truly happy about that.
Bucky was spending his time at learning how to live his new life. Shuri has helped him a lot lately. In the wildest dreams, Bucky wouldn't thought that T'Challa's sister will become his best buddy.
The idyll didn't last long, unfortunately.
Bucky was nervous since the moment he found out that Steve will come to Wakanda, along with people Bucky knew for a while then.
He was still without his left arm and he felt kinda like a waste dude.
Steve sighed rubbing his neck nervously. He was back in Wakanda. Last time when Steve was here, he had to say goodbye to his best pal and now... He came back to see him again.
Steve was deep in his thoughts, looking through the window until Shuri slapped him in the arm.
"Still here? You should go now. He is waiting at you."
Man nodded slowly and took a deep breath.
He thanked Shuri and left.
He good knows where he has to go but he felt fear. It was such a long time since they've seen each other last time.
Bucky was rounding an airstrip another time, he was meant to meet with Captain at that place. It was when he spotted familiar figure on the horizon.
"Steve..." Bucky whispered, yet his lips didn't move even a bit.
He slowly started to walk toward his pal, his buddy, his Steve... A walk has shortly changed into a pace faster than it, in the end changing into a simple run.
Not paying any attention to people around, Bucky jumped into Steve's arms.
"I thought I will never see you again, pal..." He mumbled as he buried face into Steve's hair.
Steve hugged Bucky tightly. His pal. His buddy. His Bucky... He was awake again and now he was in Steve's arms.
Blond man nuzzled to Bucky's shoulder inhaling other man's scent. In this specific moment, Steve realized how much he missed his friend. His warmth. His presence.
Steve pulled away and looked at Bucky's face. "How are you, Buck? It's good to see you again." He said and looked into Bucky's eyes just to make sure it was really him this time.
Without Bucky, Steve used to dream about his friend. Many times he was thinking that Bucky was back for real but those were just dreams.
"I am fine but your presence here heralds something more, I believe..." Bucky's smile has faded away but soon, new one slowly crept on his lips. Bucky reached his limb out to run fingers over Steve's beard. "I can't believe! You and the beard! I like it." He giggled softly.
Steve blinked and laughed loudly at Bucky's comment. "Then better believe it, Buck! Because this beard stays."
He sighed and looked at his pal. Bucky didn't change a lot. For Steve, it was still the same man. Man's gaze fell on Bucky's missing arm. "It's gone..." He said quietly with obvious sadness in his voice.
A blush crept onto Bucky's face, so man turned his head aside trying to hide it. "I am used to live without it, you know?" Bucky's voice was nothing more than a whisper. "Shuri... T'Challa's sister said she can help me with that but she needs some time, you know?" Bucky smirked darkly as he took a deep breath.
He looked shyly at Steve. His pal wasn't that "good guy" anymore. Steve looked valiant, he definitely acquired so much vigor, he was so tall and handsome as hell...
Bucky pointed with his chin at the little hill nearby. "I live there. C'mon. I'll show you!"
Steve noticed the blush but he didn't say anything, he only nodded. "I know. I talked with T'Challa and Shuri. You still look great, pal. With or without an arm."
Blond man turned around to look at the hill. "It looks nice. Lead the way, Buck." Steve said with a smile.
The sun was setting slowly when they were walking side by side, ahead, together.
"Something's in the air, I can feel it in my bones." Bucky's voice was full of sadness. "We live in bad times, Steve."
Bucky took a deep breath, he inhaled the fresh air and smiled a bit.
"I enjoy Wakanda's life. It's simple but at the same time, it gives me a lot of peace I have almost never had." Bucky looked around above his shoulder to notice a group of children following them now and then. "Looks like we have a company over there."
Steve laughed softly. "We are old, Buck. It's normal for men at this age to feel something in their bones." He joked trying to divert Bucky's attention from the real reason he had came to Wakanda. "That's wonderful, Buck. I am so happy that you finally have found a peace and that... they helped you." He said and then looked over his shoulder to look at children. "I was gone for few months and you already have new friends, pal?" Steve looked back at Bucky and smiled.
Bucky's voiced echoed as he laughed shortly. "It wasn't me who made new friends. It was them."
Bucky stopped within a step and gustily turned around making an angry grimace. "Give the adults some time to talk!" He roared in deep voice of his, what made children laugh as they ran away.
Bucky put his bangs behind the ear and winked at Steve. "I hope they will give us some time at least."
Soon, two men arrived on the peak of the hill. On the other side of the hill, near to the base of an upland, there was a small cottage house.
"So. Here we are..." Bucky looked at his pal.
Steve smiled at Bucky and shrugged. "We will see. If I can be honest, it's kinda sweet to see you with kids."
Man looked at cottage house. "Still looks better than our first apartment. Remember that, Buck?" He asked looking at his friend.
Bucky rolled his eyes poking Steve's side. "You good know I don't like kids."
As they walked down the hill, Bucky nodded slightly. "I do remember."
And indeed, he remembered. It was a good time to both of them. They were young, completely lost in their youth, they weren't worrying of an upcoming wars nor difficulties.
As they reached the house, Bucky has politely shifted aside to let Steve in. "Forgive me the mess." He ruffled his own hair.
"You do realize you aren't a messy person, right?" Steve asked as he walked inside.
"I wasn't. Now I definitely am. I do not put much attention to the mess." Bucky joined Steve inside and he closed the door behind him. "So, Mr Rogers, welcome to Bucky's little farm!" Bucky laughed and simply flopped on the tiny wooden bed.
He looked at Steve once again letting his eyes slip all over the familiar figure.
"Funny that we meet again when everything's about to fall apart again, huh?"
Steve chuckled and looked at Bucky sadly. "Yeah, you are right, Bucky... but let's not talk about this now, please. I came here to see you. Not to talk about world's problems... I missed you, Buck. I am more than happy to see you again."
Bucky smiled at his friend and let out a loud sigh. "Same here, Steve. Make yourself at home. My place is equally yours." Bucky's eyes never left Steve's. "Wanna some coffee? Anything?" He cleared his throat.
"You know I am not a coffee fan." Steve said as he sat next to Bucky on the bed.
Steve was looking at Bucky for a second before placing hand on Bucky's cheek. "I am so happy you are back. You have no idea."
Before Bucky stopped himself from doing so, he let out a short nervous giggle. "Charming as always, huh, Cap?" He asked. At the same time he sweared in his thoughts. WHAT THE HELL ARE YA DOING, BARNES!?
"I missed you, Steven." Again his lips barely moved as he has spoken.
Steve smiled. "I've never been too charming. I have no idea what are you talking about."
Steve couldn't wait any longer. He wanted to taste him. He wanted to feel him. He wanted to have Bucky as close as possible again. He let out a soft sigh and pulled Bucky closer. "I missed you harder."
Bucky shifted a bit blushing hardly. This time was like their very first time back then to him.
Bucky wrapped his arm around Steve's neck and pulled him closer. He crushed his lips on Steve's humming quietly.
Yes. It was that. Familiar taste had hit him hard and Bucky felt like every of his muscles tensed within a second.
Steve was taken by the surprise. He growled into the kiss quietly and kissed Bucky back.
This was the thing that Steve missed the most. This wonderful feeling. The feeling of someone being close. The feeling of being loved.
Steve pulled away panting against Bucky's lips. He took a deep breath and gently pushed Bucky down on the bed.
And it was when Bucky killed the atmosphere. Again. "Doesn't it... Bother you, Steve?" He mumbled quietly looking up at Captain. "I still don't have my arm..."
Bucky's heart was skipping a furious beat. It was mostly him who was leading all the actions between them. Now, the roles have changed a bit.
"Buck..." Steve said quietly and placed his hand back on Bucky's cheek. "I'd have you anyway..." Steve whispered before kissing his pal again.
Steve didn't care about fact that Buck was missing an arm. He was there. He was real and he was with him now.
Bucky smiled but was cut off by breathtaking kiss. He got lost into it. His hand quickly found Steve's nape where Bucky gently ran fingers over the skin. He knew that Steve liked this kind of teasing.
Bucky pulled away seconds later to take a breath. "Someone was missing me deeply, huh?" He made the best and most lovingly voice he only could.
Steve purred loudly as he felt Bucky's hand on his nape. "Fuck... Yes, I missed you. I missed you so badly. Time without you... was so hard that I couldn't wait until you will be back... Four years Buck... it's too long for me..." Man muttered and move his kisses to Bucky's neck. Steve's hand slowly moved down other man's body.
Bucky opened his neck for Steve by tilting head aside, he also let out a quiet approving whimper as a sign he missed Steve's touch.
"Dear Lord, how much I was longing for you."
Bucky slipped hand in Steve's hair pulling them strongly, so Steve was forced to raised his chin. Bucky immediately used this fact kissing man's jawline and then slowly sucking on Steve's lower lip.
Steve moaned as Bucky pulled his hair. "I love when you do that, Buck." He muttered and kissed Bucky deeply. Steve couldn't wait any longer, he started to slowly grind his crotch against Bucky. "I need you, Buck."
He purred and moved back to Bucky's neck pushing hand under his clothes.
"Oh, man.." Bucky was only able to moan incomprehensibly as he felt how Steve was grinding against him.
Bucky licked his lips slowly as he felt a bulge in Cap's pants.
"My Captain is more eager than I thought..." He let Steve's lips wandered along the pulsepoint on his neck.
"You have no idea how eager am I." Steve said and sat up to remove the upper part of his uniform and his gloves. He threw everything on the floor and started to undress Bucky. "I hope your little friends won't visit us. This would be hard to explain them some things."
"Easy, man," Bucky smirked lazily, "They know they cannot come in without my permission."
It was hard to Bucky to get undressed while having only one arm, so he has left this to Steve.
When his shirt was removed, Bucky felt exposed for few seconds but that feeling simply has vanished as Steve's hands started their way along Bucky's chest. Former Winter Soldier was only able to moan deeply as he moved hand to Steve's crotch. Bucky cupped the bulge in Cap's pants and massaged it hardly looking into his lover's eyes.
Steve laughed and nodded. "Well, I can see you had raised then really well, Buck. You are a good dad." Steve joked and let out a low growl as he felt Bucky's hand on his hardening cock.
"Fuck, Bucky..." Steve moaned softly and his hips gently thrust into Bucky's hand.
Bucky smirked against Steve's lips slowly licking over them as he tightened his grasp on Steve's bulge. "It's hard without an arm." Bucky murmured deeply. He wasn't that beefy as he used to be but Steve has gotten very muscular and heavy. Cap was pinning Bucky down easily.
Blond man purred and kissed Bucky’s lips. “Still doing great, pal.” He said, moving kisses down Bucky’s neck and then down his chest.
"I waited for so long..." Steve muttered, undressing Bucky completely.
Bucky wasn't blushing anymore, even when he has gotten exposed completely.
Steve's actions made his cock hard like never before. Bucky licked his lower lip as he reached hand to Steve's belt and fly.
"Hands... Hand off pal." Steve said, pushing Bucky's hand away.
Steve gently kissed Bucky's abdomen and wrapped his hand around Bucky's cock. Blond man smiled and started to stroke Bucky from the base to the tip.
Bucky rested his hand at Steve's shoulder as he let out loud moan. "Shit, Steve..." He whispered rolling head back on the pillows. "Fuck, pal..."
With each touch of Steve's hand, Bucky was shivering softly. A cold shiver was running up and down his spine with his lover's every single touch.
Bucky hung his mouth open as he squeezed Steve's thigh.
"How much I.... I missed that.."
Steve sighed against Bucky's tip. "I missed this too, pal. So much." He whispered before taking the tip into his mouth.
He started to suck Bucky's tip gently swirling his tongue around it from time to time. Steve missed this so much. Every sound made by his pal was making him even more eager.
Bucky instinctively slipped his hand into Steve's hair, he pulled them hardly. "Fuck you, Rogers.." Bucky grunted loudly as he bucked his hips a bit to slid his cock deep down Steve's throat.
Steve good knew how to make Bucky hard. His every move was considered carefully.
Bucky's head was rested on the pillows as he relaxed all of his muscles watching, how Steve was giving him a blowjob.
"Now it's fuck you, Barnes." Steve said before slipping Bucky's cock deep into his throat and sucking it even harder.
He wanted to pleasure Bucky more but also, he has wanted to tease him so badly. He waited too long for this, so he moved his hand to Bucky's balls to massage them gently.
Barnes shifted at the strong grasp on his balls and grunted deeply closing his eyes. "Just like that, Cap. You're doing a great job, you know?"
Bucky opened his blue eyes and looked down at his friend. He grabbed Steve by his bangs and started to rocking his hips in steady pace. With each thrust, Bucky's cock was sliding deep down Steve's throat, what was gagging Rogers a bit.
"Fuck. If you're gonna suck that cock so hardly, I'll cum." Bucky said in deep voice of his. "I wanna play with your dick, too."
Steve let out a loud growl when Bucky pulled his hair. He looked up and just let Bucky fuck his mouth while still massaging man's balls.
Steve pulled back for a bit. "Good. That's what I have wanted and... maybe later, pal." Steve winked and returned to sucking on Bucky's cock. This time he sucked him harder, moving his head up and down, squeezing Bucky's balls at the same time. Steve sticked his tongue out to ran its tip along the main vain on Bucky's cock.
Bucky bucked his hips few more times and then he had just simply cum in Steve's mouth, spurting his hot sperm down Steve's throat.
"FUCK!" Bucky grunted loudly jerking on his cock to gush every drop of his cum.
As he finished, Barnes got up and pulled Steve by the hand. He kissed Rogers and circled him nuzzling to his nape from behind. Bucky rubbed his hand down Steve's chest to his belt.
"Let's just be two free men that have gay sexual urges and are finally given the opportunity to act on those urges." Bucky whispered as he kissed his pal's neck.
Barnes let go of Steve's cargo pants after unbuckling and unbuttoning them and they fell to the ground.
Bucky grabbed the strap of Steve's boxers and pushed them down around his ankles as well. Barnes began grinding the man as they both moaned. "C'mon Mr. Rogers, relax." Bucky whispered as he stroked Steve's member pumping his hand fastly along Steve's shaft.
Steve growled loudly and grabbed Bucky's hand. "Since when you are in charge?" He growled and successfully threw Bucky back on the bed.
Steve stepped out of his pants and boxers and then pinned Bucky down. "White Wolf isn't so confident now, huh?" He kissed Bucky. "Hope you are ready, pal. I don't wanna hurt you." Steve winked.
"Hurt? Me? I was hurt many times. That will be a pleasure."
Bucky tried to support his weight on his elbow but he failed and in the end he laid comfortably down. His eyes were on Steve's massive cock. Bucky licked his lips briefly.
"I've never seen you so bossy, man."
Steve spitted on his hand and stroked his cock few times listening to Bucky's words. "Exactly Buck, and it's enough for you." He explained and kissed Bucky deeply before slowly pushing into him.
Steve let out a loud growl. "Your ass is fucking tight, pal... And I was always bossy." He grunted and nuzzled to Bucky's neck.
"Fuck!" Bucky growled and immediately his hand wandered to Steve's back, where Barnes dug his nails into man's skin. "Fuck, you're so fucking huge, Rogers! What were you taking? Fucking steroids?!" Bucky bit his lower lip slowly wrapping legs around Steve's hips.
The feeling of being full was slowly spreading all over his body. Indeed, it was kinda painful but Bucky enjoyed the feeling.
The sight of Steve's muscular body towering over him was truly breathtaking.
Barnes was grunting everytime when Steve was shoving his member into Bucky's ass.
Steve moved slowly letting out a moan from time to time. “Your ass feels so good, Bucky.” He wrapped arms tightly around his man. “I wish I could hold you like this forever… I don’t want to let go. Never again.” Steve said panting.
Bucky moved hand from Steve's back to his nape trying to pull him down as much as it was possible. "Yes, Steve. Just like that. Just like that."
Bucky let his thoughts drifted away and he only focused on the pleasure.
Steve started to move faster. "Fuck Bucky... I am close." Steve growled and nuzzled to Bucky's neck. Soon, Steve pushed into Bucky as deep as he only could and he cum with a loud whimper. "Fuck!"
Bucky has arched his back as the pleasure hit him hard.
"Steven!" He grunted deeply shooting his eyes close as he felt how Steve cum inside of him.
Moment later, when Rogers fell on the mattress next to him, Bucky instinctively nuzzled to his pal, hiding his face in Steve's hair.
Blond man sighed and gently stroked Bucky's hair. "Don't call me Steven ever again." Steve laughed and hugged Bucky tightly. "You know what Buck?" He asked and looked at his friend.
Bucky brushed his lips against Steve's collarbone. "I like to call you that... What's it?" He mumbled quietly.
"Just don't... I love you and I am happy you are here with me. I missed you. I missed having you in my arms." Steve said softly and kissed Bucky's forehead.
Bucky only nodded before he let the darkness to overwhelm his body.
"I love you too, Steve."

