But They Said A Few Of You Guys Might Actually Be People Who Like My Art So Yay!!! - Tumblr Posts
8 months ago
How many asks you got in your ask box? How many followers you got? /curious
159 followers lol (where the heck did yall come from) 14 asks here and 16 in the ask blog lol
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lemme tell you
i was freaking out to @infernogoddess9 in WhatsApp about getting 30 followers
Then I woke up the next day and had like over 100 lmao
Did not know how to react
Inferno told me most of you guys are probably bots tho
But they said a few of you guys might actually be people who like my art so yay!!!
To any of you guys who r real ppl I love yall and thx for sticking around through my mushroom posting and whatnot lol