Bootedsub - Tumblr Posts

Sir thank you Sir @sfeaglebar

Loves these whites... Spent 5 hours putting the spit shine in, labour of love. Worth it 🖤😈 #sirthankyousir #masterslave #bootedsub #boots #linemanboots #whitesboots #tallboots #whitessmokejumper #customboots #spitshine #leatherman #gearfetish #leatherbear #langlitzleather #leatherbreeches #bikergram #grungybiker #bootsandbreeches

Loving this pic

Getting bigger, growing into a full sized beast monster is one of biggest goals. I want to surround myself with people who support that and push me to reach my full potential.

Do you ever look back at pics of yourself and catch people staring at you

Big boy problems... gotta stretch out your motorboots

Still waiting on some pieces for this uniform