Candy's Reblogs - Tumblr Posts - Page 4
since tumblr won’t let me rb the video for this post, here’s joel saying “grian” in jimmy’s recent stream with the same concerned tone as when he said it in last life
reblog this if your blog is a safe space on april fools and won’t have any jumpers, screamers, or anything scary or anxiety inducing
coords for mcyt art on r/place if you want to help protect them:

(192, 902)

(849, 613)

(875, 573)

(250, 292)

(134, 152)
shout out to the guy adding blush to all of the hermits. thank you for doing a service

Hermitcraft on r/place - the story so far (1/4/2022)

(Tweet from Wels)
(Because I am currently obsessed with this. Keep in mind r/place is an extremely large collaboration open to every Reddit user and thus it's very hard to summarise, and every user likely has a different experience. This is also exceedingly dramatic because the discord chat is strategising real hard rn)
Basically, r/place is Reddit's April Fools joke for 2022 (it launched in 2017). It's a large pixel canvas in which users can place a single pixel every 5 minutes. This time, it'll last for three days until April 5th midnight (Eastern time). Naturally, r/HermitCraft decided to get going and leave their spot and be preserved in Internet history.
1. The Beginning + Alliance with MCC
Ever since r/place was announced, the Reddit was buzzing with energy. Plans were made and a logo was decided to represent the Hermitcraft community. Three pixels for every hermit plus our logo- seems simple and sweet, right?

... Obviously, if you can tell, it didn't last. However, what did last is our everlasting alliance with the MCC Reddit :D MCC Reddit established their stuff (zombie, chicken, MCC logo) right next to us early on and began to defend Hermitcraft's logo. In the beginning, MCC's live chat was full of people fixing the logo whenever it got griefed :)
The green "craft" and the line of hermit pixels were abandoned and the top bit was expanded to include "Hermitcraft", which became our primary area to defend for a good few hours. The "craft" initially expanded into Brazil's area, but that was sorted out and the Hermitcraft and the large Brazil flag managed to co-exist.
But everything changed when the GME line attacked.
2. Attack of the GME (and Tiny Brazil Flags)
So to recap, GME is Gamestock, aka the Reddit that made news by sucking money from hedgefunds. They have their spot below us (with Argentina and Love Live in between), with their green line (representing stocks) skyrocketing to the moon- which also cleanly slices through our HC logo (seen threatening the Gem face in the pic from Wels' tweet).
GME wanted their green line to go through. Hermitcraft didn't want their logo to be split. Thus ensued a fierce battle of pixel placing, green vs black. MCC Reddit, fairly settled in, helped with the defence. However, while forces were distracted, the tiny Brazil flags (next to their large flag) kept on expanding- and ended up consuming the MCC chicken's legs. Oh no!
The HC-MCC alliance (in the MCC live chat and HC Reddit discord) was in a panic. The chicken and the HC logo were both threatened. But then suddenly, something popped up to replace the chicken legs- a simple Keralis face. This caused some confusion because the HC-MCC alliance weren't supposed to grief each other and the HC side of the alliance did not plan the Keralis head. So some other HC groups must had done that. Well, MCC Reddit reckoned, it's better to have a Keralis head instead of tiny Brazil flags. This, combined with the Etho head existing below, started a whole new wave of Hermitcraft movement.
3. Order of the Hermit Heads
Hermitcraft community, upon seeing Keralis and Etho, decided to add more heads. Mumbo was the first to appear (quite expected, considering his popularity), then Grian, then Stress, and it just snowballed on and on. The Hermit Heads expanded into the tiny Brazil flags territory, bordered by the GME line which stopped right below the logo thanks to efforts to defend it. Considering we were taking up someone else's space, we were conscious of the tension. There was also major confusion on which hermit they were currently making, with the HC Reddit discord having different opinions from the HC place Reddit livechat, not to mention all the rouge Redditors (affiliated with neither group) going ham and making their own posts. Despite that, slowly but surely, 9 hermit heads formed - Keralis, Mumbo, Stress, Etho, Grian, Scar, Impulse, Tango, and Bdubs. Yes, the faces are one pixel off. Yes, no one cares at this point.
But then came the important question- where to expand to next? To the right was the GME line and tiny Brazil flags, and after replacing so many Brazil flags we were afraid of retaliation. To the south were Argentina's tiny flags, and we were unwilling to start conflict with another country. Meanwhile, DotA2 (red squares above us) were starting to get eaten by Brazil flags. They shared a border with us, but we were too preoccupied to worry about them.
Conflict was inevitable. Negotiations were needed.
4. Alliances and Truces
This was around the time when people from other servers came flying in to start conversations. Ahh, diplomacy. The initial agreement with Brazil was that we would expand till our side of the GME line. As for Argentina, they said they would prefer us not to expand, but we added a line of Hermit heads anyway (Doc, Wels, X) and they were fine with it. A shaky alliance with the two countries were now established. This was also around the time when Brazil and Argentina saw a collaboration in the form of a heart between their large flags (which is cute tbh). Our mural would be dead if either decided to attack.
Love Live (the anime girl [Ruby Kurosawa] next to the big Argentina flag) popped in to establish contact, we would touch neither of our areas but would go against GME line (which the girl is holding as a pole) if they got aggressive. Love Live is apparently besties with Argentina and they're watching us closely lest we expand too much further down.
At some point our red DotA2 neighbour from above suddenly destroyed their GME line (giving us hope), but just as suddenly they got utterly annihilated by tiny Brazil flags. Was Brazil expanding? HC Reddit was panicking once again.
5. State of the Neighbours
Have no idea how or where to add it but here it is (without much reference to timeframe. It all blurs together).
SpaceX to the left became Sexy Sex.
MCC Reddit started to add Dream and CPK above the MCC logo, then a larger Fruitberries on top. Subsequently, Block Wars logo was placed next to Fruit and a smaller Illumina on top (MCC Reddit LOVES their Fruitninja).
MCC Reddit also secured their Noxcrew logo, with presumably HC forces adding a purple Watcher logo below.
Blue shadows were FINALLY added onto the logo which people have been desperate for. It took a long time because people were anxious about the GME line and were furiously defending the logo, so everytime a shadow pixel popped up it was IMMEDIATELY replaced.
More hermit heads were added, with Gem and Jellie being prominent.
6. Battle for Gem
Despite the hermit heads coming merrily along, the threat from the beginning was still present and more menacing than ever. A Gem face was constructed right below the logo and straight into where the GME line would invade. Thus started a fierce battle to defend the mural of a certain Miss Geminitay. It appeared neither side would give up. Talks with GME were needed.
Redirect the green line? Portal it? Or wait for GME to give up?
After a tough hour or so, Hermitcraft Reddit managed to hold the line back, but its presence remained somewhat of a threat.
7. Rogue Redditors
GME appeared to be tired of fighting. Not much contact had been made with DotA2 from above but also nothing had happened. Brazil and Argentina were currently okay with our hermit heads given we don't expand. In addition, allies were being established with the Techno shrine and DSMP heads from all over in the left corner. They were being attacked by a plague of amongus and required help (it's seriously terrifying). As fellow MCYT fans, HC Reddit felt obligated to help out, however the situation at home was still tense.
"Do not expand," they said. "Hold. Defend. We cannot afford more."
So what happened? Of course other people fucking expanded hermit heads.
We agreed not to go below Doc, Wels, and X. So people started building Iskall and Ren below. Rogue redditors were expanding and making new posts asking people to help them WITHOUT consulting either HC Reddit or HC place chat. Because the consensus in discord was that we should NOT expand as that would destroy our allies. We stood no chance against Argentina/Brazil, and they could annihilated our entire mural if they so pleased. So we were anxious to preserve peace and the border but people kept on expanding and nobody could stop them.
If you want to help out, join the HC Reddit Discord server, active discussion has been going on in #other-spoilers. Please do NOT attempt to coordinate attempts on your own, especially when it comes to expansion. We cannot afford to be attacked by subreddits bigger than us. Our mural would cease to exist. Please don't be greedy. I understand the need to have all hermits be represented but we're also looking like an aggressor rn and we DO NOT WANT THAT. We do not have enough power. We need to fly under the radar. If you have to place a pixel, defend what we already have. DO NOT EXPAND.
I'm losing my mind over here so pardon mistakes/inaccuracies blah blah, also thanks for reading.... whatever this is lmao
Hermitcraft on r/place — Dawn of the Second Day (2/4/2022)
(An even longer summary)

