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4 years ago

Crow-Workers {Part One}


This beautiful banner was made by @thebannershop


✿ - Pairing: Kim Taehyung x Reader

✿ - Genre: Hybrid au, office au, coworkers to lovers, fluff, slight angst.

✿ - Warnings: Taehyung being mistreated,  Hoseok is kind of a prick, Thirsty middle-aged women, minor swearing.

✿ - Word Count: 4.4K

✿ - Summary: Your company has recently it’s first hybrid. Most of your coworkers have been avoiding him, disappointed that he wasn’t an adorable bunny hybrid or a cute puppy hybrid - he was a crow. It broke your heart every time you’d catch a glimpse of him trying to talk to another worker, only for them to walk off as soon as they spotted him. So, you made it your personal mission to befriend him. Soon afterwards, you begin to notice little trinkets showing up at your desk. Pretty stones, candy, little origami creatures, candles. No one seemed to know where they came from. However, you catch the crow hybrid blushing whenever he looks at you and didn’t you read somewhere that crows leave presents for people they like?

Inspired by this prompt by @hybridfanfiction

Series Masterpost



Tags: @bubbletaetaesstuff @hoseokslefteyebrow @flowersgirl02 @bena-baby

@munchyn @mymainaccountlol @strawberrymilan @aurorakingsley​ @shit-loads-of-angst



Violence towards hybrids has reached an all-time high, with 5 in 7 hybrids saying they have experienced some form of harassment for being a non-human.  While this number seems high, it is trumped by a new research campaign being led by renowned professor and hybrid rights activist, Kim Namjoon.  This new research suggests that 6 in 7 hybrids are currently facing some form of discrimination either in school or in their place of work. Evidence he has cited includes-

You jump slightly as the elevator grinded to a halt. Did it not usually take longer to get up here?

Then again, you were slightly distracted by the news article currently displayed on your phone screen. You sigh and slide the device into your pocket. You guess you’ll just have to finish it later.

It was surprisingly quiet as you exited the elevator.

Usually, the entire floor was filled by the sounds of typing and hushed talking but it was completely silent, not a soul in sight.  

Were you supposed to be off today?  

You don’t remember being told about any days off.  

A frown forms on your lips.

Oh well, you might as well enjoy the silence and get some paperwork done.

Your footsteps echo around the empty room as make your way over to your desk.

Letting out a yawn, you unceremoniously dump you bag down beside your feet and hook your jacket around the back of your chair.

You’re about to sit down but something quickly becomes apparent, even to your half-awake mind. If no one else is here, there’s no queue for the coffee machine!

You hum a random pop song you heard on the radio earlier to yourself as you make your way through the hallways, trying to fill the deafening silence of the empty floor. The hallways were pretty ominous without the usual chatter as people walk in and out of their offices. It was creepy but the coffee would be worth it.

You’ve almost reached the lounge/break room.  

You can practically taste the coffee-

Keep reading

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