But This Was Good - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Mommy Issues Series Installment

Mommy Issues Series Installment

Adventures with college student, Jeon Jungkook, and his growing obsession with his professor - you.

Warning: professor/student, cheating au, age difference, smut, yandere tendencies,

Total Word Count: 15.349

Mommy Issues Series Installment

Hi, I was bored and never really did anything like this, so I thought why not start now đŸ€ȘđŸ«¶đŸœ

Mommy Issues Series Installment

Installment 1 - mommy issues (1.363)

Your student is a little more convincing than he should be.

Installment 2 - homewrecker (1.961)

If Jungkook couldn't be happy with you, why should your husband be?

Installment 3 - cruel world (1.845)

It's sad your brother wasted all this time getting into college just to be expelled.

Installment 4 - sad girl (2.126)

Jungkook may be going away, but he'll forever be with you.

Installment 5 - freak (1.260)

Jungkook finds a way back into your world - and you let him.

Installment 6 - whore (1.535)

When you're lonely, Jungkook is always there.

Installment 7 - burning desire (2.071)

You allow Jungkook back into your life - fully.

Installment 8 - pity party (3.188)

When all things fail, and everyone leaves you - you're left with no one but Jungkook.

Tags :
1 year ago

GO TO TOWN! | jjk


summary: you never would’ve thought that you’d get to see your roommate go to town, on you especially.

warnings/tags: jungkook x f!reader, roommates!au, f2e2l, angst, fluff, smut, brief tae x reader, jk and reader being complete idiots, reader being a brat, jk being jealous, jk also being mean to reader (sorry), cursing, male masturbation, unprotected sex (please don’t do it i’m begging you), thigh riding, oral (f and m receiving), hard!dom jk, vaginal sex, use of praising and degradation (use of whore/slut), pet names, if i miss any lmk!

word count: 13k

a/n: i took forever with this
 sorry about that i just really wanted to get this out for you guys but life and mental health happens yk? 😭 anyways, i hope you enjoy!


Jeongguk is a dead man tomorrow. You’ll absolutely make sure of it.

It hasn’t even been that long since you’ve heard them barging into the apartment, but you swear that if you had to hear another girl screaming his name in the next few days, you'd end up pounding your head into the nearest wall. The noises the girls make are deafening, and incredibly annoying to say the least. It’s actually worse though when you're trying to focus on a very important assignment for class at hand, only for you to end up getting distracted every five seconds because of it.

The very last thing you want to do when you come home from an extremely exhausting day of university is hear some random ass girl get dicked down by your just as equally annoying roommate, Jeongguk. Lately, you began to notice that this behavior of his was starting to become a pattern within the past two weeks and for the life of you, you couldn't quite understand why. He hasn't always been like this. In fact, it’s really unlike him to have this fuckboy-like attitude.

So what exactly had happened between that time period that caused Jeongguk to act this way?

Well, one thought after another, you’ve become faced with a plethora of assumptions trying to solve it. You know, maybe exams finally started to wear down on him and was in desperate need of a quick mood changer? Maybe he’s going through something? It wouldn’t make sense though, you’re his roommate and his bestest friend, so you would know if something happened, but for once you actually have no idea at all what it could be. He could be wanting some space, wanting to deal with it on his own.

There is a time you could recall before this happened that he’s been getting pretty distant, though you didn’t want to pressure him into talking to you about what was wrong. If Jeongguk was ready to talk, he’d know that he could come right to you for absolutely anything he needed. Except, he reacted the exact opposite of what you’d expect.

The warm sunshine you once knew quickly turned into the cold winter with no warning whatsoever. You weren’t at all prepared for the hurt you’d feel during this drastic, unexpected change from him. Not being able to have your friend by your side like good times has started to weigh down on you.

You’ve tried talking to him about this whole situation before to no avail. Jeongguk would shut you out each and every time, disregarding it as if it’s always been this way. You know he’s well aware of what he’s doing and how you feel about this, he has to. At first you were— and still very are— concerned about him. But then he’d bring his flings practically everyday, and it soon became a difficult situation for you to deal with.

You wondered what happened to the cutie you met for the first time last year. Namjoon, your dear friend from university, introduced him to you, saying that a good friend of his needed a roommate to help cover the costs of the house after the last one suddenly moved out without letting Jeongguk know about it beforehand. Your heart sinks as you remember the details of the situation. From what Namjoon had explained to you, Jeongguk unfortunately couldn’t cover the expenses all by himself and was in desperate need of help. You felt so bad for the situation he was in, and you being the angel that you are, wanted to help almost right away, though you had your doubts about it.

At first you were obviously a little worried about living alone with a stranger, let alone some random man you didn't know. Although you were overthinking it like crazy for an understandable reason, you realize that you trusted Namjoon enough that he wouldn't let you live with someone that would potentially harm you in any way. He never would’ve brought it up to you in the first place if Jeongguk was some kind of creep, either. Namjoon would never put you in any kind of danger.

It caught you completely off guard when you finally met your soon-to-be flatmate for the very first time. Just by the way he talked about this guy, you were honestly half expecting him to be somewhat similar to being nerdy like Namjoon himself, who’s already the top student of your university. Though you couldn’t help the way your jaw dropped when you saw a complete fuckboy right in front of your eyes. First of all, you were so surprised to know Namjoon even had friends like that. At first glance you noticed that Jeongguk has so many tattoos and piercings, the combination itself made you want to fall weak to your knees, but with an ethereal face like his, as well? Oh you thought you were in for a hell of a ride that you were not prepared for.

Unfortunately for you though, you did not have much of a ride to begin with during your first days of living in this shared apartment. When you first moved in, things were definitely very awkward between the two of you, rightfully so for the fact of being complete strangers. The only conversations that would come out of you two were either about rent, groceries or any other utilities that were needed in the home. Nothing else would ever come of them until about six months in, when he needed some help with cooking dinner for that night.

The request itself was very unexpected, you felt obliged to help him out, especially when he asked you so politely. It was very adorable, and hey, who were you to complain when you could use that chance to learn about your mysterious roommate. That night was the start of a very beautiful, blossoming friendship very quickly, the two of you even going as far as to joke about being soulmates.

Sooner than expected, awkward greetings turned into actual conversations about random topics such as the music he listens to, or the movies you watch in the living room. Things were going very, very well in the home. It was peaceful, and very chill. There was a mutual respect for one another, and never did it once break because you both knew very well what boundaries needed to be set without actually setting them. On the days that you two would bring your little flings home, the sounds were kept to a minimum.

Obviously you made sure of that. How embarrassing would it be to have your roommate hear you have sex? Even if he wouldn’t have brought it up, the thought of him knowing how you sounded was enough to haunt you for the rest of your life.

Anyways, this kind of situation never came up before because of that very respect, but as of recently, Jeongguk did not care one bit it seems like, and it continues to prove itself even now.

Again, you heard a piercing ring of a moan bounce off the walls and echo throughout the apartment. Seriously, Jeongguk cannot be that good. You knew that you had to do something no matter how uncomfortable it might be. If nothing was done now, you don't know when it'll ever stop. Instantly fueled by those words, you didn’t stop to think about any consequence this may lead to, your body shooting up from your desk to make its way straight to Jeongguk's room, where you knocked on his door.

You tried your very best to keep as calm as possible to avoid taking your anger out on him. Momentarily you heard faint footsteps approaching the door for you to be met with a half naked Jeongguk, a beige towel loosely wrapped around his waist. God. If you weren't so pissed off at him right now, you would've damn near dropped to your knees at the sight of him looking so— that’s enough. You can’t keep letting him get the better of you.

You gulp as your eyes try to recognize the expression on his face, scrunched with an eyebrow raised, his dark eyes peering at you as if you were being the crazy one. "What?"

Confused, you gave him the same look back, “What do you mean, 'What?’ Jeongguk, can you please keep it down a bit?" Jeongguk only scoffed at your words, causing a heat to rise in your face immediately in embarrassment. He didn't say a single word to you, simply shutting the door right in your face.

You stood there, ultimately confused by his actions. You really don't know what's gotten into him lately, but clearly something is wrong. You've tolerated this longer than you should've, and you should be proud of yourself for saying something in the first place. Even so, why does this make you want to punch him?

Jeongguk could just not be having a good day, clearly. He's being an asshole to you, and yet you have no idea why. No matter how much you think and think, nothing comes to mind. Unless you could have possibly done something without realizing it.

What could you have possibly done so bad?

As embarrassment overcame you, you quickly turned on your heels to go back to your room, hearing the same girl's moan faintly behind you. In utter disbelief, your very first instinct is to call Namjoon to rant. Once you’ve made it into your room, you grab your phone from the charging cable and immediately pull up a facetime call. His name isn’t hard to find, as he’s your most recent call anyway. You hear the tone to indicate that Namjoon’s picked up your call, wasting no time in cutting him off of his words to blurt out; "You better come get your friend."

Namjoon is immediately confused by the sudden outburst, his eyebrows furrowing as he’s trying to read the expression on your face. “Wh— Why? What happened?”

You take a deep breath in an attempt to relax so that you don’t take your anger out on poor Joon, who did nothing wrong at all. “He’s being a dick again.” Almost as if on cue, another screeching moan could be heard. Your head falls back, taking in a deep breath. “I tried to ask him to keep it down but he just slammed the door in my face instead. Didn’t say a word to me after that.”

Your friend’s mouth drops in shock. “Hold on— Jeongguk slammed the door in your face?” All you could do is nod in response. “And you’re still upset about the fact that he kept you up last week, aren't you?”

“Yes, Joon! I wouldn’t be as mad if he had stopped, or at least TRY to keep it down, but he doesn’t even care. He just keeps doing it. I know he’s doing this on purpose, too. I mean, what did I do to deserve this?!”

Namjoon chuckled, “Why don’t you try sitting him down to talk about it? I know you’ve already tried to once, but maybe this time it’ll be different. Maybe he only slammed the door in your face because you did it as he’s in the middle of having sex so maybe he’s just irritated by you almost cockblocking him.” You slightly nod. You’re aware that it most likely wasn’t the best idea to do what you did, but it was too late to change that. “Make sure when you do talk to him about it, though, that you emphasize your boundaries. He wouldn’t like it if it was done to him, wouldn’t he?”

As you sit and take in his words, your mind is currently elsewhere. The words; ‘he wouldn’t like it if it was done to him’, replays over and over again. The most logical thing to do would be to follow Namjoon's advice, but your brain is completely disregarding that. In your head, the plan that conjured in your brain would be way better anyway.

“Hello? ___? Why are you smiling like that?”

With the sound of his voice snapping you back into reality, right away you straighten your back and focus back on your phone screen. Shit— have you been sitting here smiling creepily to yourself this whole time? In an attempt to hide your embarrassment, a slight chuckle leaves your lips as you sit and try to fix your expression. “Thank you for your advice, Joonie. That didn’t even cross my mind at all.” Namjoon gave you a reassuring smile. “For some reason, I didn’t stop to think that he really wouldn’t like it if the roles were reversed in this situation.”

Immediately Namjoon is able to pick up on the mischievous tone in your voice, growing increasingly worried about the different things that could be stirring in that unhinged mind of yours. “What are you thinking about?” He trailed off, raising an eyebrow.