First day here!
(Once again obligatory disclaimer that this is made extremely dramatic and is about Reddit pixel geopolitics. I am speaking from the point of view of a Hermitblr main who is suddenly active in the HC Reddit Discord server. Even within the discord, we're divided and I won't lie and say I'm not biased. Also I certainly do not know everything that goes on, times might be a little blurred, etc etc.)
Copying the summary from the last post: Basically, r/place is Reddit’s April Fools joke for 2022 (it launched in 2017). It’s a large pixel canvas in which users can place a single pixel every 5 minutes. This time, it’ll last for three days until April 5th midnight (Eastern time). Naturally, r/HermitCraft decided to get going and leave their spot and be preserved in Internet history.
1. The Hermit Ensemble + The Calm Before the Storm
As a person living in the European timezone, I woke up to find all 26 hermits (+ Jellie and Nugget) have been built. Was also pleasantly surprised to see a hardcore heart, Last Life hearts and cute hearts between the owners and their pets. Our MC neighbours had also expanded, and best of all, our longtime nemesis (read: for a day), the GME (Gamestock) line, was appeased by our purple portals so it wouldn't cut through our beloved logo.

(Image from this Reddit post, note that the hardcore heart is half-constructed next to the Watcher symbol)
While it looked amazing, tensions were rising. As discussed in the previous post, we were carefully maintaining our borders as not to expand too much. I was present for the downward expansion into Love Live (red-haired girl) and Argentina territory, and LL wanted us to keep the pixel art for the top of their head (seen bordering an upside-down Pearl below Scar). While a couple of us helped maintain the line, we eventually gave up and LL accepted it. Apparently Brazil ceded us some of their tiny flags during the night so we built Xb, Zed and Hypno, but in the morning apparently mini Brazil was not affiliated with Big Flag Brazil, and they were the rogues.
2. Who's contributing to Hermitcraft Place?
It must be said that the Reddit discord itself is very much split. After lots of panicking about the rogue Redditors expanding, many joined the discord to communicate. I'm biased as hell but I'll try to briefly summarise the main types of people:
1. The Expansionist
More murals! More heads! More hermits! We can also build heads from Empires or Last Life! Surely Brazil and Argentina don't need their tiny flags because they have their big ones, and our pixel art adds more "value" to the canvas. We can ask them for more space! (Note: this type is commonly what we call the "rogues", however they argued they might be the majority instead, so it depends on how you see it)
2. The Defensive
Uhh, guys? Let's not expand anymore. We barely managed a truce with GME and Brazil. HOLD THE LINE. We need to fix our logo whenever it becomes Kermitcraft or Hermitcrapt (both of these jokes stopped being funny after being replaced five thousand times). We should fix our heads whenever they get griefed.
Then we also have different views on our neighbours:
3. The Distrustful
Brazil is SO gonna attack us because we took their tiny flags. We must man the border and be wary. We cannot focus on anything else! Also the *shudders* void might come for us! We cannot afford to slip up! Protect what we have at all costs!
(The Void is a griefing subcommunity (??) that exists within the r/place ecosystem, basically they spam black blocks to destroy anything. Think of it as the apocalypse to our hermit mural. It's our greatest fear, the everlurking feeling of death and despair. You might've heard of the Blue Corner and the Green Lattice which are similar but not as aggressive. The Void is scary. We're not scared of the Lattice or the Corner.)
4. The Diplomat / The Appeaser
We can give Brazil back some of their tiny flags because we got every hermit down already. We don't need to expand, we need to make PEACE with our neighbours so they won't backstab us. We need excellent contacts and mutual pacts of non-aggression. Don't be greedy.
5. The Helpful
We must help DSMP when they're invaded by the void/ amongi. Also, lots of our smaller allies are being consumed and we should use our pixels to repair their works! Gotta be helpful!
Needless to say communication is getting more and more difficult, but we managed surprisingly well. After all, we got EVERY SINGLE HERMIT on the board and we defended ourselves against the bigger GME community. However, not everyone was so lucky.
3. Fall Of Our Allies (rip)
Lots of smaller communities had (note the past tense) taken up residence next to Hermitcraft. Some we had swallowed (rip MCC chicken, rip OwO/ UwU Unikitty that we helped to recolate downwards), some we were strongly allied with (MCC), and some that were barely surviving.
Shoot or Run was a small Hypixel community that set up next to us, they made a few heads next to our leftmost row of hermits. They made an axolotl which was HEAVILY mistaken for Xisuma, and people had to wrangle them into not griefing. Unfortunately, they died, leaving behind several spaces that we were keeping as backup / open space for negotiation. You can still see the axolotl in the first pic; we kept it as tribute to our fallen ally. RIP SOR, 2k22. We are loyal to our Minecraft sphere to the bitter end.
Skyrim was another smaller community struggling to get their dragon in place around the SpaceX area. They called for our assistance, we tried to help, but their red dragon was also unfortunately dissolved.
HYPE (??) was a four letter word to the left of Cub, we were wrangling rogues into NOT expanding next to Cub. I don't know anything about HYPE but felt the need to defend it. Whenever people tried expanding, we would call out "HELP THE E" and fix the pixels. HYPE was then devoured by North Macedonia, the yellow/red striped flag below them, and we were spread too thin to help our beloved HYPE.
SpaceX aka Sex Sex or Sexy Sex wanted to reform. We supported them, however their logo would require piercing through some of our hardcore hearts and they might take the Scott that we hastily slapped on to prevent Generik from being on the board (since he burnt bridges with a lot of hermits). But instead of making it SpaceX, they changed their design to stop the Sexy Griefing (okay this term is funny), and ended up not intruding into Scott or the hearts. So it's all cool with Sex Sex.
Wheatley is the pixel art to the left of our mural. We encroached on a bit of their border and once again tried to stop expansion. It's still kind of there, but the rapidly rising North Macedonia is threatening its existence.
Love Live is... intact. Nothing much happened after we resolved the Pearl-Ruby border (wait, they're both gem names, nice). In this case, no news is good news.
Pretty sure we swallowed a copper ingot in our westward expansion, but it got relocated so it's all good.
DSMP, which is apparently organised in the Technoblade discord, was doing well against the void and amongi. We kept a careful eye on them because we have similar murals of Minecraft heads. If anything happened to them, it might happen to us. The subject of the DSMP mural is quite interesting because HC Reddit Discord is not as enthusiastic about DSMP than, let's say, tumblr. However, we understand that we are fellow MCYT fans and we are making murals promoting our servers. We are sisters and must be allied even if we are far from each other. HC Discord might not be a fan of DSMP, but they understand we are united to leave our mark in r/place history. Also people think it's just sad to see them get obliterated by amongi. They might not like DSMP, but they dislike amongus even more.
4. Movements Around the Camp
So Brazil had its rogues, Hermitcraft had its rogues, and Taiwan (directly above Brazil) also had its rogues. Mini Taiwan flags (the rogues unaffiliated with the Big Taiwan Flag) took up where DotA2 died yesterday, which bordered MCC. We watched them with concern, but then mini Taiwan and mini Brazil (both rogues apparently??) started fighting among themselves. A representative from Big Taiwan Flag came to say they meant peace and proposed working with HC to control mini Taiwan and use mini Taiwan's area for pixel art. However, Taiwan had no borders with HC, only MCC, so we redirected them to the MCC livechat.
The GME line was also being ruined inexplicably, and while HC fought ruthlessly against the expansion of the line, we had grown used to our old enemy. HC would not stand a chance if GME attacked, so we had to keep peace with them. We started repairing the damned line to maintain peace in the region.
In an effort towards peace, a tiny pink heart was made below Hypno bordering mini Brazil. Big Brazil Flag also announced they wanted to take over the mini Brazil flags (which were getting dangerously close to our eastern Hermits) with pixel art, and seeing it as an option for peace, we happy agreed. Diplomats from Brazil were freely chatting in our discord. So a beautiful blue macaw was built standing above our logo with help from HC. All seemed well.
The rest of Brazil attacked.
5. The Brazil-Hermitcraft Crisis / Struggle for Stability
People have been worried about Brazil for ages. From the beginning when their mini flags swallowed half of our initial design, forcing us to extend our "craft" into their territory, to when sneaky green pixels infiltrated our eastern hermit border of Xb, Zed and Hypno. Affectionately named "mold", we fought to restore the hermits. The last letter of "Hermitcraft" was also occasionally poked and prodded, but otherwise the logo remained untouched.
It is possible we got away with our eastern expansion because Brazil was asleep. So when they woke up, some of them were unhappy with the three hermit heads breaching the GME line, especially when the initial agreement was that HC would stick to the left of GME (but we ran out of space). They began to invade our heads AND our logo, and discord started panicking about an attack. They also wanted to put a head of their Brazilian MCYT, which I actually quite like as it bridges the gaps between Brazil and HC. Brazilian diplomats poured in to negotiate while HC Discord remained divided and very, very fearful.
Many of us were angry that Brazil was invading when we'd helped them with their pixel art bird. Brazil was angry that we encroached on their territory while they were sleeping. Since SOR was dead (RIP), and HYPE was also killed, we actually had enough space to retreat to the West and bring our three hermit heads there. However, that was widely agreed as our last resort, and we were holding onto those patches of land for negotiation. But then a lot of our Western allies were either dead or didn't want to expand anymore, so theoretically it was feasible to move. However, HC was extremely conscious of the logo invasion. Half of the logo stuck into Brazil. To us, the logo was our core. It was the only remnant of our original design, our original goal. It also bordered MCC and we would NOT give them up. The main Brazil faction actually told us they were not coordinating to get to our logo, but some random people / trolls / people who were mad were doing so.
HC was torn. To retreat, or not to retreat? Initially, people didn't like the idea of moving. Tensions mounted and spats between the two sides flew back and forth. Efforts were made to calm everyone down. Ironic how HC was concerned with rogue Brazil invading the logo when Brazil had no control, just like rogue HC creating Iskall bordering Argentina when HC had no control. Brazil and HC discords could NOT control their rogue counterparts, and the mutual frustration appeared to make things slightly better.
In the end, HC agreed to retreat to the graves of SOR and HYPE, but Brazil would NEVER touch the logo (except for the rogues they couldn't control). This was the best solution, and thus began the mass migration of our beloved Xb Zed and Hypno heads. HC discord was practically shouting to make sure everybody understood which spot we were moving them into. At the same time, the rogue attacks on our logo remained relentless, which meant we had to take care of defence and migration at the same time. North Macedonia was also NOT helping by steadily encroaching on LL's hair. Despite the shaky agreement, tensions remained high. People were extremely jittery as they moved, pixel by pixel, the hermits to the West. We also had to shout towards HC Reddit to STOP rogue efforts there.

