Bts Angsty Fluff - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Becoming His (Part Three)


Disclaimer(s): The images from my header belong to BigHit and BTS, but I edited them and put them together.

A Note From Kutemouse: Here we are, part three! This was inspired by all of the working from home vibes that have surrounded me since lock-down started. Hope you like, thanks to everyone who has read this and liked it so far. You all are amazing! 💜💜💜

Tag List: @kpopyandere​ @apurpledheart​ @rowoons-noona​ @illnevertrustmyselfagain​ @clarkcling​ @taemaknae​ @wwilloww​

Message me if you want to be added!

Age Recommendation: 18+ (Def not one for youngsters, folks!)

Genre: Yandere Namjoon, Smut, Fluff, Neighbor AU, Computer Genius Namjoon AU

Warnings: All the f*cking warnings, okay? This filth is ridiculous. We’re talking SWEARS, all the unhealthy, obsessive yandere themes we know and love, explicit smut x twelve thousand including masturbation, sexual frustration, denial of sexual acts, grinding, exhibitionism (kind of, if you squint), lingerie, oral (m. and f. receiving), face-fucking, tongue-fucking, and hot penetrative sex. Like I said, absolute filth.


There is NON-CON in this part, okay?? Non-con as in Y/n is not completely comfortable with what happens, and in fact, she tells Namjoon to explicitly stop… and he doesn’t.

I want to be absolutely crystal clear. This story does NOT depict Namjoon in real life in any way, shape, or form. What his fictional self does is disgusting and horrific, and is meant to be viewed as such. That kind of behavior, which unfortunately does happen irl, should NOT be tolerated. I don’t tolerate it at all. By putting such a scene in my work, I am demonstrating how ugly Namjoon’s character really is, and how his psyche is beginning to unravel. That is all. There are no other intentions behind that scene.

I’mma say it louder for the people in the back. NON-CON IS NEVER OKAY. It’s not even okay in this fictional world I’ve built. Got it? Good.

Please don’t read if you are not comfortable. Your happiness and well-being, kutie, come first.

Word Count: 6k (almost exactly, wow)

Master List


Becoming His (Namjoon One-Shot, Yandere, Smut, Angsty Fluff) Part Three

It had been exactly fourteen days since you officially became Kim Namjoon’s girlfriend, and you were loving every second of it. Well, nearly every second. You had thought that, with the promise of commitment out of the way, Namjoon would be open to intimacy, but instead, he insisted on taking things as slow as slow could be. Which you thought was ridiculous, because every other part of your relationship felt like it was put on mega fast forward.

The very night after you agreed to be his to be his, you went on a date. Namjoon took you to a fantastic restaurant with white tablecloths, impeccably dressed waiters, crystal chandeliers, the works. It couldn’t have been more perfect. He didn’t take his eyes off you the entire night, and although you were apprehensive and maybe a tad regretful about becoming his girlfriend so quickly, you found your doubts melting away when you realized… he was way into you. And you were way into him.

Once you got past your reservations, you found yourself ready to take things to the next level, especially when it came time to go home. You and Namjoon stood on your porch facing each other, but before the moment could get too awkward, he reached out and wrapped his arms around your waist. You, in turn, wrapped your arms around his neck, drawing him closer. He pressed his forehead to yours, staring deep into your eyes. You didn’t think you could get enough of his eyes. The way they looked brown in the light but nearly black in the shadows reminded you of volcanic stone formed from hardened lava. You had seen those eyes light up in a glow of happiness and a blaze of anger, but now, you were ready to see them light up in a roaring wildfire of lust.

Namjoon pressed his lips to yours in a sweet, chaste kiss. His tongue stayed firmly in his own mouth despite every fiber of his being screaming to taste you.

But he couldn’t. Not now.

With your scent invading his nose, your body pressed against his, and your lips touching, he was practically cumming in his pants already. And he was pretty damn sure you wouldn’t appreciate such an early release.

