Can Anybody Relate? - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Since Elliot Page just came out I started to experiece something I call “I am cool with it, but my brain hates change” again.

And it is very annoying. I have no issue with anybody coming out, transitioning, cutting their hair, choosing certain clothes, switching jobs or follwing religions, but my brain take forever to wrap aroung the fact that there is now new information about this person.

It’s like a library where every book is under a certain file and now it has to be moved into a different section and the system has to be updated that it is now there. And once all of that is done you don’t even notice anymore that it used to be somewhere else. And then one day another book has to be moved and it’s starting again. It was the same when a school friend of mine cut her hair short, it was the same when I found out that one of my coworkers told me he felt god and it was the same when a former friend of mine had his coming out to me. Everbody thinks I react weird or bad, when i am just still in processing mode. This is also why I am not great in fast situations in general. Give me a couple days time and I will get through anything that comes up with a solution and 5 backup solutions if the first one doesn’t work out but ask me for something right now and you will get nothing out of me.

Anybody else experience this “I am cool with it, but my brain hates change” feeling that information feels like it takes to long to process that it does for other people that can just say cool and move on instead of replaying the information in their head for a couple days until it is filed up/ changed to true/ clicked in?

But anyways good for Elliot Page, congrats, I will process this information in about a week because I am sick, so everything takes even longer than usual.

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