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Realization Daryl & Carol
Note: This is my first attempt at a Daryl/Carol fic. This takes place sometime after 6x08.
His feet pounded up the stairs, but as he approaches her room he slows, takes a moment to breathe, and opens the door. She is on the bed, laying on her side, facing away from him.
"Rossita," she calls over her shoulder "did you bring another pain pill?" He doesn't respond, just walks around the bed so he can be in her field of vision. She intakes a deep breath of air, but it must of been painful because she winces, after a moment she gives him a weak smile.
"You're back."
"Yeah" he says as he sits in a chair beside her bed. She reaches her hand out and he grabs it, so glad to feel her touch.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, but your'e not."
"I'm better than I was, but it looks like I am going to be pretty useless for a few days. I know there are still walkers out there, that the place needs to be cleared out and the walls repaired."
"You don't need to worry about any of that." Suddenly Daryl felt an overwhelming urge to cry, but he holds it in. Something must have shown on his face, because Carol covered their entwined fingers with her other hand.
"Hey, I'm alright."
"But, you almost weren't, and I wasn't here."
"Daryl you couldn't have known what was going to happen, none of us could."
"If you were gone ..." he couldn't bring himself to finish the sentence.
"I've got nine lives remember" he nodded. They stayed in the same position, hands clasped, for a long time, at one point he thought Carol drifted off, but couldn't bring himself to release her hand. Later she opened her eyes. She stared at him for a long time, as if she was looking for something.
"Daryl, you know I've loved you for a long time right?" Shock coursed through his system, but he manged to shake his head no.
"I should have told you a long time ago."
"Why didn't ...?"
"Because the people I love end up dead, and I guess I foolishly thought that if I never said it you'd be safe, but that's not how this world works."
"How long?" he croaked out.
"You said you've loved me for a long time, how long?" She took a moment to think.
"Since Cherokee Rose." The tears did flow then, he couldn't hold them in. She caressed his hair, and when he was spent, she wiped the remaining tears from his eyes. Than he got down on his knees beside the bed, and he leaned into kiss her. Just a gentle meeting of the mouths, but when he tried to embrace her, she yelped out in pain, and he pulled back.
"I'm sorry" she said "I know my timing sucks."
"It's perfect" he replied, as he touched her face, than he gave her a smile, the biggest smile she had ever seen on Daryl Dixon's face.
They were in the living room, Rick, Michonne, Daryl, Carl, Carol and Judith. Everyone was talking, but Carol wasn't really paying attention, she had Judith in her lap. She held Judith's hands as she tired to stand, but she would ultimately flop back down onto her bottom. Judith grabbed Carol's collar and patted her face, than something unexpected happened.
"Mama" Carol froze "Mama, Mama" Judith repeated. The room grew quiet as they all tuned to look at Judith. Carol felt something tighten in her chest as she looked at the babbling infant smiling back at her.
"Excuse me" she said, as she passed the little girl over to Michonne. She got up and went out the front door to stand on the porch, leaning against one of the posts to give her support. She could feel tears burning at the back of her eyes, but she didn't want them to fall. She heard the door open behind her, and his footsteps approach.
"You okay?"
"Yeah" she responded, but her voice betrayed her, sounding strained and cracked. He came to stand beside her, not touching, but his presence was a comfort.
"When Sophia first called me that I was so happy. She never said Dada, even though experts often claim that it usually a child's first word, but Ed spent very little time with her, so that wasn't much of a surprise. No, it was always Mama, right from the beginning." Daryl was thoughtful for a moment.
"You spend the most time with her, outside of Rick and Carl."
"Yeah, I understand, but it stills hurts." They stood there for a few moments, Carol fighting her emotions, Daryl trying to be supportive, then Carol felt the tears falling unbidden down her cheeks. Daryl put his arm around her, she turned and finally let herself sob upon his shoulder.