With a groan, Namjoon pressed his palms into your hips and pushed you gently backward. You frowned in confusion, wondering why he wasn’t taking things further. “Tonight was absolutely amazing,” he murmured, smiling down at you.

He was saying goodbye? Already?

“Are you s-sure you don’t want to come inside for a nightcap?” you stuttered.

Namjoon’s smile grew, showing off those sexy dimples, as he cupped your face in both of his large hands and kissed your forehead. “Not tonight, jagiya. Maybe next time.”

Disappointment flowed through you, unpleasantly cooling the heat building inside your middle. “Are you sure?”

He raised your face a little and pressed his lips briefly to yours once more. “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah? I’ll text you.”

“Oh. Okay.”

You were so obvious it hurt. Clearly, you wanted more, but Namjoon wasn’t prepared to give it to you just yet. He wanted your first time with him to be absolutely perfect.

As soon as your door shut, he strode towards his own house, restraining himself from breaking into a full-on sprint. He fumbled with his keys, pushed the door open as soon as it was unlocked, and slammed it shut behind him. He leaned against the wood, head thrown back, eyes closed, a thin sheen of sweat breaking out over his forehead. Quickly unbuckling his belt and yanking down his zipper, Namjoon finally freed his hard, dripping cock from the confines of his trousers. He groaned as air collided with his netherregions, his balls tightening as he fisted himself and started pumping at a rapid pace.

Namjoon thought of you, your eyes staring up into his, practically begging him to fuck you, and the way your scent drifted across his senses every time you got close. He thought of your body aligning with his, your breasts pressing unconsciously into his torso, arousing him into a state of uncontrollable ecstasy. He thought of the way you said his name, moaned his name, and suddenly, his orgasm was upon him.

White ropes of cum spurted from the head of his dick, and he grunted loudly, mouth dropping open in surprise. He let out a few more stuttering grunts as he came down from his high, chest heaving.

If this was the effect you had on him now with just a couple of fully-clothed kisses, he could hardly imagine the effect you would have once he actually got you naked. That’s why it couldn’t happen quite yet. Namjoon had to make sure he was in full control first.

Meanwhile, back at your place, you also leaned against the back of your door, but your emotional and physical state of mind differed greatly from Namjoon’s. Your lips were contorted in a pout, and your mind was jumbled with questions. What had you done wrong? Did he not see you that way? Great. You went from a relationship where there was nothing but physical attraction to one where there was everything but physical attraction. Why couldn’t you have both physical and emotional chemistry with a guy? Was that honestly too much for the universe to provide?

You supposed so.

Thirteen days later, you still hadn’t succeeded in shagging your gorgeous boyfriend. You had, however, grown fairly comfortable around him. Namjoon had given you a key to his house, which both surprised the hell out of you and made you want to jump for joy, so you were often over there when he was home. Namjoon’s coffee was good enough that you didn’t feel the need to go out and pick up a cup one to three times a day anymore, allowing the two of you to spend entire afternoons together.

It wasn’t like you were on top of each other, though. Oftentimes, he was working in his office on the other side of the house while you worked from your laptop in the living room, sprawled out across the couch. Hours would go by when neither of you saw each other.

Even so, most guys you knew would have already gotten fed up. Being neighbors, you two were already practically living together. It was a miracle you weren’t sick of each other yet. However, Namjoon didn’t seem to mind. He was so different from every other guy you previously dated, seeming to want you constantly around rather than the opposite. He liked his personal space, sure, but you were now part of that personal space and he treated you as such. After all, you were his.

Namjoon not only liked that you wanted to be around him so much, even if you two weren’t in the same room, but he also enjoyed keeping a closer eye on you. He knew exactly where you were and what you were doing every second of every day. As a software engineer, he was able to install a keylogger on your laptop one evening when you ran out to pick up food. It was for your own protection, of course. He had to make sure you stayed safe, and that no harm could come to you in any way, shape, or form. After all, you were his reason for existing. If anything happened to you, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself.

