But I Will Most Likely Write A Post About This - Tumblr Posts
3 years ago
Manga Spoilers (With hints of certain opinions AKA not Bakugou friendly. You’ve been forewarned)
Broke: Bakugou and Class 1-A vs. Deku, with Bakugou pulling the winning move and lording on how he’s superior to everyone else, proving once again that he’s the pinnacle of Gary Stu.
Woke: The rest of Class 1-A take on Deku without Bakugou because the bombing bastard was one shotted by Deku.
WHAT SHOULD REALLY HAPPEN: Class 1-A gangs up on Bakugou, knock him out and continue to try to appeal and talk to Deku to come with them so he can rest. Then they can help him recover and give him more motivation to keep going, showing him they’re all (minus Bakugou) truly are his friends.
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