Daryl was sitting on the porch, eating the pancakes Carol made him. Michonne came out onto the porch, then she just stared at him, with her shit eating grin.
"So," she asked, crossing her arms and leaning up against the house "what was that about?" Daryl raised an eyebrow in question.
"You kissed Carol on the neck."
"Shit" he huffed under his breath, "I didn't think anybody was looking."
"Hey, this many people sharing a house somebody was bound to notice."
Things had changed last night between Carol and him. They had been laying on the bed, fully clothed, holding each other, trying to provide solace and comfort to one another, but then things changed. The touches became more like caresses, and she kissed him. Just a brief meeting of the mouths at first, then it deepened. They hadn't had sex, but they came pretty damn close, he eventually put a stop to it, and they slept intertwined for the rest of the night.
He slept in for the first time in a long time . When he woke up in the morning, she was gone. He found her downstairs at the stove making breakfast for everyone. She had smiled at him, a happy smile he thought, and told him there was a plate for him on the counter. Carol acted like it was any other day, he found it was he himself who was having trouble acting normal, he wanted to touch her. So, when he was sure no one was paying attention, he had gone over to the stove, placed his hand on her lower back and kissed her gently on the neck. Then he grabbed his plate and escaped to the porch.
"You gonna explain?" asked Michonne, pulling him out of his thoughts.
"Explain what?" asked Glen, as he came bounding up the front steps. Michonne gave Daryl a mischievous smile.
"Daryl kissed Carol."
"Well, that was a long time coming" replied Glen. Glen looked to Daryl, who gave him a 'don't ask' look in return, so he addressed Michonne.
"Hey, you remember the prison, and that bet we all had going."
"What bet?" growled Daryl, not liking the sound of that.
"It wasn't a bet exactly" explained Michonne "more like an inside joke, trying to guess when you guys were going to come out as a couple."
"Man, half the people from Woodbury already thought you two were an old married couple. Although I guess I lost. I said by summer you guys would be hot and heavy, but then that summer went to shit."
"What about you?" Daryl asked Michonne.
"Me? Well, I think I won. I said it was going to take a long time, but I don't think I thought it would be this long." Daryl didn't comment, and the three of them stood there awkwardly for a moment.
"Is Carol still making pancakes?" asked Glen spying Daryl's half eaten plate.
"Yeah" Michonne said, as she indicated that he should enter the house. After Glen shut the door behind him Michonne stared at Daryl, giving him a half smile.
"What now?"
"Nothing. It's just good to see her happy" she said, straightening herself up from the wall and turning towards the door "and you too" she added over her shoulder, before crossing the threshold and closing the door with a soft click.
She was finally feeling better, and her head was clear. Then they told her about Glen's death.
"A few days ago. We didn't want to tell you right away, to give you time to recover"
"No" she said, cutting Rick off "when exactly did Glen die?" Rick and Daryl exchanged looks.
"Five days ago" answered Daryl. Five days, the timing was right, but it wasn't real. Rick kept talking, but she wasn't listening, her thoughts were in a different place.
Over the next few days she started making forays out of bed. Rosita said she needed to take it easy, but she couldn't stand to sit still for so long. When she ventured out Daryl would hover, afraid she would get hurt again. She did laundry, which turned out to be more exhausting than it should have been. Daryl made her sit on the couch afterwards, he sat on the chair near her, the two of them sharing the silence.
Maggie entered the room. It was the first time Carol had seen her. She looked terrible, there were dark circles under her eyes, she was pale and she seemed to radiate a profound weariness.
"I'm so sorry, Maggie." Maggie nodded her head in acknowledgment, and eased down on the other side of the couch. Carol knew what it was like to be without words.
"Why did you ask when Glen died?"
"Rick said you wanted to know specifically when Glen died, why?" Carol sighed.
"It's going to sound strange, I don't want to burden you with it."
"I want to know" Maggie stated, looking at her intently. Carol didn't know how to begin to explain, but she had to try.
