Brocode - Tumblr Posts

The Sanses Featured In My VERY SLOW Ongoing Fic, BroCode :

the sanses featured in my VERY SLOW ongoing fic, BroCode :βˆ†

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4 years ago
Article 1

Article 1

The obvious one!

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4 years ago
Article 1

Article 1

The obvious one!

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4 years ago
Like An Ovcharka Caucasian Dog

Like an Ovcharka Caucasian DogπŸ€”

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4 years ago
P.S If You're A Dude, Read Below.

P.S If you're a dude, read below.

If you're not, don't!

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4 years ago


Especially Soccer!

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4 years ago
I'm An Expert On Stick!

I'm an Expert on Stick!πŸ‘€

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4 years ago
"That Really Took A Lot Of Ball"...

"That really took a lot of ball"...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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1 year ago

Jock Sid

Welcome to my little corner of lusting for masculine men in all their iterations. If you knew me as Bros in the Closet, then I'm afraid to say my old blog was nuked. I'm not gonna reupload my old content, I'll just push forward. In fact, I'm gonna take this opportunity to change up my themes a little. Rationalize the ones that are very similar, get rid of some that don't interest me anymore, and maybe try to do things with a bit more depth and complexity, in the vain of Homolania or Jocked. For now, if you want in-depth descriptions of my current hashtags, check out my website.

In the meantime, check out my Twitter ( Or my published works, if you're so inclined (Amazon).

My novel :)

Jock Sid

My other published stories;

Jock Sid
Jock Sid
Jock Sid
Jock Sid
Jock Sid



Rapid fire, these are what my themes are about:-

Pure fantasy

#homolania, the land governed by the Party under the rule of Homofascism that mandates all citizens be gay with dire consequences if they're not; #poundtown - an all-gay town and the sexual shenanigans that go on there; #bullbarn is an institute that hires "bulls" - high-T alpha men who are paid to breed (mpreg); #man&boiwife, for alpha husbands who take omega bois as wives to breed them to build large families of sons (mpreg)


#jocked follows Coaches who train young men to be gay jocks, bulls or cheerleaders; #gymbros is about my boi Mark who makes sexual sport of the men at the Warriors of Sparta gym; #brocode codifies rules of life for sexually confused bros to keep them honest and bro (only not); #pornstarstateofmind for all men taken by egosexuality and sexual narcissism; #boyswillbeboys, cause won't they?

At your service

#diaryofagoodboi, the cummings and cummings of a good boi - a service-oriented man who devotes his life to pleasing other men; #himbosRus, for all the dumb-dumb himbos out there who just wanna be good sluts for men; #yourbigdumbboyfriend is about your boyfriend, who's very big and very dumb.

Just gay things

#gaychad makes clear that gay men can be alphas, and how! #asktell, as in don't ask, don't tell, for closeted men who engage in gay sex, often with other closeted men, and don't want anyone to know about it; #dadsandlads, for every guy who's thought the word "daddy" and got hard; #straightmate is good-natured straight men engaging sexually with their gay friends.

Getting toxic

#worshipyourbully focuses on bullies and the fuckmeat who service them; #topsrule deprecates bottoms and puts tops on a pedestal; #conquered puts one man under the heel of another, usually in some kind of role-reversal (for instance, a younger man domming an older man).

My packs

Finally, I like writing about groups of men (packs) who live in dens and follow certain codes of ethics; #fenris for all the wolves who seek loyal brotherhood above all else; #tauron for all the dirty, filthy beasts; #ares for the toxic fuckbois who only top; #meatheads for all the roided pieces of muscle meat; #cerise for butch bottoms who live to make tops their bitches; #orion for beautiful, prissy stars; #summer for the drones who want to surrender their individuality to the hive; #liberius for black kings showing their superiority; #rosiΓ©e for fem twinks chasing that straight dick.


#realmen is daft little comments about what it takes to be a "real man"; #gayagenda is about how to spread gayness far and wide (both of these are silly and purely for fun... unlike everything else I write which is deathly serious!)


And that's everything I think. If you knew my previous blog then you'll notice that #femsontop, #trophybody, #fuckmeat, #bisexualking #ruggered, #str8h8, #goodboi and #bro4bro are all gone. I'll still be writing their content, they'll just fall under one of the other themes that fits the same vibe.

Thanks for supporting me and enjoying my content.

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5 months ago

(formerly @brosinthecloset)

The Bro Code states that bros should practice intimacy on each other. The intention is to then take that practice and apply it to the real thing. You know, with a woman. But for reasons the bros just can't figure out, it never really goes from bro to chick. It just kinda stays bro.

They're both zealots of the Code. Total true believers in brohood. So, like, dudes, why would they wanna spend time with a chick when they've got each other? This is the catch-22 of the Code.

jocksid - Jock Sid
jocksid - Jock Sid
jocksid - Jock Sid

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5 months ago

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5 months ago

(Formerly @brosinthecloset)

Fuu~ This is so on Code. Get high and have an epic thirty-minute, three-way kissing sesh. No one can show a bro intimacy like a fellow bro.

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5 months ago

(Formerly @brosinthecloset)

Bros exist forever in that dangerous liminal space of almost-fag. One piece of fabric poorly adjusted, one hand too zealous in its explorations, and this beautiful scene could all go terribly wrong. But to avoid it entirely out of fear of falling into faghood is just as wrong. The Code stresses over and over the importance of bro intimacy. Bros should know each other's bodies like they do their own. They should celebrate each other's sexuality and masculinity. They should be comfortable as one. Just not as one homo.

If the dude was too scared to follow the Code, he'd never get to experience his bud's extraordinary bro-donk. And that would be a real shame.

jocksid - Jock Sid
jocksid - Jock Sid
jocksid - Jock Sid
jocksid - Jock Sid

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