Pandies🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @peter-sommer @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @totorosbooty @whatever-thingswillgetbetta @humifiler @nwmtagsb @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @yessy2012
Black Box || Boxer!Bucky Barnes x Reader

Summary: You are Bucky’s girlfriend. After another fight, he comes back home being so aggressive. After his abusive behavior you leave. However, you realize shortly after that you love him too much to leave him like that, so you go back to his flat to show him how much you care.
Warnings: smut, blowjob, angst, slight physical abuse
Words: 1993
Authors: Cass & Beast
Request by: @blue-dragon-ice Request: So I wanna you and Beast write a Bucky one shot where he is a boxer and he comes back home after the fight and you take care of him.

You were sitting on a couch, impatiently looking at the clock.
It was getting late and Bucky still didn't come back home as he always did around this hour. You still couldn't get used to fact that your boyfriend was a boxer. You hated seeing him coming back home while being beaten up.
Worst times were when he was losing the fight. He was coming home hurt and in a very bad mood.
Bucky was looking down at his swollen fists.
Another fight came to an end and of course, he had gotten disqualified. Only because he hit that other fucker straight in the back, breaking his spine. He couldn't help fact that he sometimes was forgetting, how much energy his metal arm can cause.
Bucky was slowly going back home, letting cold wind ruffle his hair.
He was hiding his metal arm under blouse, so no one could noticed, what a freak was walking down the street.
You jumped when you heard the door slammed in the hall.
You already knew that Bucky was back. Just because of sounds of his steps you could say he was angry.
This was when you got worried and quickly ran to bathroom to get aid kit, then you returned on couch, ready for everything.
Bucky stepped in the living room taking his blouse through his head and tossing it in the corner of room.
He didn't say a single word, he only glanced at you with his blue eyes which were radiating with anger.
"Bucky... How... How was it?" You asked even if you knew that everything went wrong. You just wanted to be polite. "God... Bucky. You look like a mess..." You got up from your seat and walked to him, taking his face into your small, soft hands. "I have kit... Come on... Let's clean that handsome face." You said quietly.
Bucky, however, strongly pushed you away. "Leave me, Y/N. Don't touch me." He let out a low growl looking straight into your eyes.
Bucky passed you by and headed to bathroom, where he washed his face with cold water. He spitted a blood clot to the sink and looked at his reflection in the mirror.
"But.... Sweetie... You need some medical attention... I can do this. At last take care of your face...." You said and smiled at him softly as you followed him. "I am sure you will feel better... I will be gently. I promise."
"I fucking said I don't need it, Y/N!" Bucky yelled turning around to face you. "Are you really that fucking stupid to be so dumb to not understand what I tell you?!" He raised his metal hand taking an aim but at the last moment he took a step back hitting the mirroring with metal fist, causing a lot of noise, when mirror turned into tiny pieces, scattering around the bathroom.
"But... But Bucky. I... I just try to help." You said quietly taking few steps back.
This was something normal for him and you hated this type of behaviour but you loved him at the same time and tried your best to accept every of his disadvantages.
"Leave me alone!" Bucky turned to you and pushed back hardly. When you hit with your back at the wall of corridor, Bucky threw you last angry glance and closed bathroom's door in front of your nose.
"Bucky! Can you stop this? This happens everytime! I try to help you and you are like' 'No! I am Bucky and I will be mad at the whole world because I lost.' This is a stupid behaviour." You growled.
It was enough to trigger him. Bucky opened the door that hardly that he ripped them out of hinges. He took one long step towars you and grabbed your collar picking you up. With other hand he slapped your cheek twice, then he simply threw you on the floor like a doll.
"Shut your fucking mouth, you fucking bitch!" He growled.
You looked at him from the floor. "I have enough! It's always the same! I try to help because I love you and you act like a psycho! I am leaving, it's over! I won't tolerate your abusive behavior anymore!" You yelled and then got up from floor.
You went to your common bedroom, grabbed a bag, you packed few stuff and quickly left his flat, slamming the door behind you.
Meantime, Bucky went to his bedroom and he got undressed, stepping out of his jeans and boxers, then Bucky flopped on the bed and slipped hand under head.
He was laying like this, naked, looking at the ceiling. He let his thoughts to float in his mind. Every single noise, like the clock's tick-tack in the hall was triggering his anxiety.
A view of you laying down on the floor came out of sudden to his mind and he shivered as he let a single tear run down his black and blue cheek. Immediately, some images of Hydra's base crawled to the back of his head.
Bucky yelled loudly covering his head with a pillow. Finally, after some time, he fell asleep.
You went to one of your frends. Good for you that she let you to stay.
You sat on small bed and sighed deeply, thinking of what was about to happen. You couldn't leave your Bucky like that. You were really worried.
He was having another nightmare.
Someone was chasing him in the woods.
Bucky got up with a scream, he was covered in cold sweat.
After some time, he fell asleep again.
It was crazy idea but you decided to return to him. You put on his favourite dress. You good knew he was always going crazy about it.
You slowly sneaked into your shared flat, taking you were still having the keys and you looked around.
It was late, so Bucky for sure was sleeping. You slowly went to bedroom.
Bucky was covered with quilt from the waist down. His muscular torso was tensed, yet he was breathing steadily.
You smiled sadly looking at his poor face.
"Buck..." You whispered getting closer to bed. "Bucky." You repeated as you sat on bed and put hand to his cheek.
Bucky only shifted a bit, he was too tired to wake up. He only mumbled something under his breath and stretched his back a bit.
You gently kissed his neck. "Bucky... Wake up, sweetie." You said, gently grabbing his shoulder.
Bucky opened eyes lazily and when he noticed you by his side, he instinctively shifted away.
"I thought you were having enough of me." He mumbled rubbing over his beard with metal fingers.
"I know Bucky... I am sorry. I just missed you so much. How do you feel, sweetie?" You asked and moved closer to him. "You had nightmares again." You noticed and gently stroked his hair. "I was worried about you."
He only sighed and turned head aside trying to fall asleep again. "I'm fine. Don't worry." He said simply closing his eyes.
You looked at him and kissed his head. "Don't lie to me. I love you too much and I know you for too long. Come here." You said and opened your arms for him.
It always worked when any of you were in a bad mood. Bucky was always calming down in your arms.
He looked at you briefly and then rolled into your arms with loud sigh. "You got me."
You hugged him and giggled. "I always get you, sweetie." You said and kissed his lips gently.
Bucky wasn't up to kissing you back but he did without protesting. "I am tired. It's middle of the night.." He put head on your thigh.
You smiled at him. "I think you should relax after today, you know?"
After these words, you kissed him again.
He gave kiss back but then slowly turned on his back. "Y/N, not now.." He gently stroked your knee.
"Just relax, Bucky." You whispered into his ear and started to kiss his neck. Slowly, you moved down his body, placing gentle kisses on every inch of his chest.
You placed yourself between his legs after throwing quilt off and then smiled at him, gently kissing his abdomen. "I didn't put this dress on for no reason."
He smiled at you with still closed eyes. "No.. No, I don't want to.. I didn't deserve it. I was an asshole again."
But he brushed his thumb over your cheek.
"Well... You deserved it. Only if you will promise me that you will be a good man from now on. Okay? No attacks of anger nor anything. Promise this." You said and your hand slowly moved to his crotch.
Bucky shivered at the touch and he raised a bit, he leant his weight on elbows. "I'll try to put all anger and bad thoughts into my black box."
He was observing you and a little blush crept onto his cheeks when he realized he was completely exposed.
You kissed his abdomen, making sure that your teeth gently grazed his skin. Then, you slowly moved blanket away and smiled at him.
"Someone was too lazy to put on his pajamas." You hummed.
Your hand was gently wrapped around his member. You gave him few long strokes before moving his length closer to your lips. Your tongue made few lazy circles around his tip before you took him into your warm mouth.
"Oh.. God.." Bucky hung his mouth open as he closed his eyes.
That was all he needed. He was enjoying the warmth of your mouth and instinctively, he bucked his hips a bit to slip his cock down your throat.
You purred deeply and allowed him to fuck your mouth. You looked at him before slipping his cock into your throat as deep as you only could.
At the same moment, your hand traveled to his balls. You started to gently stroke him, sucking his cock harder.
His metal hand found its way to your hair. He grabbed a handful of them as he hold your head in a place. Bucky was bucking his hips harder with every moment, soon holding your head with both hands and fucking your mouth like the hell he wanted.
"Fuck, Y/N, you know, what does your man truly love.." He grunted deeply.
You moaned softly and growled around him, making sure that he will feel every little vibration coming from your mouth. Your hand started to work faster on his balls, massaging and squeezing them harder and harder with every minute.
Bucky was moaning loudly at that point. His gasps and grunting were mixing all the time.
"I can't, Y/N.." Bucky whimpered loudly when he felt, how his cock started to throb.
You pulled him out from your mouth and licked his tip. "Good, sweetie. Please, cum in my mouth. Give me everything you have." You said before taking him back in and sucking him as hard as you only could. At the same time your hands started to squeeze his balls hardly.
It took few longer movements. Then Bucky cum in your mouth, shooting his warm load deep down your throat. He rolled his head back on the pillows when his eyesight got blurry from the orgasm, which he hit really hard. His whole body was covered in sweat and he was gasping for air, trying to calm his senses down.
You purred loudly and swallowed everything he had given you.
You watched him proudly. "So... will you be a good boy now?" You asked moving up to kiss his lips.
Bucky pushed you down, he rolled on top of you. He kissed you deeply, looking at you wish glistening eyes. "I'll do my best."
Then he made himself comfortable on your chest and he closed eyes while listening to your heartbeat. "Love you."
You stroked his hair and kissed his forehead with a smile on your lips. "I love you too, Bucky."