Speaking of harm, you were surprised that Jungkook hadn’t reached out after that day he crashed your neighborhood party. He had all but promised he would get you back, but like always, his silence since proved he was full of shit. You tried to put him out of your mind, but this wasn’t like the Jungkook you knew. Sure, over the years, he had gone radio silent for as long as months at a time, but once he made it clear he intended to win you back, that’s exactly what he did. He would harass you with texts and show up everywhere you went until you finally caved. Not that it took much. His ethereal beauty and bad-boy persona drew you effortlessly in before you realized you were drowning in all things Jungkook.

But this time? This time was oddly different. You supposed he didn’t care enough to try shooting his shot more than once, yet the thought of reaching out just to make sure he was okay crossed your mind more than once. The only thing holding you back was Namjoon. He would likely be crushed if he found out you were talking to your ex.

That, however, was the only piece of truth you knew for sure. Jungkook left your house that night fully intending on getting you back… until his life began to fall apart. The very day after the party, Jungkook’s identity was stolen and someone racked up hundreds of charges on his credit cards. His computer and phone were hacked, and every password he had, every account he ever made, turned his life into a living nightmare.

Every single questionable picture or video, including several nudes and dick pics, were sprawled all over the internet. Every friend he ever made turned on him. He became a disgrace, a laughingstock. Whoever hacked him even sent some questionable content to his workplace from his own email, ending up in him getting fired.

In a span of forty-eight hours, Jungkook was jobless, friendless, and drowning in debt. He was sitting in his room, wasted out of his mind by the only thing that could keep him from feeling, when writing popped up on his computer screen. He looked up in surprise. He thought his laptop was completely fried since the hack.

“Stay away from her,” the message read. “She’s mine.”

Namjoon smirked as he watched Jungkook’s eyes widen as he read the message. After a beat, Jungkook let out a roar of rage and smashed the bottle he was holding into the computer, effectively breaking the webcam and Namjoon’s line of sight to him.

With that problem finally out of the way, Namjoon focused his attention solely on you. He made mental notes of everything you liked and didn’t like, your microexpressions when something pleased you or annoyed you, and how your routine changed now that he was in your life. Life couldn’t be better. There was no evidence of you thinking about that Jungkook guy, and all the evidence that you were almost as obsessed with Namjoon as he was with you.


He could tell you were getting frustrated, though. You wanted him, and he wanted you, but he wanted to make you wait even more. He relished in the anticipation build-up and the thought of driving you crazy. He wanted you thinking about nothing but him day-in and day-out.

To Namjoon’s amusement, that’s exactly what happened. You could not stop the heat creeping down to your core every time he so much as looked at you. You could barely keep your fingers away from your crotch every time he stripped shirtless to go outside and exercise. You couldn’t quit biting your lip and crossing your legs suggestively every time you caught his eye. He would toss you a smirk, but otherwise, he seemed unaffected.

One day, your sexual frustration came to a head. Namjoon was in his office, typing away on his computer, when you leaned against the doorway, admiring the view of your sex god boyfriend’s broad shoulders. Of course, Namjoon knew you were there. He saw you stop working, get up, and stretch before padding down the hall on his living room’s hidden camera.

However, he played off being pleasantly surprised. He stretched his arms above his head, flexing his biceps, before seeming to catch sight of you out of the corner of his eye. “Hey baby,” he said, gesturing you over. “Need something?”

“No,” you said meekly, stepping towards him. He tugged you onto his lap, but instead of sitting sideways on his thighs like he intended, you full-on straddled him. Namjoon’s breath caught in his throat, and he quickly let out a cough to cover it up. You flipped your hair away from your face and leaned in to kiss him, covering his mouth with yours. You moaned into the kiss, making your intentions absolutely clear. You wanted him. You needed him. Now.

He indulged you for a few moments, kissing you back, pushing and pulling at your lips with his until you both were dizzy and delirious. You worked his mouth slightly open with each kiss until, without warning, you shoved your tongue inside his cavern, wanting to taste every inch of him.