To make matters worse, our sister community DSMP was facing a void invasion again. We helplessly watched as pixel by pixel, their Minecraft heads vanished into the void. Calls were made to help DSMP, but HC had just narrowly avoided a war and was now very anxious. Our forces were spread thin and we could not afford to aid DSMP at the moment.
At the very least Brazil seemed pleased. They were relieved that we came to an agreement. We also complained about our rogues and said to look out for each other's borders.
We frantically moved our pixels while sending anxious looks at our discord servers, and then suddenly-
A flash of white.
6. A New World
The Reddit Gods fucking expanded the canvas and added more colours. Brazil, which was to the extreme right, was suddenly free to expand more. Hermitcraft was suddenly in the center of the map. There was a whole new canvas to explore and mark, brand new, completely unexpected. The entire game had changed. The world had turned upside down. Seemingly infinite resources appeared in the blink of an eye.
I have never been more frustrated with the inability to swear in the HC discord.
What the actual fuck.
After a tense negotiation with Brazil, we suddenly saw that Brazil was very much free to go right. People started yelling at them to go (lmao). Brazil rogue forces stopped attacking our logo and favoured eastern expansion. Hermitcraft discord practically EXPLODED, brimming with nervous energy and excitement.
What happens now? The area just got expanded to twice of its size. If Brazil moved, we would suddenly gain a large canvas to work on. The new colours meant we could add better shading for all hermits. What do we do now? And oh FUCK, we're in the middle of the canvas, we might be a target of void, oh no oh no-
Efforts were made to wrangle everyone together. The mood between Brazil and HC instantly relaxed, with talks of creating a collab to show goodwill. Meanwhile, Brazil was going ham and marking their newfound territory. Braincells were being bounced around like crazy.
Expansionists were shot down because our forces were barely able to hold our murals. Our minds were a bit boggled by the sheer increase of free land, but we had to stay focused. We had to lay low and keep ourselves from being a target. Also, we had to wait for the situation to stabilise. We should be grateful for all that we managed to hold on the second day.
DSMP, being eaten by the void, was another thing that popped up. People suggested moving them next to us to form a whole MCYT sphere, but that was also shot down because two areas of Minecraft heads next to each other would be a GIGANTIC target, especially with the "Minecraft is cringe" rhetoric. It would be best to separate for our mutual survival.
Needless to say everybody on r/place absolutely LOST IT when they saw the canvas had expanded.
7. Settling In (Again)
After some time, people started to settle in the new world. Designs were made to make a heart with Brazil, who was having their time of their lives expanding- and fighting the void there. o7 Brazil, keep standing!
HC slowly but surely started improving the colours and shadows on the hermit heads. More projects were made on the new side of the canvas, including MCC team icons at 1790, 120. You love to see it!
Shoot or Run is apparently miraculously alive (or came back from the dead), good thing we saved that axolotl for them! :D
Macedonia, who swallowed our allies HYPE and OwO (rip), was suddenly nuked. Reportedly, negotiations had failed between Macedonia and Love Live (I'll give you a sec for the hilarity of the statement to settle in, discord found it funny), and now all of our allies are nuking Macedonia. Love Live persuaded us to help by promising us the blue spot of Macedonia's future but inevitable grave, and I think HC wants to build EvilX or Ely.
As I'm writing this, Macedonia recently got destroyed, and SpaceX just sent us a draft of the territories each neighbour would gain. The Macedonia situation cracks me up because they refused to communicate and started expanding so every neighbour started shitting on them LMAO. And now they're gone <3
I have no idea how accurate the map below is but it is SO FUNNY to me. We're dissecting the grave of Macedonia. We're bringing Hype back, SpaceX is no longer Sexy, Nano is floating below us, Hermitcraft and Love Live are allies. Geopolitics amirite?