Pandies🐼: @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @peter-sommer @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @totorosbooty @whatever-thingswillgetbetta @humifiler @nwmtagsb @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @yessy2012
Ben Bazen || Bucky Barnes x Reader

Summary: Bucky Barnes is spending nice time by your side during common trip to Paris.
Warnings: none
Words: 974
Authors: Rouge
Request by: @karina-marina9 Request: Hi, can I ask for a one shot based on song named "Ben bazen"? I got into that kind of music lately, and I wondered if you could write something like this. I would like to read about Bucky and reader just fooling around during summer months, maybe they take a trip around the world?
A/N: I hope you'll enjoy it! ♥

“... Ben bazen...” You were humming softly, resting your head against the window of a car.
“You do this again, Y/N!” Bucky couldn't help but giggled loudly as he poked your side with his metal hand. “Calm down, soon we're gonna get there, Y/N.”
“What?!” You improved your position, putting legs on a dashboard. “You don't like me singing?”
“If I can be honest...” Bucky paused, so you turned your head toward him. He was grinning, looking straight at the road. “I like it from time to time but you sound more like a dying cat, honey.” Bucky shrugged and looked at you.
“Oh, you!” You pecked his lips and opened the window by your side, sticking head out.
“Watch out! I don't want you to lose your head so easily.” Former Winter Soldier said as he briefly looked at you.
“Focus on the road, Buck!” You miffed but you curled your lips into a bright smile. “Shit, we're here!”
In front of you, on the horizon, the Eiffel Tower loomed.
You squeaked, clapping your hands.
“Y/N, easy! It's just a monument!” Bucky rolled his eyes as he looked for a place to park the car.
When he finally did, you jumped out of the vehicle.
“C'mon, Buck!!!” You were jumping in the place, doing everything to rush him.
“Easy, girl!” He closed the door and activated the alarm. Bucky put his leather, black jacket on and circled the car to grab you by hand.
The sun was going down slowly as you two were walking along the Avenue Pierre Loti.
A gentle wind was ruffling trees and grass, adding a specific charm to this moment.
You were walking slowly, proudly holding your head up and leaning a bit toward Bucky, who let your hand free only to wrap his metal arm around your waist.
“Ah, isn't it beautiful?” You asked softly, breathing deeply.
“Mhm...” Bucky muttered, looking down at you.
You rolled your eyes, you were a bit annoyed.
“Buck, you know, how to be romantic.” You said with irony. “We're at one of the most romantic cities on the planet and you are like 'yeah, whatever', seriously?” You stopped and slipped out of his grip, crossing arms on your chest. “Thanks, Buck.”
He blinked.
“What? I do like this place. I don't know, what are you talking about right now.” Bucky shrugged slightly.
You turned with your back to him.
“Oh, come on, Y/N!” Bucky took a step toward you and placed his hands on your shoulders. “Don't be like this. I didn't mean anything bad, yea?” He put his chin on your left shoulder, only to kiss your neck shortly after. “Come on, honey.”
You smirked and giggled, reaching with your hand to his neck to stroke him there.
“You know that I can't be mad at you for too long, don't you?” You turned your head to him and kissed his lips. Bucky gave the kiss back, humming softly.
You grabbed his palm and pulled him ahead.
Soon, you and Bucky arrived at Eiffel Tower.
“Good morning, Mr. Barnes.” A guard smiled at Bucky and showed him the way.
You were surprised seeing, how you and Bucky were passing all the people from a queue by.
“Bucky?...” You asked quietly, tugging on his sleeve. “What's going on?”
He only turned head to look down at you with a bright smile on his lips.
“You'll see, Y/N.”
You were led on the highest floor, to the restaurant.
From this point, there was a beautiful view of the Paris skyline.
Bucky shifted a chair for you to sit and you politely took your place.
“Buck... How... I've heard that you have to book a place here few months before the trip... It's a very fancy restaurant...” You smiled, feeling how blush was forming on your cheeks.
Bucky took a seat in front of you and reached for your hand above the table.
“I know. That's why I made a reservation four months ago. Just for you, my love.” He gently nodded with a smile.
Your heart skipped a beat. He did this FOR YOU!
“Bucky...” You whispered when a waitress brought a bottle of red wine. “You shouldn't have...”
“Hush.” Bucky put the metal finger to his lips. “Enjoy the moment, Y/N.”
Some time later, the dishes that you ordered have arrived.
“I would never say that you'll do something like this for me.” You smiled at him, taking a bite of duck in spicy sauce. “It's... I can't find suitable words to describe how happy I am.” You were looking at him with love.
Bucky raised a glass of wine.
“To us. To another happy year.” He smirked softly.
You did the same.
“To me and my sweetest boyfriend. To our love.”
“Y/N, I have always wanted to ask you something. Many times I heard you singing 'ben bazen'. What does it even mean?” Bucky giggled quietly, putting the glass down.
You put your fork down and nodded.
“Indeed. 'Ben bazen' means 'I sometimes' in Turkish.” You explained simply. “I like the song with the similar title, it somehow stuck in my head some time ago.”
Bucky was looking at you. Suddenly, he got up and walked to your chair, reaching the hand toward you.
“Y/N, may I have this dance?” Bucky asked and it was when you realized that your favorite song was on.
“Oh, Gosh, Buck!” You blushed hardly but offered him your palm.
Within a minute, you and Bucky were rocking slowly to the music beat, being so close to each other.
“It was the best surprise I have ever gotten.” You climbed on your toes to kiss his bearded cheek.
Bucky pulled you closer.
“And you called me not romantic enough today, Y/N.” He poked your nose gently.
You both were dancing slowly, admiring the setting sun.

Pandies🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @totorosbooty @whatever-thingswillgetbetta @humifiler @nwmtagsb @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @yessy2012
Ominous mists || POV Bucky Barnes

Summary: Former Winter Soldier isn't sure who he really is. Struggling with the dark past and the metallic voice in his head, he tries to recoup what he had lost.
Warnings: None at this point.
Words: 548
Authors: Beast
A/N: I've decided to create my first Bucky's POV story, hope y'all enjoy it.

"Who do you think you are?" Asks the voice deep inside his head.
I don't know who am I anymore, he thinks, grinning sadly. He looks down at his metal fingers and how they're glistening in the setting sun as he stretches them slowly.
The wind blows him straight in the face but he doesn't mind it at all. Practically, he likes it.
He spent another day by lurking along city streets, without any particular reason. He enjoyed getting lost in the street buzz. And Bucharest was an adorable place to be lost in. The streets were saturated with the remains of communism, although the renewed parts of the city were pulsating with modernized life.
Now, he was sitting at Dâmbovița River, leaning his back against an old linden. Unexpectedly, man shivers when the same voice as before says something loudly inside his mind.
"You're nothing, just a piece of trash that nobody has ever needed," voice is getting louder and louder with every second.
SHUT UP!, he shakes his head. You're not real.
This time, however, the voice doesn't seem to disappear. "Murderer. You've killed so many innocent people. Who do you think you are?
He gets up from the ground and hits the tree's trunk with metal fist several times. I am not a FUCKING MURDERER!, he screams, he doesn't pay any attention to few people that stare at him in disbelief.
But the voice gets only louder, spreading through his mind and reaching every single part of his body. "You're nothing but Winter Soldier, serial killer, piece of trash, the unnecessary system bug which should be removed as soon as possible. But don't ya worry, they're coming for ya."
He turns head around, his hood falls almost on his eyes. He's afraid, like an animal that got into the hunter's trap. Are THEY really coming after him???
"Are you okay, sir?" An old woman comes to him, tilting head aside a bit. "Do you need help?"
He struggles with a will to ran. He gently pushes the woman and goes ahead but sinks onto his knees after few steps.
"MURDERER." The voice keeps humming. "MURDERER, MURDERER, MURDERER!"
He catches his head and with the corner of the eye, he can see how people take steps back as his metal limb is revealed. But he doesn't care of them. Man only cares to get rid of that awful voice that is pounded somewhere to his brain. He wants to be deaf at all the screams he can hear in his mind and soul, the screams of people he has killed. And these metal clang of that fucking bionic arm! It tears his personality apart. He doesn't know anymore if he's a human being whether a machine without emotions.
But there's a silver lining somewhere in his heart. A familiar male voice, he doesn't recognize it but somehow it makes that nice warmth spreads across his flesh.
"... till the end of the line..."
At the same second, the metallic voice in his head tries to be louder to deafen the male voice. But he knows the male voice either way...
Man opens his steel blue eyes widely, the last rays of setting sun make them glisten with a comprehension. He screams.

Pandies🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @peter-sommer @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @totorosbooty @whatever-thingswillgetbetta @humifiler @nwmtagsb @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @yessy2012 @infinity-stones-seeker @thehappyspider
Before You'll Be Gone|| Stucky Smut

Summary: Bucky finds the best way to improve Steve's mood before the mission.
Warnings: Smut
Words: 2372
Authors: Cass & Toro