Namjoon grunted in surprise, immediately feeling the uncomfortable tent forming in his pants as your tongues twirled together. You moaned once more and scooted forward, your crotch now pressed directly into his erection. The sigh you let out when you felt how hard he was sounded like pure heaven to Namjoon. He broke apart from you, gasping, when you started moving your hips, grinding down onto him. He wanted so badly to dip his fingers down your panties to feel how wet you were for him, wanted so badly to follow those fingers with his tongue and cock, wanted so badly to make you scream his name well into the afternoon… 

But he couldn’t.

This time, it wasn’t his lack of control holding him back, or the desire to drive you mad, but fucking work. He had a conference call in two minutes, and that wasn’t nearly enough time for him to have his way with you.

He pushed you gently back, separating your bodies just enough to clear some of the lustful haze from both of your minds. You pouted. “What’s wrong?” you asked. “Joon, do you not like me like that?”

Namjoon’s mouth parted open, glee zipping down his nerves at your use of his nickname. “No, baby, don’t think that, it’s not like that at all.”

“Are you sure?” you asked, despair filling your eyes.

“Baby, believe me, I want you so badly it hurts,” Namjoon said hurriedly. On the inside, he was panicking. Had he fucked up?

“I just want to do this right. I want to make our first time special.”

You snorted. “What are we, sixteen? Please. I’m way past the ‘make it special’ stage. I want you.”

Namjoon let out a low groan at your whining words. God, he wanted you too. He wanted nothing more. “Then you can have me any way you like,” he murmured, combing a hand through the strands of your hair. “But later. I have a conference call starting like, now. Afterwards, I promise, I’m all yours.”

You jutted your lip out in a pout once more, but hung your head and nodded. “Fine.”

“Don’t worry,” Namjoon said, tossing you a cheeky wink as you clambered off his lap. “It’ll be worth the wait.”

You were about to throw a retort back in his face, but smirked instead as a deliciously evil idea entered your brain. “Alright then,” you said, replacing the smirk with an innocent expression. You couldn’t let him know what you were thinking.

You turned and exited his office, but instead of going back to the living room, you quietly slipped out the front door and went over to your own house. Namjoon didn’t see you leave on his hidden camera because he was too busy logging into his conference call, nor did he see you sneak back in ten minutes later, suspiciously wearing a long overcoat despite the humid summer heat.

You crept down the hall and peered into his office. Namjoon had a headset on and was talking quietly into the microphone. You waited until he paused for a bit before clearing your throat. Your boyfriend whipped his head around, his mouth parting in surprise. His eyes widened as you started undoing the buttons of your coat, a smirk spreading from one corner of your lips to the other. Quick as lightning, he turned back to his computer and made a couple clicks with his mouse. “What’re you doing?” he hissed.

“I’m sick of waiting,” you replied, moving fully into the room once you realized he turned his webcam off.

“Baby, please,” he said, his eyes pleading. “This meeting is important. I swear, I’ll give you all the time in the world, you just have to be patient for a few more minutes.”

You let out a hum, holding your finger to your lips. “Fine,” you relented. “But I want to stay here, with you.”

Namjoon sighed. “Like where? I can’t have you on camera, jagiya.”

You knelt down on the floor beside his chair. “Here. I’ll stay out of sight.”

Your boyfriend shook his head, but you caught traces of a small smile that made your confidence grow. Hopefully, he would like what you had planned for him next.

Namjoon gave you a stern look before looking back at his screen and turning his webcam and mic back on. Once he was pulled back into the call, you scooted closer to his chair and resumed unbuttoning your coat. Joon glanced at you briefly, and you tucked your bottom lip between your teeth, staring up at him with an eyebrow mischievously cocked. You slowly drew the coat off your shoulders, revealing the lace harness leotard-shaped teddy underneath. He gasped at the sight of you presenting yourself to him dressed in so little. You heard the voices coming faintly through his headphones pause before one of them supposedly asked a question.

