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A Broken Flower Still Smells Just as Sweet

A Broken Flower Still Smells Just As Sweet

I don’t own the photos >.<

Pairing: Jungkook x Reader

A/N: This is my first try at a ff. I hope you enjoy it. WARNING it will have to do with drug addiction and drinking and some other rather hard to read issues. But there will be fluff in the later chapters. And I know it’ s not perfect but I tried lol.

Summary: Y/N, a beautiful yet bad girl, ended up where she never thought she would, in more ways than one. Ends up at two handsome boys hotel room and is faced with a serious question, the answer she gives could change her life.

You let your body move and bounce to the music as your inhabitants slowly left your body. You turn your head and slide your gaze to your best friend and partner in crime Nichole, who was grinding behind you, giving the crowd below you a good show. The Dj behind the large brown table littered with equipment and bottles of empty liquor shouted to the drunk crowd to "turn up" for this was the last song in his set. As the music died down, you turned to Nichole to kiss her, further exciting the whole club. The music cut, and you giggled with Nichole at how easy it was to get almost everyone going with just a simple kiss. As you being to descend the stage you felt a hand slowly snake around your arm, you furrowed your brows as you turned and came face to with the piercing blue eyes that at one point in time made your heart flutter. However, all they did now was leave you with a bitter taste of betrayal. Jerking your arm back, you quickly averted your eyes, trying to ignore the existence of your former boyfriend, James. "Baby, don't be like that," his silky voice whispered into your ear as he presided to wrap his muscular arms around your waist. Rolling your eyes, you chirped back at him. "First, I'm not your baby, Second I need a drink, so I'm going to need you to let go right now." Struggling for a moment to get out of his firm grip, you felt him slowly release his hold on you. Smiling to yourself that you had just evaded a possible fight, James leaned down and whispered, "I'll get it for you... Fireball, okay with you?" Sighing slightly to yourself, nodding your head, knowing it would be easier to indulge him for a minute rather than create a scene in front of everyone. Walking side by side with your obviously fucked up ex to the bar, he leaned over to chat with the bartender quietly. Thinking nothing of it, you turned on your heels to lean your tired body against the wall directly by the bar. You waited for James to deliver your drink; within minutes, he proudly held the drink out for you to take. Quickly grabbing the rather full shot glass from his hand, you downed it within seconds, feeling the warm liquid coat your mouth and burning your throat simultaneously.  Smiling to yourself knowing you'd soon be on your way home in a taxi with Nichole. "so Y/n how did it taste?" James smugly asked as he leaned into you. Clearing your throat, you gently placed your hands on his hard chest, pushing him back slightly.  "It wasn't as bad as other things I've tasted." You scoffed, smirking at him as he furrowed his brows at you. He continued to try and chat you up for a little while longer until he noticed you begin to space out on him. "Hmm, it's working faster than I thought it would," he thought before putting his arm around your waist to stabilize you before asking, "Y/n, can you please let me help you to the dressing room? it seems you've had too much to drink." Starting to feel the room spin around you, you slowly nodded your head before leaning on him to balance yourself. Both of you reached the dressing room in no time at all. It was dark, and all the other Gogo dances were still out having a good time leaving you completely alone with James. Thinking to yourself that something just wasn't adding up as you knew you weren't usually such a lightweight, granted you had indulged yourself before taking the stage earlier as per usual, you still knew that you could handle a lot more than that as this was almost a nightly thing for you since your parents had passed away little over a year ago.  James slowly led you to the old green sofa that the owner had placed in the dressing room for his beloved Gogo girls, before you suddenly felt James push you down onto your back while quickly maneuvering his body on top of your small frame. "No... get off..." you stammered, feeling his weight almost crush you and leaning down, so his face was mere inches away from yours. You could smell the whiskey on his breath as he said something that shook you to your very core... "You took that shot so fast you didn't even notice the G in it... How careless you've become Y/n."  With his words swirling through your mind, you couldn't help but feel as if this was all your fault. Knowing you only had a few more minutes of consumers left, you screamed as loud as your lungs would allow for help, but you knew the music in the club would be too loud for anyone to hear your cries. He traced his hands down your cold sweaty body to your small black shorts that looked more like underwear than shorts, before proceeding to rip them off you in one steady movement. You slowly started to disassociate as your body became limp, almost lifeless. The next thing you heard was his zipper sliding down; you closed your eyes, letting the darkness envelope you. But before you were completely gone, you heard something, a big banging sound, and that's the last thing you heard before you fell into a deep sleep. James swung his head around as he glared at the once locked door now wide open. Two figures were quickly running up to both of you. Before he knew what was happening, he was being thrown off you onto his back in the floor as the shorter of the two grabbed his shoulder and proceeded to give him one good punch to the side of his clenched jaw. "You think it's okay to force yourself on a helpless girl?!" the man barked at James, before turning to his friend and telling him to get you out of here while he takes care of James. The taller of the two nodes back as he swiftly picks your limp body off the sofa and runs out the door pausing only long enough to heed a warning to his friend. "Hey Jungkook, don't kill him, okay." Before he rushes out of the club with you clutched close to his chest. The next thing you knew, sunlight poured onto your face, wincing at the sun's unforgiving light; you slowly opened your eyes. Looking around, you quickly realized the was NOT your small apartment bedroom, nor was it the dark dressing room you had previously been held in. Grabbing your head as it began to pound with flashbacks of your