Bts Part Two - Tumblr Posts
You are such an amazing writer!! Need pt 2 with jimin :(
Well, well, what a coincidence! You are an amazing person, kutie. Wish granted!! 😘

Apparently Necessary Disclaimer: I don’t own Netflix, but wbk. Also, the above gif was made and edited by me, kutemouse. That is why I’ve posted this under the tag #btsgif. Feel free to use it however you want, just give me credit for the edit. Thanks 💜
Age Recommendation: 16+
Warnings: Swears, a bit o’ angst, mostly glorious fluffiness, Jimin badly procrastinating, kissing, brief (hella light) mentions of the frick frack. Nothing more than you’d hear about in a PG-13 movie. This was so fun to write, I hope you like 😘
Word Count: 2,281
Summary: You reflect back on your summer you’ve spent with vampire Jimin, getting closer and closer as you continued painting his portrait. But now summer’s over and you have to go back to university. How will Jimin react?
Summer Portraits (Jimin one-shot, Fluff, Vampire) Part Two
You sat in your bay window, staring at the way the wind whipped through the trees and wound through the grass, creating swirls of hypnotizing green. You were leaving Jimin’s mansion tomorrow and going back to Seoul where, in only three days, another term at your university would begin. Feelings of unease and doubt crept through you. You knew this was the way things had to go, things had to end… but what if you didn’t want them to? After all, this summer had been one of the most interesting ones you’d ever had.
After Jimin confessed to you that he and Soobin were vampires, you were extremely apprehensive around them. The only time you felt relaxed was when you were painting, allowing the mixtures of color to settle your nerves. As time wore on, you realized their intentions probably weren’t malicious, and you found yourself enjoying the company of the eccentric vamp and his brooding butler.
“I love it,” Jimin said, coming up behind you and examining your work one sunny afternoon. He sighed. “Am I really that handsome?”
You rolled your eyes and leaned closer to the canvas, trying to detail his full lips with one of your smaller brushes. Jimin suddenly chuckled, causing you to lean away and toss him a glare. “Sorry,” he said, seeing your look. “It’s just… the last time I saw what my face looked like was thirty years ago. You would think things would’ve changed, but…”
He trailed off, giving you a small smile before continuing. “I’m a vampire. My face has never, and will never, change.”
“That is true,” I murmured, catching the trace of sadness in his gorgeous tawny eyes.
“No matter. Good work, Y/n,” he said, patting your shoulder and turning to leave. You were shocked to feel tingles shooting down your nerves from the place where he touched you.
Shaking your head roughly, you brought yourself back to reality with a harsh thought. “Never in a million years.”
A couple weeks later, Jimin announced at dinner that he was going to head out on a business trip and would be gone for the next few days. “Soobin will be here to attend to your needs,” he said. You shrugged in response, a strange feeling of disappointment settling over you. Were you going to… miss him? You supposed you were. The hallways would feel empty without Jimin’s laughter and his bright-yet-tasteful outfits.
“I’ll be back as soon as I can,” he murmured, tracing his finger over the rim of a glass filled with dark red liquid. You had felt strange, eating full meals while Jimin and Soobin didn’t eat anything. As long as Soobin put it in a glass, you could just pretend they were drinking wine instead of blood and it didn’t make you squirm nearly as much.
Forty-eight hours later, you realized you were definitely missing him. Soobin was fine to have around, but he was so… so… professional. Always “Yes Miss L/n,” or “No Miss L/n.” He refused to call you by your first name, and except for the occasional game of chess, he didn’t have much talent in the way of entertainment.
Bored of browsing Netflix, you got up and went into your studio. A blank canvas sat on your easel just waiting to be turned into a beautiful work of art. You absentmindedly picked up a brush and squirted some paint onto your palette, swirling the bristles lazily in the color and brushing it onto the canvas. By now, you’d memorized the perfect, pale tone of his unblemished skin, the way his eyes crinkled when he laughed, the soft curve of his lips that met in a barely-there cupid’s bow… every detail was yours to paint. You painted for hours, not even noticing when the room started to darken.
“Miss L/n?”
You jumped, the brush stroking across the canvas as your hand spasmed out of control. You turned to see Soobin looking at you in horror. “Oh my, I’m so sorry,” he said, pressing his hands to his mouth.