Also Fuck Cars is apparently fighting with Brazil (our NEW ALLY with our CUTE NEW HEART). Their road just cut through Brazil, rip. Brazil is also our ally if the void comes for us. To our great relief, DSMP is also standing tall and proud with beautiful golden borders and the amongi/ void threat is gone... for now.
The new canvas certainly created new dynamics. I've written too much about this and will be calling it a day.
Again, if you want to contribute, DO NOT EXPAND ON YOUR OWN. Please join the HC Reddit discord. Pop by to defend our main area and don't attack our neighbours! GME and Brazil, two of our ex-biggest threats, are chill rn. We would like to keep it that way.
Have fun <3 also thanks for reading this monstrosity. I don't know if I can keep this up.
Hermitcraft on r/place - Bets Against The Void (3/4/2022) Day 3 Part 1

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Part 2
Writing these take a lot of effort so I'm not writing another disclaimer or intro to r/place lol. Please read the previous two posts linked above. This is DAY THREE of HERMITCRAFT PLACE and it would end tomorrow at 5pm GMT, so the Europeans would be our final line of defence! HOLD TILL THE END!
This might become a part 1 / part 2 thing because so much is changing and this post is getting way too long.
Very quick updates on what to do, please join Discord for live updates:
1. DO NOT EXPAND OR MOVE MAIN HC AREA. We are friendly / neutral with most of our neighbours rn
2. Keep blushies on all hermits. It saves us. Do not blush the non-HC Etho
3. Mumbo's eyes are two black pixels, do not add white
4. Do not change Dimden dev border to black (it's to the left of HC mural)
5. Xisuma's eyes are meant to be purple
6. No Grian moustache
That's about it so far. This might become outdated VERY quickly so it's best to go in Discord if you're really invested. Okay here we go! Quick recap from the night of Day 2 (European timezone):
1. Battle for Mindustry
H3, which was to our left and next to no-longer-sexy SpaceX, decided to invade its neighbours. Lions, Bear Down, SpaceX, and Mindustry (the little grey squares and the large grey mural to the right) were allied against their common enemy. Hermitcraft, truced with SpaceX and Mindustry, decided to help protect. We engaged in warfare by placing grey pixels in H3's chaotic zone of purple and white. Unfortunately, after a tough battle, H3 won and swallowed LIONS and the left bit of Mindustry's mural.

HC Discord was once again torn on what to do with H3, which (to us) appeared to have a lot of immature people and botting going on. Some wanted to appease them. Some wanted to fight the good fight with Mindustry. Some just wanted to ignore them.
2. Brazil - enemies to friends <3
So, with Brazil moving to the East, the Void in the center-right could cause troubles. Brazil was combating the Void pretty well, and could act as a shield for HC. In return, HC also placed pixels when Brazil's right flag was being eroded. The blue bird on the HC logo was made prettier with the extra colours with flowers sprouting (it's actually my favourite bit in this piece so far <3).
HC soon suggested to draw a branch to better connect the bird and the logo. Brazil was initially hesitant but was cool when we showed them our pixel art. After all, peace with Brazil was hard sought.
The Void (presumably) also attacked fellow MCYT mural 2b2t to our northeast, but was quickly put down with HC placing a few pixels. MCYT murals stick together!
The GME line had also became a constant. It was crucial in maintaining peace between Brazil and HC. Also HC was the only community that could stand up to GME and had the line "pass through" instead of going around like for 2b2t :D
3. Friends!
Our left corner DSMP friends appeared to be surviving well despite... whatever that was going on there. A small patch of MCC team icons and MCC coin appeared near the upper right corner, surrounded by similarly sized murals :D The 3rd Life / Last Life community (a lot of them on tumblr) was also reaching out to build a tiny Dogwarts flag nestled between Portugal and the Wall Street Bets guy (note that the guy is blond and the Dogwarts flag is next to the hand - fitting, isn't it?). The area expanded to include a Pizza banner and there was a struggle to hold the Fwhip head. Peace was apparently established and no murals were majorly invaded.
By the time I went to bed, Hermitcraft seemed fairly secure. We were still anxious about the H3 situation but they had no plans to go towards our area.
When I woke up, the void came.
4. Threat of the Void / Streamers
Main Hermitcraft area was intact, but there were slight changes. For one, MCC's HBG sign was replaced by a large W (apparently a truce had been made), HBomb's head was built right above Fruit (something something Blue9 something), H3 had completely established themselves, and more flowers were added to the Brazil-HC bird border. Macedonia had relocated, so SpaceX / Wheatley / Nano could safely exist.
However when one zoomed out, many areas were suffering from or recovering from a major attack.
Star Wars to our left was notably decimated by void (??) following their valiant battle against Amongus yesterday. Madoka Magica was reportedly repairing their murals. The American (?? It's unrecognizable to me) flag below Turkey was also attacked. There was a mild scare of void at Italy (Italy was to our northwest, beyond MCC and H3), but that was quickly taken care of. The area right below 2b2t and above our ally Taiwan was attacked with void and we sent in reinforcements. We coordinated with 2b2t to take care of it. While some HC people were distrusting of 2b2t, it was agreed that we were both MC sever murals and thus we were sort of obliged to help each other out.
Now onto our closest allies. Eastern Brazil was attacked with purple void, and it also became a concern of us. First of all, Brazil and HC were finally peacefully coexisting, and second of all, Brazil would be our shield against the purple void or whatever void from the right. Brazil could NOT fall.
The MCC secondary area at the upper right hand corner also suffered from a nasty attack of purple void, but when I came to, it was mostly repaired, so good job MCC people!
The situation at DSMP's lower left corner remained turbulent as always. We continued to keep a close eye.
Tensions were high when several streamers announced they might launch coordinated attacks. DSMP's blushes ended up being an excellent defensive strategy and they (and us) were spared by a French streamer wrecking havoc in blue corner because they looked too cute and the streamer called us "cutie patooties". Thus, Hermitcraft suddenly became blush positive because it kept us alive.
There was an entire civil conflict over Etho's blushes. r/ethoslab were very against the blushes because they wanted to pay respect to how Etho never changed his skin, but people kept on adding the blushes. Since r/ethoslab owns two Ethos, they were fine with HC Etho having blushes (since it saves us all) because their other Etho is blushless. Either way, the blushes saved us all from the French streamer. Imagine hearing the sentence "We are pro-blush, it saved DSMP from the French" and it makes perfect sense. Wild.
All in all, the main HC area seemed to be in a pretty secure strategic location. Our south and east were guarded by our big allies Argentina/ Love Live and Brazil. Love Live attempted to get their pink logo on Argentina's flag and Argentina was helping them, but bots were erasing their efforts. LL asked for help and HC accepted, however they eventually seemed to give up on the logo. Either way, the ties between LL and HC remained. Brazil was currently besties with HC, aside from the occasional Kermitcrapt trolling, our murals remained fine. Expansions to Brazil were furiously shot down as were suggestions to move the logo to the West. HC could NEVER betray or backstab MCC. It was simply unthinkable.
To our north was MCC, and above that were medium sized murals. Our northeast included Taiwan and 2b2t, whom we were friendly / neutral with (Taiwan started pixel art about their 101 tower and boba tea, it's so cute). Northwest included the now shrunken Mindustry, H3, NASA SpaceX Rocket Lab (now free from sexy griefing), and a little further was the large flag of Italy. To the west was still Wheatley. The area seemed stable. Our old enemy GME line actually proved to be useful when the line provided a border between potential void attacks and our allies. Nether portals were also added to the intersection between the logo and the line which was a nice Minecrafty touch while paying respect to the line. Everything seemed peaceful. Hermitcraft could actually afford to aid our allies from far away!
5. For Our Allies!
Wynncraft had set up above the right edge of India on a white canvas. Their mural was their logo. Allyship was established because of obvious connections. However, Wynncraft was attacked by Finland apparently and maybe other nordic countries. Their logo was being wiped out. In a state of panic, Wynncraft asked for our assistance. HC Discord tried, but alas. The logo was gone, and Wynncraft started relocated. Last time I heard of them, they would try to build at the bottom left of OSU. Good luck!
3rd Life area was under occasional griefing from Portugal, but Portugal had agreed to respect them, so perhaps it were rogues looking to expand. 3rd Life loyally held onto their banners and their Fwhip and Jimmy heads, but the "aha" and spyglass to the right suffered. The WSB guy was also half-vanishing, but hopefully 3rd Life remained a small enough area so it wouldn't pose a threat.
Jojo, in charge of the "To Be Continued" sign at the bottom left (aka DSMP area), reached out to us, and we accepted. Jojo was trying to restore the Windows logo at the very bottom left corner. It would be wise to have more allies to help out our fellow DSMP mural by Technocord. DSMP then suffered from an attack under bots and we rushed to their defence, frantically salvaging their heads. DSMP area was successfully defended once again.
6. Expand VS Defend - The Neverending Civil Conflict
Once we were settled in, of course people wanted to expand again. Somebody wanted to add a r/ to the left of our logo, which was IMMEDIATELY shot down because we would GUARD MCC's chicken. Keralis had already taken over their legs. Hurting MCC would be like hurting ourselves. It was once again an effort to wrangle people into NOT expanding towards our allies. HOLD THE BORDER!
Expansion was heavily discouraged as were major changes (even changing the hair colour of hermits needed coordinating, seen with Cleo's new red hair). Our task was fixing pixels and shouting at people to not do certain things (eg. change X's eyes to white when they should stay purple). Grian's moustache was also a constant battle as it was seen was wasting pixels. We could not afford to use our pixels on silly jokes, not when 3rd Life area still needed maintaining and we had to defend our allies. People suggesting to add EvilX or whatever HC persona was shot down because we had all 26 hermits and we shouldn't be greedy. The narrative from Day 1 continues (you can probably tell which side I'm on even though I try to keep down the bias on these posts).
To prevent Hermitcrapt, the F was changed. The lower line would be one pixel shorter than the upper line, please fix it if it gets reverted!
7. Fear Mongering / Allies or Not?
Someone suddenly sent a message saying another person heard from Thailand’s meeting that Taiwan might plan on invading the Minecraft heads (Thailand was directly above Taiwan). While it was unconfirmed whether those heads were MCC or HC, we still had to defend them. Taiwan had been peacefully co existing with us so far, but we had to keep a careful eye.
MCC’s secondary area (adjacent to Taylor Swift Lover mural) might be invaded by Europeans creating a giant map on the upper right corner. If so, we're fucked.

