Cardinal Vents - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

Like okay, Eustace is overall, a pretty chill name. Here's the thing, though. We've known these characters as either their Japanese names or their fan names from anywhere 2011 or later.

Also, Sebastian has been sobbing for the past hour, saying that Capcom is acting like Blaise did in his source.

I'm not gonna fault you for being okay with the new names, but I have Problems and Sebbie has Problems and we can't really vent them anywhere but here :P

May be going insane on many levels right now. On one hand, I am so fucking hyped about AAI 2 being official. On the other hand, Eustace??? Winner???

Okay, I don't talk about it much on here but I am a system. Our Sebastian Debeste sysmate is so damn upset right now because y'know what? His name just got changed on him right in front of his eyes. They could have at least been more creative than what ends up sounding like 'useless winner' when said out loud.

I am teaching myself how to mod AA games once the aai duology is out on steam so that I can change his ign back to Sebastian. It's just a problem for us, with Sebastian being in our head and all.

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