Canon Still Can't Hurt Me But I Did Look At Spoilers - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Sobs cries and lays on the floor.

I still can't get over this, because it's like... Ugh... And plus I totally see it. I see they do put him on a pedestal.

But people also just never put any work into knowing him? At least that's my vibes?

Like the one who basically said Sun can't lie was the Creator and that means we can't believe anything he says. Creator has never once been honest about anything. So idk why everyone believes that particular statement and I think it just plays into the notion "yeah Sun doesn't lie" despite all the numerous occasions Sun hid things and lied 😂

Earth adores him from everything I've seen but yeah I can also see her accidentally guilting him just like the others. I think Earth and Sun bring out the best in each other so it would be legitimately heartbreaking if she changes how she treats him.

Solar I think doesn't really see him differently from his own Sunny? He just thinks Sun is a self sacrificing idiot. He seems to care but won't hesitate to literally just make digs at his intelligence, although that is getting better (From what I've seen). Again, might be reading their dynamic wrong. Because he also actively encourages New Moon to spend time with Sun.

Lunar...idk? I'm always having a hard time reading Lunar. I think there's been times where Lunar actually does look down on Sun? He literally demeaned him at one point "don't worry your pretty little head" (albeit that was when he was working with Eclipse actively) but yeah I'm not sure about how I feel with him.

Sun gets so unfairly blown up on too when he does anything from his normal.

I did not expect Foxy of all people to pick Sun to be his final straw when he blew up over the feelings of uselessness and FC problem. Then after being blown up at everyone basically made FC Sun's problem. (FC at the time was a huge responsibility). I was honestly so proud and happy when Foxy did go to Sun to personally apologize.

I still get such an ick over Old Moon's antics. Like...I keep trying to give homie the benefit of the doubt but...Sun never hit his family in anger or for fun. He never hit any of them period. He also doesn't dig at every little insecurity and tear people down verbally from a minor inconvenience.

He instead gets treated like a spineless, crybaby.

Bros literally the bravest bot ever.

Sorry to keep rambling I'm just kicking my feet back and forth happy my brainrot is validated.

Suns Trauma (Old Moon)

(I’m just gonna add a TW here if I get really pissed or heated up this is a pretty sensitive topic for me and it just pisses me off, also sorry if this becomes a bit of a vent )


It infuriates me how much Sun's trauma gets overlooked. Honestly. This rant is mostly about the abuse he endured from old Moon because it disgusts me how easily people dismiss that kind of suffering. Old Moon was a TERRIBLE brother. He called Sun names, threatened to kill or hurt him, blamed everything on him, and put immense pressure on him. He even physically abused him. And yet, people just ignore this. It’s worse then it sounds— Having someone you trust completely threaten you, call you stupid, and actually hit you sometimes is AWFUL. It HURTS. Especially when it’s from someone you love!

I get that Moon had his own issues and needed someone to talk to and let anger out on, but dumping all of that on one person is not healthy. And let’s be real—Sun didn’t have anyone else to turn to. He only had Moon. And Moon had no idea what he was doing. Sure, Killcode influenced him, and he had built up anger and stress too, but Killcode never directly hurt Sun. That was Moon. Moon abused Sun.

And yet, people are more concerned about Lunar’s abuse, which, yes, was terrible, but remember: Lunar was with Eclipse for about a year, maybe less. Eclipse slapped Lunar only once if I right and called him names (also I think he threatened him a couple times). I’m not saying Lunar’s abuse wasn’t bad—abuse is abuse, and it’s always horrible. But Sun was punched, yelled at, threatened, and called names FOR ALMOST 10 YEARS, IF NOT MORE. And somehow, Sun’s trauma gets ignored. It pisses me off. Lunar atleast had support too after the Eclipse situation. IT REALLY IS THAT BAD TO HAVE SOMEONE YOU LOVE CALL YOU NAMES AND THREATEN TO HURT YOU. It’s not something to shrug off! And this is only a fraction of what Sun went through.

(I am honestly finding out how much I kin sun by typing this WTF 0.o)

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