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EXTRA rad mail day today!!
SEALED breathe carolina cd for less than £10 (it has a scratch on the back of the case and isnt 100% sealed) and a stupid cute miku figure for £30 INCLUDING SHIPPING LIKE??

I'll get better photos later!!
A Devildom Halloween
I LOVE HALLOWEEN and playing this event cranked it up to 11.
Ok, this event was everything I love about this game. The premise is that the brothers are planning a surprise birthday party for Diavolo with a twist. Instead of the usual fancy-nancy party, it will be a Halloween-theme party. So, right off the bat, I’m recollecting that his highness’s birthday is Halloween day and in the main story, there was no given date. I’m thinking “Wait, its always been formal for thousands of years and he [Diavolo] straight-up never said anything about wanting a different theme for his own party. He’s supposed to have a say in this!” It’s established that the celebration lasts 3 days, which reminds me of dia de los muertos; the 31st is dia de los innocentes, a night of remembering children who have passed and we celebrate by having our version of trick-or-treat. Nov. 1st is dedicated to the adults long passed and on the second is dedicated to a graveyard party. It’s a happy occasion.
Anyways, the reasons why its never changed up until the exchange program is because high-ranking demons show up to this cotillion. Lucifer is orchestrating the whole thing and MC is the second-in-command. Nice! I like Lucifer so I was happy to go along with this.
Moving on, Lucifer doesn’t know Diavolo well to the point where he knows his interest, so we head to Demon Lord’s castle. Upon arriving, we find out that Diavolo is out and about, leaving a great opportunity for Barbatos to tell us everything and no need to be highly suspicious. While we’re waiting in Barbatos’s room, Lucifer states that Diavolo means a lot to him. *coughs* gay *clears throat* But also mention MC, real subtle, that they are also important to him. Awww. Cue the harps and lyres.
Lucifer: “Sit still...or I won’t be able to kiss you.”
Sir, come here. Guten take me. Be still my beating spark.
Lucifer: “We’ll have to continue this when we get home”
Umm.. yes please, daddy.
Every brother is assigned a different aspect of the party. Mammon’s in charge of gifts, Levi’s in charge of music (this is a bad choice imho), Satan with costumes, Asmo with the cuisine, Beel’s emcee, and Belphie’s in charge of decorating.
I wanna mention Levi’s choice of music: chiptunes and anisong from the anime Clannad (I know, its Devinnad, leave me alone). First off, *sigh* its a Halloween party and secondly, we have to keep Diavolo in mind. I chose to ask if he likes music besides anisongs, this boy straight up said the “song you recommended the other day. I like that song, it reminded me of you.” Dude, you’ll despise my music taste, I know it for a fact. My music taste is inconsistent from 2000′s classics to indie surf punk rock, I don’t necesarily have a favorite song. But at the time of the original release of this event, I was listening to Breathe Carolina’s Bury Me, Gerard Way’s Baby You’re a Haunted House, Marilyn Manson’s This is Halloween, Ho-lloween by Emily’s Army, and Get Scared’s Dance with the Dead. Idk what you mean by these songs reminding you of me but go off, I guess. But that one song that does remind me of myself (gods, this sounds narcissistic) would be Art School by Remo Drive. That’s a far cry from the one’s I’ve mentioned.
I want to appreciate Belphie for not being salty towards Dia during the entire time he’s decorating and the theme for party being a horror flick. Genius!!

My shirts were dirty as fuck until I started using Tide!
I just stare at them and say “Hello, brethren.”

Band Merch

Hey guys, if you could do me a big favor and PLEASE follow me on Instagram @ Now don’t think that you’ll get nothing out of this. Not only will I follow you back, I will also follow you on here. So if you’re willing enough to follow me on IG, it’d mean a lot!!! Thank you so much :)
How I listen to my music versus how other people do.

Don't judge me........
One Of My Concert Experiences
So last October, I went to see Escape The Fate on The Wrong Side Of Heaven tour. During Miss May I’s set, I had a panic attack in the crowd so I went to go sit down on some steps. Some guy apparently had so many drinks that when he was walking down the two steps, he put his and on my head and used it to keep him stable. Then he proceeded walking away. Once he was about ten feet away from me, he turned around and said “Sorry” That was fucking weird. The End.


Just another one of those bandana days.