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5 months ago

The Joy of Life - A season comes to an end - Part 2: Trouble in Paradise

The Joy Of Life - A Season Comes To An End - Part 2: Trouble In Paradise
The Joy Of Life - A Season Comes To An End - Part 2: Trouble In Paradise
The Joy Of Life - A Season Comes To An End - Part 2: Trouble In Paradise

As mentioned in Part 1, Rosemary closed up the bakery early to spend time with Jasper. The day before, the agency had called Jasper and asked him to come to Del Sol Valley asap to fill a missing main role. This was not fitting for their plans for the weekend. Rosemary had been looking forward to celebrating New Year’s Eve and Jasper’s birthday back to back. He’d told her about the role right away and that he’d already accepted. The teens would be attending prom anyways, so in Jasper’s mind, they’d just celebrate the following day. Maybe he’d even make it back in time. He didn’t understand why Rosemary was so upset and wanted to make it up to her with wohoo which riled her up further.

The Joy Of Life - A Season Comes To An End - Part 2: Trouble In Paradise

They ended up getting in a big argument and Rosemary told him he didn’t even need to come back in the night. She’d make sure to have a good time without him… This really hurt Jasper and he left for Del Sol Valley early. Rosemary was never happy when he left, which he knew of course but he didn’t understand why this would be such an issue for her then…

The Joy Of Life - A Season Comes To An End - Part 2: Trouble In Paradise

Side Note: Rosie had never been supportive of Jasper’s career as an actor. Main reasoning was the company he had at work, which was no one else than his past flirts Judith Ward and Jillian Kraft. To top it off, Brian Blake (her ex) would frequently be a part of Jasper’s actors/actresses hangout group too… Jasper hadn’t taken part in as many projects as he’d have wanted, which was all to keep Rosie at bay. Rosie wasn’t a jealous person but she still feared the influence the other celebrities might have on Jasper.

The Joy Of Life - A Season Comes To An End - Part 2: Trouble In Paradise
The Joy Of Life - A Season Comes To An End - Part 2: Trouble In Paradise
The Joy Of Life - A Season Comes To An End - Part 2: Trouble In Paradise

Finn and Briar had a blast at prom. Most of their friends didn’t attend because of New Year’s Eve and it wasn’t their prom anyways. But Briar enjoyed slow dancing with Aden and Finn got a strong attraction sentiment to Bria. They came home right before midnight though to celebrate with their mum 🩷 Who was sitting in the living room alone and waiting for a message from Jasper.

The Joy Of Life - A Season Comes To An End - Part 2: Trouble In Paradise

Side Note 2: This entire dispute was not staged by me! Rosie started arguing autonomously, so I went with that. Their relationship changed from “wholesome” to “strained” unfortunately 😕 One of Jaspers traits is hot-headed and though Rosie is compassionate, she can throw a little temper tantrum too! So they do fight from time to time and I wanted to display that. It’s not about who’s wrong or right in this either. I like cozy gameplay but all my stories have some kind of little or big conflicts they need to overcome. I want my gameplay to feel cozy but still realistic, you know? But one thing is for sure, there’s always a Happily Ever After because I need some fairytale vibes 😄🧚🏼‍♀️

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