Can Love Be A Sin? - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

Vale Sphen | 2012 - 2024

The gay penguin Sphen has sadly passed away in Australia.

He was a real star, enchanting internet users and zoo visitors alike. Sphen was a gay penguin who raised two chicks together with his partner Magic. And now, at the grand age of eleven, the animal has passed away.

The gay gentoo penguin Sphen, who became known worldwide for his social life, has sadly passed away. In a heartwarming announcement, the Sea Life Aquarium in the vibrant Australian city of Sydney revealed that Sphen lived to be almost twelve years old—a remarkable lifespan for a gentoo penguin. Sphen and his partner Magic were the picture of a faithful couple, together for six years and proud adoptive parents to two adorable chicks. Sphengic and Clency.

Same Sex Penguin Power Couple - Sphen and Magic | SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium
SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium
Meet the famous same-sex penguin family Sphen, Magic and Sphengic and learn all about their journey as a gay penguin couple at SEA LIFE Sydn

Even outside the breeding season, Sphen and Magic were always together! This is unique for gentoo penguins. The influence of the penguin couple as a symbol of equality was immeasurable. Sphen and Magic made an appearance in the Netflix series 'Atypical' and were featured in books, documentaries and the New South Wales state curriculum, the aquarium recalled.

Vale Sphen | 2012 - 2024

There is no wrong sexual orientation. Everyone has a right to decide what their sexual orientation is.


In the spirit of 'equality among equals', if it is consensual, it cannot be judged by others.

Freedom is always based on a commitment to the rights of others.

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