Your thumb grows dangerously close to the end call button and you try to wipe the dumb smile off your face but no matter how hard you try, you really want to laugh. You know Namjoon would never approve of the plan you decided on. “Nothing, nothing, but hey I’ll text you later, okay? I gotta go. Be safe!”

“No, no. Wha—“

The confused expression you imagine as you hang up the call has you giggling. Sadly, you’ll just have to text Namjoon tomorrow morning to fill him into your plans.


Getting even a wink of sleep last night became such an impossible task for you to achieve. Throughout the entire night, it felt as if your mind was more concerned about Jeongguk and the whole ordeal rather than getting any rest for the sudden eventful day you created for yourself. Those very nights where you’re just constantly tossing and turning to get your body relaxed unsuccessfully, is the absolute worst feeling to be in. Anyone would rather be in another world, dreaming of the weirdest yet most interesting, and not in the deepest, darkest parts of your mind. Being an insomniac is a concept you could never relate to experiencing until last night, and you absolutely hated every second of it.

After getting off the phone with Joon last night, you, unfortunately, still had to deal with the noises coming from Jeongguk’s room, and it only continued to fuel that anger you had to begin with. With that very anger, you had found yourself spending all night trying to figure out what to do, until finally, you had it all planned out.

But even worse than those noises, your mind still cannot give up thinking about him even now, and it upset you more than you’d like to admit. Maybe you’re just being dramatic, that it’s not that big of a deal in the first place to be thinking about Jeongguk, but with the situation that happened last night, you don’t feel too ecstatic about him and your feelings for him anymore. You still care about him. Sure he’s been an asshole to you lately, but at the end of the day that’s your roommate, your friend. Jeongguk was the one person you felt you could go to for anything.

With last night’s event, you can’t seem to even think about him without being reminded of each time he’s treated you poorly. Having a crush, let alone having someone like that around you, can really take a toll on you.

On top of that, exhaustion is starting to get the better of you, though you know that if you even attempt to go back to sleep, it’ll end the same way as it did last night. You had spent all morning tossing and turning, yet you’re too nervous to get any actual sleep. It felt almost as if you were a little kid again, too excited about a school trip the next day that you were restless the whole night. You’re excited yet nervous about the revenge, and for that very reason, you definitely needed your morning coffee to not make you feel completely like a zombie. And to not mess this up. You spent all night planning this, messing it up would make your efforts all go to waste.

You carefully let your lips latch onto your mug as you take a sip while you continue to take in the nice, cozy morning atmosphere around you. The place you call home is normally this quiet, you can fully expect to clearly hear the birds chirping outside just where you always open up a window. Days such as this one where you’re off of both work and school, are one of the best days you’ve ever experienced. Especially when you have absolutely nothing to do and you’re able to stay in the comfort of your own home. As a homebody such as yourself, relaxing like this is always on the forefront of your mind. Though, today isn’t going to be one of those days, unfortunately.

So to begin the first phase of the plan, last night you started off by texting Taehyung asking if he had any plans he had. You already had a feeling that he’d agree to join you for dinner. The two of you have hit it off lately, so there would be no reason for him to reject your offer unless he already had other said plans. Thankfully he didn’t, or else you’d be stuck trying to find someone else. Any plans of revenge would be thrown in the trash if that were the case.

Now that all of that is out of the way, the fun part finally begins. With you and Taehyung already having a few hookups here and there, you knew the date will undoubtedly end in the both of you having sex and when it does, you’ll purposely be just as loud, if not more, than Jeongguk has been. Hopefully he’ll be able to understand how you felt during those moments while he didn’t care about being respectful towards you. The goal behind all of this is to get him to finally apologize to you for being an asshole, so you cross your fingers in hopes that this all goes according to plan. To make yourself feel better about all of this, you know you did nothing wrong and if it has to come to this in order for him to realize that, then so be it. You’ll play his childish game, and you’ll play it better than he does.

Though a small part of you feels embarrassed about him having to hear you. Your roommate, as well as your friend and crush, hearing you during the most intimate moments that you could do, sends shivers down your spine. Butterflies flutter around mindlessly in your stomach the more and more you ponder about it.

While you were lost in the quiet, relaxing morning you’ve been having, completely lost in your own thoughts and daydreams, you realize that the peace and quiet will unfortunately seize to an end once you heard the sound of feet shuffling approach where you’re currently at. You didn’t feel the need to look up, you already knew who it was. A small smile grows on your face as you try to hide it behind the warm mug in your hands, the thoughts you just had resurface when you glance over at him. It was almost as if you thought he could tell what you were thinking about, though there would be absolutely no way he could. If he noticed you smiling for no reason, he would most likely just come to the conclusion that you’re suddenly starting to go crazy smiling for no reason.

“Well, well. Look who’s up early.” you teased, your hands playing with the handle of your mug. You probably shouldn’t, but you felt like provoking him a bit. For one, it’s fun to irritate him. His reactions are funny to you, and you can always count on a snarky reply coming your way. Secondly, this childish teasing of yours is only just a small appetizer for what’s to come for him later on.

The theme you decided on for today is for Jeongguk to finally get a taste of his own medicine.

A low, deep sigh could be heard coming from Jeongguk as he dragged his feet past you and towards the coffeemaker, finally turning to face you for a split second. If his actions didn’t scream tired, his voice made it very obvious. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

You simply shrugged, your lips teasing a smile. “Well, you know, considering last night
 I thought it would keep you knocked out for a few more hours.” Your eyes are now focused on him, leaning into your left hand to get more comfortable. Without realizing it, your once tired eyes find themselves scanning his naked upper body, finally realizing that he isn’t wearing a shirt. Trying your absolute hardest to keep your eyes off of his body is damn near impossible, especially when he looks like that. To play it off, you quickly added; “I know I couldn’t sleep because of it.”

“I would’ve enjoyed it a little more if someone didn’t try to interrupt it.” He grumbles, grabbing a mug out of the cupboard to pour himself some coffee as well, noticing how you left some extra for him, he assumes. Well, even if it wasn’t meant for him, he’s taking it anyway.

Jeongguk’s words only cause you to sigh, your lips forming a frown as your eyes glared at him. He wouldn’t be able to see it, not with his back facing you, but you still did it in case he does turn around to face you. His words made your shoulders feel even heavier than they were beforehand, and although you probably didn’t need to, your mind scrambled to defend yourself.

“Okay, for the record I wasn’t trying to interrupt on purpose and you know that, Jeongguk. I only asked you to keep it down a bit because it’s unfair for you to act like you have the whole place to yourself. It’s really not that hard to be considerate. I’m always considerate of you.”

Jeongguk remained quiet throughout your mini rant, the only sound that could be heard was the sound of him sipping on his coffee a little too loudly, and the ruckus of the outside world. The fact that he isn’t owning up to his mistakes is starting to irritate you. You could feel anger rising inside of you the longer the silence surrounds the air around the two of you. Anger soon begins to transpire into doubt within moments due to the overwhelming silence, causing you to regret the choices you’ve made altogether. Overthinking had you wondering that maybe, just maybe you should’ve just left it alone and not have said anything about it to him last night. Then maybe he wouldn’t be as upset with you as he is now. Or maybe he still would’ve acted like a dick to you anyways.

On the other hand though, it’s not like it’s a crime to create boundaries for yourself and you shouldn’t have to feel guilty for doing so. Even if Jeongguk is making you doubt those very decisions by staying silent and forcing you to think otherwise.

Also, who is he to be angry at you? You can’t recall doing anything to make him this upset with you other than almost cockblocking him. That alone isn’t enough to treat his best friend the way that he is now. Jeongguk rightfully has a lot of freedom in doing what he wants since you both share the same house, but even with that freedom there’s boundaries to be made just to avoid conflicts from happening. And Jeongguk broke one of them.

After a few moments, the uncomfortable silence that engulfs the atmosphere feels as if it’s been going on for an eternity. It’s killing you, and you can’t stand to be sitting in it any longer. Suddenly you’re back to how you were feeling last night, your negative thoughts squeezing their way to the forefront every chance they get. You really do miss the way things were before this awkward tension started happening out of nowhere. The two of you used to be able to share light-hearted conversations with one another, full of smiles and giggles over a bunch of nothingness. You were always looking forward to coming home when you had tough days, because you knew Jeongguk would be able to cheer you right up and vice versa.

Lately though, those moments are now out of the question, unfortunately. Since then, Jeongguk has only gotten more cold towards you, even colder than when the two of you were mere strangers living together, way back before even becoming friends. You genuinely felt like you had gained a friend, only to lose that very person in such a short amount of time with no knowledge of why. It’s worse now that you realize that something terrible has happened between you. Not knowing why that is, stresses you out more than you’d like to admit. Honestly speaking, it’d be too hard to live with someone who treats you this way, let alone continue to try and fulfill a friendship with him. Your heart can’t seem to let go of the doubt, using this chance to try and rekindle that spark again.

“What’s gotten into you lately?” you finally broke the silence, causing him to quickly give you a look of confusion, the sudden awkward tension shattered.

The expression on his face contorts, glancing over at you to only look away from you. It almost felt as if he’s not looking at you on purpose. “Um, nothing’s wrong.”

An eyebrow lifts from your face. Is he seriously not going to mention it? He’s just going to brush everything off? “Nothing? So I guess I’m just imagining things?”

Jeongguk finally fully turned around to face you, leaning his weight back onto the counter, his toned arms flexing as he crossed them. You can see his eyes scan over your features for a split second, “What are you talking about?”

You had to take a deep breath before you get yourself worked up over nothing. Having a short temper really has its faults, and you wish you could be as patient as you would like to be. Even so, being the bigger person is harder than it seems to be, especially when Jeongguk wants to continue to act childish and pretend he doesn’t know what you’re talking about. As if the conversations you shared were only meaningful on your part? That the way he’s been acting is as if it’s always been? You’re absolutely fuming with the way he’s playing dumb. You know you’re not going crazy.

“You don’t talk to me anymore, and when we do talk you act so cold towards me, like you just don’t give a shit about anything anymore. You never greet me when one of us comes home, you never stop by my room to rant about your stupid coworkers anymore either...” Jeongguk’s expression doesn’t falter in the slightest, seemingly not letting up on this stupid act of his. A frustrated sigh escapes your lips as your hands land on the table in front of you.

“I think you’re just looking into it too much.” He slips his arm out from his hold to get one last sip of his coffee before setting it back down on the counter next to him. “I’ve been the same as always.”

You huff, leaning your body back into your chair, crossing your arms as you begin to feel defensive. “I’m not looking into it too much. The energy you give towards me just seems so
 spiteful? I don’t know just— Jeongguk, I want to know why. I don’t want to fight with you, I promise. If it’s something I did, tell me so we can end
 whatever it is that’s going on.”

It’s quiet again, and you feel like giving up completely. Your heart and mind is fighting with one another to figure out how you should feel right now. You’re about to get up and walk away when you see him smirking, letting out a soft chuckle. Jeongguk is finally letting up on his nonchalant act, and you couldn’t help but admit that you’re taken aback by the sudden shift in emotions.

Your eyes never leave his, following his movements as Jeongguk makes his way around the island table and towards you. He decides to get himself settled a mere inches away from you, his finger moving up to brush a hair out of your face. “Are you just jealous?”

You quickly scoffed at him, confusion settling onto your face. “What? The hell would I be jealous about?”