“S-Sorry,” Namjoon said, looking back at the screen once more. “Yes, I heard your question. I’m a go for that project.”

Once his co-workers resumed talking, Joon clicked his mic off once more. “Baby,” he hissed. “What are you doing?”

“Nothing,” you said, feigning innocence. “I’m just sitting here, like you told me.”

His eyes darkened as they roamed over your torso, appreciative of the way your perky breasts practically spilled out of the lingerie. “You’re such a brat,” he growled. “I know what you’re doing, and believe me, you’ll get what’s coming to you.”

“Promise?” you teased, fluttering your lashes.

Namjoon chuckled, shaking his head. “Stay put, and I’ll reward you a thousand times over. Move a muscle, and I’ll make sure your punishment lasts all night.”

He clicked his mic back on and began murmuring into it once more, not missing a beat. You obeyed his command for a while, but quickly started to get bored. This wouldn’t do. You came here dressed like this to soothe the ache between your loins, not further it.

Coy as could be, you crawled slowly on your hands and knees to the front of Namjoon’s desk, looking back to make sure he was checking out your barely-covered ass.

Joon’s eyes widened as he realized what you were going to do. He muted his mic. “No, no, no-no-no-no, baby, are you crazy? You’re gonna get me in so much trouble.”

“Relax,” you purred. “I just wanna make you feel good while you’re on this boring conference call.”

You ducked beneath the desk, kneeling in front of his legs and bringing your face between his deliciously thick thighs. You lightly blew on his crotch, relishing in the way he was already tenting his pants. Namjoon chuckled darkly. “You wanna play, baby? Fine, go ahead… but it’s going to cost you. Like I said, your punishment is going to last all night long.”

“Believe me, I’d like nothing more,” you murmured as you started unbuckling his belt. Namjoon waited until the clinks of the metal subsided before resuming his call.

As he spoke, you palmed him and began massaging his hard, still-clothed length. The way his breath hitched, and the way his cheeks grew tinged with pink spurred you on to take it a step further. You unbuttoned his trousers, stared up at him, took his zipper between your teeth, and slowly lowered it, not taking your eyes off him for a single second.

Namjoon let out a long, soft breath, trying so hard to keep himself contained. You were gonna get him so fired, but at this point, he didn’t give a fuck. He was ready to see your pretty pink mouth wrapped around his cock, sucking it like it was the most delicious thing you’d ever had in your mouth.

You licked long strips up his black boxer briefs, still refusing to look away. When someone asked him a question, Namjoon snapped his head back up to look at the screen. “Y-Yes sir,” he said, panting a little. Damn, if he thought he was in control, he was dead wrong. You already had him on the edge, and you had barely begun.

Once the outside of his underwear was moist enough to your satisfaction, you hooked a finger under his waistband and pulled down the fabric just enough to free his large, hard length. You stared at it for a moment, wondering how you were going to fit such a girthy member into your mouth, let alone your dampening-by-the-minute pussy.

Without any more hesitation, you pushed the head of his cock into your mouth, sucking hard. Namjoon squirmed, biting his lip to keep from groaning out loud. God, your mouth was amazing. So good, it was sinful. You, however, didn’t relent. You sucked him down even further, hollowing out your cheeks until he was hitting the back of your throat. Every muscle in Joon’s body clenched as he tried not to cum right then and there.

Then, like a blessing sent from above, Namjoon’s boss announced the end of the meeting and began thanking everyone for coming. As soon as the call ended and all microphones and cameras were off, Namjoon grabbed you by the hair and yanked your head backward. You yelped from the sudden pain and the simultaneous loss of his thickness from your mouth.

“What did I say?” he growled, a smirk spreading across his face. “I told you to fucking stay put and you didn’t listen.”

“I’m sorry,” you whined. “I just wanted you so bad.”

He mercifully released his hold on your hair, letting your chin drop back down. “Clearly. You couldn’t even be patient for the half-hour that call took.”

“How could I?” you pouted. “You made me wait long enough.”

