Britta Perry - Tumblr Posts
The last one looks like it could be a meme format
Community behind the scenes shitpost

ok this is all i got tonight (it is 4:30 am)
when abed's dad said he was getting major "b-word" vibes from britta he meant Bisexual
A rtc community au I feel would slap idk tho
I had this thought before I started getting into RTC and I watched a production of it last night and the idea resurfaced so here are my thoughts about it,
When I first watched it I thought in this hypothetical au Annie would be a good Ocean, as they both heavily care about their academic record (didn't Annie like drug the study group for their anthropology finale(???) and Ocean talks abt her academics alot and uses it as "proof" for why she should be chosen) also this doesn't matter but in the most well-know rtc production ( the one with Emily rohm I believe as Jane Doe and Tiffany Trateau as Ocean I believe (?)

(this one)
Ocean and Annie do sound kinda similar (it's not relevant but thought it should be included)
My next thought was to have Abed in a Ricky type role as Ricky's title before his song, his "The most imaginative boy in town",
And Abed shown to be imaginative ((maybe not in the best way as evidence by geothermal escapism and Virtual System Analysis (the dreamatorium ep) but also with his movies as while yes they are typically documentaries he does get creative with them ( Jesus Abed ))
So I guess it wouldn't be too out of the question for him to have his song be about sexy cat women from Zolar ( as shown in 'For a few more paitballs')
The next is kinda less clear but bear with me,
So out of all the study group Annie/Ocean & Abed/Ricky is the most obvious I think the next character would be Pierce as Karnak (( idk what rtc fandom thinks of Karnak but either way I like him and feel bad for him)feelings on Pierce are less clear)
Considering the fact in the musical, Karank states Virgil as his executor as they both die at the end,
Considering this and how eventually Ricky leaves the competition, I feel rather than have abed leave it would make sense for it to be Troy, considering in the show because of Pierce he leaves (he would still be there just leave the competition like rtc)
I think Jeff as a Mischa as he tries to portray the 'tough cool guy' persona however it's just a persona, kinda like how Mischa is seen as angry -and he is don't get me wrong- but he's not just angry, kinda like how Jeff isn't just some 'cool suave guy who is never uncool' so I think there could be some great parallels to that.
I also think rather than 'Whoever gets chosen is brought back from the dead' could be replaced with something more meta,
Such as: 'whoever gets the most votes gets their character saved' something along those lines as while it's Jane Doe who gets brought back, no one from the study group is similar to her so to rework it, whoever gets chosen actually gets the chance to not be assassinated (character-wise)
So this could be either Shirley or Britta, both women in the show who have either had their character ruined or just never written well in the first place.
How this would work out I'm not sure, but this is just a rough idea if I do continue this idea.
Troy, Noel and Constance are a bit more confusing,
If we were to have Troy as Noel rather than the french prostitute thing, following "The most romantic boy in town" it could be him fantasizing about some dream ideal life (I'm not a big trobed shipper, however I think it might ever so slightly incorporated as Troy , trying to follow Jeff, so he acts all "manly" this could tie into either internalised homophobia or just repressing his actual personality to fit in w the 'cool' crowd)
So I think overall he works better as Constance as at the end of the musical, she says "there's nothing wrong with being the nicest girl in town"
I think that could work well for Troy as when we first see him, it's the 'cool jock' persona he has but he eventually grows comfortable being his nerdy self,
For Noel ultimately I think Shirley is gonna have his role ( would've preferred her as Jane but oh well)
As Noel imagines as life he will never have (Monique Gibeau, in post-war France) this could work well for Shirley as she imagines a life where maybe she didn't marry André, and doesn't need to worry about just being a mom and wife (while Shirley does love her kids I'm not sure if it's said she wanted to be a mother might just not bring up her kids as it's a kinda complex subject matter)
This would leave Britta as Jane Doe which could work really well I think, as if we're following my meta concept, and how in the musical Jane doesn't really know how to act in a way ( constantly freaks everyone out by behaviour she views as" normal ") change this to Britta having a sort of identity crisis ( work in being revived from character assassination and actually be well written) is something I could see working out in a great way.
A rtc community au I feel would slap idk tho

paper sculpture i made a while back :)
Community blinkies :)
Im rewatching this show for both the fourth and fifth time simultaneously it's great. Kinda wanna kiss Frankie. Anyways sorry for the inactivity I've been slightly sad and dealing with it Poorly !!