“Don’t worry about it,” you sighed, setting the brush down. You’d been using a dark brown color for the eyes, and now it was streaked across the portrait’s cheek. Whatever. This painting was kind of just for fun anyway.
“Is anyone here?” a voice called out.
Your heart soared at the sound of his melodic voice before falling and crashing in a fiery explosion. The painting. You couldn’t let him see it. Couldn’t let him see how you truly felt.
You hurried to take the canvas off the easel, placing it just inside the door between your studio and your room before closing it hurriedly. Soobin shot you a look of confusion and you shook your head at him just as Jimin entered the room. “Hey there,” he said, taking you in with a smile.
You smiled back, placing your paint-covered hands behind your back. “Hey. You’re back.”
“I am.”
“How was it?”
His tawny eyes bored into you as his smile turned into a small smirk. “Productive.”
The next day found you painting Jimin in his study. He dressed in just a normal black suit and tie today, claiming he wanted to see how he looked. His dark locks were swept backwards from his forehead, making him look more refined, and he chose to pose with his hands in his pockets, leaning against his large oak desk.
His sultry gaze seemed to pierce right through you as you did your best to capture it. “Can you do something for me?” he asked. You looked up and nodded.
Jimin smirked and you gasped as his eyes flooded a deep red. “Can you paint me like this?”
You took a step back, suddenly nervous, before regaining control of your emotions and nodding. Jimin leaned back against his desk once more, and you picked up a bottle of red paint, adding it to your palette before brushing the color onto the portrait’s eyes.
“Y/n,” Jimin said. You looked up once more. He beckoned you over with a long, pale finger.
You put down your brush and stepped towards him. Jimin’s mouth parted slightly open, and you caught a glimpse of pointed fangs. “Do I make you nervous when I look like this?” he asked. You hesitated before shaking your head.
“Why not?”
“You won’t hurt me.”
“How do you know?”
You swallowed hard. “Because you told me you wouldn’t… and I trust you.”
“You do?”
You nodded then let out a little shriek as Jimin grabbed you by the waist and tugged you close. Your face was only inches away from his as he looked down at you, an amused smile dancing across his lips. You watched in amazement as his eyes faded from red back to that tawny brown. “How about now?” he murmured.
You clutched the collar of his suit jacket and glanced down, a heated flush rising to your cheeks. He chuckled, the sound low in his throat. “Tell me, Y/n… did you miss me while I was gone?”
Your eyes widened. He knew. He knew how you felt. How you saw his face even when your eyes were closed. How you fantasized what it would be like to be with him.
Jimin impatiently squeezed your hips, forcing you to look at him. “Tell me.”
“I-I-” you stuttered.
He closed his eyes and rolled his neck, opening them only to give you a quizzical look. “Well? Did you?”
“Yes,” you finally admitted.
Jimin smiled. “You know, I haven’t let myself get close to anyone in years. Soobin and I have just stayed out here, away from everyone and everything… You’re the first person I’ve ever let in here, and I half-expected you to run the first chance you got.”
“I almost did,” you confessed.
“What stopped you?”
You smiled. “You.”
You stared up into his tawny eyes. “Yes, you. I couldn’t… I mean, initially I was just curious and wanted to know more, but as you and I got to know each other, and as I continued painting your portrait, I…”
Your voice cracked and you stopped talking, afraid you’d already said too much.
“I feel the same way,” Jimin murmured, gently grasping your chin and bringing your lips to his. They were as soft as you’d imagined they’d be. He drew back, but you wanted more, wrapping your fingers through the belt loops of his trousers and yanking him back in. You kissed him with all of the pent-up feelings you’d had since the day you met him, hoping that one action could convey them all.
Jimin didn’t hold back either, angling his jaw to deepen the kiss, his tongue slipping past your lips, tasting you, desiring you, adoring you. You drew back for breath for only a second before diving back into him, drowning in the exhilaration that covered you from head to toe. He was finally yours.
Until he wasn’t.
The next few weeks were filled with nothing but heat, passion, and dreams coming true. You spent your days tangled up with Jimin in between the sheets, painting him, going on long moonlit walks with him, and fully indulging your nearly-perfect summer.
The only shadow looming over all these serendipitous events was your leaving. In the week leading up to now, you’d kept waiting for Jimin to say something. Anything. Would he come back to Seoul with you? Would he visit? Were you two even official enough to expect that kind of thing? Or was this all just meant to be a memory, eventually forgotten?
