But By God Did My Heart Not Break And Heal At The Same Time - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

the waltz between us

↳ a christmas story.


◇ pairing: jimin | reader ◇ genre: angst and fluff ◇ word count: 15.754 ◇ warnings: mentions of alcohol

Taehyung always said there was something different about the house.

Located among stray trees on the side of a lonely mountain, the cottage that belonged to the Kim family stuck out like a sore thumb. It rose high and mighty, with sturdy wooden walls that had stayed put through countless snowstorms, and a thick roof pierced by two chimneys that puffed out billows of smoke during the coldest nights of winter. You could even describe it as menacing, and those unfamiliar with said place would agree without hesitation. There was a strangely compelling atmosphere that surrounded it, not particularly threatening, but intimidating nonetheless.

When you were young you always blamed the woods looming behind, which looked undoubtedly creepy at night. Taehyung, on the other hand, always claimed the cabin was alive.

It was, of course, the butt of the jokes within your group of friends — but no matter how many ghost stories you whispered into each other’s ears, there was still a sense of familiarity within the walls of that house, one that bound you close together in an unexplainable, but certain way.

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