oo pretty flashing lights

behold….the Autism Alignment
Britta and being bad at being bi
I relate to Britta on a lot of levels but the one I’d like the explore today is the autistic nightmare of reconfiguring the way you treat a set social interaction, and in this specific case that’s being romantically involved with women.
She’s obviously terrible at romantic relationships, so let’s focus on the hook-ups first. We can assume Britta sleeps around, most likely from her bartender job (I refuse to accept that the only ever has the bad sex with Jeff that’s really about the 30 seconds of cuddling afterwards). She definitely gets by alright on her good looks and that’s a situation she’s surely learned how to enact and what to mask. Guy comes by, asks her when she gets off, etc. It’s an interaction she’s familiar with, easy to navigate, easy to feel normal in.
But what do you do with a woman? It’s a whole other space you have to be in (and we know she goes to the same bar as Jeff, can’t imagine that place to be inordinately gay). It’s hard to let go of a notoriously hard to get right social interaction and you think you’ve mastered. It leaves the situation you’ve familiarised yourself with a mess with these millions of new moving pieces so why try?
And that’s not even including the actual relationship! She clearly cares for the idea (no way she would’ve dated Troy otherwise). And with a woman it’s a whole new terrifying way you have to learn to interact with a person you care about romantically. To an autistic person, it’s hard to be working with no real guideline for what to do, setting all of your existing knowledge to the wind. And that’s just what has to happen if you’re trying to have a relationship with a person of a different from your usual gender.
So yeah, one low empathy autistic bi bitch to another, I get you Britta.

been meaning to draw this for a bit
an episode of community that I wouldn't say I hate but also under no condition like is episode 2 of season 6 "Lawnmower Maintenance and Postnatal Care"
It just doesn't make sense to me.
In season 2 episode 13 Annie gets bribed with money by pierce so he can manipulate her into giving him control over the script of a play Annie wrote. Annie, living in a terrible neighborhood and worried about not being able to afford living takes the offer.
And of course when the study group finds out that the play they were partaking in about drugawareness, just for Annie (bc it's a personal cause to her) sold it's message to pierce, they get pretty upset at both Annie and pierce.
This ENTIRE episode we see how Annie (or anyone) shouldn't be depending on someone for /depending on anything, like money.
It's a lesson Annie learns at the end of the episode.
We watch all that and multiple episodes of the study group being a found family and having fun together, trusting eachother and learning from eachother JUST to watch episode 2 of season 6 and find out that oh this ENTIRE time the study group has been taking bribe money (and possible other things) from Brittas Parents BEHIND HER BACK and when she finds out and is visibility upset not just the study group but everyone around her ridicules her for it.
During this whole episode Britta is the butt of the joke for cutting off her parents for guess what, being genuinely toxic shit parents.
Britta has a good reason to hate her parents HOT TAKE this whole episode fails so much in not letting anyone around her see it too but no haha britta is an idiot literally everyone even some random kid on the street hates her
Frankie and Britta bonding is maybe the only thing good abt the episode imo
You could've made this an episode about healing and forgiving and moving on from your past instead of running away from your problems.
You could've made Brittas character even dumber by giving her an utterly ridiculous reason to hate her parents.
You could've maybe made an episode about her brother(s) because as mentioned S1 ep1 she has one (or two idk) or just like over all maybe a cool Episode giving her character more depth again BECAUSE THATS POSSIBLE!!! (SHOCKING I KNOW)
Maybe I forgot to mention a few things this isn't really a deep dive but I just felt like ranting
Don't get me wrong that whilst I really do enjoy the Troy and Abed part of geothermal escapism (no doy there it's quite literally a main part of it)
But I also think I kinda prefer the Britta aspects of it
men writing a "strong female character": "she’s not like other girls because… she’s damaged! 😩" *gives her zero personality outside of her trauma* #feminism 💪✨

i don't know about you guys, but my brat summer was spent rotating these guys in the microwave of my brain