Representative from Dimden dev (west of SOR axolotl, below SpaceX) came by and was unhappy with our border infringing on theirs. We agreed for a white line between our territories, but HC rogues kept turning it black again. After a while, the white border was established.
Someone also said the 3L area might get targeted by WSB because they wanted to expand. Although Portugal mostly left 3L alone, WSB was a whole another fight we were unwilling to pick. If WSB comes, we're also fucked.

To keep in mind is that a lot of groups are disorganised (void) and HC has it fair share of random people going "XD let's put heads on Brazil while they're sleeping XD" aka. people ruining peace and the sweat and tears of our diplomats. Other groups have their random people too. Unless an invasion was seen on canvas, we would not move.
For now, we wait and prepare to defend. Reminder that this ends tomorrow at 5pm GMT, which translates to 3 hours before MCC time (8pm GMT). o7 to everyone who placed a pixel, and remember to take breaks and step away if it gets too overwhelming!
Hermitcraft on r/place - And The Blocks Need Placing (3/4/2022) Day 3 Part 2

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Part 1
Greetings cyberdogs and citizens of the interdubs, welcome back to another episode of "What Is Going On At r/place?", here is your morning (afternoon? nighttime?) newspaper. I am still losing my mind, exhausted but enthralled. For an introduction or explanation to what r/place is please read the first two instalments. This is Part 2 of Day 3, Part 1 has been summed up with relative Hermitcraft stability and helping allies far away.
For how to help, please refer to Day 3 Part 1.
1. Allies from Far
Now that main HC area was chill, forces turned to helping others. The 3L area was being watched over, but the WSB people appeared to be less organsied than 3L so 3L could maintain its area. Portugal thought 3L was cringe (lmao) but accepted our existence. Hong Kong had a second mural to the right which was being taken over, they asked for help but alas, they died.
Someone from farmcarrots popped by and asked for help against good ole Macedonia. In return, they would build a golden carrot to honour us. Later, Macedonia made an agreement with the carrots.
2. Civil Conflicts Just Don't Stop, Do They?
So the diplomats had just been WRANGLING people to STOP EXPANDING, whether towards Brazil or Love Live or even MCC. A small EvilX was built between LL and HC. Brazil decided to do some pixel art on their left corner aka. the HC-Brazil border. HC liked the bird and the tree a lot (they were Brazil's design, actually), so after a bit of communication they kept the tree in the background <3
People were also screaming about the finer details on the HC heads. We sought to maintain and defend, not to expand.
We started anticipating the expansion of the canvas at the same time they expanded yesterday, but nothing happened. Perhaps one expansion was enough... or perhaps Reddit wanted to surprise us. No one knew.
3. Don't you love the smell of built bridges?
The threat of WSB eroded over time, and communication was set up between 3L Empires and Portugal. The banners and heads were agreed to have a bridge under them, and the space next to RK Ren would be used for their Portuguese streamer <3 People between 3L and HC were scurrying back and forth to tell HC not to worry about the 3L area. After a long and exhausting battle (particularly concerning Fwhip and Ren being drowned), 3L appeared to be secured, no more heads would drown, and Martyn added a blush pixel on RK (truly the highlight of that segment). All was good in the world. Portugal also planned to build a sick pixel art at their bottom right corner and asked us to help with them. Since we were now cool with each other, aka. 3L had been integrated with their canvas, we agreed. A Portuguese streamer was built to the right of Ren, and he was eventually blushified like everyone else.
Fwhip and Jimmy also started looking at each other, and Martyn started looking at Ren. To the great surprise of the active Treebark shippers, a pink heart was suddenly constructed between Ren and Martyn, causing a wave of ?!??!?!??!?!??!?!. (Background info: a community of Treebarkers basically quarantined themselves in a private discord server to stop spamming #treebark, only showing up to do stuff like Trafficpose, Maidtyn Monday, Treebark Week 2022, Space Opera AU etc etc. Nobody from the private discord was responsible for the heart.) Somebody in Martyn's discord also pointed out the heart and jokingly said "bring out the fanfics". This is very funny because the Treebarkers were putting their stuff where no CC could see it, only for others to slap Treebark on r/place and put it in Martyn's discord. Fishfucker flag was also added between Jimmy and Fwhip <3 So the 3L area ended up looking gay as fuck. This is what happens when tumblr gets involved <3