"When I was out, I was having this dream. I was in this peaceful meadow, and Sophia was there, she was so beautiful" her voice cracked, and Daryl reached over and grabbed her hand. "The girls were there too, Lizzie and Mika, all three of them pulling me along. Sophia was talking, telling me everything was okay now, that I could stay there with them. In the distance I could see people sitting at picnic tables, they were laughing and smiling, like they were having a party. I saw Merle," she smiled at Daryl, "Dale, Andrea, Lori, Beth and your Dad." She continued, looking at Maggie.
"Suddenly Glen was there, standing next to me. I knew that wasn't right, that he shouldn't be there. He said to Sophia 'Your Mom's not ready, yet. You need to let go', they released my hands, everything started to fade away, and then I woke up." Carol brushed the tears from her cheeks, Maggie was doing the same.
"What day was this? That you had this dream."
"The same day Glen died." Maggie broke down then, sobbing. Carol wrapped her left arm around Maggie as she cried on her shoulder. Daryl still tightly held her right hand. The three of them stayed there a long time, riding the wave of grief.
Daryl was walking down the hall, from the back bedrooms, towards the kitchen. He could hear voices. It wasn't his intention to eavesdrop, but he was naturally quiet, and they didn't notice his presence.
"Carol, I would like to broach a subject with you, which may be none of my business and may come off as insensitive. However, if one does not inquire, one does not learn" said Eugene, who was sitting on a stool at the island, while Carol cleaned the kitchen.
"You can ask me anything you want Eugene, but it doesn't mean I'm going to answer" Carol responded.
"Duly noted." Carol gave Eugene a raised eyebrow indicating he should continue with his line of questioning.
"What exactly is the nature of your relationship with Daryl Dixon?" Carol looked a little nonplussed. Daryl wanted to enter the room and tell Eugene to shut up, but he was also interested in how she would reply, so he remained hidden.
"What Daryl and I have is special, ... friendship doesn't seem like a strong enough word for it. He gets me, and I get him. He's my person." Daryl liked the way she described it, she was his person too.
"But, you don't share living quarters, so it's not a physical relationship?" Now Daryl wanted to punch Eugene in the gut.
"I see this is the insensitive part of your question. You're right, it's not physical. That's not what Daryl wants."
"You sure?"
"I'm sure. Trust me, I've tried a few times, he's not interested."
"That must get lonely sometimes."
"It does, but I've accepted it."
"Would you consider a physical relationship with someone else?" Carol let out a small laugh.
"I see, and I am sure you have somebody in mind."
"I might have a few suggestions."
"Well, I'm not in the market at the moment, but I'll let you know if I change my mind."
Daryl slowly backed down the hall. His lungs felt like all the air had escaped. She didn't think he was interested, that he didn't want her. He returned to his bedroom, he needed time to process what was just said.
That evening Daryl found Carol alone on the back porch, there wasn't much to see but a strip of lawn and the wall. The crickets were noisily making their music. It was getting progressively darker outside and the light from inside the house shone on her back.
"Hey" he said. Carol turned to face him, giving a smile in greeting.
"I saw you and Eugene today" he said leaning against the house.
"It was his day off, and he was just hanging around. I think he wants first dibs on my baked goods." That's not the only thing he wants, thought Daryl.
"I heard you guys talking about me."
"Why'd you say that stuff?" A bit of anger in his voice.
"Because it's true. Look, I'm sorry. I know you probably don't like people talking about you, but he did ask me about my relationship with you. Also, with people like Eugene sometimes it's best just to be honest, that way you can nip any curiosity in the bud."
"But you weren't totally honest. You said that you tried to start physical relationship with me, and that never happened.'
"What?" Carol's facial expression changed from apologetic to irritated. "Daryl, do you even remember the prison? I used to flirt with you constantly."
"That was just to get a rise out of me."
"Sometimes, but sometimes I was trying to show you that I was open to more." Daryl was taken aback. Carol studied him, his reaction.