Jeongguk simply shrugged, “Maybe because you aren’t the one screaming my name.”

Your mouth drops at his words, completely speechless by his ego, “Jeongguk, you can’t actually be serious right now. How dense can you be?” Hearing these words come out of his mouth, completely baffles you. “After everything I just said to you, this is the conclusion you come to?”

The situation right now is pure comedy at this point. Seriously, who the fuck does he think he is? You’re trying to fix the gap between the both of you because you care so much about the friendship you both share, and he simply thinks that everything went down the way it went because you’re jealous? It’s unbelievable that he thinks this whole thing is funny. It seems as if this whole thing is just a big fucking joke to him. That’s great to know.

In all honesty, a small part of you couldn’t help but feel that, in a way, he’s right, though. But you don’t ever want to admit it. Especially not with the way he’s acting lately. You wanted to be able to come out on top and have him get what he deserves.

When you first moved in, you thought he was so dreamy, which he still is, but lately those feelings are beginning to shatter. You never would’ve thought this would happen between you. Jeongguk is, or was, such a sweetheart. Sadness overwhelms you knowing that he’s not as loving as he used to be.

Even though you do have feelings for him deep down inside, you still wouldn’t interrupt him having fun all because you’re jealous. You actually want Jeongguk to have fun and do his own thing, and you wouldn’t want to hold him back from doing it because of your feelings. It upsets you Jeongguk still isn’t seeing that all you want is for him to be mature about this, that you wouldn’t be as much of a dick towards him as he’s being towards you. Whatever it is that’s bothering him, could all be fixed if he could just fucking talk to you about it.

“Well, I mean, that’s just what it seems like to me. Wouldn’t you like that?” He smirks, anger filling up inside of you, and there’s nothing more you want to do than to wipe that smile off of his face. He’s so goddamn annoying, acting so cocky. You rolled your eyes, trying not to let his tactics get to you too much, but you know that he can tell that it’s failing. He could see right through you, Jeongguk knows exactly how to push your buttons as much as he can.

“You know what? I’m leaving. It’s been a nice chat, Jeongguk.”

You were suddenly reminded of the plan you meticulously planned. Forcing yourself to take a deep breath, you knew you had to be able to go through with this revenge flawlessly. Getting the last laugh would be so worth it for you. You had to execute the revenge soon, while he was still butt hurt about you ‘interrupting’ his fun. Soon as in, tonight.

Jeongguk watched as you gently placed your mug in the sink, making your way past him and towards your room on the opposite side of the shared home. A hum escapes his lips as his eyes glance over your figure, though he can’t help the heavy feeling in his chest that begins to swallow him whole.

You tried to be the bigger person and talked things out with Jeongguk like Namjoon advised you to do, but with how things turned out just now, your revenge sounded like the way better option now. It’s perfect honestly. For one, he’d be able to get a taste of his own medicine, and two, you’d be able to have another chance to be with a recent fling of yours, being none other than Taehyung himself.

It’s been a while since you’ve last seen him, and you were actually excited for what’s to come today. The slight crush you have on Taehyung will only enhance that excitement for you. Getting ready for your date basically took your whole day. You needed to make sure you looked really good to make sure things go exactly as planned. Some people really underestimate how long it takes to get ready for really fancy dates such as this one.

The history you have with Taehyung is a short lived one, all starting when you first met him at work. His office cubicle is only a few feet from yours, and when you’ve suddenly ended up in the same group as him, the two of you ended up having to collaborate on an assignment together. At first it was just some friendly talks, simply talking about work or the little things about your hobbies. The more you’ve chatted, the more you’ve grown somewhat attracted to him. Honestly, to you, it was just so that he could distract you from Jeongguk.

Ultimately, you were very attracted to Jeongguk. Honestly, you still feel that you are, but the fear of him not feeling the same way about you ate you alive, making you swear to never bring it to light, ever. Taehyung was the perfect excuse, and before you knew it, you found him in your bed.

Your finger taps onto your phone screen, revealing that the time is currently 8 pm and this immediately creates the nervous feeling sitting down in the pit of your stomach. Your date would be pulling up to get you any second now, but you are nowhere mentally ready for it as you are physically.

Just by the sounds outside your room, you assume that Jeongguk is in the living room watching tv, the thoughts forcing butterflies to practically swarm around in your stomach now. Even if Jeongguk has been a huge dick to you lately, you still wonder what he’d think when he sees you all dressed up like this.

Would he even care? Would he even look your way at all?

No, no. You’ve got to be more confident than this. In order to pull this off the way you want to, you can’t continue to worry about how Jeongguk is going to feel towards you right now.

With a mental note of Taehyung on his way, you make sure to grab any last minute essentials you need before taking a deep breath. Your hand is on the handle of your door, hesitating to twist it. It’s way too late to have second thoughts about this now. Everything is already in motion you just have to keep pushing. Instead of forcing yourself to ponder about this any longer, you instead push your bedroom door open and close it behind you.

Your legs feel so weak, in the sense that you’re overly aware that Jeongguk might see you. Disappointment washes over you for even being this aware. Jeongguk doesn’t care, so why should you?

Though, as you make your way to the front door, Jeongguk indeed does notice you out of the corner of his eye. He can see that you’re wearing a fitted short dress, showing off your curves so perfectly. He took in your form as much as he could, but with him not wanting to actually face you, he wasn’t able to see you as well as he would’ve liked to. “Where are you heading off to?”

With an eyebrow raised, you hesitate to turn and face him just before you reach the front door hallway. “Why do you care?” With his tone being so monotonous, you couldn’t tell if he was trying to be annoying, or if he was genuinely curious as to where you were going, but because you have revenge to execute, you wanted to continue being a brat to him, just as he’s being to you.

“I don’t. Just lock the door on the way out.” He finally looked your way, his heart immediately dropping at the sight of how absolutely beautiful you looked. Though he couldn’t allow his eyes to linger on you any longer, forcing himself to look back at the tv to try and refocus his attention on the movie instead of you.

As you continue to watch him in confusion, you notice his jaw clench. Is he angry? For what? Your eyes lingered on him for a second, his head resting into his head as he paid attention to the random action movie in front of him. With a sigh, your hand moves to open the door, before slowly closing it behind you, making sure to lock it like Jeongguk asked.

This date could help get your mind, so you were looking forward to it. Ignoring the pain in your heart, you turn around to see Taehyung dressed so handsomely. You didn’t expect to see your date already outside waiting for you, letting out a small gasp as you quickly made your way to him, immediately hugging him as tight as you could.

“There’s my pretty girl.” Taehyung hummed, stealing a kiss as he pulled you into his embrace, you giggled at his touch. “Ready to go eat?”

“Let’s go.”


It was almost impossible for you and Taehyung to keep your hands off of each other. As soon as you unlocked the door to your home, he wasted absolutely no time in moving his hands so that they were gripping your ass, while yours quickly moved to take off his velvet suit. In the midst of this, you notice that all of the lights in the home are off besides the dim light in the kitchen, which you could only assume that Jeongguk must’ve gone to his room for the rest of the night, possibly asleep. A small part of you wondered why he decided to head to bed so early, with him being the night owl that stays up until he can’t anymore. Almost immediately, your thoughts were interrupted, when you felt Taehyung’s hard crotch against your stomach.

It was like he memorized exactly where your room is located in the home, even if he hasn’t been here for two weeks, your bodies continued to make their way towards your room, not really bothering to stay quiet either.

Once you step foot into your room, the door quickly shuts behind Taehyung as you pull him into the bed with you. If Jeongguk was asleep, you knew he wasn’t anymore. It was so evil what you’re doing, a part of you wanted to tell Taehyung off for being so loud, but you couldn't. You shouldn’t start to feel bad about him, not when Jeongguk did this to himself. If only he was more considerate of you, then you would’ve been considerate of him.

Poor Jeongguk is going to have to learn the hard way.

Taehyung gets up off of you and watches over your figure, biting his lip at the sight of you, your dress complimenting your body perfectly. The straps of your dress are both slightly off of your shoulder, your cleavage practically spilling out. Taehyung is now on his knees before you, his fingers tracing the outline of your panties as he presses soft kisses on your inner thigh.

“Taehyung, please.” you whimpered, moving your fingers into his hair, pushing your hips up in desperation to feel something. Anything to keep your mind off of Jeongguk for the night.

His dark eyes meet yours, smirking at the state you’re in. “What’s the rush? Be patient.” You could hear him chuckle at you, sighing when you finally feel his touch on you once again.


Jeongguk finds himself staring blankly at the ceiling of his bedroom, which is no longer in total darkness now that he turned the lamp on that occupied the nightstand next to his bed, as he listens in on you in the next room with your
 date. It doesn’t take a genius to know what was happening behind your closed door, he can hear everything. Every. Little. Fucking. Thing.

Earlier tonight when his eyes followed you out the door, looking so effortlessly beautiful as you normally would, he knew he was getting himself in some really deep shit again. Just by the way you got yourself all dolled up, he could tell that you were going on a date. It was obvious, there really was no need to ask you where you were going in the first place. He knew, but deep down inside he had hoped that you weren’t going on a date, instead a dinner for your job or something— anything— was better than that. As if the idea of you going on a date doesn’t already stress him out, the thought of him knowing who it was going to be with had him wanting to give up all hope on repairing anything between the two of you.

He vividly remembers each and every one of the rants you went on and on about your new found work crush prior to everything that had happened, and he absolutely hated every second of it. Although he hated it, he sure as hell remembered every detail you mentioned. He has learned that a few months ago, Taehyung freshly joined your office and had ended up filling that empty cubicle next to yours.

Over time the atmosphere that was once awkward due to sitting next to a stranger, soon changed. Taehyung would do little things here and there to get your attention by asking if you had an extra pen, or if you could help him with this and that. Of course it didn’t take long at all for you two to get so
 close. In fact, way too close to Jeongguk’s liking.

The way you smiled when you mentioned the random acts of kindness he would do for you around at the office, or the small gifts he would get you before you made it back home, made his heart way too heavy to bear. Seeing somebody love you the way Jeongguk wants to love you is so heartbreaking to witness. Eventually, heartbreak quickly turned into anger, only continuing to grow until it completely engulfed him whole. At that point, he couldn’t hide the pain anymore.

Unfortunately this hatred he felt towards Taehyung only caused him to take it out on you. Jeongguk knows all too well that it’s extremely unfair for him to be so angry with you, but he just couldn’t help it. He’s hurting, yes, but there’s better ways of going about this rather than being such a dick towards you. It wasn’t your fault at all, nor did you deserve it. He just needs to grow up and admit his feelings for you, rather than pretending as if he isn’t hurting.

Jeongguk had wasted his time spending the past two weeks trying to get his anger out on the women he brought back home in hopes that you’d feel even the slightest bit of the same jealousy he feels when you talk about or bring Taehyung back to the house. All that for what? He isn’t even totally sure. Again, Jeongguk is just being very immature when it comes to his emotions. Even so, his childish plans never worked out. Overall, it just seemed like you didn’t care at all.

Yet again, how could you have known that he cares for you romantically? He’s never mentioned it, nor did he try to be outright obvious about it either in fear of you feeling weirded out or rejecting him.

Ironic, isn’t it? That he’s the one that’s jealous, and not you.