You sighed and stood up, dragging your suitcase from out of your closet and throwing things haphazardly into it. He hadn’t said anything, just acted like you two would go on forever. Maybe that was literally possible for him, but for you, it was not realistic in the slightest. You would just have to move on. Throw yourself into schoolwork. Maybe find someone else.
Who are you kidding? There is no one else. Even if you searched the entire planet, no one else would compare to Jimin.
You continued packing, trying to distract yourself with the repetitive task of folding and placing. “This is such bullshit,” you muttered.
“Yeah. It is.”
You looked up to see Jimin leaning in your doorway, looking down at your partially-packed suitcase with an apprehensive look on his face. “What are you doing?” he asked.
You placed your hands on your thighs and squeezed. “Packing.
“My term at University starts in four days, Jimin,” you muttered, grabbing another blouse and folding it up.
“You’re leaving?”
You looked up to see Jimin biting his lip, his brow furrowed. “That was always the plan. I stay here for a summer, get paid, then go back to finish my degree.”
Jimin stepped close then slipped down to his knees, kneeling on the ground next to you. “Is that what you want?”
You didn’t answer. Jimin suddenly placed his palms on the ground and leaned forward, getting so close he caused heat to rise to your cheeks. Even after weeks of being together, he still gave you butterflies. “Tell me, Yn,” he murmured, tilting his head. “What do you want?”
“D-Depends on what you want,” you stuttered.
Jimin let out a scoff, yet a smile still lingered over his full lips. “I thought that was obvious,” he said. “I want you.”
He leaned forward even more and pressed his lips to yours, softly engulfing you in the sweetest kiss. Your lips separated and Jimin smirked, his face still hovering close to yours. “I’m coming with you, you know.”
Your mouth dropped open. “You are?”
His smirk widened. “Of course. I got a nice apartment close to your university. Close to you. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before.”
“You dork,” you said before wrapping him in your arms.
He laughed and kissed the top of your head, his nose nuzzling into your hair. “I know nothing I do could match this summer, but I can try.”
“You’re already succeeding,” you murmured, holding him tighter.
You felt Jimin tense up. “What’s that?” he asked.
You turned to see where he was pointing and felt embarrassment rush through your body. “That? Oh, that’s nothing, just-”
Jimin pulled out the portrait you had painted of him while he was on his business trip. “I don’t remember you painting this.”
“I-I, well, I painted it while you were… while you were…” You seemed to have trouble getting the words out.
Jimin tossed you an amused grin. “You painted this… from memory?”
You nodded, clasping your hands behind your back
“Y/n, that’s… this is… I mean, this is amazing,” Jimin said.
You pointed to the dark streak that marred the portrait’s complexion. “Soobin made me jump,” you explained.
“That’s alright. I know you can fix it. In fact, I’ll pay you to fix it. Out of all of the portraits you’ve painted of me this summer, I think this one is my favorite.”
“Okay, but you don’t have to pay me with money,” you said, taking the painting from him and propping it against the wall. You wrapped your arms around his neck. “Just promise me I’ll get the real you.”
“You already have me,” Jimini murmured, leaning down and kissing you.
You sighed into the kiss, a feeling of contentment working its way through you. Everything would be alright. This summer wouldn’t be just a flash of a memory, left unfinished and marred by regret. It was the start of a painting detailing the rest of your life. Despite the unknown future plaguing you, you knew one thing for certain. You and Jimin would finish that painting… together.
And Then He Was Gray (Part Two)

Disclaimer: I edited the pic I used for my header, but the OG pic belongs to BTS & BigHit. The pic below isn’t mine either. I obviously don’t own Balenciaga.
Age Recommendation: 21+ (Not just a recommendation, kuties!)
Warnings: Consumption of alcohol, Tae and JK being rowdy drunks, lonely angst that disappears when he comes into the story (I think you know who I’m talking about by now 😉), sexual tension, talk of sex, betting, SWEARZ 4 DAYZ, lotsa skin showing, bikinis!
Word Count: 1,626
Summary: Your best friend Jeon Soyeon invites you to a kick-back with all of her friends and their significant others, intent on hooking you up with someone. Everyone seems taken, though, until he arrives, wearing a star-studded, gray top that makes your mouth water.
