Bug Drawing - Tumblr Posts

Drawing Bugs I've photographed! (1)
Bicolored Sallow, Sunira bicolorago. Family Noctuidae
A thing I learned about caterpillars when being like "hey that's too many legs" is that they really only have six legs, which makes sense, they're insects of course. Their true legs can usually (maybe always) be found at the front of their body. The rest of their 'legs', are called prolegs or false legs. These prolegs are little nubs with grips on the bottom to aid in movement. They're usually found all along the caterpillars abdomen but in the case of inchworms, geometer moth caterpillars, they're prolegs are only located at the back of their body, giving them their distinct inch walk :)

drew this weird ass bug i found
why does it have such l o n g?
also it dropped off of something and stared at me like i just murdered its family
i called it a dropwig (i used ms paint bc why not)