Suddenly, Namjoon’s expression changed, growing softer. “I’m sorry baby, I really am,” he said, pushing his chair away and kneeling on the ground with you.

“Don’t be.” You grinned.”I’m loving this.”

Joon’s eyes darkened once more, narrowing into slits as a smirk crossed over his full lips. “You are, are you? Well, then… don’t mind if I continue.”

He stood, pulled his trousers all the way down, wrapped your hair ‘round his large hand, and shoved his cock back into your waiting mouth. “Fuck,” he moaned as he hit the back of your throat once more. Slowly, he began thrusting, mesmerized by the way your lips swallowed him whole over and over and over again.

Before he began full-on face-fucking you, Namjoon reached out, took your hand, and placed it on his thigh. “Tap once for a break,” he said firmly. “Tap twice if you want to completely stop.”

You nodded in response, unable to respond due to your mouth full of cock.

Joon let out a feral sound, half-way between a growl and a moan, and sped up his pace. The nerve endings surrounding his thick member set his skin on fire, making sweat break out all over his body. His balls tightened in preparation for release, and it felt like all the blood in his body was being sucked towards his dick, wanting to feel nothing but the sensation of your mouth.

“Such a good girl,” Namjoon groaned. You moaned in response, still taking his cock like a pro. Tears were running down your face from the pressure, trailing from your jawline to the curve of your breasts. It was so wet and so dirty, but you loved it. You loved making him feel good. You loved pleasing him. You loved him.

At that realization, your eyes widened from shock, and you ended up gagging and choking a bit on your boyfriend’s cock. That sent him completely over the edge, and Namjoon stilled, letting out a loud, ferocious grunt as he shot ropes of cum down your throat. You tapped his thigh, and he immediately pulled out, a string of white liquid hanging between his large member and your mouth.

“Fuck, baby, that was amazing,” he sighed, grabbing a box of tissues and dropping down onto his knees beside you.

He hugged you tight, kissing your cheek, your chin, your jaw, your neck. “So good, so perfect,” he murmured, his words slurring a bit. “Forget your punishment, you deserve all the rewards in the world, jagiya.”

You continued gasping and swallowing, wiping your tears and spit away with the tissues over his shoulder until the only remnants of the blowjob were the wet stains littering the front of your lingerie. Namjoon continued kissing you, running his hands all over you, cupping your breasts, and smoothing his thumbs over your nipples.

“I wanna run my tongue all over you,” he said suddenly, unbuttoning his shirt and discarding it, leaving him enticingly naked. “I wanna taste your pussy from behind.”

He stood and quickly removed his laptop from his desk before shoving everything else off of it. “Bend over,” he commanded, pointing at the desk’s wooden surface.

You didn’t have to be told twice. Stumbling a bit, you stood and obediently lay your upper half across the smooth, cool wood. “Oh my fucking god, baby,” Namjoon moaned when he realized your lingerie was crotchless. Everything you had was completely on display for him, ready to be used in whatever way he chose.

Your boyfriend wasted no time in kneeling on the ground, his face level with your dripping pussy. He grabbed your ass with both hands, massaging and kneading your cheeks as you let out long, drawn-out moans, egging him on. Finally, he spread your cheeks and you felt his tongue run from your clit to the bottom of your slit.

“Oh god!” you gasped out.

“Mmmm, that’s right, baby…” Namjoon murmured as he nosed at your folds. “You taste even better than I imagined.”

In response, you pushed your hips backward, trying to get more friction. “Hold still,” your boyfriend growled.

You froze at his words, and he rewarded you with slow, soft kitten licks up and down your gushing slit. Then, without warning, he pushed his wet muscle inside of you and began eating you out with vigor.

“Fuck! Namjoon!”

His dick leaked pre-cum at hearing you finally moan his name. He couldn’t believe how turned on he was. Ten minutes ago, he thought you had sucked the very soul out of him. How could he be so hard once more already?