It was one of the hardest days in his entire life and he felt blue. Steve was sitting at the edge of his bed, lurking through some documents. It was when he heard some noises in the kitchen. He frowned but eventually went downstairs to check what happened.
"Ugh! Fucking pan and fucking stove... FUCKING PANCAKES." Bucky growled to himself and threw the pan across the kitchen. "Okay... if not pancakes than maybe a cake..." He muttered and rubbed his face, he was annoyed. "Parker said that cooking with the book is easy..."
Steve leaned his side against the doorframe. "What the hell are ya doing, Buck? Who's gonna tide this mess later?" Steve asked as he looked around.
Stains of oil and flour were everywhere, even at the ceiling. Pan that Bucky threw seconds before was laying on the floor next to the table.
Steve crossed arms over his chest, sighing.
"I try to cook." He said before looking around, then he shrugged. "I will force Parker or Sam to clean it. I have more important stuff on my head now." He said and looked at Steve. A "How do you feel, pal?" Bucky asked, taking his apron off.
"Normal, I guess." Steve rolled his eyes. "And no, you will clean it by yourself." Steve's voice was firm. "It can't be like this that anytime you make a mess, someone else has to help you. Ain't it nice." Steve let out a sigh and took a seat at the table. "I am going on the mission soon." He said simply.
"Nope! Parker does nothing, just lurk around so he can move his teenage ass and do something here, and Sam is Sam. I hate him." Bucky giggled and then blinked. "Wait... what? You just came back like two days ago. And what with me?!" He whimpered sadly.
Steve slipped hands in his hair. "I have to. Agency has found some spy among them in their European branch. I have to investigate."
"They can send Hulk? Stark? Uhm... Parker? The tower is full of people and they have to send YOU?" Bucky walked to the table and sat at the opposite side. "I won't let you go this time. I mean it, Rogers. You are staying here with me. We need to improve your mood first." He smiled.
"Bucky, I am not in mood." Steve said simply. "And yes, they want send me. I have the best knowledge in a matter." He sighed. "I won't be long. Month or so..."
"EXACTLY! You aren't in the mood and I wanna change it... I..." Bucky blushed and rubbed his face, "I made this mess because... I tried to make those Captain America themed pancakes, to improve your mood." He looked around, biting his lips. "You see how it ended."
Bucky sighed sadly. "Why you say it like it's nothing? Month is a really long time. I really won't let you go. They can send Nat, she knows a lot."
Steve shook his head. "It's not that easy, Buck. And... It's pretty sweet, pal. You know I can't be mad at you for too long though." Rogers giggled shortly. "Will you help me with packing later?"
Bucky sighed deeply and nodded. "Sure... I will help you."
He watched Steve for a minute and then smiled. "About your mood... I have an idea."
Steve cocked his brew, crossing arms over his chest. "What idea? Shall I be scared?" Steve chuckled softly.
Bucky said nothing, only rolled his eyes. He raised from his seat and walked to Steve from behind. Bucky placed his hands on Steve's shoulders. He started to massage them, moving to Steve's back and neck from time to time. He was pressing all the right spots.
Bucky leaned over a bit. "You know... I really miss you when you are on a mission." He whispered against Steve's ear before kissing his neck and shoulder.
Steve couldn't help but smile as he closed his eyes. He enjoyed every single moment of that little massage.
"Mhmmm..." He purred softly. "I can see you do, Buck."
Steve reached his hand back to gently stroke Bucky's metal arm.
Bucky giggled. "Aaaa? You see? I already helped you." He smiled and looked at Steve. "I really won't let you go. I miss you too much, when you're gone, Imma stuck with my own hand." He muttered and teasing as he nuzzled to Steve's neck.
Steve got up slowly and smirked at Bucky, he wrapped his muscular arm around Bucky's shoulders. "You know how to be cute, don't ya?" Steve smirked as he slowly led Bucky upstairs, checking by the way if no one was around.
"Yes! We're gonna fuck! FINALLY!" Bucky said happily and pulled Steve quickly to their room.
He locked the door behind them as they both entered.
"You have no idea for how long I've been waiting for this. Since you came back, you didn't touch me... I was getting worried that you don't love me anymore." Bucky purred, pulling Steve closer. "You were a bad boy, punk." He growled playfully, grabbing Steve's ass.
Steve bit his lower lip, looking Bucky directly in the eye. "Calm down, take it easy, Serge." Steve leaned more to Bucky and slowly kissed his jawline as he slipped hands under his shirt.
Buck laughed loudly. "I never was a gentle type. You're gonna scream my name tonight." Bucky smiled and kissed Steve deeply. Bucky's metal hand moved into Steve's pants while his normal one moved under Steve's shirt.
"Go on ice, Buck!" Steve blushed a bit as he pulled away to take a deep breath. "And no, no, no. You gotta work hard to get access to my cock, pal." He teased.
Steve pulled Bucky's hand out of his pants. He pushed Barnes onto the bed and stood in front of him, slowly taking his T-shirt off, exposing his muscular abdomen to his boyfriend.
Bucky sighed softly and laid down comfortable, putting hands under his head. "Dance for me, hottie." He purred and bite his lips, watching Steve. He could already feel how uncomfortably tight his pants have became.
Steve laughed shortly and started to rock his hips, slowly unbuckling his belt. "You like it, don't ya?" Steve asked and slowly unzipped his fly, slipping hand in his jeans to massage his cock while he was watching Bucky and his cock that was tenting in his pal's pants.
"You know I can do that too?" Bucky smiled and removed his pants, tossing them aside. "Nah, I'm not gonna fuck around." He said and then took off his boxers, also tossing them on the floor. Bucky sighed softly and started to stroke his already hard cock.
Steve slipped jeans down his legs, leaving his boxers on. The bulge was already visible and he couldn't help but smirk on Bucky.
He joined Barnes in bed, starting to kiss his neck and clavicles. Then, he slowly licked his way down, straight to Bucky's cock.
Bucky grabbed Steve by his nape. "Hey, hey, hey. Take off those nice, white boxers or no cock for you." Bucky smiled at Steve and shrugged. "I always can fuck your pillow as I always do when you're gone."
Steve froze, he raised his head and tilted it a bit. "Excuse me, Buck? You were fucking MY pillow?!" Steve's eyes were wide open. "Oh, you little, nasty dumbshit!"
After these words, Steve stood up and with one movement slipped his boxers down his legs. He briefly ran hand along his shaft. "Look what you do to me. You got me that hard within a blink of an eye."
Bucky laughed. "What? What am I supposed to do when you're gone? Fuck Sam? Or buy one of those weird sex dolls with your face on them? They look really weird."
Bucky purred and watched Steve. "You are not the only one that is hard here." He moved his metal hand into Steve's hair, pulling them gently. "Now. Move down there and suck this cock."
Steve got back onto his knees, he grabbed Bucky's cock in his hand and pumped it few times before taking it into his mouth. He wrapped his lips around Bucky's tip, sucking on it. Steve also purred, sending some vibrations to his boyfriend's dick.
"Fuck... Yea, just like that. Suck this thick cock, punk." Bucky purred and grabbed Steve's hair to control his moves. "Suck me good and I will think about a reward for you."
Steve started to using his hand along with his mouth to work on Bucky's cock. He pulled Bucky out of his mouth. Steve grinned and ran his tongue along a main vain of Bucky's cock, Steve's eyes were on his pal. "You like it, don't ya?" Steve grunted, he grabbed his own cock to stroke it.
"Sure I like it, Stevie. It feels so great but come here." Bucky purred quietly and pulled Steve up. "Be a kind kitten and reach to our little drawer and take the lube out." He said before kissing Steve's chest.
Steve kissed Bucky's lips, their tongues were dancing together.
Steve reached to drawer and pulled little, plastic bottle out, handling it to Bucky. "Here ya go, pal." He whispered as he blushed.
"What? My little kitten is shy?" Bucky asked softly, taking some of the lube on his fingers. "I will be gently as always, so don't ya worry." He purred and kissed Steve again as his hand slowly moved to Steve's ass. "So, so tight, my kitten." Bucky whispered pushing two fingers into Steve.
Rogers ran tongue over his dry lips and briefly rubbed his beard. He caught Bucky's cock and started to stroke it as he kissed his jawline. "Only for ya, pal. Mmm, I like your fingers but I rather need you cock there."
"Fuck..." Bucky gasped and smiled at Steve. "Be patient. I don't wanna hurt ya and that hole is a bit too tight for me yet." He explained and kissed him deeply, moving his fingers in and out.
After a moment Bucky pulled his fingers out and put Steve on the bed, then he turned him, so Steve was on his stomach.
"You want this cock, don't ya, kitten?" He purred against Steve's ear before biting it gently.
"Yea, Buck. I do. Stop teasing and fuck me like ya always do, huh?" Steve crossed hands beneath his chin and sticked out his bum. "C'mon, Buck."
"You are a very bad kitten today, punk." He said and covered his cock in lube. "But well. When you ask so nicely... I will fuck that nice ass of yours." Bucky whispered and pushed into Steve without any warning. "Fuck..." He whimpered. "Feels so fucking good." Bucky growled and started to thrust harder into him.
Steve grabbed the sheets and sucked onto his lower lip. "Yea, Buck, feels amazing!" Steve turned his head slightly to look at Bucky.
He was enjoying his every push, every second of being stretched out by his boyfriend's cock.
"Keep going, Buck, you're amazing."
Bucky panted against Steve's shoulder. "Fuck... You are so perfect, kitten. So warm, so tight, I love you so much."
Bucky's hips continued to move hard while his metal hand moved to jerk Steve's cock. His other hand was tightly wrapped around Steve's stomach.
"Shit..." Steve panted quietly, the feeling was unbearable.
When Bucky started to jerk onto his cock, Steve moaned lazily. "If you'll keep this, I'll cum soon." He informed.
Bucky smiled and bite Steve's neck hard enough to leave a mark, moving his hips even faster. "Good... Good, that's my goal tonight." He moaned and nuzzled to Steve's back, kissing him there softly.
Bucky started to stroke Steve's cock even faster, squeezing it hard from time to time.
"Jesus, yes, just like this, shit!" Steve turned into a moaning mess beneath Bucky. "I want you to cum on my face, pal." He asked, squeezing sheets tightly as he felt that his cock started throbbing in Bucky's hand.
"Be a good kitten and cum for your pal. Then we will see if you deserved this." Bucky muttered pushing into Steve harder few times, playing with his tip. "Such a good, little kitten. Fucking cum for me." He growled nuzzling to Steve's neck.
Steve also put his hand onto his dick and jerked it hardly. The precum started pouring down his shaft and he let a loud sigh. Then he let Bucky finish working on his dick and he cum, moaning Bucky's name over and over again.
Bucky shivered as he felt Steve's cum on his hand. "Such a good boy." He moved his hand to Steve's mouth. "Come on. Suck these fingers, kitten." Bucky said and continued to move his hips. "Fuck... Stevie. I am close. So close." Bucky moaned.
Steve grabbed Bucky's hand and started to lick his fingers clean from his own seed. "I love these metal fingers of yours. And when your cock is stretching my asshole." He grunted.
Bucky only smiled and then wrapped his metal hand around Steve's throat. "Fuck... I love you so much, Steve."
Bucky moaned Steve's name when his hips stuttered, he quickly pulled out. "Come here, kitten." He said and started to stroke his own shaft. "Let's paint this pretty face."
Steve got up and got off the bed, he knelt down in front of Bucky, his eyes on his boyfriend as he was slowly pumping hand over his own length.
Steve smirked rudely and sticked his tongue out, waiting at Bucky's release to approach.
Bucky growled loudly as his climax hit him. Strings of thick, whitey cum shot on Steve's face. "Fuck... Fuck..." Bucky gasped and looked at Steve with a smile. "You look so cute like this, kitten."
Steve grabbed his boyfriend's cock jerking it few times to make sure nothing has left. He licked Bucky's cock clean and then swirl tongue over his mouth to lick Bucky's cum. "You taste amazing, pal."
He smiled. "Pineapples help!" Bucky winked and pulled Steve on his laps. "You know what I am thinking now?"
"What?" Steve sighed and kissed Bucky's jawline.
"Right now... I think of how hard I'll be fucking your pillow when you will be gone." Bucky said and laughed.

Pandies🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @nwmtagsb @anini71 @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @infinity-stones-seeker @thehappyspider @wings4life @huxyluxy @dontbeafraidchild @misafiryanki @electronicpatrolcollective
Roomba Fighter || Bucky x Reader

Summary: You move to a new house with Bucky. When you both start cleaning, something unexpected happens. Bucky meets Roomba vacuum cleaner for the very first time
Warnings: None, just scared Bucky.
Words: 1105
Authors: Cass & Toro

You sighed deeply looking around the flat.
You loved to share your life with Bucky but you had to admit that he wasn't the type of cleaner at all.
You went to meet him at upper floor of your new, common flat and looked at him with serious face. "Bucky... It's time to clean." You said firmly, crossing arms over your chest.
He was still in bed. Bucky opened his eyes and gave you a lazy glance. "Can't we do this a bit later? It's only..." he checked the clock at the nightstand, "it's only 8am, Y/N! I am not used to get up at such early hour and you know this."
Bucky took your pillow and put it onto his face, hiding under it.
"Bucky! No, we can't! We need to do this now. The sooner we start, the sooner we will finish." You said taking the pillow off his face. "Come on now, move your sexy ass."
Bucky growled loudly. He got up reluctantly, running hand through his hair. "What with breakfast? I'm hungry." He grunted lazily, yawning shortly after.
You smiled and kissed his cheek. "So go grab a snack. The fridge is full, sweetie. Go and I will plan our work here. House is big and there are only two of us." You explained.
Bucky rolled his eyes and went to a drawer. He pulled out too big T-shirt and put it on. He decided to not change his sweatpants though. "Okaaay. Let it be. But I won't be vacuuming, ya know I hate it." He shrugged and went downstairs.
You looked at him and bit your lips, admiring his features. "Oh! I know. Don't worry about this. I will take care of it for you." You waved your hand and followed him. "You know, I think I'll take the bottom part of house and you will clean the upper one. What do you think?"
"Whatever suits you." Bucky replied as he opened the fridge.
He grabbed a sausage and took a bite. "I can clean our bedroom. And wash floors. I don't know." He responded with full mouth as he was chewing.
You rolled your eyes. "First swallow, then talk, Buck. You know, no talking with a full mouth." You smiled at him. "I'm glad you're so eager to clean, sweetie! So we do as I say. You take top and I take bottom. Just do everything that needs to be done on the upper part."
He shrugged as he swallowed. "Yea. I know, m'kay? Imma big boy, I kinda now how to tide flat up, yea?" He patted your arm. "Don't ya worry, child, you'll be happy with my work."
He smiled briefly at you, then he simply left kitchen to go upstairs.
You sighed heavily and shrugged. "Well, if you say so, old guy." You shook your head and also left the kitchen. You quickly went upstairs to find your new Roomba cleaner. "Bucky's gonna love this little robot. He hates vacuuming. Hope you will do your job, little buddy." You giggled and turned it on, putting it onto floor.
Bucky ended cleaning your common bedroom and bathroom. "Hmmm. What's next?" Bucky rubbed his beard as he was thinking what to do next. It was when Barnes heard some strange noises from the corridor.
You hummed a happy tune while cleaning shelves from the dust.
When you were done, you looked around. "Okay, shelves are done. What now... What now?" You questioned yourself, snapping your fingers.
Bucky slowly made it to the door. He slowly half-opened them and sticked his head out, taking a look.
His heart stopped for a second when he spotted little form on the floor, several feets away.
He instinctively closed the door and leaned his back over them. He was breathing loudly. "What the fuck..." He whispered as he heard the noises got closer to his door.
You continued to hum your tune, walking around the living room and cleaning whatever you could find.
"Wonder how Bucky is doing up there. He and little robot. I think I'm gonna name it." You thought out loudly, cleaning the coffee table.
Meantime, Bucky found a courage and opened the door again. He walked out of the room when noises vanished.
He slowly walked along corridor. Suddenly, he stopped. Bucky heard some humming noise behind his back. He slowly turned his head around and paled.
The little thing he have seen a moment before has just driven out of the guest room. Not only that, it was going slowly directly in his direction!
Bucky looked around and grabbed only thing he found - a mop.
"You little fucker!" He yelled and hit metal surface with the stick. "Y/N! Come here now! I think someone's spying us with some creepy device!"
You blinked and quickly ran to Bucky. "WHAT?! What, happened? Who is spying? What creepy device?!" You asked these questions, looking around, confused.
You bursted with a loud laugh when you saw the robot. "Bucky... Sweetie. Really?" You asked, wiping tears away.
"What's so funny, huh?!" Bucky yelled. He patted the device with the stick. "I bet someone's spying on us. Maybe someone from Hydra came here when we were gone and left this little machine." Bucky suggested seriously as he knelt down and took the thing in his hands. "Such a hellish device..."
You laughed and took the device from him. "You know, this 'hellish device' is ours and it's not spying on you. It's cleaning all dirt and crumbs that you left on this floor, sweetie." You explained and looked at him, turning the device off. "Bucky, meet the Roomba cleaner."
"Roo... Room-what?" He cocked his brows, tilting his head. "What do you mean by OURS? Why haven't I seen this shit before?" He started to wave his hands. "I almost had a heartattack!"
"Roomba cleaner. Our little robot that vaccum the floor. You said you hate vacuuming. So I decided to buy it as a surprise for you." You shrugged and giggled. "Nah! Don't be so dramatic, handsome." You said before kissing his cheek.
"Next time, just don't do such a things to me without informing me." Bucky giggled shorty. "Roomba cleaner... Hah! I have a better name for it. Vacuuming monster."
"I was thinking about naming it Sam. I mean, you already hate it and you hate him, so maybe?" You shrugged and giggled. "I'll never forget how scared you were. All because of this little thing." You shook your head.
Bucky rolled his eyes, laughing and running fingers through his long hair. "Ah, you." He giggled. "I'll never be cleaning again!"