In fact, he knows that he should be happy for you instead. As your roommate and best friend, he should be ecstatic that you happened to find someone that you like, and that he likes you back. But still, it’s not good enough for him. Jeongguk would rather be the one that you long for, the one to be able to hold you and love you the way you deserve. You’re the whole world in his eyes. His whole world.

So now when he hears your moans in the next room over, he’s torn on how to feel. Going to sleep now is deemed incredibly useless. No matter how much he tosses and turns to find a comfortable position to sleep in, his ears are so focused on the beautiful sounds you make. Although he doesn’t want to be listening for your own privacy, it’s too damn hard not to.

It just feels so perverted, so embarrassing to get as hard as he is just by listening to you. The hardness is honestly starting to become painful. It feels almost like a sin to be listening to this, but now that he already did, he has to deal with the aftermath of wondering if he should relieve himself or not. Jeongguk’s already come to terms with the fact that he’s most likely a pervert anyway just for the lone reason of listening away on purpose.

You won’t know, it’ll be his own secret for him to keep all to himself.

Hesitantly, his hand slowly rubs over his clothed crotch, his hips grinding trying to gain any kind of momentum. Oh how much he’d wish it was you instead of his hand right now.

Pulling his boxers down, he kicks them completely off so he’s now naked. The room got hot all too fast, the coolness of the slight breeze from his fan gave him goosebumps as his hand wrapped itself around his angry head, pumping his fist around it at a desperate pace.

You sound so heavenly, he can feel his heart beginning to pick up pace when he imagines himself being the one causing it. If it were him, he would make sure to take his time with you, no matter how impatient you may be. Jeongguk groans imagining how tight your walls would feel around him. He immediately wishes he went about his jealousy in a different way. Maybe then he’d be where Taehyung is right now instead of pathetically fucking his hand hoping to even have a chance with you.

Or maybe, just maybe, this was actually your plan all along. The more he thinks about this, the more suspicious it seems. It all couldn’t be such a coincidence, not when this had to happen the very next day after you asked him to keep it down from having his own fun. Jeongguk is very aware of how you feel towards him being loud, so it’d be natural for you to get so pissed about it. Hence why this whole thing could be happening in the first place.

It’d make total sense, considering that you might want him to hear you, just as much as you’ve spent quite a few nights hearing him fuck. Though he isn’t sure that what Jeongguk’s doing right now would also be a part of your so-called plan. The thought probably never crossed your mind, and he isn’t completely sure why he’s doing this either.

Jeongguk is very familiar with the thoughts of him wanting to please you, and that he would have you screaming louder than Taehyung can. There are scenarios where he imagines having you in different positions, or how you look underneath all of the clothes you wear. He’d make sure to have you seeing stars, to the point where you’d only want to look at him from then on and not at someone who could give you mediocre sex.

Jeongguk wants to be the best you’ve ever had, and you would be the same for him. He yearns for you, to feel you, to love you.

Your name slips out from between his lips ever-so-quietly, his inked right hand picking up pace when he hears your moans. His eyebrows tightly furrow themselves together so that he could focus on your whimpers, trying to drown out the man on top of you. The more he hears you, the faster his hand moves, desperate to take this chance to cum to you. At this point, he doesn’t care how perverted this is anymore.

Before he knows it, Jeongguk feels his cum shoot out all over his lower stomach. His eyes watch as he rubs out every last drop. All of this, all just for you.

If he’s being completely honest, it isn’t the first time he’d touch himself to you, but it is the first time touching himself while he hears you. Any other time it would usually be when he daydreams about those filthy scenarios.


In a blink of an eye, the day that he had spent all night extremely dreading fastly approached Jeongguk. After the events of last night, he had hoped that maybe it would finally be the end of the world the next day just so he wouldn’t have to be reminded of the thoughts of last night. Just as expected though, it was instead hard not thinking about you.

Although his chest feels heavy, he hopes that when he comes home from his morning shift at work, he’ll be able to push it aside and have the confidence to finally apologize to you for how he’s been treating you lately. The conversation from the morning before constantly replayed in his mind since you left to go to your room and he’s never felt this disappointed in himself. There was no reason for him to be such an asshole to you. All you wanted to do is fix your friendship and in return, all he did was just let his jealousy take over to try and flip the problem onto you so that he wouldn’t have to take responsibility for his emotions.

On the other side, there was that one thought he had last night, where he thought you could potentially have been doing this all on purpose. It’s all too coincidental for it not to be. It was only just a small hunch last night, but now after putting all of the pieces together, it seems as though it’s all slowly making sense. If this was all just some elaborate plan you schemed up, he’s thoroughly impressed by it, because it fucking worked.

You’ve won the game. He’s forfeiting.

His emotions are so much more complex on how he should feel about the situation. Jeongguk’s ego is obviously very hurt, but he can’t keep letting it get to him. To him, you’re much more important than his stupid ego. So much so that he’s willing to finally give up on this stupid game that he weirdly started and be the one to apologize once and for all. It was all his doing in the first place.

Alright. So, how should he do this
 should he apologize right once he gets home? Should he give you some space first? Or, wait. Should he mention his feelings for you? He shakes his head of the questions as a deep sigh escapes him, slowly opening the front door of his home. Once he’s inside, he kicks off his shoes, his eyes hesitating to find you here and slightly hoping that you aren’t, and that you’ll be home later on.

Jeongguk will do anything to procrastinate on this as much as he can. Apologizing to you is so nerve-wrecking for him to do right now. Though when his eyes eventually does fall on you, who is cuddled into your big fuzzy blanket while watching some random horror movie it looks like, on the couch. Seeing you so comfortable and adorable, it makes his heart jump. How much would he just love to just get cozy right next to you and watch movies together.

Suddenly, his lips start to form a frown though once something catches his eye through his peripheral vision. With the way the home is laid out, he could see both the kitchen island and the living room at the same time, making it easy for him to notice the small bouquet of white lilies that are sitting on the kitchen counter, along with a note that reads in messy handwriting:

Thank you for last night. I enjoyed myself. ;) - Taehyung

With this, his heart drops. He’s been trying to stay positive so that he could make the problem go away, but the problem keeps popping up no matter what. Jeongguk’s fingers curl into a tight fist, and just like what he’s been doing for the past two weeks, he doesn’t greet you nor does he spare you even a glance when he walks by you and straight towards his room.

Last night, after he had heard you and Taehyung, he had spent all night thinking this through. He had come to the conclusion that he shouldn’t be angry with you, or rather he should be upset with himself for acting like a child instead of approaching you in a more healthier way. But now, the hurt in his chest is impossible for him to ignore. His emotions are getting the better of him as he throws his bag on his bed, before then throwing himself to lay right next to it with an exasperated sigh.

Jeongguk is pissed— fuming actually. He really didn’t want another reminder of the events that happened last night, and yet, no matter how hard he tries to ignore it, he feels as if Taehyung is taunting him everywhere he goes. Taunted by the idea that he could never have you in the way he does.

Jeongguk isn’t dumb. He’s dumb over you, sure, but he’s smart enough to know that there’s a slight possibility that this is all what you’ve been trying to get him to feel and he’ll be damned if he lets you laugh in his face about it. This evil fucking plan of yours is too much for him to take anymore.

He shoots up from his spot and stomps straight out of his room to find you. Once he’s now in the living room, Jeongguk stands just out of your view of the television with both of his hands on his hips as he stares you down. It’s quiet as he finds the words to come out, your eyes looking at him curiously until he spits, “You want to talk about me being so loud?”

Confusion continues to settle into you, raising an eyebrow at him, “Excuse me?”

He scoffs, rolling his eyes as one head rubs his forehead. “Last night? What the fuck was that about?”

You couldn’t help but scoff right back at him. “Oh, it’s a problem now?” You grabbed the tv remote to pause the movie you were mindlessly watching just so that you could make sure you’re hearing him right, twisting your body so you sat facing him comfortably. “So, It’s a problem when I do it, but it’s okay when you do? How does that make any sense?”

“__, I didn’t say it was okay—“

“Then it shouldn’t be a problem.”

His tongue gently poked the inside of his cheek, his eyes continued to stare you down. He feels ultimately defeated since he’s trying his best to not hurt you and talk to you about this in a more calm manner, but the more he thinks about those stupid fucking flowers, the more he feels that very calm emotion completely drain right out of him. Quite frankly, he knows that he doesn’t really have the right to be as mad as he is right now, since this only happened because of the consequences of his own actions. But honestly, Jeongguk didn’t expect you to take it this far.

Then, as quickly as it came, he’s reminded of the fact that he touched himself to you last night. He’s aware that this is probably very bad timing, but he couldn’t help but get hard the more he thinks about the sounds you made. Even worse, seeing you right in front of him now after that, it’s driving him crazy. Jeongguk knows that he could have you replicating those sounds for him, and do it better.

“Did he really fuck you that good?”

With just seven words, he rendered you speechless, unable to say a single word. Never in your friendship has he ever spoken such inappropriate words that are directed right towards you. The room’s atmosphere changed in a blink of an eye, and you’re surprised at how you even came to this point in a matter of seconds.

Your eyes watch as he slowly makes his way towards you, his dark gaze never leaving yours. Goosebumps travel straight down your spine as you hear his deep voice whisper next to your ear, “Did he really fuck you so good that you just had to be that obnoxious?”

In an attempt to get a hold of any ounce of self confidence you just had, you ridiculously fumble over your words, “It’s
It’s none of your business, Jeongguk.”

Even though you’re trying to stand up for yourself, any confidence you just had is now completely shattered right when you knew you couldn’t even look him in the eye anymore. Everything in the room is apparently so much more interesting than Jeongguk is, which is a complete lie to yourself, and as far as Jeongguk could tell just by your obvious body language.

With him now directly in front of you, one of his hands rests next to you on top of the couch, while the other went from softly brushing against your cheek to slowly making its way down to grab your chin, forcing you to look up at him. Your eyes met his dark gaze causing you to immediately feel so, so small.

“Be honest with me, angel. Do you think he could have you screaming the way I could? Hm?” The pad of his thumb is brushing your lower lip, his gaze switching from your eyes to your lips.

Your hips shift in your seat as you try to subtly relieve the stickiness that began pooling in your panties. How is it that all of that planning you did ended up like this? The end goal you originally had in mind was just for him to get angry and for him to finally apologize. You just wanted for him to know how you feel, but never would you have ever expected for it to end like this.

Though you couldn’t say that you’re complaining about it either.

You gulped, your eyes searching his lust filled ones to find any answer to his current actions in them. You’re unable to comprehend the situation, especially not when Jeongguk is looking at you this way. It makes it undoubtedly harder to focus on just what the fuck is happening right now.

“Baby, I’m talking to you.”

Hearing no response from you, Jeongguk slowly closes the gap between the two of you just until you’re mere inches away from one another. Your teeth dug into your bottom lip hard enough to almost draw blood as you feel your heart pounding out of your chest. “I asked you, do you think he can fuck you better than I could?”

As if you were in a trance, you immediately replied, “No, no he couldn’t.”

A chuckle left his lips. “I heard you last night, you know that right? You did it on purpose, didn’t you?”

With your mind a little fuzzy, you nodded. You couldn’t think about anything but him right now. Not revenge, not Taehyung, but him and the heat in between your legs. Your tongue glides across your bottom lip as you notice Jeongguk’s eyes watch you. Excitement began to overwhelm you.