And Then He Was Gray (Jin One-Shot, Smut, Fluff) Part Two
At the mention of beer pong, everyone cheered in agreement and started inside with me taking up the rear. I smiled, seeing Soyeon and Miyeon’s hands still intertwined. I was happy for them, I really was… but I couldn’t help feeling a bit left out. It’d been a long while since I had a boyfriend, choosing to concentrate on my family’s business rather than my social life after high school. Still, I missed having someone by my side, someone to cuddle with and confide in… someone who understood me. And yet, I hadn’t had a date in over two years. All of the boys I knew seemed to be either taken or not into girls like me. Then again, I was picky as well. It took a special kind of man to catch my eye.
I nervously tugged at my gray skirt again as we went into the basement and sat on various couches and chairs situated around a tv and ping pong table. Taehyung and Jungkook set up the cups in pyramid formations on both sides, filling them nearly to the brim with beer once they were done.
“Alright, rules!” Taehyung shouted over the din. “Teams of two each, and we’ll rotate out so the next team plays the winner of each round. Whoever’s left standing will be crowned the ultimate beer pong champions!”
“So extra,” Soyeon muttered, rolling her eyes.
Taehyung smirked. “And just for you, So-So, I’m adding another rule. Bounce shots that sink means two cups to drink.”
Soyeon groaned amidst the chuckles that broke out. “Taehyung, you know I’m already the worst at beer pong, do you have to make it even harder for me?!”
Miyeon grabbed my best friend’s hand and leaned in close. “Don’t worry, I’m pretty good,” she said, rubbing her thumb soothingly over Soyeon’s fingers.
I felt a twinge of disappointment. I was hoping Soyeon and I would be a team, but it looks like I’d be the odd person out. “Whatcha all doing?” a voice said. I turned to see him for the first time, intently watching us from the doorway. His right arm stretched above his head as he rested his elbow easily on the doorframe. I swallowed hard as I noticed his gray, star-patterned shirt riding up just enough for me to catch a glimpse of a lean, toned torso and a peek of what appeared to be Balenciaga boxers. He leaned forward, a playful smirk on his full, pink lips, causing his shirt to ride up and his jeans to slide down even more. My lips parted unconsciously as heat flooded straight to my core.
I immediately knew I wanted a taste of that honey-toned skin and those cotton-candy lips. The guy’s piercing brown eyes caught mine and his smirk grew. Tingles broke out all over my body. Shit. He knew my secret. I don’t know how, but he knew.
He tore his gaze away from me as his friends greeted him. “Jin, fucking finally!” Namjoon said, standing up and clapping him on the shoulder.
“Yeah, we would’ve waited for you, hyung,” Taehyung pouted. “We’ve already started beer pong, and everyone has a team already.”
“Not everyone,” I said loudly. Everyone turned to look at me, Soyeon’s mouth dropping open in shock. Now that I think about it, I think this was the first time she’d ever seen me speak up in a public setting. I was normally pretty shy and reserved, keeping to myself and trying to not be a bother. Even I was astounded by my own behavior, but that look that he gave me… I just had to know. I had to know if he knew.
“Oh, that’s right,” Taehyung said weakly. “Y/n doesn’t have a team. Sorry Y/n, I didn’t realize we had an odd number.”
“That’s okay,” I said, shooting him a smile.
“Well, then,” Jin said. He stepped right in front of me, looking down at me sitting on the couch, hands shoved in his jean pockets. “Guess we’re a team.”
I blushed profusely as he sat down, making himself comfortable in the seat beside me and slinging an arm over to rest easily on top of the couch.
The first teams up were Tae and Yuqi versus Jungkook and Shuhua. The boys loudly trash-talked each other nearly the entire game, with the girls getting more and more giggly as more cups emptied. Finally, it was down to the last cup on Taehyung’s side, while Jungkook’s side had three cups left. “It’s over,” JK said, giving his hyung a wide, evil grin.
“Like hell it is,” Taehyung growled. “You got this, babe.”
Yuqi stepped up, swaying a little, and took her time lining up the shot. “Go Yuqi!” Shuhua cheered. “You can do it!”
Yuqi giggled then took the shot. It bounced off the rim of the cup, eliciting groans from everyone, including her boyfriend. “Awww, babe, don’t worry though, it’s okay,” Taehyung said, tugging his girlfriend close and brushing his nose against hers. “If we get out this round, we can go do something else that’s fun.”