Pandies🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @nwmtagsb @anini71 @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @infinity-stones-seeker @thehappyspider @wings4life @huxyluxy @dontbeafraidchild @misafiryanki @electronicpatrolcollective
Happy Birthday || Bucky Barnes x Reader || Drabble

Summary: You’re having a rough day. Also, everyone seems to forget about your birthday. Bucky Barnes is the one to save the day ☺
Warnings: none
Words: 879
Author: Rouge
Y/D/N – your dog’s name

It was one of those days when you were sad enough to stay at your room, no one could approach you nor talk to you. Even Bucky Barnes, who was your best friend, was pushed aside during drop in your form.
That day, however, you were not only sad but also frustrated. Your assignment has been postponed to someone else and you got furious when you heard about this fact, plus everyone seemed to forget it was your birthday. You felt pretty abandoned.
“Of course! Again! Fury doesn’t know what he’s doing!” You were screaming while leaving the director’s office. “I’d be better than Natasha and he only sees her on this mission, because Banner is going too!” You smashed the door behind you.
On the corridor you met Bucky.
“Hey, Y/N, sup there?” He asked, smiling widely. His grin faded as quickly as it showed up when he spotted your angry grimace. “Hey, what’s wrong, Y/N?”
“What’s wrong? You ask me what’s wrong!?” You yelled, waving your hands furiously. “They again took someone else on the mission to Europe! What am I?! What the actually hell!?” You were screaming. When you felt how tears are gathering themselves in corners of your eyes, you simply sat on the floor, crossing legs and hiding face in your hands. “I’ll never be as good as they are. Will never be as smart as they are.” You sighed, letting tears rolled down your cheeks. “I was working so hard to get this task. It’s my work, not their! I researched everything, I set everything up, finally it was me who found that missing agent in Kiev! And Fury has decided to take Banner and Natasha! Because she knows the terrain and he’s smart enough to get through firewalls of their system! Ha!” You let words flew, not paying attention to three workers who passed you by with curious glances.
Bucky crouched next to you, his metal arm on your shoulder. “Hey, Y/N, don’t ya worry. It’s not the last time. There will be another missions.”
You looked him in the eye, still crying, with a deep sigh. “And they will be assuring me about my trip to crush my dreams within second?” You shrugged. “I don’t care anymore. I just can’t with their shit.”
Bucky chuckled softly, rubbing your cheek with his flash hand. “Hey. Come with me. I think you should see something. I think someone needs your help.”
His soft voice has calmed you down quickly, you gave him your hand and let him help you to get back on your feet. You followed Bucky to common saloon at the lower level of Avengers Tower.
“What should I see? I don’t see anything at all, Buck.” You narrowed brows, looking at him with a frown. “If you’re fooling me, you’ll have problem. I am completely not in a mood for this…” You silenced.
You heard a quiet barking and a sound of claws on the wooden panels. Your heart stopped, you were terrified, squeezing Bucky’s flash hand as hardly as you could. You slowly turned your head around, your eyes opened widely.
In front of you and Bucky, there was standing a beagle puppy, wagging its tail. Little puppy was barking quietly, licking its nose every now and then.
“OH GOD!” You squeaked loudly, getting on your knees and chuckling to call the dog. “Come here, little one!”
Dog ran to you happily, falling over twice because of lack of coordination. You reached your hands to puppy and took it into your arms, getting up slowly while petting the dog.
“How did he come here?” You asked, looking at Bucky in shock. “He’s so cute! Maybe he got lost?”
It was when you noticed a collar on puppy’s neck, with a little charm in front. You took it between your fingers to read what was written there.
For Y/N, my bestie, on her b-day. Bucky.
You heart stopped for the second time. You slowly raised your head, giving him a look. “Buck…” You whispered, covering mouth with other hand while holding puppy with second one. “You haven’t forgotten…” You mumbled, feeling a single tear on your cheek. “Dear Lord…”
You slowly and gently put puppy on the floor, took step to Bucky and hugged him tightly. “I have the best friend I could ever have!” You cried softly as his arms were embracing your form.
“Happy birthday, Y/N.” Bucky said with happy voice, kissing top of your head. “I hope this little guy will be a nice companion to you. I knew you like puppies. And when I saw him during last visit to city center with Steve, I decided to get him for you.” Barnes explained shortly.
“It’s the greatest gift I ever got!” You clapped your hands, your eyes on puppy who was running around two of you. “What’s his name?”
“He doesn’t have one, yet. It’s up to you now, Y/N.” Bucky smirked.
“Hmmm… Y/D/N!” You told him happily, then you got down on your knees to petted dog’s head. “You’re Y/D/N from today!” You giggled. “How cute is he!” You whispered when dog laid down and rolled onto his back to get some belly rubs.
Bucky smiled at you from above.
“Once again, happy birthday, Y/N.”

Pandies🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @nwmtagsb @anini71 @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @infinity-stones-seeker @thehappyspider @wings4life @huxyluxy @dontbeafraidchild @misafiryanki @electronicpatrolcollective
Sweet Domination || Bucky x Reader smut

Summary: You like to be sub when Bucky likes to be dom. A sweet play never comes to an end between two of you.
Warnings: Smut, dirty talks, light BDSM
Words: 2379
Author: Rouge & Beast

The dark room was like a place out of time, a place to rest without consequence. The darkness in that way was a sanctuary, a place to recharge and forget the things the world said had to be done.
The wooden doors opened slowly, quietly. Then a little click and lights went on.
Bucky walked into the bed like it was his own home, kicking off his shoes messily at the door and smiling widely as he dropped something onto the nearest chair. Barnes was never good at hiding surprise and this occasion was no different. The man ran his hands through his hair, quite aware that his attractiveness was enhanced by his more rugged qualities.
You smirked - just a small pouting of the lips; a narrowing of the eyes and a tilting of the head. “Hi there, handsome.” You stretched lazily. Alluringly, you would blink your eyes from time to time, allowing your eyelashes to flutter like the wings of a butterfly. “Fuck, you look so fucking hot…” Bucky swallowed hardly, his steel blue eyes on your body as he laid down next to you. The charm of your physique stole insensibly upon him. The lines of your body were long, clean and symmetrical. His metal finger trailed along your waist, his glistening eyes still on yours.
You closed your eyes for a second, admiring the moment of pleasure when his metal fingers were traveling up and down your hips. The coldness was a sensation to your skin, little goosebumps appeared in few places and you sucked on your lower lip. “Mmm, you’re so good to me, Barnes.” You whispered under your breath, slowly rolling on your side, wrapping arm around his neck. “You know how to turn me on, don’t you?” You asked softly against his ear, brushing his bearded cheek with your tender lips. Your fingers severely tangled in the dark hair of his.
His metal hand squeezed your hip roughly and you couldn’t help but smirk. “Call me Barnes again and I’ll have to punish your sexy ass, Y/N.” He told you with a short, wry chuckle, leaning to you and slowly sucking on your pulse point.
You bit your lower lip again and tugged on his hair gently. “You’ll punish your little doll, Barnes? How rude of you.” You chuckled softly, with a rude grimace on your face as you slowly ran tip of your tongue along your half-opened lips.
He shook his head and kissed you, your tongues were dancing together for a second, then he caught your lip with his teeth and pulled it gently, with a smirk. “Bad doll. Ain’t it funny. Gotta get punished.”
He slipped his hands beneath your nightgown and tugged your panties down. He rolled on top of you, pinning you completely down to the mattress with his weight. He was kissing wherever he could reach, his palms were wandering over your body. He knelt between your thighs second later and took his own shirt by the head.
You let out a sigh, admiring his body. He was muscular, with an almost perfectly symmetrical face. His strong hands held your hips as he stared deep into your eyes. Muscles on his shoulders tensed, beautiful lines popped up. He could have had almost anyone, he could have had someone with a bigger bust, a smaller waist, blonde hair and more self-confidence. But the only person he has wanted was you. No one else.
You reached your hand and slowly caressed his tensed shoulders, humming softly, looking him deep in the eye. “You’re so handsome, Barnes.” You teased, slowly cupping your breasts to play with them, giving him a little show. “I was such a naughty, little doll.” You grunted in a deep voice and smirked as you noticed, how he slipped his metal arm into his sweatpants, slowly jerking on his cock. “Mmm… Such a good boy.”
You sucked on your two fingers slowly, still looking at him, then you slipped hand between your thighs to slowly rub over your yet wet clit.
Bucky blushed and hummed, he increased movements on his shaft, even though his pants you could see, how hard he was jerking himself. “On your knees, little cunt.” He ordered as he got up, kicking his pants off.
You smirked and obediently slipped out of bed, getting down on your knees and taking his hard cock in your hand.
"Do you want it in your mouth, whore?" Bucky asked, his voice was husky, his eyes on you. You nodded and opened your mouth to take its full length slowly into your throat, your tongue undulating over his warm skin. You gripped his legs and then his firm ass. You were slowly bobbing your head back and forth, your eyes were still on him. You pulled him out of your mouth only to spit on his tip and pumped your hand along his length, spreading your saliva over his cock to make him wetter.
"Good doll.” He moaned and you braced for him to cum in your mouth. He pulled your hair and forcibly you to your feet, stopping his impending orgasm. “On the bed, whore.” He ordered, his voice was cold enough to send shivers down your spine.
You nodded and sit on the edge of the bed, waiting for his next command to comply.
"Spread your fucking legs." Bucky’s voice was even deeper and you slowly did what he has wanted. He knelt in front of you, burying his face between your thighs and the only thing you could do was moan his name on and on. His tongue was swirling along your clit, his metal fingers found their way into your wet core. Your legs started to shaking, you arched your back, instinctively slipping hands into his hair. Bucky hummed in acceptance and sucked hardly on your pussy, his teeth caught your lips gently and he pulled them a bit, sucking on them at the same time. His other hand cupped your breast and was slowly massaging it.
Soon, you moaned loudly as the wave of pleasure washed over you, the release you’ve been desperately seeking. “Fuck, Bucky!” You grunted, tugging on his hair and rolling your hips to press your sweet spot to his lips as much as you could.
Bucky swallowed all of your cum, kissing your inner thighs after. He got up, towering over you.
You slid your own hand over you belly and slipped a finger between your pussy lips, into your vagina, and up over your clitoris. You were soaking wet; massaging your finger over your swollen clit wrenched another spasm from you. You withdrew it quickly and licked it, your eyes on Bucky. When you looked down his body, you could easily see a precum glistening on his tip. You licked your lips. “I want to suck your cock again. May I?” You made puppy eyes, begging him for the thing you were craving the most.
“Yes, you may.” He nodded slightly, smiling at you as he took step back from the bed, making some room for you. You knelt down in front of him again. You reached out to lick his tip.
“Oh God.” Bucky moaned as his hands finally reached for your head. He held your head still and thrusted his hips at you. You smiled as you opened your lips to let that wet, velvety head slide between them. You closed your lips around it and sucked the precum off. This time there was no doubting his intentions when he started thrusting against your mouth. You let more of it slide in with each forward thrust. You ran your tongue over and around the head as he pulled back and let your tongue slid hard against the underside when he thrusted in. It wasn’t long before you knew Bucky was close to cumming. He knew it too and stepped back before he could.
He pushed you on the bed. Bucky stood between your legs and lowered himself on top of you. His cock slid into you and you brought your legs up around his waist. Bucky started thrusting into you and you could feel the orgasm building up again. You wanted it to go on and on. Then he stopped and pushed your legs down.
“Please, don’t stop!” You begged him.
Bucky just smiled at you and pulled you up into a sitting position. His cock was wet and shiny from your juices and he offered it to me pressing it up toward your face. By this time you were so hot for him that you both knew you’d do anything he wanted. His cock looked so good that you reached over and licked him clean. It tasted of you and as you licked a bead of pre-cum formed on the tip. You licked that off too and sucked him into your mouth. Bucky began thrusting into again, grunting. You could feel how excited he was and knew it wouldn’t be long before he came. You felt him sliding against your tongue and you pulled his hips toward you so you could get it all.
“Don’t stop, cunt.” Bucky groaned as he thrust himself into your mouth. “You feel so good.” His thrusts were coming faster and he shoved his hands into your hair to hold you still. He continued to fuck your mouth and you moaned feeling how much he was enjoying it. Your pussy was flooded with juices and you wanted so badly to cum. Just when you thought he was going to cum in your mouth, he stopped again.
“You know, you’ve been very bad doll, so I don’t know if you deserve this.” He said simply, slipping his cock out of your lips. “Get up.”
He stepped back and reached for the item he had dropped onto the chair earlier. It was white and when he shook it, you could see it was some kind of cloth. He had cut a towel into strips and made four ties out of it. He motioned for you to move down to the end of the bed.
“Sit down.” Bucky commanded, pointing to the chair.
You obediently sat down and he put one of the ties around your right forearm and fastened it to the arm of the chair.
“What are you doing?” You asked.
He didn’t answer but continued with the task of tying your left arm to the left side of the chair. Then he knelt in front of me and you felt him tying your ankles to the legs of the chair.
“Why are you tying me up?” You asked, cold shivers were running down your spine. Bucky and you had discussed tying each other up and had agreed that the activity would require a lot of trust on the tied person’s part.
“I’m just going to show you what happens to bad girls who don’t behave.” Bucky answered and smirked. Now, you were unable to do more than move your upper body forward and scoot a little forward or back against the chair. “You see, when you misbehave, you have to be taught to obey.” He continued. “Now, I am going to have some fun and if you can show me you know how to be good, maybe you can have some fun, too.” He licked his lips, his metal arm jerked on his cock few times.
With that, Bucky knelt in front of you. His head moved forward and his lips encircled one of your nipples. He licked and sucked it to a hard point before he moved to the other one. It received the same treatment and you were moaning before he decided he had enough of that. He trailed his lips down your belly and buried his face in your mound. You scooted forward as far as you could in the chair and pressed your legs against the sides of the chair so he would have better access. He began licking your juices and plunging his tongue into you slit. Your clit was hard and straining toward his mouth when he finally put his lips against it.
“Does that feel good?” Bucky hummed softly.
“You know it does.” You panted at him. “Please, don’t stop.” You were on the verge of cumming again.
He kept his movements until you came all over his bearded mouth. You arched your back as much as you could and when he got up, jerking on his cock, you grinned at him.
“Untie me now, little fucker.” You grunted, pretending to be angry.
“You don’t sound like you have the proper respect for me yet.” Bucky stood looking down at you.
“I’m going to show you how much I respect you if you ever let me go, Buck.” You answered. He chuckled and untied one arm.
You reached the arm up and pulled him down so your lips could meet. Your tongues slid against each other as Bucky untied the other arm. You could see he was still as aroused as you were.
Bucky untied you completely, including your ankles and he yanked you up and into his arms.
He turned you around and shoved you down onto the bed. He reached down before you even quit bouncing and lifted your legs up so your feet were on his shoulders. Bucky rubbed his cock against your pussy and finally thrust deeply into you. You could feel your pussy closing around the hardness it craved.
“Please, don’t stop.,” You begged as he started thrusting. You grabbed handfuls of the sheets and moaned loudly with each thrust. You tried to wait for him but you were just too to wait any longer. Your orgasm was long and powerful and you knew he could feel it as your pussy squeezed his hard cock with each spasm.
“I’m cumming!” Bucky groaned as he thrusted hard into you one more time. You felt the jerks as his cock emptied itself inside you. He released your legs and collapsed on top of you, gasping for air. You closed arms around him and you stayed like that while your heartbeats returned to normal.
You were already thinking about the next time and what you were going to do when it was your turn to tie him up.