All of those days and nights of daydreaming of this to happen is finally actually happening to you, and now while you’re here, you’re finding that holding yourself back from kissing him is so, so hard. His lips look so plump and soft, it’s enticing to get a taste. It’s only a matter of time before either one of you give in, and you’re thankful that it’s Jeongguk to do so.

When you feel his lips crash onto yours, your hands shoot up to play with your hair, tugging on it. This causes him to groan into the kiss. The kiss is so sloppy, so desperate, the both of you are seemingly pouring pent up frustration into it.

You try to pull away to catch your breath and once you do, the two of you notice a string of saliva, causing Jeongguk to groan and chase your lips. The sight itself is more than enough to make you rub your thighs together, though it doesn’t go unnoticed by Jeongguk, who was already splitting your legs apart with his as he begins to lay you down against the couch. “Keep your legs open.”

A whimper slips out of your lips once you feel his thigh against your wet core, but he swallows it right up with another needy kiss. The need to feel something— anything— overwhelms you, causing you to begin to grind against him. Jeongguk smirks against your lips, pulling away from you almost immediately. The confusion on your face slowly disappears once you see that he’s starting to pull your shorts down along with your underwear, though the perplexed expression reappears once he takes a seat next to you, pulling you onto his lap.

“Ride my thigh. Now.”

You were quick to align yourself once you made yourself comfortable on his lap, though you’re just now realizing that unlike you, he’s still wearing his pants. Not only that, but you wanted to feel him better without them. “But it’ll—“ A loud smack rings throughout the living room, your ass stinging with such a bittersweet pleasure from the sudden feeling.

“I’m not going to repeat myself. You wanted to be a slut last night? Then act like it.” His energy towards you catches you off guard, but you can feel a heat surge inside you that only makes you want him more.

Is there a hint of jealousy you’re noticing? Your mind ponders about it for a second until you’re quickly brushing it off. You’ll get to the bottom of it later, right now you’ve got orders to fulfill.

Your thighs go side by side of his, finally settling down on him. Once you’ve finished getting comfortable on top of him, you take a moment to look at how sexy he looks. You almost forgot how attracted you are to this man after spending days with no good interaction with him.

With a nod of his head, you begin to move. Your pace is slow at first, testing the waters until you feel his hands gripping on your hips to help you ride his thigh better. His hands encourage you to go faster, which you have more than no problem with doing.

You hadn’t realized how wet you are, until you found yourself easily gliding against him even with the resistance of his pants. “You’re so wet ___. Fuck I can feel you through these.” His left hand guides you to go faster, while his right slides down to your clit, using his thumb to rub it in small, tight circles. This only adds to the knot that forms in the pit of your stomach, a soft whimper leaves you as you grow frustrated with trying to chase after it. “Keep going. You’re doing so well for me.”

His husky voice does wonders to you, if you knew he would be this into you as you were for him, you would’ve pissed him off ages ago. “Fuck, Jeongguk. I’m close. So, so close.”

“Yeah? You’re close?” His thumb applied more pressure to your clit, as he flexes his thigh to help you. Soon enough, the small knot in your stomach became undone, leaving you panting once you rode out your high. Jeongguk peered down at the huge wet spot on his thigh where you were, and something in him snapped.

“Lay down for me, and keep your legs open.” Jeongguk swiftly took his shirt off and threw it somewhere across the room, your eyes focused on his toned body while you laid back for him. You’ve seen him shirtless countless times, but it was never this close up, nor was it ever in a situation such as this one. With the sudden awareness of your current situation, you start to feel shy knowing that he can see all of your most intimate parts, you can even feel your juices slowly drip out of you at the mere thought.

“You’re so, so beautiful.” His hands got a hold of the end of your shirt in a rush to pull it off of you, taking in the sight of you completely naked, quickly realizing that you weren’t wearing a bra this whole time.

A moan slips past his lips, moving in to press against yours for a quick kiss before he peppers soft ones down your neck, and to your chest, purposely avoiding your nipple for a split second. You can feel his breath flutter against your skin momentarily until you finally feel his tongue flick against it. Your breath hitches as you watch his tongue swirl around the bud, leaving sloppy, open mouthed kisses. His eyes never leave yours while he does it, to which you quickly begin to get embarrassed once again, the eye contact being way too much for you to handle right now, making you dart your eyes elsewhere until you can gather the mental strength to look at him again until you hear his stern voice. “Keep your eyes on me.”

Your eyes immediately shoot towards him, biting your lip as you continue to watch him practically make out with your tit. Jeongguk is already so fucking beautiful, you didn’t think it was even possible for him to look more breathtaking right now. You feel his hand snake down to your now drenched heat, your hips bucking in surprise at the very sudden warmth. His fingers teased your entrance by trailing around it, causing you to close your eyes in frustration. “Jeongguk—“

Another loud smack rings the room, but this time onto your swollen cunt. “What did I just say? Keep your eyes on me.” He lifts up from your chest to pepper more soft kisses down to your hips, snickering. “Of course a slut like you wouldn’t listen. Too busy wanting me to fill your needy cunt, is that right?”

“Yes! I need you. Please don’t tease me.”

You hear him scoff, his breath fanned lightly on your wet cunt. “Oh, now you need me? So now you need me even though you had someone else fucking you last night.” The tips of his fingers tease your entrance once more, rubbing circular movements so painfully slow. “You should’ve just asked me in the first place, fucking slut.”

He’s teasing you, even though you asked him not to. It’s driving you crazy, forcing you to grind yourself against his finger so desperately. Jeongguk simply laughs at how desperate you look underneath him.

“I would’ve made you feel way better than he could.” His finger dips inside, collecting as much of you as he can before pushing two fingers in. “All you had to do was ask.”

Your breath hitched, your hands shooting straight down to his hair to tug on the strands. His tongue swirled around your clit while his fingers made its way deeper into you, slowly increasing speed. Being forced to maintain eye contact with Jeongguk is so difficult. The sight of him is so beautiful, yes, but fuck as much as you hated to admit it, you felt as if you’re on another planet. It was impossible to focus right now.

You don’t know when it happened, but at one point you tossed any embarrassment that you had and found yourself desperately grinding yourself against his soft lips. Jeongguk groaned at the sight of you using him for your pure pleasure, removing his fingers so that his tongue could fuck you instead. His hands are fully grasped on both of your cheeks, pulling you as close as he can on his face. Jeongguk wants to be suffocated by you like this, tasting all of you as if you were his last meal on earth.

It didn’t take long for another knot to form inside your stomach, and you had to warn him. “Fuck— I’m so close..” Before you could even reach it, all of a sudden you felt a wave of cold air hitting your wetness where Jeongguk was. He pulled himself away right as you were finally about to cum, whining at the now empty feeling. Your climax was quickly ripped from you, and he could tell how badly you wanted it just by the way your lips formed a pout at him.

“Aw, did my little whore want to cum again?” He mocks while his hands are pulling both his pants and underwear down in haste, your eyes are so focused on his thick cock slapping against his stomach that butterflies roamed your stomach in pure excitement and arousal. The sight of him hovering over you so sexily was enough to make you let out a whimper, you want him so badly. You need him so badly.

With a nod, you lower your eyelids as you give him a sultry look, meanwhile your hands are slowly rubbing up and down his smooth stomach. “I wanna come on your cock
” You adjust yourself up on your elbows while one hand reaches for his dick, stroking him ever so gently. “
but I can be a good girl and wait.”

Jeongguk sighs at your words, getting up from his spot to sit on the couch, you make your way in between his legs and make yourself comfortable. You give his outer thigh a quick peck, your hand moving to stroke his cock once again. Slowly, your lips brush his tip, making sure to keep eye contact with him this time. His hand holds onto the back of your head, his fingers burying themselves into the strands of your hair to have a better grip.

You give a tiny lick to his angry head and slowly wrap your tongue fully around it while your hand meets the same pace. Even though you really want to tease him and take your time, you really badly just wanted to taste him. Teasing him would be for another day.

You finally do your best to take all of him inside of your mouth, your warm tongue laying flat on the underside of his length. “Fuuuuck, __. You feel so good.” Your eyes flutter to look at him, a beautiful expression painted on his features. His moans only started to work you up, both your hand and mouth worked together to speed up the pace. The free hand that you had moved up his thigh right until his balls, giving it a light rub.

Jeongguk’s hand is trying really hard not to push you on him completely, unknowingly rocking his hips up to meet yours. Your eyes start to well up at the force and pace that he’s using your mouth. He notices this, but doesn’t let up. Instead, he just goes faster. “Such a good girl, taking me so well.” Though your jaw starts to hurt and your throat starts to become rough, you’re determined to keep making him feel good so you keep it relaxed.

Soon enough, you could tell that he’s getting close to release because of how sloppy his thrusts are starting to become. Before you could brace yourself to taste his seed, he pulls out of your mouth and pulls you up. You didn’t have much time to react as your body gets thrown back on the couch onto your stomach. Jeongguk forces you on your knees, using your arms to steady you up so that you wouldn’t fall.

You feel him grind against your ass, feeling your saliva all on your skin. You fight the urge to try and fit him into your pussy yourself, also knowing that he's holding you in place to keep you from doing so anyway. “I need you, Jeongguk. Please.”

His hands grab onto your ass, squeezing the flesh as he takes in your words. With a chuckle, one hand leaves to shove your face into the couch. “Who owns this pretty pussy, baby?” You felt his thumb rub your entrance, causing you to arch your back further. “Me or him?”

Without a second thought, you immediately replied, “Yo—“, but before you could even finish saying yes to him, you felt his dick slam into your pussy with no warning. You let out a sharp gasp, your jaw widening at the painful, yet euphoric pleasure. He didn’t hold back on pounding into you, though you didn’t mind at all. You love it.

“I’m sorry, baby. I couldn’t hear you.” His hand slapped your ass and gripped onto your hips to keep you from falling from how hard his thrusts are. “Whose is it?”

“Yours!” Your hands grip onto his biceps, trying to hold onto anything for dear life as you feel him pound into your cunt. A groan escapes his lips as he picks up the pace.

“God, __. You’re so fucking beautiful.” Jeongguk whispers against your lips. He notices a smile forms on your face and he swears his heart is doing backflips. “I’m so obsessed with you.”

The way he’s hitting every spot in you just right, has your knees going numb right underneath him. It was almost like you guys are made perfectly for each other. “Deeper, deeper..”

You didn’t have to tell Jeongguk twice, he momentarily halted his movements to spread your legs a bit more, regaining possession of your hips as he goes to town rougher than he did before. Your back arches with the newfound speed and the way his cock is hitting your cervix. The way he manhandles you to his liking has you seeing stars, getting cockdrunk. Your hands grip onto the cushion underneath you for dear life.

The two of you are very close, you can tell by how his once calculated movements are now beginning to get both sloppier and messier. “I’m close!” you warn, feeling his fingers travel down to rub your clit in tight circles.

“Where do you want me— fuck.”

“Inside, please. It’s okay, I’m on the pill.” The thought of him being able to release inside of you only pushes him closer to the edge, but he did his best to hold off until you came. But as soon as you did, he wasted no time in following suit, gently rocking his cock back and forth to ride out your high.