It was you. Everything you did, the way you tasted, your long, draw-out moans that were getting shorter as you got closer to your high, the way you handed over the reins of control to him, all accumulated in Namjoon’s absolute, pure arousal. You were perfect for him… and he was never letting you go.

Namjoon went from tongue-fucking you into oblivion to wrapping his full lips around your clit and sucking, hard. Every muscle in your body clenched, trying so hard to be good and not move like he ordered, but it was near impossible with how stimulated you were. You couldn’t take it anymore when your boyfriend inserted two fingers inside of your cavern, doubling the pleasure shuddering through your body.

You began to pant, your moans coming out more like short screams. “Right there!” you gasped. “R-Right there!”

Namjoon chuckled. He absolutely loved seeing you in this state, completely helpless, completely underneath his spell, completely submissive to him and only him. “C’mon, jagiya, cum for me. Cream these fingers.”

Your brain took his filthy words to heart. Every muscle in your body tightened, trembling from the inevitable snap, and your folds clenched tight around Joon’s fingers. He resumed sucking on your clit, and you completely fell apart.

“Mmmmffff, Namjooooon!” you wailed as your orgasm racked your body. Waves of insane pleasure crashed through you, once, twice, three times before your lungs allowed you to draw breath.

Namjoon gripped your forearms and pulled you upright, kissing you fiercely. “You did so good, baby, so good, so perfect,” he murmured between kisses. His chin was shiny from your juices, and you could taste yourself as he pressed his lips to yours over and over again.

He swooped you up into his arms and carried you to the bedroom, gently laying you down on his king-size bed before climbing over you, nudging apart your thighs with a knee. He kissed you deeply, his lips first enveloping yours, then moving down to your neck. You felt teeth graze your skin as he got more aggressive, nipping at your neck until he settled on a spot and began to suck. He wanted to mark his territory, wanted to make the whole world see who you belonged to. You didn’t mind. It’s not like you went into the office very often, and besides, you could always cover the marks with a scarf or a bandage.

Namjoon didn’t stop there, moving from your neck to your breasts, freeing them from their confines so he could mouth at them, sucking each nipple in turn. You moaned at the sensation, feeling the buds peak and harden beneath your boyfriend’s skillful touch. He slid his hands underneath you and started undoing the ties holding your lace teddy together, fingers fumbling with the tiny buckles.

Once he succeeded, he peeled the fabric from your body, showing off every inch of your bare skin, shiny from sweat. “Mmmmmmmm,” Joon groaned. “I could stare at you all day, baby.”

And he really would. You were even better than he imagined, and he wanted this image burned into his eyeballs, wanted your naked form permanently captured, meant for no one’s eyes but his.

He pressed his hard length against you, earning a gasp from between your pretty lips. With a smirk, Namjoon stroked himself between your folds, relishing in the skin-on-skin contact. Your wetness increased as the head of his cock teased your clit, causing loud moans to escape your lungs. However, in the middle of the lustful haze clouding your brain, a tiny bit of clarity shot through. “Namjoon, wait,” you panted suddenly. “I’m… I’m not on the pill.”

Your boyfriend didn’t relent, continuing to tease both you and himself. “So?”

“So… we need a condom?”

He chuckled. “Oh, baby, no we don’t.”

You stiffened at his words. “Um, yes we do?”

Namjoon leaned down and kissed you deeply, pouring his tongue into your mouth like sweet honey. He pulled away from you just enough to brush his lips over your cheek and jawline. “I promise you, I’m clean,” he murmured as he kissed you. He knew you were clean, too. He hacked your doctor’s files weeks ago, wanting to make sure you were safe.

“That’s not the point,” you replied. “I mean, that is the point, but it’s also so I don’t… get… pregnant?” Your mind was still cloudy, delirious from pleasure, and your mind was having trouble comprehending the fact that Namjoon, normally so responsible and together, was saying this to you.

“Don’t worry about that,” Joon murmured, his lips ghosting over yours.

Your eyes popped open, brow furrowing in confusion. “What do you mean?” you asked, sure you misheard him.