"Wow, you really didn't know did you? Daryl, you could have come to my cell any night and I wouldn't have turned you away." Daryl didn't think he could have been anymore shocked.
"I thought what we had was unique, but I didn't know..."
"Maybe I should have been more obvious, but I didn't want to push you, or be too touchy feely. You have boundaries and I respect that." Daryl realized he'd have to look back and reevaluate all his interactions with her.
"What about after the prison?"
"Things changed. Everything was a mess, the church, and then the road."
"But you never tried anything here."
"No, by the time we got settled here, I'd come to accept that what we had was rare and beautiful, but different from what I wanted at the prison."
"What if I told you I did want it, a physical relationship?'
"Daryl, if this is about Eugene you don't need to worry about it, I'm not going to take him up on his offer."
"Fuck Eugene, this has nothing to do with him, it's about you and me" he said as walked toward Carol, closing the space between them, placing his hands on either side of her hips on the porch railing. He saw her eyes widen in surprise.
"I'm not the same woman I was at the prison."
"And, I'm not the same man. Apparently that man was an idiot." Carol laughed, and then Daryl kissed her. It was awkward at first, he'd taken her by surprise, but then they adjusted and the kiss deepened. Her arms were wound around his neck, one hand tangling in his hair. He had one hand on her hip, when her legs opened he stepped between them, pulling her close. They stayed like that a long time, kissing and touching, getting to know one another. When he came up for air he would kiss her face, her jaw, her neck before returning to her mouth once more. When they finally broke apart they were both breathing heavily, Carol rested her head against his shoulder.
"My room or yours?" he whispered. She looked up at him.
"Are you sure? Really?"
"I'm sure."
"Because I've wanted you for a really long time. I should have told you."
"There's no going back from this you know."
"I don't want to go back, only forward, with you."
"Well then" she said moving away from the porch railing, she grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the back door "I suggest my room. I have a queen sized bed, and I have a feeling we are going to need the room."
(A03) (chapter 1)
"What about Tobin?" he asked
What about Tobin? She had been dreading that question. They were at the Kingdom, in a room that had once belonged to the school secretary, but had long since been turned into a bedroom. There were two cots pushed along either wall, and two utilitarian chairs. Daryl was sitting, she was leaning against the wall staring out the window, her leg hurt if she sat or stood still for too long.
When her family found her she had been both happy and sad. Happy to see them, but also sad because she couldn't be with them anymore. Rick had been full of admonishments, Rosita had been angry and the rest looked world weary and weighed down by grief. Daryl had been mostly silent, but he looked at her with worried eyes. Morgan filled them in on how they had been saved, and how the Kingdom's doctor had treated her wounds. They had fussed at her until Morgan decided to take them on a tour, so Carol could rest. Only Daryl remained, he sat with her, not pressuring her, but slowly asking questions, trying to access the situation. She answered him as honestly as she could. She didn't want to talk to him about Tobin, but if she was being honest about other things she needed to be honest about him as well. She sighed.
"Poor Tobin, he was just a warm body for my bed, and just saying that makes me sick." Daryl gave her a puzzled look. "I was miserable, and I just wanted the voices in my head to shut up. I used him to feel something else for a while, but afterwards the pain was still there."
"If you needed someone, why didn't ya come to me?" She could hear the hurt in his voice.
"Oh Daryl" she said lowering herself into the chair next to his "I couldn't have treated you like that. Plus, you would have known something was wrong, and called me on it."
"Yeah" he agreed, chewing on his thumbnail "but if you really needed something, I would have done anything to make you feel better." That was a pretty big admission coming from him, and Carol was touched.
"I don't want it to be like that between us" she said, grabbing his hand before he could pull away. "You mean so much to me, and if anything happened between us I'd want it to come from a place of joy not sadness." Daryl intertwined his fingers with hers.
"So, no more Tobin."
"No more Tobin." She smiled. Daryl seemed relieved.