But For Some Reason I Really Struggle With It Digitally - Tumblr Posts

I just realized I never posted this and I’m so mad because I love how her design came out and I just love her in general. There are many things I’d like to divulge about her, but on the off chance I ever actually write this story, I’d rather keep them to myself for now. What I will say tho, is that she’s a detective/hunter for the UCR (Unseelie Court Regulations) which, as the name suggests, are responsible for policing peoples and creatures who fall under the definition of Unseelie Court (and both trolls/troll changelings and kelpies do). There’s a completely different justice system that deals with the Seelie Court and non magic folk.
But anyway. Yeah. This is Mable. She’s- she’s a funky little bean, but I love her very much. Also, she needs sleep so bad, bless her-