4. Movements in the Southwest
Nano, our neighbour-ish, got targeted by an anti-crypto streamer (asmongold). Love Live started eyeing the area with interest. Nano apparently asked LL for help, but the streamer would likely target everybody that helped Nano. HC would stay put and observe.
Around this time, a void started next to DSMP and we went to defend. People started joking the DSMP and HC communities have never been so cooperative before this.
EvilX was half-hidden by the LL girl and we would want to keep it that way to respect LL. Ah yes, the neverending battle of wrangling rogues.
5. Running Around
HC continued to do what they always did- fix rogue pixels, make contacts with allies, stop people from expanding, argue among themselves /lh, watch out for the void, etc etc. People were very anxious about attacks from streamers. We watched as the area below 2b2t was converted into a large pixel art based on orders from a streamer. A small HP (Harry Potter) mural asked for our help defending because they were invaded by bots for unknown reasons. HP lost, but apparently the public HP subreddit had their own secure thing elsewhere. Mindcrack also repeatedly asked for help with their logo.
Continued support was shown towards MCC's secondary area called MCC2 (which made me very excited because I thought someone was making a tribute to the actual 2nd MCC, and my pipe dream of [you guessed it] MCC9 Blue Bats mural could come true without me doing anything LOL). Noxite and Mysticat appeared under the team icons and were maintained. The team coin was also salvaged.
Brazil also occasionally popped by and asked for help with minor things, like their pixel art at their bottom left corner and when red hearts suddenly appeared next to the Pesky Bird of Peace (unofficial name by me, it's actually Brazil's blue macaw but everyone at HC had grown SO FOND of it).
Jellie also became bi (then mlm?) and Nugget became trans.
6. A New New World
More than 3 hours past the expected expansion time, the canvas suddenly doubled again, meaning it was 4x its original size. HC was way more excited about new colours than area because we finally had a decent skin colour instead of yellow for the hermits. 3L discord was burnt out and just focused on changing colours, maintaining, and giggling over Martyn's blush pixel. Hermitcraft Civil Conflicts were slightly starting again, but they were nowhere near the intensity of the Brazil-HC Crisis just yesterday (was it just yesterday? It felt like we were allies for days). HC argued over colours and tiny pixels and which hermit to start changing first. Also False's skin finally had better colours.
2b2t suffered another attack to the void, and while people were still distrusting of 2b2t due to their reputation, again we helped them out. It's actually really nice to see all of MC(YT) come together despite all the discourse and frustration. We know we're cut from the same cloth :) It's like when you have that one annoying kid from highschool and you two moved to another town and you only know them so you're forced to take care of each other? It's fun.
We watched in exasperation as the flags came to the New New World and started occupying again... what did we expect, lol. Cubfan also started being griefed for some reason, leading people to boom "KEEP CALM AND DEFEND CUB". Apparently they're targeting Cub because he said something anticrypto??? I have NO IDEA what went on, and HC discord didn't talk about it because it was a cause of stress, and I definitely respect that. Around this time, our old ally Skyrim asked for help for their new mural after they got destroyed, however HC forces were preoccupied right now.
HC was also collecting ideas to change the colour of half of the logo to (I think) potentially finally stop Kermitcrapt (which is seriously not funny anymore and a waste of pixels). The OG design also had two colours before the green bit got swallowed by mini Brazil (that conflicted seemed an era ago). Also, it looked nicer.
We also worked on maintaining our close allies, eg the SOR axolotl head, misc Brazil griefing. Then Jack Manifold came in to vandalise XQC and they thought it was the French...? Or something. "You've Been Etho'd" mural was also planned next to Green Lattice. Wynncraft was also relocating following the whiteout and request assistance. SOR also announced they would make a logo tomorrow. Whenever 3L asked for help, HC was eager to give it. As you can see, since HC was stable, we were extending our pixels to allies. Rogue GME continued the lime pixels into HC logo, we fixed them, blah blah blah.
7. Little Touches feat. the Knight
HC decided to move the Last Life (they share initials with Love Live, goodness gracious) hearts to the left to give space for Recap guys, which also required contact with MCC. HC was also very happy whenever Wels added a pixel <3 Ely was also VERY ACTIVE in chat :D The GME portals were refined a little to be more 3D. I'm very proud that we've come so far that we can care and negotiate on little aesthetic details <3 Last I heard, people were debating Gem's design, and the Hermit half of the logo was changed to purple!
Also, You've Been Etho'd was voided and needed rebuilding. MCSR also had their own mural (directed by Feinberg for a bit :D) and their heads :D It's so cool to see patches of Minecraft heads scattered around- if we all come together, we would be such a big target.
Also, little pics of DSMP and MCC2:

I have to sleep now, I seriously don't know how I long I can keep this up. I need my life back LMAO. Apologies in advance if I never make a Day 4 post.
o7 to everybody, good luck and take care! We got this!! :D
Hermitcraft on r/place - Superfast Repair Mode (4/4/2022) LAST DAY PART 1

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Part 1 Day 3 Part 2
Hiii [twirls hair], your GMT timezone running-on-caffeine-and-adrenaline reporter Ria here <3 with mildly scuffed summaries of whatever's happening on the final day of r/place
My sleeping schedule has been annihilated like many of our fallen allies LMAO
For disclaimers and introductions, please read Day 1 and 2. Link to discord is here, it is preferable if you join or else your efforts might be seen as from rogues :D (also they know more than I do!)
1. The End Is NOT the End / Xisumavoid without Xisuma
RECAP from cassberry who was present during the time!!
XQC, a streamer, decided to start a void near us. Fuck no. The void came in through SpaceX and stabbed through our logo. We were not targeted, we were just in the way as many other voided murals before us.

(Screenshot from Coalshower from HC discord, the time at the bottom is a bug)
In the middle of all the panic, Mumbo Jumbo discord people asked for help with settling their logo above Argentina's flag because they thought Argentina had a lot of area already, but was staunchly refused because we were allied with Argentina. It's very interesting to see where our loyalties lies. If they had asked on Day 1, we probably would have joined forces.
r/Technoblade came by to help (their very pretty mural is right next to DSMP corner which was built after the second canvas expansion). r/LoveLive was panicked and also came to help. Argentina was apparently botted because a streamer with 40k viewers attempted a void but failed (Argentina's botting was not news, LL and Argentina attempted to draw LL's logo there but also failed due to bots). People were yelling to HOLD YOUR PIXELS and wait for the void to pass because we had a complete master reference of the area.
Brazil was contacted as the beloved bird was also destroyed, but it was 1am in their timezone. GME's line was brought up because we NEEDED it as a border. However, GME line was not under control of Superstonks discord, so we might have to fight rogues again- and again- and again. Taiwan, being midday for them, also kept an eye out. It was agreed the void attack could've been much worse like the one over MCC, and the chat was spammed with KEEP CALM. Pixels were called to HOLD THE HEADS.
This is when you can see the strength of being allied with neighbours. Although ideologically we were with Mumbo Jumbo's discord, diplomatically we were with Argentina / Love Live and they helped us in return for helping them. Alliance with Brazil was also important because they could coordinate to rebuild. While rogues might disrupt peace, what mattered was that the central headquarters kept communications open.
Funny thing is that some people in XQC's chat was like "do flags, not small communities" and his response was that flags were botted and small communities couldn't fight back, which is just a dick move tbh lol. After a bit of chatter, the storm rose again. People were asked to be patient and calm because the void would move over, plus we had support from our neighbours and they would not coordinate invading us. It also worked vice-versa and we wrangled people into NOT shifting the logo to the left because we would be going against MCC, whom we had both ideological and diplomatic ties with since the beginning of time. After all, MCC was with us against the initial fight against the GME line. Restoring what we placed (for historic purposes) became very important. Hermitcraft would not be seen as an aggressor.