Once the two of you finally come down from your intense climaxes, finished with catching your breaths, Jeongguk continues to just stare at you. You, and the way that you look so beautiful even though you’re all fucked out. You’re all he’s wanted and more.

Although his gaze on you is purely innocent on his end, you on the other hand start to overthink everything that just happened. It was completely unexpected, and now it just feels awkward to address anything. All you’re doing now is waiting for one of you to finally speak up. You turn to face him during the silence, and it wasn’t until you saw him show off his cute smile that you fell in love with, that you decided to show off your own. Not knowing he fell in love with yours as well.


“Nothing. Just admiring you.”

His words make you slap his chest, laughing in embarrassment. “Oh, shut up!” To try and hide the heat rising onto your cheeks, you turn your back towards him and hide your face into the cushion of the couch.

It’s weird, joking with him again. Especially after the two of you just finished randomly fucking.

Jeongguk laughs, making himself comfortable next to you with his hand resting his head up. Once the laughter finally dies down, his eyes silently travel every feature on your angelic face, soon a bittersweet feeling overwhelms him. “Hey. I just wanna say sorry
 for how I've been treating you lately.” A short silence falls between you, Jeongguk immediately feeling really bad now.

You aren’t sure what to say yourself, so you turn around to face him, looking into his eyes. Trying to find any hint of mischief, you come up empty handed and sigh. “Why did you do that?”

For a second, he’s confused by what you mean by your question. His hand rests on your cheek, his thumb gently caressing your soft skin. “I was dumb. I was just really jealous that you like Taehyung and I obviously didn’t handle it very well.”

“You? Jealous?” Jeongguk nods. Comprehending that definitely took some time for you, silence in the air once again. “Wait. You
 like me?”

He groans, throwing himself back onto his back. “Why are you asking? Isn’t it obvious?”

You couldn’t help but laugh at him, though you quickly rested your head onto his chest to reassure him. “I just wanted to make sure I heard you correctly.” Happiness is surging through your body right now. Finally, the two of you are able to talk this through; your revenge worked like a charm. And it ended probably better than you were expecting.

Now you felt as though you owed Jeongguk an explanation.

“I did like Taehyung. But if I'm being honest, I started liking him because I didn’t think you liked me, either.” Jeongguk’s eyes shoot to look at you while you explain. His eyebrow lifts in confusion hearing your confession.

“Well what about now?” His voice is so soft, your heart nearly broke in half at the sound.

“I don’t like him that way anymore.”

Jeongguk sits up to look at you, confusion still lingering. “Wait but what about the flowers on the kitchen counter?”

At this, you couldn’t help but burst out laughing, quickly waving your hands so that he doesn’t completely misunderstand you.

“Oh, he was just helping me out. I told him about the plan of getting you back when I was at dinner with him, and he was happy to take part of the revenge to help me.” To further explain, you sit up as well, brushing your hair out of your face. “I really like you, Jeongguk. I promise. All I wanted to do was make you feel how annoying it was for me to endure all of that, but this outcome is way better than what I imagined.”

Jeongguk’s jaw drops, disbelief coating his face until he laughs once it all finally hits him, “I fucking knew it!” You give him a smile, nestling yourself onto his warm lap to wrap your arms around his neck. Your fingers gently run through his sweat-filled hair. “I’m happy you like me back. I don’t know what I’d do if you still liked him. Especially after

You didn’t have to hear another word, you knew what he was referring to just by the way his words lingered on. “Come on, let’s go take a shower. I wanna spend the whole day with you now that I have you back again.”

Jeongguk kisses your lips, grabbing onto you to bring you to the bathroom. “You’re never leaving my side ever again.”


taglist: @eyesforjungkook @sharkipoonis @hyunjinswifeee @sugakissrr @jiminsmainwifey @writinginlevis @minayas1998 @chickpea-jimin @withluvjm @slut4jeon @adriansbloodyvalentine

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1 year ago

Golden- JJK


💛 Pairing: (almost entirely)Jungkook x reader, (basically none)Seokjin x reader

💛 Rating: 18+

💛 Genre: friends to lovers but like fluffy but also like very sad.

💛 Summary: After see your boyfriend Jin cheating on you at a bar and realizing your shared friends have been working together to hide it from you, you storm off into the parking lot to cry. Jungkook sees you out there and tells you the truth about everything, or what he wants you to believe is the truth.

💛 Words: almost 16k

💛 Warnings: CHEATING!!! “only one-bed” clichĂ© but I love it, drinking, oral sex(m&f), protected sex and unprotected sex, dirty talk, overestimation, vaginal fingering, love kink?, too much smut, uhhh Jungkook is a bit of a stalker.

💛 Note: listen, I just wanted an excuse to write a gratuitous amount of Jungkook fluff and smut and I also love hurting. I thought I should throw in, these two characters are not actually in love, there are reasons it moves so fast, but it’s not love.

❀ also a very big thank you to @btsaudge​ who beta read this whole thing for me, she’s not only a god tier beta reader but a god tier writer too ❀

Golden- JJK

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1 year ago

𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐼𝐧 𝐡𝐱𝐭𝐬

đđšđąđ«đąđ§đ : Software Engineer! Jeon Jungkook X Famous Model! F Reader

đ–đšđ«đ 𝐜𝐹𝐼𝐧𝐭: 6.1K

đ‘ș𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔: No one thought Jungkook would show up to the company’s annual Christmas party with the fiancĂ© they were sure he was lying about until he showed up with you wrapped around his arm. No one would believe the fact that he tied you down. The stunning well known model whose face is plastered all over billboards and ads around the city and across the world. After all, what are best friends for?. You’ve always had his back and imagining you were his for the night didn’t sound so bad, but him rethinking your friendship this night in particular had you in shambles.

đ–đšđ«đ§đąđ§đ đŹ/𝐂𝐹𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: angst, fluff, abandonment issues, attachment issues, insecure jk, shitty coworkers, emotional constipation, hurt, comfort & making out.

For the first time, Jungkook is actually having fun at the company’s annual Christmas party. It was held in an extravagant hall with a sparkly chandelier glinting overhead and it was decorated in so much holiday cheer it filled him with excitement as well. The fact that you’re here beside him has a lot to do with it actually. You’ll always be the reason why he smiles or the thrilling sensation coursing through his veins whenever you're close as if he’s on cloud nine.

The looks on all of his coworkers' faces were priceless. They weren’t so subtle with it either. Of course no one believed him. No one would understand why someone like you was with someone such as himself. Two completely different people with completely different lifestyles and statuses. Even now, when he’s talking with his lead and cubicle neighbor, watching you dance in the center of the venue with the girls in his department. Upon first arriving through the double doors most of them rushed over asking for pictures and autographs from you. In awe at the sight of your beautiful self in person and not just in a magazine or on tv and billboards.

“There’s no way that’s all yours.” Matt can’t seem to take his eyes off of you and as much as it annoys Jungkook, he can’t blame him. You’re gorgeous, even more so when you’re just yourself and having a good time. He can’t help the way his eyes are glued to you as well. A smile spreading across his lips watching you have fun.

“I’m gonna be honest Jeon. I thought you were lying about the whole thing.” Stanley (his cubicle neighbor) perks up beside him, tearing his gaze from you to Jungkook.

“How did you two even meet?.” Matt suddenly asks in deep curiosity with a pinched brow. Looking as if he were solving the most complicated math equation from the top of his head.

For a moment, Jungkook is thrown off, but he shouldn’t have been so surprised that anyone would ask him that million dollar question. He still remembers the day so clearly and it always has him smiling in thought when he thinks back to it, chuckling to himself as he reminisces to that particular time in his life where everything changed so drastically.

Jungkook takes a swig of his sparkling champagne, needing the liquor courage before he begins the story of how you two met.

“Oh, uh, well, it was pretty complicated. I was on my way to campus and at a stoplight when I saw her, the only one still walking out onto the street.” He pauses briefly before he continues. Matt and Stanley listen intently to every word he speaks.

“She was talking on the phone so she wasn’t aware of the semi coming straight ahead. I didn’t want to be traumatized so I ran and tackled her out of the way onto the sidewalk.” Jungkook further explains, moving his hands about as he does so animatedly.

you saved her life.” Matt’s eyes enlarge with surprise written all over his face. He couldn’t believe it. It sounded like something straight out of a classic rom-com or k-drama.

“Although she did get mad at me first for getting her expensive outfit dirty.” Jungkook chuckles with a shake of his head.

He remembers the pretty and stylish pink Channel plaid combo you wore. Of course, that’s all you were worried about at the moment. There were harsh dirt lines imprinted on the bottom of your skirt. It even made him wince at the sight of the ruined fabric.

“Oh my gosh!. It’s going to take me forever to get this stupid dirty stain out!. How could you!?.”

It confused the hell out of Jungkook and he was in disbelief at the words that fell out of your mouth, looking at you like you were out of your goddamn mind. Shouldn’t you be thankful for the fact that you’re still alive?.

“Are you serious?. I just saved your life!. You could be dead right now, like splattered on the ground, you know that!.”

“Wow, no wonder.” Matt says with a chuckle in amusement, bringing Jungkook back from his deep thoughts.

“She probably thinks she owes you, so she stuck with you after that incident.”

What Matt said had Jungkook frozen solid in place, his smile slipping from his lips. That single thought never once crossed his mind. Even a few days later after that incident when you stumbled upon him again and properly apologized. You bought him coffee and sat down with him at a cafe after his class.

Jungkook knew Matt was most likely trying to find something to make it make sense in his own envious head, however, his words ended up sticking to him.

He always was an over-thinker and Jungkook starts to wonder, falling miserably into the rabbit hole of doubt and questioning with a heavy heart.


The soft and sensual melody of a slow song starts, lights dimming and you turn in your heel finding Jungkook sitting at the reserved table in the corner alone seemingly in deep thought.

When you come near he only offers a small smile, it doesn’t quite reach his eyes and it only makes you wonder if something was wrong. But it’s his night and you don’t want to press the matter if it’s nothing to worry about. Instead, you want to ease those worries and dance with him like you’ve longed to all night.

“Dance with me?.” Your hand gently encases his bigger one, slightly tugging.

“You owe me, just this once.” You softly utter with a tiny giggle. A precious smile on your red lips.

He hesitates a moment, looking up at you and for a second you think he might not be up to it but Jungkook slowly gets up from his seat and lets you lead him to the dance floor where everyone else is coupled up.

Taking your palm as his hand holds your waist gently, you rest your arm over his shoulder and your eyes meet his. They glimmer prettily with something he’s never seen from you before. It makes his insides feel mushy and heart skip two beats.

You’re breathtakingly beautiful in your sparkly white designer dress and you’re in his arms where he always wants you to be.

Do you even want to be in his arms?.

Do you really want to be here with him?.

Those doubts come full force and it stings his chest, caving in with a weighted feeling.

You’re only here to be his fake fiancĂ©e just because his coworkers constantly teased him being late twenties and still alone, thinking he couldn’t pull someone. He only wanted to prove them wrong, even though it isn’t true and they weren’t far off about him having trouble in the love department. It’s pathetic really. Maybe you actually pitied him. Maybe you think he’s a loser too just like everyone in the office thinks so.

