But He Can't Let Eddie Win So He Just >:[ - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago


"Oh, god," Steve gusts, already rolling his eyes. "What now?"

Eddie, the bastard, just grins. Steve hates how smug he looks right now. It's practically nauseating, the way his smile curves up like an evil cartoon character, his dimples cutting deep into the softness of his cheeks. For all of the things Eddie does to make himself look scary and mean, Steve can only see the boyish roundness of his face and the brattiness in his big, stupid eyes, and it's all annoying.

It makes Steve want to bite him, but last time he did that, Eddie had complained for a solid week, even though he bites Steve all the time.

"Sooo," Eddie drawls again, grinning with all his teeth on display like some stupid shark. "A little birdie told me—"

"I'll kill Robin dead. I'll shave her fucking eyebrows off."

"A little birdie TOLD ME," Eddie shouts over him, practically singing now. "That you said that I was the best thing to ever happen to you."

"I'll shave her whole damn head."

"Oh, baby," Eddie swoons, theatrical and awful, his smile a mile wide. He's so goddamn annoying. "You looove meee."

"I hate you, actually."

"Sweetheart, baby, darling, love of my life," Eddie says, draping himself over Steve's back, pressing his cheek to Steve's and rubbing their faces together like a fucking dog. "You're a terrible liar. Because you really, really looove meee."

"Shut up."

"I'm the best thing that has ever happened to youuu," Eddie sings into Steve's ear, hot breath on Steve's neck, and Steve's back straightens at the feeling. He can feel the rush of blood on his face. Eddie is so goddamn annoying!

"Shut up, Ed, I swear—"

"Because, you love meee—"

Steve gives into the impulse, turns his head into Eddie's and bites the first thing he can get his teeth around, which happens to be Eddie's cheek. Eddie squawks and digs his fingers into Steve's sides, which makes Steve yelp because it tickles.

Fifteen minutes later when Robin walks through the front door, they're still wrestling on the couch, tickling and giggling and cussing each other out. They don't notice her at all, not even when she turns right back around and leaves.

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