(Screenshot from CWG from HC discord)
Brazil was apparently spared (good, you don't want to fight against them). However, as you can see, Brazil filled in where half of the logo used to be. Negotiations were held with Brazil and they agreed to our previous truce but it would take some time to cede it back. The area they had taken up was botted, and they would have to write a new script to give it back to us. Imagine if the void happened merely 2 days ago when ties with Brazil were shaky.... we would likely lose that half. We can see that PEACE and ALLIANCES are IMPORTANT. Touhou also popped by and offered help, somebody reached out to r/celeste also with success. Names that hadn't been really aligned with HC before came by to fight against the void, which was very nice and reassuring. MCC came by to advice us to hold our pixels and leave a path for the void so they wouldn't be further aggravated.
With the storm calming down, in came another storm- between HC discord and HC rogues. Ahh, a tale as old as time.
2. Herm Her'n vs Hermitcraft - the Hermitcraft Civil War

Of course rogue redditors decided to take advantage of the void and rebuild the logo to the left <3 they were uncontrollable and I'm half-certain some of them who post on Reddit are trolls <3 We gave MCC full permission to blast on the rogues lmao, and we also fought against our rogues. While this was an awful battle because we were endangering relations with both MCC and Brazil, it also made for hilarious spelling mistakes.

Hermitogami? Hermitcramift? Hermitcrafiiit? The idea you had of me, who was she <3
Presumably other HC groups were working on the logo and HC discord was outnumbered. People started asking for support on Hermitblr, since we're famous for being the majority hahaha. Quaranmine has some posts here (Quara if you're reading this hiiii <3) HC was afraid we might lose to our own rogues, and called for allied support. This majorly sucked because it looked like we were betraying MCC, PLUS we had to tell Brazil we were not moving. Way to create tensions with our two closest allies with one stone. I know lots of people were unaware of the coordinated effort, but it was still frustrating.
Did I tell you I was trying to cut down my bias? I gave up, much like the rogues should-
After a long struggle, the logo and everything else was finally replaced. Big thank you to everybody that helped and coordinated to keep the status quo! :D

(Screenshot from Ely in HC discord)
Look at how quickly we rebuilt after the void! <3 We can only hope the void won't attack last minute :O
3. Back and Forth
SOR came to ask if we could help build their logo over Dimden dev. However, we were allied with Dimden dev and we were not seeking to replace existing stuff with new stuff, even if they were for our allies. This is the same situation as Mumbo Jumbo discord, with alliances + need for peace > our shared MC roots.
Omori was allied with us now (or allied with our allies, I can't tell). NA based r/CalgaryFlames asked for our support overnight. We also agreed to help out SpaceX. Touhou, after helping us, asked for our help with building. Udub, the W on top of MCC, and Indie corner also asked for help. Hermitcraft's allies kept on diversifying and solidifying <3 In my opinion it's because we're a rather international fan community :D
3L also decided to shift their murals a bit to connect better with Portugal. I think the BrazilxHC and 3LxPortugal means Something <3
Sausage was also being relocated along with many other tinier projects. Wynncraft asked for assistance with their logo. The cat collars were made to be bi and nonbinary to represent our LGBT hermits <3
At the time of writing, it's 3 hours before 5pm GMT aka. predicted time of ending. There appeared to be something going on with Dutch and nether portals but I want to get this out soon soooo
Hermitcraft was once again stabilized thanks to our allies and Superfast Repair Mode, and we were distributing help to our allies. Good luck for what appears to be the final stretch! :D
Hermitcraft on r/place - We Chose to Destroy Our World (4/4/2022) LAST DAY PART 2
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Part 1 Day 3 Part 2 Day 4 Part 1
This is the end of it all! Some might say this was the beginning. Some might say there wasn't any difference at all.
r/place close to the ending time shown below! (There are many different versions with slight variations, I chose this one because it's not Kermitcrapt)

... I wasn't going to make this post because I was too emotionally devastated to know what was happening and provide a "proper" recap. And I suppose most of you already know what happened. This post is for the people who have been clicking my links way after r/place ended and don't want to dip into every blog and search for #r/place. Also felt bad leaving the last post on a cliffhanger-ish. While having the last post be never posted fits the theme of "nothing lasts forever", it also just isn't... very nice, is it?
1. Shared Minecraft Roots
It was around this time (after the previous post was made) that our MC(YT) allies started asking for help because Hermitcraft was solidified. Mindcrack asked for help with their murals.

(Screenshot from AvivaKitty in HC discord)
Mindcrack area was apparently being botted HARD and for seemingly no reason? The colours of the G logo kept on being griefed (background became lime, the letter became purple) but the structure was still strangely intact. It was a tough (and also strange) battle but ultimately Mindcrack defended their area and won over the recolouring bots.
MCSR also urgently asked for our help as half of the area was being swallowed by NSFW art (from streamers maybe? Sorry I got a bit lost at this part).

(Screenshot from Jay from HC discord, shows the template of the MCSR area at 1436, 1436. They set up at 1436 because Couriway's WR was 14:36 mins long)
The area next to MCSR was a constant battle between NSFW art, MCSR desperately trying to regain territory, and the Void. It's best to search up MCSR r/place history because that shit is wild from what I heard.
Love Live was also attacked by a baguette (I know this sounds ridiculous but it was serious in the moment) and Ruby was suddenly holding a baguette. This was presumably an attack done by the French. They recovered well and thanked us. There were more minor debates on colours of blushes, small pixels, other things.
Keep in mind HC had a lot more allies, lots of communities were asking for help so I possibly can't put them all in. I also cannot account for the entire MCYT sphere even though I'm vaguely aware of them (eg. Dream and Techno's murals, nether portals). It should be noted that HC was prominently lending support to fellow MC(YT) murals, and even for MCYT that had minimal connection with HC (eg 5up), HC remained neutral if not somewhat supportive. It's just unspoken to help out a fellow MC(YT) mural.
2. Portuguese Speaking Protectors
So as you may or may not know, Brazil was besties with Hermitcraft, and Portugal also had a found family arc with Traffic Empires (and Hypixel). It's funny because it was completely coincidental that MCYT set up next to Portuguese speaking countries. If you hear the fandom referring to this, you'll know where it came from.