“Oh hell no,” Jungkook said, pointing at Taehyung. “If I find you guys fucking in my bed, or anywhere else in this house, I will kick you out. I’m serious, Tae.”
“What if we promise to wash the sheets?” Taehyung said, waggling his eyebrows.
“Get the fuck out,” Jungkook retorted with a grin, pointing at the door.
“Okay, okay, let’s make things interesting,” Taehyung said, holding his hands up. “If you miss this next shot, you can’t say another word about what Yuqi and I do and where… but if you make it, Yuqi and I won’t touch a single bed in this place.”
“Or couch, or chair, or counter, or table.”
“Fine,” Taehyung said, rolling his eyes.
Jungkook lined up the shot, making us all hold our breath in anticipation. He tossed the ball, and I swear, the rest of us followed its entire trajectory with our eyes until it landed… hit the rim of the cup… and bounced off.
Taehyung roared in approval, grabbing Yuqi by the waist and spinning her around, while Jungkook sank to the floor in mock-defeat and Shuhua laughed her ass off. I was giggling at their exchange when Jin leaned over and murmured something in my ear. “I think we can easily take whoever wins.”
His breath tickled and I leaned away instinctively. “Yeah, maybe,” I muttered before clearing my throat.
I saw a trace of disappointment in Jin’s eyes at my reaction, but before I could question it, he blinked and it was gone, replaced by a laughing smile as he surveyed the drama in front of us. Taehyung may have won the bet, but Shuhua sunk the last shot, winning the game overall. “Alright, who’s next?!” Jungkook practically yelled.
“This is boooooring,” Soyeon drawled. “Don’t you guys have a pool? We brought our swimsuits, you know.”
I blinked. We did?
Jungkook and Taehyung looked at each other. “Pool it is,” Tae said, shrugging. “I needed an excuse to get naked anyway.”
Everyone groaned and Namjoon even chucked a pillow at Taehyung. “Shut the fuck up, dude,” he said, shaking his head.
“C’mon,” Soyeon muttered, grabbing me by the hand and pulling me up. “Shuhua has a bunch of stuff here. She’ll have something that’ll fit you.”
I followed my best friend down the hallway into what looked like a guest bedroom. She threw open a door to a walk-in closet filled with womens’ clothing, opening one of the drawers and rifling through it. “This is all Shuhua’s?” I gasped.
Soyeon shrugged. “Yeah. She stays here for weeks at a time since she lives kinda far away. Jungkook’s parents are cool with it because he keeps telling them they’re gonna get married.”
“Are they?”
“Eventually. They’ve been together since high school and are still hot for each other. I doubt they’ll be breaking up any time soon.”
“Must be nice,” I said absentmindedly.
My best friend turned to look at me. “Hey, you’ll find someone,” she said, stopping her search and reaching out to grab my hand. “In fact, I think that someone is here tonight. Did you see the way Jin looked at you?”
I shrugged uncomfortably. “I guess.”
Soyeon rolled her eyes. “Y/n. We have been trying so hard to find a girl Jin likes. I’ve introduced him to every acquaintance I have and then some,” she said. “He’s never looked at any of them the way he looked at you, let alone said more than two words to them.”
I frowned. “You’ve never introduced him to me.”
“Yeah, because he’s kind of a douchebag,” she said. “He treats girls like tissues… you know, use once then throw away? I think my best friend can do better.”
“Wait, then why are you now so intent on hooking us up?”
“Because,” Soyeon sighed, turning back around and rifling through the drawer once more. “At this rate, even if it’s only a one-night stand, it’s a win in my book.”
“Wow, thanks,” I scoffed.
“Hey, if getting laid by a smoking-hot, drop-dead gorgeous guy like Jin brings your sex drive back into play, then so much the better for you,” she retorted, tossing a couple pieces of fabric at me. “Wear this.”
I held them up to the light. “No,” I said firmly. The bikini was a pretty, bright turquoise, but it was so… flimsy. I’d feel totally naked wearing this. The top wore like a sports bra with straps criss-crossing in the front to show off some cleavage. The bottoms would be normal except one side was made entirely of straps, dipping towards my core in a provocative way.
“Fuck no.”
