Bruh The Amount Of Tags Rn Im Dying - Tumblr Posts
I was pressured into this by @expensive-rainbows so enjoy this unfinished fic I wrote forever ago
TW: murder, gore, blood, injury (all pretty graphic), offhand mention of lust, scarian
Chapter 1: Beginning
Grian looked around. He had won, at the cost of his own life, the lives of his “allies” and enemies and friends what friends there were no friends in the game only temporary allies and him and Scar.
Scar, who was lying in the sand, blood dripping down the mountainside, already drying from the heat, birds already circling the sky, flies already buzzing on his serene smile. And wasn’t that a sight– how long had Scar been laying there, nature (although there wasn’t much other than the goddamned cactus in this desert) already trying to claim him? How long had Grian been staring into the burning sun, the sun that brought life and light and death, he was the sun and he was Icarus, he killed the ones that reached to embrace him and he burned up too soon.
He turned to look at Scar, that stupid smile on his face, and he wanted to they were still yellow and green and not yet lost to the bloodlust, and he yearned to reach out and gently kiss him once more, just like he had done just before he had—
He and Scar were laughing, pained laughs, from the pain in their bones as they punched and clawed, from the pain in their hearts as they reached out and tore at the flesh of each other, at their other half. Grian whimpered as Scar pulled a feather loose from his wing, and Scar let out a desperate “I’m sorry!” while Grian swung at his extended arm, fracturing the bone, and let out his own tearful apology. He laughed and cried, and there were tears mixed with blood and sweat and sand and promises they swore they would never break and traces of their lust from another life and he struck Scar square in his chest, sending the other man stumbling a few paces down the cliff. They were both so close to death, both only a few strikes from losing, but they both so wanted to win, but why should they win if the other wasn’t there to share it? Grian reached out to grab Scar’s face, digging his unkempt nails into the other’s skin. And wasn’t that a sight, both of them breathless and panting and Grian’s hand around Scar’s jaw, pulling him closer. It would have been so lovely in other circumstances. But this wasn’t other circumstances. Scar fought him, desperately clawing at Grian’s hand, his eyes blood red and yearning for violence, yet full of fear at his end which he knew was coming, yet still resigned in a way that suggested he knew what Grian was going to do, and welcomed it, however much he struggled. As Grian pulled Scar close, he reached out with another hand to brush at Scar’s cheek. He leaned his head forward, brushing his lips against the other. Scar leaned his head forward for the smallest moment, the smallest movement yet still enough for the sand and tears and blood and each other to mix together in the sweetest taste, before Grian pulled back and whispered a hushed “I love you,” tightening his grip and jerking his hands to the side, pulling Scar’s head at an angle that it should never have been at. The bone crunched, and blood flew, and Grian was barely aware of the cactus needles and aches all over his body as he watched with morbid fascination as his lover’s head jerked, and the sound it made was delicious, he was a red life after all, this is what he wanted, and Scar was smiling– why was he smiling, he had lost, he had died, torn apart by Grian’s own hands. Grian choked out a sob, his throat sore and dry. Why was it so dry? Was it because of the heat of the desert, or because he had been crying, or because he was still muttering a constant stream of “I’m sorry,” “I love you,” “I wish it didn’t end this way,” “Oh, Scar”?
I guess it’s just a one shot technically lol but is gonna be finished eventually (probably not actually)