(Screenshot from FavouriteGinger on the HC discord)
It really is very cute <3
3. ARCHIVED INSTRUCTIONS from Hermitcraft Discord
This is copy and pasted from the pinned messages in the #rplace channel for your reference. As far as I know, this is the most recent version by Lux1eviathan with input from Echo. Be warned that this is quite long (especially with tumblr functioning, it looks fine on Discord).
Instructions: We don't know when rplace closes. Reddit intends to keep this a secret to prevent last minute grieving. Could be minutes or (9pm PT, 4am GMT).
1. the blushies stay
2. we only add non hermit faces with a very good reason
3. we focus on defense of our mural and our allies as well
4. no expanding, all surrounding communities are at least neutral but mostly friendly with us, we don't want to take their space
5. Dont give X white eyes! they are purple on purpose
6. Don't give anyone a mustache! it takes away pixels we could use on maintaining other parts of the mural
7. Short F in the logo! this makes it easier to prevent "hermitcrapt"
8. "stop touching scott. he is perfect!" - C.
9. Yes pearl has a blush below her hairline! It is in the skin. And yes it is supposed to be skew!
10. We have an agreement with Their border is allowed to touch our stuff.
11. Blue pixel is allowed to touch Ely?
CURRENT ALLIANCES (thank you @echo (u/constellationstars) !):
- mcc (above us and 1783, 122 with the team logos)
- dsmp (170, 920)
- 3rd life/last life (1143, 320)
- shoot or run (the axolotl in our area) -
argentina (right)
- brazil (right)
- spacex (left)
- h3 (up left)
- mindustry (the square directly above the last life hearts)
- farm carrots (1178, 506)
- 2b2t (925, 454)
- lovelive (below us)
- wheatley (left)
- troll (861, 541)
- jojo (85,890)
- wynncraft Small (701, 775) Big (1386, 344)
- udub -- the W with the cherry blossoms just to the north
- mindcrack, mcsr Minecraft Speedrun (1470, 1460)
- portal easter egg (1282, 1406)
- Touhou and Omori (multiple locations)
- (left)
- the GME line (right)
4. The Final Stretch
There was much debate on when r/place would end. Rumours flew about when streamers would go on air and what they would do. People were clutching onto their pixels like pearls. We also had a delegate on United Art Factions who gave us updates.
Suddenly, Dream started streaming with the aim of removing ads on r/place and replacing them with art (additional information: Ludwig was protective of small communities and helped defend art). He and his community Unus-Annus'd the H3 logo above us (they left the bigger H3 logo alone). Smaller H3 was later restored.
The other streamerss were apparently targeting big things like Osu and France so we should be fine. After all, Hermitcraft didn't have many enemies.
We also started submitting to r/thefinalclean which would clean up the r/place with communities submitting their "perfect" reference. We coordinated with MCC to let them know if we should include their spot in our area (after all, we were neighbours). MCC said they would submit everything north of HC sign, Noxcrew, and the chicken, while HC would also submit the Last Life hearts and the Evo logo. HBomb also started looking like a catmaid so we quickly repaired him.
The clock ticked closer and closer to 12am GMT, a rumoured end time. People were getting tired of defending their pixels and started wishing for the Reddit gods to end this whole ordeal already.
Around 15 minutes before 12am, it began.
The beginning of the end.
5. The Beginning Of The End
It began innocently enough. I was doing my patrols every minute around the HC area, then saw a few white pixels on our logo. Now one pixel wasn't unusual, but the number made me worry. The colour choice was also odd because GME rogues used green, Brazil rogues also used green, and the HC logo was made of blue, purple, and black. As I was on cooldown, I dutifully reported to HC discord. "Logo being griefed!" I said.
Then people started noticing the only colour available was white. And it wasn't a glitch for one person, or a few people, but for everyone.
Uh oh.
The chat was being spammed with "oh crap" or "oh no" or variations. Reddit's intention sank in like cold water seeping into our bones: they wanted r/place to end in a white void.
They didn't just want Hermitcraft to be erased. Oh no, no, no. They wanted everything to be erased. All our allies. All the NSFW streamer art. All of the Void. Everything. Nothing.
This was the end of the world as we knew it. We could do nothing except jump off the ship with a cheery, yet solemn "o7".
People were shocked. People were in disbelief. We legit speedran the stages of grief in a few minutes. From the utter shock and horror to bargaining (Maybe it already ended? Maybe they saved our place?) to anger at our hard work being completely erased. Then came the depression as we mutely held each other. Finally, acceptance, and more and more people signed off. We sent songs about the world ending and thank you messages and tried to make our words count with the slowmode choking our sentences.
Please believe me when I say this experience fucked me up.
The worst part for me personally was that it was a slow death. It wasn't like Reddit froze time or they used their powers to wipe the board clean. No, no, they offered everybody a single colour. Collectively, we had the power to preserve everything if nobody ever placed a wrong white pixel. We could save our world if we tried.
But of course nobody even thought of that because the damage was already done. The white pixels were already gently falling down like snow. Ever since the first white pixel was placed, our fate was sealed.
We would destroy this world, pixel by pixel, as slowly and meticulously as we built it.
At first, many found it unacceptable. They thought it was unfair that their efforts were all erased. Others found it poetic that it ended as it began. Others were just RELIEVED this was over. Others were standing there, completely emotionally devastated. There was one question left unanswered:
What now?
6. The Void and What Came After
The wave of o7s crashing in HC discord was very nice, but also sad. This was about when I signed off because I was internally screaming LOL
Bottom right corner France instantly turned white (haha, bots?). The hivemind collectively spelled out FREE and then DONE (which immediately became BONER) in white. We were set free from our silly pixel defence games.

(Screenshot by Gren in HC discord)
Hermitcraft x Brazil area slowly became consumed by the white and it looked like snowing. Because looking at the disappearing HC area was upsetting for me, I migrated to Traffic Empires where people were drawing white hearts on flags, Martyn asked for his own death, I anxiously checked and rechecked my blush pixel on RK, etc etc.
Pixel by pixel, Redditors gently erased the thing they'd been obsessed for days. It was almost like putting everybody to sleep. The snow fell harder, heavier, until it was all quiet. There was nothing.
People scrambled to place a white pixel so their names could remain on the final canvas, but even that was erased. The final product was a huge, endlessly white canvas, untarnished by names or human creation.
Just like how it all started.
Our allies, now recovered from the shock, now came in to spread their thank yous. So many of them have left the chat now because r/place was over, leaving behind their ghost messages and ghost hearts. People, now emotional, started sprouting stories and fanfic and poetry. There are a lot of good stuff in the HC discord, including the now famous "maybe we can be neighbours again next time" from r/brasil <3
Then HC discord resumed their eternal debate about colours of Hermit pixels, and I moved to tumblr to start babbling about Narnia kids and snowfall and waking up from a long dream lol.
The end is the beginning. We created a world, lived in it for such a short time, became attached, and then it was slowly eroded, snow falling on snow. The world doesn’t end with a bang, but with a whimper. Slowly, slowly, it ends as slowly as we built it. What the actual fuck.
7. Additional Resources
So as anti-climatic that might be, that's it. A somewhat biased, incomplete recollection of Hermitcraft r/place, once said to be like the morning newspaper. This is the end. Phew! :D
I cannot stress enough that this is not comprehensive. In fact, I doubt any summary of r/place of any community can be 100% comprehensive. There were simply too many people involved. This is the best I can do and I apologize for any mistakes, wrong information, and other important stuff I might have omitted. I know I left out some stuff that I remember, and there is way more stuff that I never knew of. This is also from the perspective of a GMT timezone person with weird sleeping schedules (I slept at 5am and woke up at 1pm), so dates/times might be inconsistent.
This is why I invite everybody to add onto this post if you want to correct something or simply add your experience! :DD r/place is a community effort, it makes sense for this post series to be a community effort too. I'll link some resources/ posts below:
2b2t and Hermitcraft's alliance by Nell
Hermitcraft Timelapse from r/Place 2022 by Yirggzmb
The complete Hermitcraft (+ most of MCC) r/place time-lapse ft. Hermitgang by cassberry
Hermitcraft Subreddit Discord (check out #rplace in the archived section at the bottom)
Stuff that happened in MCSR corner by subspace-bubble
jayqueenofhugs sending asks to riacte about MCSR updates [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
r/Technoblade and r/Banano by xpoolboy
Martyn Inthelittlewood putting blush on Red King by sarioh
There is of course way more but I'm too tired rn haha.
Once again a huge thank you to everybody who read this entire thing and put up with my nonsense for the past week <3 This experience is certainly unforgettable and I'm still trying to wrap my head around all of it. I feel like I might have more to say but words fail me. So here's my goodbye for now <3
Hope this series has been helpful (and I'm not spreading too much misinfo haha)! Maybe r/place will come along in 5 years. Maybe I'll be there. Maybe I won't.
But for now, this is the present. Our past erased (but preserved), our future unknown. Thank you to everybody who joined me on this fascinating journey! <3
it’s the “maybe we can be neighbours again next time” from r/brasil that did it for me. this is embarrassing but that was when i teared up. we don’t know if there will ever be a r/place, we don’t know if it’ll come in five years or ten or never, people would probably come and go, we were neighbours by chance and… “maybe we can be neighbours again next time”. it’s the hope of clinging onto something ephemeral. maybe, maybe, we’ll find each other again. somehow. because we believe in it. just maybe.
ok next week they’re announcing mcc21 teams so i’m going to announce my top ten pairings i want to hapen :D
1. desert duo desert duo desert duo desert duo desert duo desert duo desert duo desert duo desert duo desert duo desert duo desert duo desert duo desert duo desert duo d
2. and pete :)