Soyeon tossed me a wide, mischievous smile. “Fuck yes.”
Y'all remember this?!?! I straight up died when this pic dropped. I stared at it quite frequently when I needed some inspiration for this one-shot. Enjoy suffering with me 😈 Here’s Part Three!

Buzzed (Part Two)

Disclaimers: I did not create the gorgeous edits in my header, but I did edit them together into the frames, add my title, and my name. Credit for these amazing edits (from left to right) go to @jixio, @yeonkiminsgirl, and @kookbite. I did not touch their edits in any way, and their watermarks are intact. Please check them out, they do great work.
Age Recommendation: 21+ (Not just a recommendation, kuties!)
Genre: Bartender AU w/ Jungkook, Angst, Smut
Warnings: Mentions of consumption of alcohol, swears (duh), Jungkook taking his damn time, making out, dom JK if you squint, hickey giving/receiving, breast play, oral (f. receiving) on the FLOOR (dId ShE vAcUuM tHo), no penetrative sex tho! Saving that for later.
Word Count: 1.6k
Buzzed (Jungkook One-Shot, Smut, Angst) Part Two
As I led Jungkook up to my apartment, I realized just how light I felt. Maybe things would be okay. After all, I had a smokin’ hot guy ready to fuck me into oblivion with a glimmer of hope for more. Between the way this day started and the way it was going to end, I began to realize that maybe my break-up wasn’t a bad thing. What’s that saying again? One door closes, and another one opens?
And boy, was this door definitely opening. Jungkook couldn’t even wait to begin, sliding his large hands up and down my thighs and over my ass, pressing himself into me as I unlocked the door. Anticipation shot shivers through my skin, raising goosebumps and causing a rush that had nothing to do with the alcohol I consumed earlier. I sighed into his touch, enjoying the way his nimble fingers played with the hem of my shirt, grazing over the skin of my navel. “Stop,” I giggled. “That tickles.”
With a smirk, Jungkook did no such thing, continuing to tickle my waist even as we stumbled through the door. I laughed harder, swatting his hands away, his grin growing wider and wider until it practically filled the room.
We fell onto the couch, and the tension in the air switched over from lighthearted fun to something more sensual. Jungkook just looked at me for a moment, brushing my bangs away from my face, his dark eyes wide and bright as he looked up and down my face. “What’re you looking at?” I murmured.
“You,” he replied simply.
He stroked his forefinger down the skin of my cheek, making me swallow hard. “What about me?” I whispered.
Jungkook looked straight into my eyes with his, prying my soul open with every second his stare bore into me. His tongue darted out of his mouth, momentarily distracting me with the way it prodded that perfect cupid’s bow. I looked back up, his pupils blowing as my gaze snagged back onto his eyes. So slowly I almost didn’t realize what was happening, Jungkook’s eyelids fluttered shut and he leaned in, pressing his lips to mine with an intensity that made my head spin.
His kisses started off slow and sensual, his tongue erotically slipping in and out of my mouth. I tasted the spice of whiskey and moaned. He broke apart from me to let out a cocky chuckle. “Good girl,” he murmured, leaning back in and devouring my mouth with his.
The sound of his lips colliding with mine combined with his deep, approving grunts was making me feel some type of way. I suddenly became very aware of the way his body fit in between my legs, the way a couple layers of clothing were the only things separating us, and the way moisture seeped into my panties at the thought of what was to come.
As if he could smell my arousal, Jungkook let out a growl and ramped things up by feverishly pressing hard kisses to my lips, each one getting more and more sloppy as his tongue worked wonders. I came into this feeling mostly sober, but now I was sure I was drunk again.
I grabbed onto the collar of his leather jacket, practically ripping it from his shoulders. Jungkook complied, tossing it onto the floor behind us. The thin, white shirt he had on underneath followed, and I ran my hands all over his newly naked torso, appreciating the muscles that rippled up and down his sinful body. Jungkook stopped ravaging my lips only to nip at the skin of my neck, leaving behind red stains that I knew would fade to a nice, dark purple.
His fingers once again played with the hem of my shirt, raising it above my navel, and I shuddered with pleasure as the bare skin of his stomach touched mine. Jungkook let up wreaking havoc on my previously flawless skin only to raise the shirt over my head and toss it next to where his leather jacket lay. With a heaving chest, he looked me up and down, his dark eyes catching on the curve of my breasts. “Take it off,” he ordered.