“If you get pregnant, I’ll take care of you… and the baby.”

Namjoon would love nothing more. If you had his baby, you would have something tying you to him for the rest of your lives. You’d depend on him more, need him even more than you already did. You wouldn’t be able to leave.

You lay there, mouth parted open in complete shock. Was your boyfriend actually saying what you thought he was saying? Namjoon leaned back and pressed his hips into yours, stroking between your folds once more with his rigid member, moistening your pussy with pre-cum. Slowly, he began to slip inside, teasing your hole with just the tip, sliding further in with each stroke.

You quickly sat up and grabbed Namjoon’s shoulders. “Joon,” you said firmly. “If we’re going to do this, you need to put on a condom.”

Namjoon chuckled low in his throat, shaking his head. “Don’t be ridiculous. I bet you’re not even ovulating, baby, and besides, I want to feel you. All of you.”

You lay back down, thinking. He was right, you weren’t ovulating… but still. You didn’t know if you wanted to risk it. Your boyfriend groaned as his length delved deeper inside of you, his balls almost flush with your pussy lips. He was right, his bare cock slipping in and out of your cavern did feel extremely good… but did that justify being so irresponsible?

Namjoon was finally fully enveloped within you, and he began to pick up his pace, eager to finish you both off and make you his for good.

“J-Joon,” you stuttered, placing your palms against his chest and gently pushing backward. His eyes remained closed, his hips snapping into yours as he continued pounding into you, grunting with each thrust.

“Joon, s-stop,” you said, pushing harder. He still didn’t move.

“I said, stop!” you cried. Namjoon’s eyes flew open, and you gasped. They were dark, the same blaze you saw when he confronted Jungkook roaring to life behind his irises. His lips contorted into a smirk, and he slowed his thrusts only to grab hold of your wrists and pin them above your head. Your mouth dropped open from both the pleasure and the pain.

“I said to stop worrying,” Joon growled in your ear. “Let me make you feel good. Let me take care of you. Let me make you mine.”

You let out a gasping moan as his cock hit that perfect spot, grazing that bundle of nerves deep inside you.

“That’s right, jagiya. You’re mine. You’re all mine.”

You closed your eyes and nodded, all worry slipping away as pure pleasure overtook all your senses and clouded your brain once more.

“Look at me,” your boyfriend ordered. Your eyes snapped open, wide, almost frightened as you caught sight of the animalistic lust urging your boyfriend on.

“Say it,” he demanded, thrusting in and out so hard it was almost painful. “Say you’re mine.”

“I-I-I…” you stuttered, your back arching as your impending orgasm approached.

“Say it!”

“I’m yours!” you cried out. “All yours!”

Namjoon’s thrusts became sloppy. “That’s right, you’re mine,” he growled. “Mine.”

“Yours!” you agreed as your muscles tightened once more, causing your entire body to tremble. You could feel nothing but pleasure as your orgasm overtook you, making you splutter nonsense as waves of delectation shook you to your core.

“Yours, yours, yours, Namjoon’s, I’m yours,” you chanted as spots appeared at the edge of your vision.

Namjoon’s hips stuttered, and he let out a series of grunts as he released inside of you. You felt his hot liquid hit your cervix, drawing out yet another wave of pleasure from your orgasm, before your body went completely limp.

Chest heaving, Namjoon slowly withdrew out of you and lay beside you, kissing your cheek. “I love you, Y/n,” he sighed.

Your eyelids fluttered open at the sudden proclamation. “I love you too, Joon,” you murmured, too exhausted to realize the extent of his or your words.

Glee exploded throughout Namjoon’s limbs, and he buried his face in the crook of your neck to hide the grin spreading over his face. He knew it. He knew you would love him just as much as he loved you. He knew you wanted to be his, were born to be his.

He knew he would never let you go.


Another Note From Kutemouse: Holy shit-eu!! That was a wild ride, eh?? Thanks for reading. Part Four coooooming soon!

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