Jungkook’s not even sure if he were to properly ask you out, if you would agree. Would you?. He’s seen the handsome men you’ve modeled with in ads and photo shoots. He’s not as cool as they are and he surely doesn’t have the status to compete with them or keep up with you.

Compared to you and the kind of life you lead, he’s plain and boring. His life isn’t so interesting and it wasn’t even before you showed up. You’re the interesting one. The fun and outgoing one. The life of the party living a luxurious and fascinating life because of the stunning looks you were born with.

But they don’t know the real you he gets to see whenever you come over. When you hang out and spend the nights with him. You beside him on his couch in just a plain hoodie or t-shirt and comfortable bottoms, hair thrown in a messy bun or just down, letting your pretty locks flow. When you laugh real hard about something you show him that you thought was funny. He especially likes when you two just talk about anything and nothing at all. The intimacy and the comforting silence when no words need to be said as you sit or lay beside one another. It’s the simple things, the little things about you and with you that he loves. Jungkook loves you endlessly. Everything, all parts, the good and the bad.

As much as he loves you and thinks that he could be the one for you, Jungkook isn’t so sure that you’d give him a chance. You’re just friends, but sometimes he wonders why you are friends with him in the first place when you’re living in the fast lane and he’s not.

Maybe this was a bad idea. This sudden rude awakening is starting to eat him alive and he isn’t so sure how much longer he can endure it for.


You’ve never felt so content swaying in his arms and watching the man that makes you feel like the happiest gal in the world. More than walking into your closet mall does, more than your beloved diamond earrings you wear every single day because of how beautifully they sparkle and much more than when you’re strutting down the runway. You love it, of course you do, but you think you love Jeon Jungkook more.

He looks absolutely handsome tonight. His hair is slicked back; it surprised you when you watched him style it in his bathroom, because he hates gel with a passion. Cute doe-eyes glittering like a perfect midnight sky with pink kissable lips and he smells amazing. You like how he uses the cologne you bought him for his birthday months ago. He’s always so pretty to you and you used to wonder why he didn’t have a girlfriend yet when you met him with how undeniably sweet, smart and such a gentleman he is. In your eyes he’s husband material. A literal dream. A part of you always thought he was just waiting for the right person.

His sweet pecks on your cheeks and lips, arm holding you close by the waist snugly, calling you his all night. You crave for more of it and you only long for it to be real.

You really didn’t care if news got out later that you are now supposedly engaged due to showing up here to be his fake fiancĂ©. At least other suitors will back off now that you are ‘taken’. You’re only interested in Jungkook. He’s the only one you’ll ever want.

Jungkook tears his gaze away, looking elsewhere beside you. You notice the small frown on his face and it looks as if he’s struggling with something internally, jaw tensing. It leaves you slightly confused and your worries from a bit ago come back when you try to catch his eyes, brows furrowed.

“Is something wrong?.” You ask carefully and when you do he meets your gaze once again. Only this time his eyes are filled with something that causes a crack in your heart. You don’t like the doubt you see in them. The hurt he’s trying to hide.

What’s going on?.

“Why are you still friends with me?.” Jungkook suddenly asks, voice slightly wavering towards the end.

“What?.” It leaves you breathlessly and now you’re more confused as to why he’s suddenly asking that.

What sprung this on?.

“Why didn’t you just move on with your life after I saved you?. You didn’t have to come up to me again and talk to me.” He manages through the thick lump he swallows after, face contorted with desolation.

“What are you talking about?. Why are you asking me this now?.” You whisper, sliding your hand from around his shoulder to cradle the side of his face gently.

His larger one cups yours and removes your touch, placing your hand back down as he speaks deliberately with hostility, eyes scrutinizing your being.

“Did you pity me?. You don’t have to owe me anything, you know that. I’m not one of your charity cases.”

His words fill you with great betrayal and a quickening rage of your own that you momentarily try so hard to temper down at a time and place like this. You’re at a loss for words. The sudden shift in atmosphere tensing between the two of you is like a thick blanket. His sudden shift in mood leaves a foul taste in your mouth and you really don’t want to get upset in front of everyone.

There’s already a few looks the both of you have drawn from the harsh whispers.

In an instant, you take his hand and lead him with you out of the venue into the empty hall, the clacking of your Dior heels tapping roughly against the marble pavement.

“Trouble in paradise.” Jungkook faintly hears Matt chuckle with two co-workers on the way out. It only fuels his irritation.

You pause and let go of his hand, facing him with a fire in your eyes he’s never witnessed before. You’re absolutely livid and for a moment he falters underneath your firm gaze.

“Are you fucking serious right now?. Why would you possibly think that?.” Your voice raises, filling the silence that lingers around you in the empty hall.

“Because no one ever fucking stays!. No one ever does, Y/N.” Jungkook raises his voice as well, almost a shout. Frustration laced in his deep tone of voice.

He pauses and swallows thickly, sighing as he throws his head down. A hand comes over his face in agitation before he meets your glossy eyes once again.

“They only take what they want before cutting ties. They always leave and never come back. Most of the time I don’t even know it or pick up on the signs. It just happens. Sometimes I think
I think that you migh-” His words get choked up towards the end and you don’t let him finish.

You don’t want to hear him say it.

“I wouldn’t ever do that to you.” You state with a sternness, taking a step forward and grabbing his hand to take gently into yours for comfort.

“I don’t want that but I just feel like I’m holding you back sometimes.” Jungkook sighs exasperatedly, hand tightening over yours. With eyes stinging red of tears that he’s trying so hard to hold back and it’s a pain to witness. It hurts your insides to hear what he’s probably been feeling for a while now.

The anger you felt prior is tamed with the need to comfort him. It’s what he needs right now the most.

“But you’re not.” You press immediately with a shake of your head.

He’s quiet for a moment, more calm than he was before and then he asks,

“Why didn’t you take that offer in Milan?. You could’ve had more opportunities. You would’ve been thriving but you're stuck here with me.”

“I told you why.” You say in a soft whisper.

He’s caught you off guard with the sudden question and you shrink a little, mindlessly fidgeting with his fingers in your palm below you.

Milan would’ve been great. You knew it but you couldn’t do it. You told him you declined the offer because you felt comfortable at the moment here in New York and it felt too fast to settle in a whole new place when you’ve gotten used to this city already within this past year. Most importantly with the amazing offers you’ve got here.

“I didn’t believe it. I still don’t.” Jungkook shakes his head, eyes never leaving you.

“Was it because you felt bad to leave me here all alone?. Or the fact that nothing was ever gonna change for me?. You could’ve left and just forgotten all about me.”

As soon as the words leave his lips your head snaps up to look at him and your brows pinch deeply in pure anguish once again.

“Is that what you fucking wanted to happen?. For me to just leave and never come back?. It just sounds to me like you really don’t want me in your life.” You say and Jungkook winces, immediately shaking his head at what you’re insinuating.

“That’s not-“

“Do you really think that I feel that way?. Gosh, you’re so- so fucking- ughhh!. Do you really think that you're so undeserving of anything and that unlikeable?.” You’re seething, eyes blown wide in disbelief but mostly outrage. Your hands raise only to drop back down with a huff, shaking as if you really want to either pull your own hair or choke him out.

“You know why-“ Jungkook tries but you’re not quite done with your passionate spiel.

“I know, but you’ve always assumed the worst in others and you never tried again. I know you’re co-workers are assholes, fuck them. But there’s so many other people who would like you. Not all of them are so terrible, I mean, you met me, you have me.”

Jungkook wants to believe that, but he isn’t so sure. He was always alone and growing up he didn’t have any friends around. Middle school was hell and when high school came he’d gotten used to the loneliness, people weren’t always so kind, so welcoming and he hadn’t expected anyone to be when it seemed he’d only be hurt by the people he lets in. It didn’t mean that it still didn’t hurt. All he had was his mother but most of the time she’d just leave him be. Always so busy on her own, even when he’d need her the most. They used to be much closer when he was a little boy, before his deadbeat of a father skipped out on them. He doesn’t have many memories of the man and he doesn’t want them anyways. That mark of betrayal is deeply rooted and it’s a scar that will never heal.

Jungkook thought things would finally change meeting his first girlfriend towards the end of high school, yet it only got worse. All she ever did was use him, humiliate him, make him so dependent on her that in those times when Jungkook really needed her, she wasn’t there for him at all and it only broke him, left a mess out of him. Another rough patch that hurt covering up new wounds and moving on from.

College was boring and with her out of his life, Jungkook was lonely once again and so closed off. She made the pain worse and he didn’t know how to move on from it at first. Focusing on his studies and working hard at his internship in an office downtown was all Jungkook ever did. It paid off well and he has a good job doing something he’s passionate in. Yet, Jungkook was still terribly miserable alone. Something he’s always hated but had to live with. It was a gloomy and lonely world he was living in, just trying to survive it day by day. Busying himself with school and work so he didn’t have to be alone with his thoughts all of the time. It was much worse at night when trying to get some sleep. Then you showed up and you were like this beam of light, shining through the dark clouds and lighting his whole world up. It scared him at first and he didn’t want to let you in, but Jungkook was a sucker for a gorgeous face and how sweet you actually were when getting to know the real you. You’re all he has now and because of his upbringing and deep scars of the past, Jungkook’s absolutely terrified that you’ll someday leave him too, but being the one to potentially drive you away hurts more than anything he’s ever felt.

There’s a sniffle and you're wiping the tears flowing down your pink cheeks. This hurts. To see you cry. To be the cause of that deep frown on your pretty face and those tears in your eyes.

“You just need to try, Jungkook. You’re a great guy, an amazing person. You’re so fucking smart, I’m always amazed when you talk your tech stuff. I love it. You’re so sweet, such a gentleman, they don’t make em’ like you anymore, it’s such a shame.”

His teeth nibble into his bottom lip so hard, trying not to break at your heartfelt words. The genuinity and sweetness seeping through the seams. He can feel it. He knows it. He’s not as strong as he is because tears eventually slip out from the corners of his eyes.

You pause with a deep sigh before speaking up once more, taking one step close to his side once again, but you don’t take his hand, you don’t come any closer. It feels as if you’ve put some invisible boundary and he so badly wants to reach out to you, to take your hands into his, but he knows he doesn’t deserve to.

“To answer your stupid ass questions from earlier, I stayed after that day because I liked what I saw and what I got to know the more I stuck around.” There’s a sternness to you, as if you’re chiding some kid who doesn’t know any better and the heated gaze you're giving him, he can’t handle it. Unable to look you in the eyes anymore because he can see the betrayal, the disappointment and sadness in them. It makes him sick to his stomach.

Jungkook didn’t think he’d ever see that look from you and he hates himself for putting it there.

“I wanted you in my life. I felt like I needed you in it because life would be better and it is because I’m not as happy when I’m not around you, you know. You make me feel that way.” The corners of your lips tug up into a smile and he feels like falling to his knees because he misses it. Feels as if it’s been forever since he’s last seen it.

“You make me feel that way too. You’re the only one.” Jungkook says in an abrupt manner and he wants to say more but he can’t. He doesn’t know what to say or do to make this all better. He fucked up and he hates himself for ever doubting you when all you’ve ever been is kind unlike anyone else in his life.

“Well, right now you make me feel like I’m such a shitty person for simply being friends with you. For wanting to be around you. I’m not like those other people. The fact that you’d think I don’t actually care about you hurts and it makes me feel like you don’t even trust me at all.”