Slowly, teasingly, I reached behind me and unclipped my bra. Dragging the straps tantalizingly down the skin of my shoulders, I smirked as his mouth parted open and his pupils widened once more. I held the fabric over my body for a tense few seconds before finally letting it drop to the floor.
Jungkook closed his mouth and swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing. “Fuck,” he groaned. “This is what you were hiding underneath those clothes, and that asshole still let you go?”
He shook his head in disbelief. “I don’t know any guy in their right mind who would choose some bitch over this fine-ass body.”
As he spoke, he stepped close and cupped my breasts before gently tweaking my nipples, causing me to throw my head back and groan from the pleasure he was inciting. “That’s right, sweetheart,” he murmured, an approving smirk sliding across his lips. “Moan for me.”
Jungkook’s hands slid downward, and his fingers slipped through the belt loops of my jeans before he yanked me close. My skin ran flush against his skin, my breasts pressing into his pectorals as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me once more, his tongue feverishly invading my cavern with an unstoppable force. In turn, I also wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him as close as possible… Yet, I still wanted more.
In one swift, bold move, I dropped to my knees and began fiddling with the button on his jeans. “Uh uh, sweetie,” Jungkook scolded, dropping to his knees as well. “You can suck my dick any other time, but tonight? Tonight is all about you.”
I nearly whined at his denial, but stopped when I saw the look in his eyes. Obediently, I lay on my back, the carpet itching the sensitive skin of my back. Jungkook skillfully popped open the button on my jeans before leaning down and kissing my breasts. His tongue laved at my right nipple as he squeezed and pulled at my left with practiced fingers. Continuing his ministrations down to my navel, Jungkook flicked his tongue over my belly button, making my breath hitch in my throat.
He finally reached my jeans, and I propped myself up on my elbows, curious as to what he would do next. What I didn’t expect was for Jungkook to take my zipper between his perfect, white teeth and drag it downwards, drawing out a loud moan from between my lips, his eyes never leaving mine. He chuckled softly at my reaction. “You like that, sweetheart?”
I could do nothing but nod, my ability to speak impaired by the aching need between my thighs. Grasping the hem of my jeans, Jungkook slid them off me, taking his time with each inch of fabric, relishing in the way I gasped when my skin finally met air. He dragged a finger between my legs, over my folds, and showed me the slick moisture he gathered. “I haven’t even taken off your panties yet and you’re this wet for me,” he said. “Imagine how you’ll be when I get around to fucking you.”
Even more moisture dripped out of me at his words. Deciding he teased me long enough, Jungkook tore the panties from my body and buried his face in my folds. I gasped and moaned, he groaned in response, and the wet sounds his tongue made as it fucked my hole caused fluid to practically gush out of me. “Tastes so good,” he growled before delving back in. This time, his tongue swirled around my clit while his middle finger pushed in and out of me, curling up to hit just the right spot.
“Oh god!” I gasped, arching my back. “Jungkook, I’m gonna… I’m gonna…”
He merely groaned and finger-fucked me faster, his tongue flicking over my clit so fast it was almost painful. I came all over his face, my cum painting his cheeks as ripples of pleasure shuddered through my body. My moans became wails as my muscles continued contracting, Jungkook’s masterful tongue not stopping until I collapsed backwards, all my strength leaving me entirely.
Jungkook lay next to me, sucking on his fingers and running his tongue around his arousal-coated lips. “You came so hard,” he said, surprise tinging his voice.
“Well,” I chuckled, my breath still coming out more as wheezes. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had good sex.”
“What do you mean?”
I grew quiet for a moment before answering. “Obviously my ex was getting his jollies elsewhere, so we hadn’t had sex for months.”
Jungkook scoffed. “Wow. What a scumbag.”
Before the moment grew too awkward, I rolled over and kissed him softly. “Then again,” I murmured. “The sex was never nearly as good as what you just did.”
Jungkook chuckled and clambered on top of me again, kneeing apart my thighs to rest his body between them before kissing me deeply then pulling back. “You ready for round two?” he asked, one of his eyebrows cocked.
My eyes widened. “R-Round two?”
Jungkook smirked. “Oh, baby… I’m gonna fuck you so good you won’t even remember that asshole’s name.”