Pandies🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @nwmtagsb @anini71 @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @infinity-stones-seeker @thehappyspider @wings4life @huxyluxy @dontbeafraidchild @misafiryanki @electronicpatrolcollective
Allein, allein || Chapter I || Bucky Barnes x Reader

Summary: Bucky Barnes is still the Hydra’s asset. He doesn’t remember who he was before. You’re his new handler. How things between two of you are going to turn out?
Chapter: 1 of ?
Warnings: none
Words: 1325
Author: Rouge
A/N: this very first chapter was written for @arawynn ‘s writing challenge. My prompt was “do you have permission to be here?”.

Surrounded by four grey walls, there was nothing else to do but stare at them. To look at the paint that had started to chip off as time passed, or gouged by others - anything to pass time. He was slowly going mad, theorizing absurd meanings from the wall's blank stare. He wasn’t sure about anything. He didn’t know who he used to be. He couldn’t remember any certain moment from his past, just few random memories were always going through his mind, however he couldn’t place them in time. Were they real? Or was it just his imagination that was tricking him?
The darkness swirled around his curled form on his bed, tendrils of inkling bleak reminders of his solitude. The silence echoing in his ears was the constant white noise that never shut up. Her head swam in the fire burning inside, the only smoldering embers of a time where there had been other presences with him, around him, in him. But then, the void had been slowly filled with a cold, howling storm of fear that refused to ever let up. He was completely and utterly alone in his mind, body, soul, and most of all, entirely alone in the world.
The knock came quietly first and then there was silence. He frowned a bit, slowly raising his head and turning it to the door. “Who’s there?” He asked, his voice husky and unpleasant.
The knock was louder and faster this time, no one has responded at his previous question. Long-haired man got up and within three large steps he was next to the metal door. He opened them and frowned slightly.
In front of his door, in the dim light of fluorescents, you were standing, looking around.
He let his glance along your form, from the bottom to the top as he leaned his flesh forearm against doorframe. “Do you have permission to be here?” He asked simply, his cold gaze was still on her.
You nodded, you were visibly hesitating. “Yes…” Your voice was nothing more but a whisper. It didn’t, however, make him less unpleasant. He simply didn’t care about you, yet he was pretty curious about purpose of your visit in a dungeon.
“I’ve asked you a question. Who the hell are you?” He repeated, his voice was deeper this time.
“My name’s Y/N. I am your new handler.”
He blinked and it was when he noticed a large briefcase in your hands. It was definitely not what he was expecting this evening to bring.
“You’re wrong, Y/N. My handler’s doing pretty good. He’s upstairs, having a training with other agents.” Man replied with a light shrug. “I don’t need you. Go away.”
He turned around in an attempt of closing door but you stopped him, slipping your leather boot between doorframe.
“Here,” you opened the briefcase and pulled out some document, handling it to him, “read this if you don’t believe me.”
Man let out a loud, irritated sigh but he took the paper from you. His eyes were getting wider and wider while he was reading the contents of document. His handler has died in a car accident at morning. He had enough bad luck to get hit by an armored car while being with other Hydra’s agents in the small village nearby.
“Impossible.” He scoffed out. He looked at you, a wry grimace on his face.
“Well, I didn’t come here to have some gossips with you.” You said. “We have a mission tomorrow. We gotta get prepared. Let me in and stop wasting our time, okay?”
He cocked his brow but shifted away, letting you in to his chamber.
When you got in, he closed the door behind you and walked to his small bed to take a seat at the edge of an old mattress.
You put your briefcase on the tiny table next to small, barred window. You sat on its counter, crossing your legs nicely, looking straight at him.
“Do you know anything about your next mission, asset?” You asked him.
He nodded simply, shrugging. “Yea. Gotta kill the prime minister of Russia.”
You nodded. “Good. Remember that you…”
“… have to stay undetected, ma’am. I’m not an idiot. It’s not my first task.” His voice was cold like his glance that was still on you.
You remained silent for a while, then nodded. “Yes. Exactly this, asset. Get up and take off your shirt.”
He cocked his brows but obeyed your order. He slowly took off his grey shirt and tossed it onto bed. The view of his muscular chest and flesh arm made you speechless. “Do you need any configurations of your… metal arm?” You asked, swallowing hardly. You had to admit to yourself that this man was handsome and that your heart skipped a beat when you were observing him, staying there half-naked in front of you.
“No.” He said simply and took step towards you.
You held your breath when he stopped in front of you. He leaned down and stopped his handsome face barely few centimeters from yours.
“You’re scared. I see this. Why they assigned you to someone like me?” A gentle tilt of his head made you even weaker and you had to put all of your strengths into keeping a straight face.
“They found me the right person for this job.” You shrugged slightly, turning your head aside a bit to avoid his glance. “I was a handler before so I assure you that I…”
“I’ve never said you’re a wrong person, haven’t’ I?” He simply cupped your cheeks with his metal hand and forced you to look him in the eye. “If you were a handler, you shouldn’t be scared, yet you are. Why?”
His breath hit your cheek as he whispered into your ear. You swallowed hardly before you answered. “I’ve never worked with someone like you. You’re distinguished. You’ve never failed. And you’ve killed so many people… Wouldn’t it be stupid of me if I wouldn’t be scared, huh?” A little smirk appeared on your lips for a second or so, then it has vanished when you met his steel blue eyes.
“Good.” He let your cheeks and stretched his back. Man turned around and walked to his bed, slowly putting shirt on, his every muscle was so tensed.
You bit your lip, chewing it softly. The truth was that you were cooperating with American government and you were a spy. When you infiltrated Hydra’s household, you were on a straight way to get sergeant James Barnes and take him back home. You knew there was a long way in front of you to finish this case. And since he opened his door for you minutes before, you knew it won’t be easy to gain his trust. But there was no turning back. You had to do your best to keep things right.
He turned his face to you, his cold glance was on you again. “Better get some sleep. Tomorrow’s gonna be tough.” He said and pointed at door.
You gave a simple nod and took your briefcase with you.
When you opened door, you stopped for a second. “See you tomorrow… Sergeant Barnes…” You whispered and quickly left, closing door behind you.
He frowned and ran after you, opening door widely. “How did you call me, Y/N?!” He yelled but you didn’t stop until you turned into another corridor.
You put your back to the wall, breathing deeply, you struggled for every breath, trying to calm your heartbeat.
The asset was standing in his door, then he simply closed them. Many thoughts were running through his head at that moment. He laid down onto his bed, slipping hands beneath his head.
Barnes. Who was Barnes? He had a feeling he has heard this somewhere before but he couldn’t remember where.
He felt a blackness come over him. He finally closed his eyes as he drifted into a dreamless sleep.

„I will be a birb, dada!” || Bucky Barnes x Reader

Summary: Bucky stays with his little daughter alone in the house when you’re off to work. He has to look after her and when she hides from him, Bucky gets worried. But when he finally finds her, she has something important to tell him…
Warnings: none
Words: 1134
Author: Rouge
Y/D/N – you daughter’s name

„She was born with a hurricane for a soul, haha!” Bucky tilted his head a bit as he glared at your daughter. She was playing at the wooden floor with her beloved plush toys, punching a teddy bear with a plush zebra on and on, mumbling something under her breath.
You rolled your eyes as you looked at their reflection in the mirror in front of which you were standing, buttoning your white shirt, smoothing it with your hand. “Do you remember what I’ve told you, James?” You asked rather softly, smiling at him as you turned head to face your beloved man.
He nodded eagerly. “Of course, I do,” he said in a deep voice of his. “Don’t ya worry, Y/N, I’ll take care of our girl. You can go to work.”
You laughed shorty as you picked your purse up. “Last time when you told me this, our house has turned into a mess that I had to deal with for a few long days, darling,” you smirked at him, shaking your head slightly. “I hope this time it’s gonna look better, James.”
He sighed, rolling his blue eyes. “Yea. You have my word. We’ll be good this time, I swear. No playing with food, Y/D/N!” Bucky looked at your daughter. She glared at him with those little, pursed lips of her, and you couldn’t stop yourself from laughter.
“Mommy, go!” Little girl blabbed loudly, punching her teddy bear. “Dada! I! Lone!”
You blinked and giggled. “Yes, Y/D/N, mommy is going to work and you’ll be alone with daddy. Just be a good girl and listen to your papa,” you approached your daughter and crouched next to her to kiss top of her head.
She pecked your lips with her little finger and focused on her play again.
You came to Bucky and kissed him briefly. “I’ll be back around 4 pm. Remember to make a meal for her,” you reminded him.
He patted your shoulder with a wild smile on his lips. “Yea, yea, I remember, go now, Y/N!” He almost pushed you outside of the house.
You rolled your eyes with a smile and walked to your car. You got in, started an engine and drove down the street, trying not to look into a rear-view mirror.
Bucky was watching some show in TV. He didn't even know why he was watching it. He didn't laugh when he was supposed to, he didn't feel any tension during the drama, he barely followed the plot. He was just sitting there, next to the Oreo packet until, to his surprise, they all were gone. It was when he realized that something was wrong. He didn’t hear his daughter.
Bucky felt the panic begin like a cluster of spark plugs in his abdomen. Tension grew in his face and limbs. His breathing became more rapid, more shallow. The last time he trusted her out of his sight, his daughter almost broke her little hand when she fell off the porch straight onto a pavement.
“Y/D/N!” He said loudly but there was no response from her.
Bucky went quickly to girl’s room. She wasn’t there.
“She's hurt. She's bleeding. She needs me and I'm not there.” All these thoughts were running through his head on and on, he could barely breathe.
Second later, he heard a soft giggles and within blink of an eye, he felt relief.
“Y/D/N? Where are you, sweetie?” Bucky asked quietly, getting on his knees and looking under the bed. She wasn’t there either.
“Cold, dada!” Bucky heard sweet voice of his daughter from a vicinity and he sighed, little smile crept onto his lips.
He got up and rested his metal hand on his hip. Bucky looked around trying to figure out, where his little girl was hid. “Y/D/N,” he called softly, “c’mon, don’t fool your daddy, huh?” He opened door to her closet. There was nothing more but her clothes.
Another soft giggle, this time it came from closer distance then before. Bucky smirked, he was getting closer to her.
“Hey, kitty, kitty! Where is my little, cute girl?” Bucky walked around the room, checking all the places she could be hidden in but without a result.
And then he noticed her. He blinked, Bucky didn’t even try to hide his astonishment. She was sitting on the top of her closet, rolled in a ball, observing him with her little blue eyes and smirk on her lips. When she noticed he was glaring up at her, she knelt and clapped her little hands, cheering. “Dada, dada! Did it!” Girl bounced on her knees like she was dancing to music only she could hear.
Bucky laughed loudly and went to the closet, reaching his hands and opening his arms for her. “C’mere, Y/D/N. Come to papa,” he encouraged her.
Girl nodded and crawled to the edge of the closet and simply jumped into her father’s arms.
Bucky hugged her tightly, kissing girl’s cheeks. “Don’t do this ever again to me, baby. Daddy was worried you got hurt. Beside, how did you got there?” He asked as he put her down on the floor, kneeling in front of her.
Girl moved like her knees were just hinges, wobbling to and fro before falling on her bottom. Then she clapped like it was all part of the plan and rolled to her stomach to get up again. When she did, she spun around herself, tossing hems of her tulle skirt, giggling. “Dada! I grow, I be like uncle Falcon! I will be a birb, dada!” She clapped her hands and jumped few times, laughing.
Bucky blinked few times, chuckling with a consternation. “Excuse me, young lady, what did you say, huh?” He had to hear it again, Bucky wanted to laugh so hardly but he was trying his best to keep a straight face. He pulled out a phone from his pocket and started recording his daughter. “Can you repeat what you’ve just said, Y/D/N?”
She nodded with a smirk. “Yes, dada! I will be birb like uncle Falcon before me!” Girl said proudly.
Bucky turned the filming off, he quickly clicked on ‘share’ button and send the short video to you and Sam with a note: “someone has a new idol and, surprisingly, it’s not me.”
Bucky’s daughter giggled, waving her arms for the pick-up she knew was coming, but before she was hoisted high, she was on her bottom again.
Bucky couldn’t stop himself from laughing this time. He picked girl up and rocked her in his arms, cuddling with her. “I love you, little bunny.” He said firmly, stroking her cheek with his metal finger.
She grabbed his metal hand and nuzzled to it. “Love dada too.” She stated simply and it was enough to melt Bucky’s heart.