night, you quickly pushed the soft white blanket off. Opening your eyes wide, you also realized you were in someone's boxers. Panic and sorrow almost overwhelmed you, clutching your small heaving chest you tried to focus on calming your rapidly beating heart. Click. you whipped your head around to someone slowly opening the door to the bedroom, peeking around to check on you. Jumping to your feet, you quickly realized springing to your feet so quickly was, in fact, a mistake as you began to stumble. Before you knew it, the unknown person sprinted through the door to try and catch you before you face plant. Closing your eyes tight, you reaching for your throbbing head once again, you felt a large hand on your shoulders as an oddly familiar voice spoke so sweetly it almost made you drop your guard completely. "Hey, careful girly. You had one hell of a time last night. I'm sure your still weak. I'm glad you're awake, but maybe you should sit back down for a moment." He helped you back to the bed, and you opened your weary eyes once more to be greeted by the last face you ever thought you'd see. Your jaw almost dropping to the floor, he chuckled lightly at your reaction before speaking again. "Are you okay? would you like some water?" Unable to think, let alone speak, you slowly nodded your head before watching him smile back and head out the door to fetch you some much-needed water. Unable to believe your own eyes, you assumed James had killed you, and you had gone to heaven, where a beautiful Namjoon was fetching you some water. Pinching yourself, you quickly concluded this was real life, and you were, in fact, still alive. You stat there puzzled for a minute before Namjoon sauntered back in with a cold glass of water. Smiling the sweetest smile you'd possibly ever seen while handing you the water ever so carefully. You managed to give a shy smile in return as you lifted the glass to your lips and began to sip the cold water, leaving you refreshed but still rather confused as to why the Namjoon was smiling down at you.  "So thank you so much for the water, but uhm.. how did I get here. and where is here exactly?" you softly spoke while glancing around the lavish room. "Well, this is Jungkook’s hotel room, and we brought you back here last night.." he spoke slowly so you could fallow as he explained they had been walking past the door to leave before hearing your cry for help. "So, after we got you out of the club, we didn't know what else to do other than bring you back with us," he finished. Shock was written all over your face, and you lowered your head in embarrassment. "Thank you so very much for all your help... I'm sorry I was a bother to you guys, if I could get my shorts I'll be out of your hair." Looking up, waiting for a response, you were almost floored when Namjoon brought his hand up to pat your head softly. "You were not a bother, I mean your not a bother... We are more than happy to help. That guy last night tore your shorts, so Jungkook said you can have those until we can get you something more suitable. If you can wait here awhile longer, the doctor will be back soon to inform us of your condition. And we can proceed from there." Your eyes grew as large as saucers as you repeated, "Do...Doctor....??" "Yes, of course, you were in pretty bad shape; we wanted to make sure you were okay before we sent you on your way." Namjoon chirped at you, quite pleased with himself. Before you could spring to your feet, the door slung wide open as a very angry looking Jungkook stormed in trying to yank Namjoon back out with him. "Hey, hey, hey, slow down, Kook. What's up, why so sour?" Joon teased as Jungkook continued to try to pull him out of the room. Namjoon stood his ground, looking at Jungkook with a questioning look on his bright face. Jungkook’s frown hardened as he glimpsed you out of the corner of his eye. "The doctor called. We need to speak in private. " He spat the words out of his beautiful mouth. Namjoon spoke almost instantly "if it pertains to uuhh... I'm sorry, what is your name?" he turned his head to ask while Jungkook kept a firm grip on his arm. Hanging your head low, you replied, "Y/n..." "Oh, what a beautiful name." he praised before he continued his thought. "As I was saying, if it pertains to Y/n, shouldn't she be included in this conversation." Unbenounced to Namjoon you wanted no part in this little conversation because you already knew what he was about to say.  "Fine have it your way Joon, we will do this right in front of her then. Well, the doctor did find GHB in her system... He also informed me she had high levels of quite a few other drugs in her system from days before. He also informed me that this is a telltale sign of a Junkie." Jungkook glared into your soul as his word junkie made you wince and hurt at the true but unforgiving word. You knew full well how you found yourself in the sin-filled life, you knew that if your mom hadn't died a month after finding out that she had lung cancer, and your father hadn't followed suit and passed away from a heart attack only a year later that this probably wouldn't be your reality right now. That if you hadn't felt as though when they left you, they had taken you along with them to the grave that you'd still be a normal 21-year-old. Silently watching Namjoon’s face distort into an unreadable expression, you began to try and run out of the hotel bedroom. Namjoon grabbed your arm as you tried to fly past him, you quickly looked at him pleading with your eyes for him to release you so you could crawl under a rock. "So Y/n.. is it true, do you regularly consume drugs?" He asked quietly, "Of course she does! The doctor has no reason to lie to us and look at how her hands are shaking. I'm sure she is having withdrawals as we speak!" Jungkook spat looking you up and down as if you were a bug he needed to squash. Focusing your eyes on Namjoon, you slowly shook your head as to say, "yes, it's true" without having to actually speak for fear, your voice might give away the fact tears were minutes away from falling down your soft red cheeks.  "I see, well, Y/n is this the life you want?" Namjoon’s question made you tense every muscle in your small sunken in body. Such a simple question but, no one had ever asked you that before, maybe because everyone you hung out with now did the same things as you, if not worse. Opening your mouth, you managed to stutter " actually I...I'm tired of this life I've been tired  of this life for a while." Knowing the double meaning of your own words, you let your gaze drift away from Namjoon. "Okay, we can work with that. Y/n... would you like us to help you?" ...

To be continued...….

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