Can Not Be Tolerated - Tumblr Posts

4 months ago

Callout to report this acount:

 Callout To Report This Acount:

Tumblr doesn't allow to me mention the acc because I've already block it, but fortunately I had printed this acc, so here we go

In Sunday, this person came to my private message box and sent me messages saying they like my blog, if I was OK with chatting with them and at 1st ofc I didn't see anything wrong with that until they asked my age and

 Callout To Report This Acount:
 Callout To Report This Acount:

I blocked them after they wished me to be """intimate friends"""" even after I said I had a boyfriend. I was scared and this situation got me pretty down but then I brushed it off. Until today a friend of mine came to me saying this acc talked to them too and it was even WORSE. My friend asked me to not show their name, but they allowed me to share the screens hots of their conversation

they told the ACC they were a MINOR
 Callout To Report This Acount:

And the worst parts

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 Callout To Report This Acount:
 Callout To Report This Acount:

That disgusting 34 years old just said they wanted to kiss a 13 years old teenager... this can't be tolerated. I ask everyone to rb and help stop this predator, please.

Edit: I found out this guy harassed another 3 of my friends here, and everyone is from TADC fandom, I think that pedo thinks everyone in the fandom is a kid or teenager and saw that as his opportunity. I hope everyone realize the seriousness of this situation, because he could have done even worse things like asking photos to someone younger (and getting it) and God knows what else this guy does.

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