But He Trusts Moxxie Way More Than He Wants To Admit - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

for @moxxietude, because these two never have misadventures when they head off on missions together, right? they will definitely be fine.

Not Hell--

This wasn't Hell, but it might be the next worst thing. The hit was done, they'd sent some shitbag straight down and earned their pay, but Loona hadn't opened the portal to fetch them home yet. Which was fine. Really. Probably, anyway. Maybe? Definitely fine. Still, this wasn't even a town, much less a city. Cities were great. The denser they were, the dirtier they were, the less anybody ever looked over at a couple of imps slinking along. Nobody cared about gunshots or shouts in dense cities, but here?

This place was awful. They'd had to make the hit look like an accident. Thankfully, the law enforcement officers who were called up bought it, and nobody really seemed that perturbed, but it still rankled the pride. They were assassins, damn it. Not accidents.

Yeah, this place was the worst.

According to the sign, this little cluster of a few dozen cabins and chalets, up on the top of a mountain, was called Paradise Idylls. There were a few dozen RVs all neatly parked together like big fat white parasites, children running around in the bright sunshine. The smell of meat being cheerfully grilled with too much lighter fluid and not enough seasoning, the barking of a few happy dogs, splashes from a little pool...

A tiny mountain resort, high up in the pines, with just one long, winding dirt road leading in or out, probably hours from real civilization. A summer heatwave, a forest dry as tinder.

Back twitching under his jacket, feeling like at any moment someone was going to find them and probably use bear spray on them, Blitzo hunched down next to Moxxie in the relatively cool confines of a Facilities shed. As long as no maintenance crew came, they'd be fine in here. And if they did... Eh, there were some barrels, some tarps. Surely the two of them could hide--or Moxxie could, anyway. He was sneaky as fuck when he needed to be.

"So." He picked up a can of spray paint and started tossing it from hand to hand. "She'll definitely get us out of here any time now. But want to play a game? Truth or Dare, maybe? Kill the next few minutes?"

The next few minutes. As if they hadn't already been here for literal hours, and might be here for hours longer yet.

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