Pandies🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @nwmtagsb @anini71 @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @infinity-stones-seeker @thehappyspider @wings4life @huxyluxy @dontbeafraidchild @misafiryanki @electronicpatrolcollective @thisismysecrethappyplace
Allein, allein || Chapter II || Bucky Barnes x Reader

Summary: Bucky Barnes is still the Hydra’s asset. He doesn’t remember who he was before. You’re his new handler. How things between two of you are going to turn out?
Chapter: 2 of ?
Warnings: none
Words: 998
Author: Rouge
A/N: continuation of first chapter. Hope you’ll enjoy it. Please stay tuned, the action is under construction ☺
Special Tag: @arawynn

It trailed him, hushed as the night, dancing between the trees as the sunlight flickered. It melted into darkness with the arrival of dusk, until it blended and disappeared against the backdrop of nothingness. But it remained, only neglected. Like the stars during the day – overpowered by the pouring rays of sunlight – but yet still there. As night whisked away it joined him once more, hailing like an old friend. It mirrored his actions, as though looking up to him, surveying and admiring his every move.
The Asset wasn’t yet able to state what was it but he could clearly feel its presence. Something was wrong, he felt it in his bones.
When he got up that day, he was feeling wrecked. He didn’t want to go at the training room. He didn’t want to leave his little cell. But he couldn’t say “no”. He was their tool.
He worked out until his skin took on a glossy shine and the salty drops invaded his eyes. As he kept moving the sweat was a welcome addition, cooling and helping him to feel like he's worked hard. When he stopped doing push-ups, he felt how wet his clothing has become. The sweat trickled down his back, free flowing like condensation on a window pane, it beaded on his forehead and dripped from his chin.
He felt glances on him but he couldn’t figure out, to whom they belonged to.
Meantime, you were standing behind the one-way mirror, observing Barnes carefully, two agents accompanied you in the room.
“He’s ready,” strong voice whispered straight into your ear.
You didn’t realize that you supervisor has entered the room; he did it so quietly that you almost jumped at the tone of his voice. You felt his breath on your cheek. It smelled like cheese that had been left in the back of a broken refrigerator-- for, say, a month. You stopped yourself from a gag reflex by turning your head slightly aside.
“Mint?” You offered politely, pulling little packing out from pocket of your uniform.
Man had politely declined, and you nodded lightly.
“He’s ready to comply,” the lieutenant repeated. “But his last two performances made us worried. The High Command instructed me to take steps to exterminate this Asset,” man informed casually.
You shrugged, shaking your head. “I don’t think so, comrade lieutenant,” you replied in a deep voice when you heard his last sentence, “He is ready but only partially. We cannot be sure that he won’t betray us.”
Lieutenant threw you a cold glance as he scratched his chin. “Exactly. So, miss Y/N? How long will it take?”
You frowned. “I’m afraid I don’t understand, comrade…”
“I ASKED HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE YOU TO TRAIN HIM, Y/N?” This time man growled, you noticed with the corner of the eye that he clenched hands in fists. “I’m giving you one last chance to rebuilt our faith in this piece of trash. His former handler wasn’t too involved in our requests,and you good know how had he ended.”
“Yes, I know,” you admitted, “But I… I am not sure…” You swallowed hardly before speaking out loudly. “He’s unstable, we all know this.”
You looked through the mirror to watch Barnes doing dead lift with a huge load. You stopped breathing for a second when you realized that Asset was looking straight at you. Moment later, you cooled yourself down – he couldn’t see you through this kind of a mirror. You knew it, yet a strange, unspoken fear remained in the back of your head.
Of course, it didn’t go unnoticed by your supervisor. Older man smirked rudely. “What? Are you afraid of our minion?” He chuckled awfully, and bared his nicotine stained teeth.
You took a quick breath and kept the poker face. “No, comrade. I’m not afraid at all. Give me a week, and I’ll do the most loyal figure of him,” you said, looking at Barnes through the glass, “He won’t try anything ever again, I guarantee,” you added.
Man turned around and was about leaving the room but he stopped next to you to pat your shoulder. “You have one week. Not a minute more.” After these words, man left the room along with two other agents.
You let out a shaky breath, then rubbed your temples to calm yourself down.
You looked at your reflection in the one-way mirror, and left the room quickly, heading straight to the gym.
The Asset was now working with a punching bag.
You frowned as you noticed some blood on his knuckles. “Enough,” you said loudly.
He gave you a brief look but he didn’t stop. He was still slamming into the punching bag.
“ENOUGH, ASSET!” You yelled loudly.
He stopped, leaning his forehead against the ratty material of the bag. “What do you want, Y/N?” He asked simply.
You crossed arms over your chest, looking at him. “Listen, you’ll be training with me from today. You’ll also be assisting me in my daily tasks, do you understand?” You tried to sound firmly but your voice almost faded out with last three words as you saw a smirk on his lips. “What’s so funny, Asset?”
He tilted his head to look at you, he ran his tongue over his lips. “We’ll see who will be training whom,” his blue eyes were looking straight into yours, and you felt uncomfortably, what made him smirk even wider. “But okay. Deal,” he agreed as he stretched his back, presenting all the tensed muscles.
You felt your heart skipped a beat at the view but you tried to keep straight face. “Tomorrow. At 6:00. At the driveway. And don’t be late,” you informed him before you left the gym.
As soon as you did, you rested your back against the cold wall, gasping for air.
What this man, the Asset, was even doing to you?

Pandies🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @nwmtagsb @anini71 @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @infinity-stones-seeker @thehappyspider @wings4life @huxyluxy @dontbeafraidchild @misafiryanki @electronicpatrolcollective @thisismysecrethappyplace
Walk along

Summary: Bucky meets a little girl on the abandoned street. It turns that she got lost. At the beginning Barnes intends to get past this situation, but finally he decides to help her.
Warnings: none
Words: 1802
Request by: @mdylik
Author: Cass & Beast

The road lay before them like a tarmac ribbon. A white line ran down the center, relatively unbroken compared to the scarred and potholed concrete.
Bucky walked down this abandoned street keeping his hands deep in his bomber jacket's pockets.
The wind was howling like some horror movie opener, so Barnes squinted. "Fucking weather," he hummed deeply under his breath. His hair was whipping so violently about his face he could barely see at all.
It was when he noticed something with a corner of his eye.
Little girl wandered the street, she wasn't homeless for sure. Girl was dressed in a pink coat and hat with cat ears.
It looked like she was looking for something, the girl only shivered because of the wind and walked pass Bucky. She looked at him and smiled, stopping for a second. "Good evening, sir."
He didn't intend to answer, yet it wasn't a usual thing to see anyone around that abandoned street. The neighborhood wasn't too pleasant, especially for a little girl.
Barnes stopped also and looked at her above his shoulder. "Hi. What are ya doing here, girl?," he asked casually.
Girl was quiet for a moment. "I am looking for my mommy, sir," she explained, swinging on her feet and pulling her hat more on.
The man looked rather scary for her, so she took one little step back. Mom told her many times to not talk to strangers, but she also told her to be nice for other people.
He rubbed over his chin, his glance was still down on her. "You got lost?," Bucky threw a single question, turning fully to her. "It's not a safe place. Where are your parents? Where do you live?"
Girl nodded slowly. "Yes. I don't know where my mommy is. I thought I will find the way home but I didn't, sir."
She looked up and smiled at him. "You have a nice big blue eyes, sir!," girl giggled excitedly.
Bucky crouched in front of her, he tilted his head a bit. "Do you remember the address?," Barnes asked. "If yes, I can walk you up to the house," he offered slightly.
He was thinking for a longer second, only to ask another question. "What's your name, little one?"
The girl frowned softly, not too pleased with lack of answer from Bucky. "I don't, sir. All I know is that my home is somewhere near a really biiiig tower!," she jumped happily. "My name is Carolyn, sir. What's your?"
"I like your name," Bucky smiled, however he didn't intend to do so. "My name is James, James Barnes," he pulled his flesh hand out of his pocket and reached it to her.
Girl giggled. "Hello, James, James Barnes! You have a very funny name," she said, grabbing his hand. "But... I can't go with you," girl said quietly. "My feet hurts. Are you strong enough to carry me?"
Before he thought, Bucky let out a deep, loud laugh.
Oh, she was so cute.
Her hair was as waves of pure earth, softly reflecting the light of the sun; few of a long locks peeked from under her hat.
Bucky knew he had some things to do, but he couldn't refuse to help that kid.
He rubbed his chin, humming loudly as he pretended he was considering every concern, but finally he nodded. "I think I can give it a try."
Girl squeeked loudly when he picked her up. "Wow! James, James Barnes, you are sooo strong!," she chuckled.
Girl pushed her hair back under her hat. Right now she had no other choice but to trust this stranger or rather a new friend. Even if he was big and scary, he couldn't be a bad guy.
Carolyn relaxed in his arms and sighed softly, putting her head on his shoulder. Some part of his arm felt weird, girl poked it and looked at him, being slightly confused because of what she felt there.
Bucky played along and cocked his brow. "What? Is anything wrong?," he kindly inquired.
He improved the grip around her little waist, he didn't want to let her fall.
"Why do you have a hard arm?," girl asked innocently and poked his shoulder again, then poked rest o his arm to check if she was right.
"Can you keep a secret, little one?," he questioned, making a conspiracy voice, lowering his tone as he glared at her.
Girl blinked and nodded. "Yes, I can, James, James Barnes," she smiled at him to confirm that she was telling the truth.
Bucky nodded in respond before he spoke his mind up. "I'm the member of Avengers team," man explained simply as he was walking down the street with girl in his arm. "So you can be sure you're safe with me, little one," he playfully poked her little, rosy cheek, showing his perfect teeth in a wide smile. "So. Where shall we go now?"
Bucky stopped at a crossroads, he put girl down, looking around.
Girl gasped loudly. "You are the Winter Solder! You are my favorite Avenger!," Carolyn squeaked again with a huge smile on her face. "You are big, strong and good! You are the best! And you are Cap's buddy!," she said excitedly, waving her hands, and then she looked around with Bucky. "Maybe let's go there," Carolyn pointed into the direction of city center. "My house is close to a big tower, I think it has an A letter on the top."
Bucky facepalmed and sighed, grinning. "I didn't get about what tower you were talking about," he summed up, spreading his arms in a powerless gesture. "Sorry, my bad."
Bucky put his flesh hand back to pocket and offered girl his metal hand to hold. "You seem to know a lot about Avengers," he said as they started walking along the sidewalk.
She gladly took his big, metal hand into her tiny palm. Carolyn looked at him and smiled brightly.
She was just a child and didn't see anything bad in Bucky's metal arm. Such a small kid still had enough of innocence to accept him just the way he was.
"I like your metal arm," Carolyn hummed, trying to play with his fingers.
"Thanks," Bucky chuckled. "Who do you like besides me, hmmm?," bearded man asked, looking down at girl.
"I like Falcon! He has a cool wings, I also like Black Widow! She is pretty like my mommy. Also, Ant-man is cool! He is funny just like my dad," she took a deep breath to continue. "Spider-boy is so nice! I saw him once when I went shopping with mommy! He was swinging between the building and Mr. Stark was there with him, too! But I don't like the big green man... He's scary and the bowman is weird, why you keep him when he doesn't have superpowers?," Girl asked and looked up at Bucky, a questioning glance on her face.
Bucky, who was cut off by her monologue, couldn't do nothing more but smile innocently. "I would have to ask Cap about this, and Stark also. They're kinda a root of the team, so every decision that is made is considered mostly by them," he said openly. "You know, thanks for reminding me how old I am, in my time girls didn't pay attention to heroes, instead they preferred to play with dolls, but as I see, a lot has changed irretrievably," Bucky smiled with a joy in his eyes.
Bucky watched his feet take steps across the paving blocks, his dusty canvas sneakers next to the shined pointed-toe leather shoes of the girl walking next to him.
He didn't know why, but it was one of the rare moments when he was feeling truly happy.
"I have dolls!," she protested. "But I also have plush toys, I have action figurines! I even have you, I even have a t-shirt with Cap, mom bought me one on my birthday, I wear it as often as I only can, even if other girls laugh at me because of it. I don't care," she shrugged. "I love to watch the news with my parents because they always talk about heroes and what they did. I really love to draw, you know? I have this BIG art case! I have everything there!"
Carolyn talked like this by the whole way, she wanted Bucky to know as much as possible.
She stopped suddenly, unsure where to go when she finally spotted her house, surrounded by police cars.
"Do you think that something happened?," girl asked looking at Bucky with fear in her eyes.
"I guess I do," he said firmly. "I bet your parents were scared about you, so apparently they've called cops," Bucky explained, leading girl to the nearest police car. "Hey, excuse me, I found her roaming among the surroundings nearby."
Before policeman could say anything, a woman ran up to them. "Carolyn! My babygirl! Where were you?! We were so worried!," woman said and a man joined her.
Carolyn hugged to woman tightly. "I am okay, mommy! I was safe, Bucky helped me! You see?! He is the Avenger!"
Woman blinked and looked at Bucky. "Oh, really?"
He only smiled, nodding. "The most important is that she's safe and sound," he summed up.
Man grabbed Bucky's hand to shake it. "Thank you! Thank you so much! She ran after the kitten and didn't listen when we called her," he said.
Girl blushed and hugged to her mother. "Can Bucky visit us sometimes, daddy? He found me after all."
Man nodded, looking at his daughter, than at Bucky. "Of course he can, he found our little girl."
"I'm sorry, but most likely I'll be busy with fighting bad guys," Bucky smiled at girl and petted her cheek. "Next time listen to your mom and dad, kay? You're a big girl, you have to listen to your parents. If not, and trust me, I'll know about this," Bucky winked at Carolyn's dad, "I'll send Hulk himself to you. And trust me, he's not as nice as I am."
Girl frowned when she heard his answer. "You know what! When I grow up I will be just like you, I will be big and strong like you or Cap, and I will fight bad guys just like you do!," Carolyn said happily.
Bucky cocked his brow and smirked at her. "If you would be a boy, you would be my pal already, hehehe," he stated.
Shortly after he greeted girl's parents and walked off.
Soon he was heading back to the Avengers Tower, this time alone. But this time he didn't feel lonely at all. Somewhere there still was a little human being for whom he already was a true hero, role model, but most of all, a friend.