It’s like a punch to the gut and it’s getting harder to breathe. You’re slipping right through his fingers and he knows it. Jungkook never meant to make you feel this way. In the heat of the moment, he let himself take it out on you, all his personal doubts, worries and insecurities.

“I do!.” He nearly shouts, reaching out to you but you push his touch away before he could grasp you with a step back.

“You really don’t if you assumed the worst in me, like you do with everyone else.” You fire back in a huff and glossy eyes.

“I-I didn’t mea-“ Jungkook shakes his head rapidly, and when you attempt to walk away from him, he grasps your wrist tightly.

He can’t stand to let you leave. Not now when he wants you, desperately needs you. You’re like his lifeline and he’s trying so hard to hold onto it.

“Wait!. Please don’t go.” He pleads, desperately so and gently tugging you back towards him.

“I’m- fuck! I’m so sorry. I just- you’re the only good thing I have. You’re all I want and I don’t want to lose you.” His arms wrap around you, holding you close against him as if this is the last time you’ll ever see each other and you melt in his strong hold, caressing the back of head gently. It breaks you and more tears slip out of your eyes.

“You won’t.” You softly murmur into his ear.

“Then please don’t leave.” He squeezes you a bit tighter, not wanting to let you go just yet. All he wants is to bask in your comforting touch and sweet scent that always calms him.

“I just needed some fresh air to calm down, Jungkook.” You murmured softly and when he pulls apart from you, you see his red shimmering eyes in despair. It doesn’t do good to your already frail heart. Seeing him hurt and downhearted isn’t something you ever want to see again. He doesn’t deserve the heartache and pain he’s had to deal with.

Jungkook clears his throat, licking his lips before attempting to speak up.

“I’m sorry I was being a fucking idiot and targeting you like that. It was just-
 someone said something and I clearly didn’t take it well. I’m so sorry for doubting you and our friendship. It was so stupid.”

You already forgave him and you knew deep down he didn’t actually mean it. It only stemmed from his worries and insecurities. It only saddened you because he doesn’t deserve to feel that way and you hate how people of his past have shaped him into thinking that he isn’t good enough. It’s not his fault.

“Everything’s okay. It did hurt that you were thinking that way, but I do understand you. I’m always gonna be here Jungkook and I'm not going anywhere either, even if you try to convince me otherwise.” You cup his face gently, passion burning in your eyes when you look at him to make him understand how deeply rooted your words and feelings are for him.

“You always put up with me and my stupid, miserable and insecure shit. Don’t you ever get tired of me?.” He then says, shaking his head as he looks down at the marble flooring below him.

“It’s not stupid. I’ll never get tired of you Jungkook.”

You could never get tired of seeing his handsome face nor simply being around his comforting presence. He’s all you want and need and there’s nothing else in the world you could possibly want more. You love everything about him. The good and the bad.

“Also I’m sure your co-workers only give you a hard time because they're secretly jealous of you. You’re an amazing person and you have great potential underneath your boring old English teacher aesthetic, no offense. Because babe, it’d be you on every billboard in the city and not just me.” You say with a proud smile on your lips and he could only chuckle, shaking his head at your words.

“Look, you don’t need people like that in your life anyways. They suck and they don’t deserve to know Jeon Jungkook. The smart, sweet and undeniably handsome guy that I have the pleasure of knowing.” You take his chin between your fingers and place a sweet kiss upon his cheek. It stirs butterflies in his stomach and sends his heart racing. He knows you only give him cheek kisses in a platonic manner, but it always gets him and makes him fall more for you each time. It’s sweet and he absolutely loves you.

“I wish I knew you throughout my early days. Middle school, high school and even college. It was just so fucking hard until I met you.” Jungkook admits, gazing down at you so lovingly. His hand finds yours and squeezes it gently before bringing it up to his lips where he stamps his own sweet kiss to the back of your hand. It steals your breath and you melt at the heart fluttering gesture.

“What made you think that way?.” You ask out of curiosity. He’d never said anything like that before or shared those feelings with you. So for him to suddenly question you and your friendship with him was startling to say the least, because you only ever had good intentions with Jungkook. Since that first day you met and this is something you don’t ever want to mess up. He’ll always be important to you.

He seems hesitant at first, eyes drifting from yours but he complies soon after.

“I told them how we met and one of them said that was probably why you stayed with me, because you felt like you owed me your life.” A dry chuckle tumbles past his lips and he shakes his head at the silly thought.

What total assholes.

“I swear, I will punch the fuck outta everyone in that office.” You omit with a huff, anger filling you all over once again.

Jungkook laughs, squeezing your palm in his tightly so you don’t stray too far in your frustration.

“I’m serious. I would for you.” You jab a finger in his chest lightly, a steely look in your eyes as you peer up at him.

Chuckling, he pulls you along with him to the bench just a few feet away. He knows your feet probably hurt in your heels to be standing this long.

He lifts a hand to smooth the side of your hair, fingers trailing to cradle your face in admiration. It causes a heap of butterflies fluttering in your stomach and the gentleness of his touch warms you up inside and out. It’s so good. So sweet. You like how he always seems to handle you with such care. Like a delicate flower or a fine and expensive glass that’ll break at first touch.

You watch him thinking as he gazes back at you and you wonder just what it is but he doesn’t seem to mind sharing it with you once he speaks up.

“Why are you so good to me?. You’re so perfect, you know that?. So gorgeous and stunning. A literal sweetheart. You weren’t mean to me ever, not like those other girls before who thought they could boss me around before.”

The last part in particular has a brow rising in deep wonder.

“Did you get bossed around by other girls?.” You ask.

A sheepish smile lines his lips and he averts his gaze elsewhere, seemingly embarrassed by the thought.

“Sort of.”

Of course that will not fly by you as you ask further in slight irritation at the thought of other girls thinking they could take advantage of this sweet man sitting so prettily beside you.

“Who were they?. What are their names?.”

It only causes him to laugh and you like hearing it. It’s contagious and bubbly, you only want to keep him smiling and laughing.

“I’m glad you’re here with me, Y/N.” Jungkook’s eyes shine in pure bliss and he looks utterly content in the moment. As if he’s got everything he absolutely needs and nothing else matters.

For you, it’s the same feeling. Eyes matching his and you could only hope that he sees it in yours too. That deep down he actually knows just how deep it really runs for you. How much you care and love him.

“Well, where else would I possibly be?.” You let out a little chuckle.

There’s nowhere else you’d rather be.

“Milan.” He then says only for you to roll your eyes with a deep sigh.

“I thought we dropped that.”

“Why did you really stay?.” Jungkook prods further and when you meet his eyes once again you know it’s all he desperately wants to know. It’s been eating him up for a while now and he always suspected that there was more to it.

A part of you wants to drift the conversation elsewhere, try to steer his mind away from it but it won’t do any good. You only want to be honest. He trusts you after all and you don’t know when you’ll ever have the courage to tell him how you really feel. So why not now?.

With a deep breath, you calm your nerves and scoot a bit closer to him, eyes never wavering from his pleading orbs that seem to falter a bit.

“I stayed because I couldn’t imagine being so far away from you. The thought of not seeing you everyday, hearing your voice, it hurt. I love you so much. I’m in love with you Jungkook and I always want to be beside you. You mean more to me than a passing opportunity. There'll be many more in the future. But there’s only one of you and I want you more.”

He lets out a deep breath of relief he had been holding, glossed over eyes shutting for a second as he laughs a bit in elation.

“Fuck, I didn’t think I’d ever hear you say that, because I’m in love with you too, ever since the second day I saw you and we sat inside that cafe together. I didn’t think you’d ever feel the same way.” Jungkook confesses, happy to finally get out what he’s been bottling up for a long while now.

You love him back. You’re in love with him as well and Jungkook feels over the moon. He never thought you’d feel the same way or hear it from your lips. It feels amazing. It feels like a dream but he hopes that it isn’t because it’s too sweet to wake up from right now.

He feels your hand slide over his, entangling them together in your lap.

“Obviously, you’re wrong. I knew you were it for me the day you saved me.” You admit with a sweet smile.

His brows pinch confusedly at that.

“But you yelled at me because you got your outfit ruined.”

You roll your eyes with a shake of your head, a grin spread wide upon your face as you begin to explain.

“Only because I was nervous as fuck and I probably looked like a mess in front of you. I needed to look my best. Also it was Chanel!.”

Jungkook cackles loudly, unable to hold it in.

“You’re so goddamn unbelievable.”

“Shut up and kiss me.” You softly say, staring back at him with those pretty and alluring eyes of yours that has him doing exactly as you say, swallowing the lump in his throat along with his nerves.

He cups your jaw and brings you close till your lips latch onto one another. You feel soft and it’s gentle as he moves them slightly against yours. Your lips part and your tongue peeks out to swipe across his bottom lip. Jungkook groans and slips his tongue past your lips where they tangle together. It’s sensual and hot. Your taste is addictive. It’s all he ever wants to know. He pulls a moan from you as he suckles on your tongue and it gets heated very quickly. Both filled with burning passion and desire to taste as much of each other as you could.

He pants heavily against you, chest heaving and your soft moans and sighs of pleasure only spur him on to pull more from you. At this rate none of you will ever pull apart nor be able to breathe again. As much as it pains him to, Jungkook parts from you, resting his forehead against yours. A breathy whimper escapes you at the loss of contact and the sound goes straight to his hardening cock beaneath his slacks. You stare intensely back at him, sultry eyes making him want to do even more to you.

It’s so needy and he’s never seen you like this before. He likes it. He smiles, still a bit out of breath.

“You taste better than I ever imagined.” Jungkook raspily whispers and you can feel his breath across your face. You already miss his touch, his lips, his taste.

With a teasing smile, you whisper back.

“You’ve imagined this before?.”

His grin widens and he laughs a little against you.

“Course I have. You never leave my mind.”

You bite your bottom lip, trying to keep yourself together. He makes you feel all sorts of things. Your stomach and lower half always tingling whenever he so much as looks at you or touches your skin.

“Good, because you never leave mine either.”

“Now I’ll make sure I stay there forever sweetheart.” Jungkook pulls his head off yours, pecking your cheek with a sweet kiss that melts your heart.

“Let’s go back inside and show everyone how in love we really are. Also you owe me another dance.” You stand up and take his hand in yours as he moves off the bench as well.

“Screw them. I want to go back home where it’s just the two of us. I’ll slow dance with you in the living room until the night ends. Would you like to?.” He wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you close to his side and he kisses you gently once more on the lips. You’re just so damn irresistible to not kiss and hold all the time.

The sound of that is sweet and you like that, wanting to be alone with him as well.

“I’d love that very much.”

After giving you his coat to shield you from the cold, Jungkook laces his fingers with yours, leading the both of you down the hall and out the front entrance of the building with a beaming smile on his face of pure happiness.

Before the night started Jungkook didn’t think it’d end this way, but he’s so glad it did, minus the part where he let his emotions and insecurities get the best of him. Nonetheless, you’re his and he’s yours now. There’s nothing more he’s ever wanted.

It feels like everything will finally be alright. It feels like maybe for once he can actually be happy and Jungkook could only hope that it’s always Sunny and beaming bright in his world with you, that those dark clouds and gloomy skies never come again.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this! Love you all đŸ«¶đŸ»

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