Pandies🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @nwmtagsb @anini71 @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @infinity-stones-seeker @thehappyspider @wings4life @huxyluxy @dontbeafraidchild @misafiryanki @electronicpatrolcollective @thisismysecrethappyplace @aulika @hidden-secrets69 @a-happy-wolf

This was so funny!
Omg! Bucky and Sam are perfect comedy duet!
I would watch this tape... 😅
Thank you for participating in our challenge. ~Panda Squad 🐼💖

Words: 516
A/N: I was pleased to take part in @thepaperpanda writing challenge. My prompt was "You, where the hell did you come from?"
Summary: Falcon teases former Winter Soldier about his problems with dealing with video player. When Sam finds out Bucky's true reasons, he's terrified and dreams of turning back time.

"What a fucking, naughty shit!" Loud scream was heard around the flat.
Sam Wilson opened his eyes and closed them immediately as sun shone onto him through the window. He rubbed his temples and let out a sigh before he got up and pulled his sweatpants up. He opened door to his bedroom and peeked out of his room. He frowned as soon as his sight fell on Barnes who was sitting on the carpet trying to open the video player. "What the fuck are ya doing, punk?" Sam asked other man, cocking his brows up at him.
"Your shitty device has just pulled my tape in and it doesn't want to give it back. Fucking shit." Other man growled, shaking the player in his hands.
"Easy, man! It's antique!" Wilson grunted and walked closer to Barnes. "You, where the hell did you come from?" Sam giggled as his eyes rolled slightly. "Ya know, if you want this to give the tape back, you have to do some magical thing, ya know?" He said.
"What thing?" James looked up at his mate.
"I don't know if I can tell ya, man." Sam said as he put hands onto his hips. "If I'll tell ya, I'll have to kill ya. Ya know, it's a secret."
Bucky shook his head and put video player on the floor in front of him. "Don't mess with me, you fucking pigeon and tell me. I need that tape back."
"Uh! Why so angry?!" Sam joked and crouched next to Barnes. "Ya see, if ya wanna have your tape back, first thing to do is plug this device into the socket."
Barnes frowned. "You really think I'm a total loser? I know how TECHNOLOGIES work." He emphasized. "But your shitty thing didn't give the tape back even when it was plugged in."
Sam rolled his eyes and took the video player into his hands, he moved it under TV and plugged it back in. "You did that, yeah?"
"Yup." Barnes nodded. "With no result."
Sam smiled wryly. "And did you do THIS?" he asked as he pressed the button next to the slot. Immediately, the tape jumped out of the player.
But before Bucky grabbed it, Sam surpassed him. He grabbed the tape and put it back into the slot. He was so curious what was on the tape. When he turned TV on, his mouth hung open.
On the screen he saw Bucky and Steve in very, very intimate moment.
"Oh fucking hell, what the fuck, Barnes! You naughty piece of shit! You've recorded the sex tape with Rogers?!" Sam asked out loudly and second later he realised how did it sound. "Oh fuck, and Rogers agreed! Fuck you, punk!"
"Not me, but fucking Rogers was cute." Bucky grinned at other man. "If you want, I'll tell you how good it was to have my cock..."
"STOP IT, BARNES. DON'T EVEN START!" Wilson waved his hand and went out of the room. "I don't wanna hear anything!"
Bucky looked after Sam and giggled. "Well, you shouldn't have taken my thing then!"
The one who tears the love apart ||Bucky Barnes x Reader

Summary: After being hurt by Bucky, you need to find a way to move on.
Warnings: none
Words: 1395
Authors: Rouge
A/N: it was a great pleasure to me to participate in @justmebeingtheweirdmeiam writing challenge. Congratulations on your milestone! My prompt was the song "Jar of hearts" by Christina Perri.

I remember everything.
My heart pounded with apprehension as I watched him kissing that woman. She was sitting onto his lap, his arms were wrapped around her waist in a tight grasp. Her fingers were tangled with his hair strands.
"Bucky...," I whispered quietly knowing how tremulous my voice was at time. He glanced back at me as if he wasn't interested in my presence in the flat at all. "You've came back earlier," Bucky replied while the other woman kissed along his jawline, looking at me like as at a bug.
"What the hell! Who's she?!," I'd managed to raise my voice, yet still I sounded like an angry baby. "What the hell is going on here?!"
"Calm down, Y/N," Bucky waved his hand. "This is Vicky. A friend from work."
"You're making out with a fucking friend from work in our flat?!," I've screamed. "How dare you?!"
"Cool down," he repeated. "It does mean nothing to me."
"Do I mean nothing to you?," She straighten her back and got off his lap. "You've said something else half an hour ago!" Bucky threw her a glance which could have been interpreted as shut up . "I didn't promise you anything, little one," he snapped as he has gotten up.
"Dick!," She gathered her bag and coat and left the flat, passing me by.
I blinked in disbelief. How Bucky could have behaved in such a manner? It was beyond comprehension. "What the fuck was that?," I've asked again.
"C'mon," he rolled his eyes and pulled pack of cigarettes out of pocket of his jeans. "I told you, it was nothing."
I've been knowing Bucky for a year and we've been a thing for three months by then. He was a very problematic person; his demons were haunting him constantly. He couldn't find peace, and I was considering it as a main reason of his awfully selfish behaviour. Many times I've witnessed him flirting openly with other girls but I loved him too hardly to leave him behind. But that was it, I've reached my limit. Then he crossed every line possible.
"You're kissing other girl, and you call this nothing?," I've asked, being dangerously close to burst into tears.
He inhaled the smoke and shook the ash off, right onto the wooden floor. "Are you going to reproach me my directness, darling?," Bucky asked casually, leaning his side against the wall. "I don't recall promising you that you're the one and only to me."
Bucky's words were bitter and have hurt me very much. "Why are you so… so cruel?," I've asked simply feeling like a single tear was rolling down my cheek.
"Doll, we had an obvious deal," Bucky shrugged, "We had goddamn fine sex but I haven't told you that I want a relationship of any kind. Sorry. I thought it was clear for you."
"It wasn't, as you can see," I clenched my teeth. I turned around and left the shared flat as I couldn't hold my tears ant longer, and the last thing I needed that time was him seeing me crying like a baby.
Two months have passed.
I haven't been in touch with Bucky since the day I left once our flat.
He called me few times but I haven't answered any of his calls. I've heard from our common friends that he was desperate to get along with me again. He used to tell them about how much he loved me, how much he missed me.
But I didn't care anymore.
Until that one particular day…
I still remember it well.
I've met him by accident, at evening, in the park, when I was getting back from work to the flat I shared with Natasha.
I was talking with her on the phone. It was a casual conversation about what to order for a dinner. I insisted on having a sushi while she wanted to have some pasta.
"... so if you want it so badly, screw it, I can agree on pasta today then," I giggled. "You're the fucking best, Y/N!, " Natasha sounded so happy. "Oh, you can be sure I'll remind you this next time you complain about me being a shitty friend, Nat," I said in a serious tone, and it was when I spotted Bucky.
He was sitting on the bench, hood on, cigarette put between his lips, hands hidden in his pockets. Even if some part of me shouted don't do this , I couldn't pass him by without saying a word. "Okay Nat, see you at home then," I said to the phone before ending the call and shifting the device into my purse. I took a deep breath and approached him. "Hey, Buck."
He raised his head and looked at me. Within blink of an eye his face lit up, he almost jumped. "Y/N! It's good to see you! I've been trying to call you."
"Yeah, I know," I responded. "May I?," I added, pointing on the bench.
He nodded, shifting aside to make a room for me.
"How have you been?," I asked simply.
"Okay," Bucky shrugged. "Devastated." I nodded in silence. "I heard you're asking all around if I was anywhere to be found." Bucky gave me a brief nod. "True. But no one has wanted to share your new number with me," he looked me in the eyes.
I opened my mouth to remind him how much he had hurt me few weeks earlier but he raised his metal limb a little, in a gesture that was supposed to silence me.
"Please," his whisper sounded more like a beg.
So I allowed him to speak.
"I know I had hurt you like no one else did, and I really regret," Bucky said. "Only when you left, I realized how much I've lost," he lowered his head. "But there's nothing I could do back then. You were gone, and even if I tried to contact you, you never responded to my messages and calls. So I thought I should leave you alone. You gave me everything I've never had. And I fucked. I know, I didn't deserve a second chance."
I remained silent for a longer while. His confession hurt me even more than his actions. Taking the fact I knew how hard his life was, I felt bad about treating him the way I did. "I have grown too strong to ever fall back in your arms," I replied shortly. "Im sorry, Bucky."
"Y/N… Would you at least try to consider us getting back together?," He asked openly. He gave me a look and I saw tiny sparkles of hope within his eyes. It almost broke my heart.
"Bucky…," I started, "You were runnin' 'round leaving scars ,and tearing love apart," I gasped sadly. "You don't get to get me back . It's over. There won't be us as a couple anymore. But we still can be friends, if you want," I offered, with heavy heart.
I saw how sad Bucky was at time but it was the only right decision I could have made.
I put my palm to his arm. "It's time for me." I got up and improved the stripe of my purse.
He got up as well and sighed. "Can I hug you at least?"
I nodded.
Bucky embraced me fondly and squeezed me tight. I would lie if I say I didn't like it. I did. Oh, so much. It was so good to smell his perfumes again, it was oh so good to feel his warmth radiating to my body.
It was when I dared to do something he didn't expect. So didn't I.
I looked up at him when his grasp loosened, I cupped his face in my palms, I climbed on my tiptoes and placed a long, passionate kiss to his full, rough lips. My lips crushed on his, and, dear God, it felt so good. He hummed in appreciation and tightened his grasp around my waist again, giving kiss back.
Finally, when I broke the kiss, I looked him in the eyes. "Just so you know what you have lost."
After these words I slipped out of his formerly solicitous arms, and left. Without saying a word. I knew I was playing hard, nevertheless it was a lesson he needed to learn .