Cash Is Rambling About A Loser - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

When talking about Katsuki’s character development everyone always talks about his apology to Izuku

but never how he started calling Iida “class rep”

I just think it’s cute 😕

hey yeah eyah youre so right !!! i noticed that immediately it made me so happy ! also iida's hand on katsuki's back when they went to rescue izuku was rlly sweet to me ! i loveee the lil developments between katsu n his other classmates its so cute teheheh my boyfriend so dreamy

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5 months ago


TYSM TWIN IM GLAD U LIKE IT !!! ive been waiting for someone to point them out tbhhhh :333

first off my pfp,, i love that panel a lil TOO much for it to be healthy like i have a list of katsuki panels constantly in my brain and that one is BIG top tenzzzz,, also the navigation YEES that one is also one of my all time favs it makes my heart squeeze everytime i see him my bby :(((( bothem make my heart hurt in diff ways but i love bothem !!

much luv !!

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5 months ago

Bakugo is so Nike shoes and his gf is absolutely a converse babe

this is so late but OOUUUUGH I NEEDA SAY SUM

i dont have alot to say cus you basically said it all, but katsuki is SUCH a nike shoe person to me i feel like he really does like shoes, borderline collector (don't trust bones w them preacher stompers trust me yall only me)

i feel he'd really like nike n jordans, even bape too, i'm not that familiar w the shoe game but i feel like he'd love collecting diff colors to match w his fits cus i KNOW he has swaggy fits,, his parents are fashion designers (again. do not trust bones but also do not trust horikoshi his sense of style is sickening... atrocious. trust me n my pinterest board only yall)

he is very much a nike x converse boyfriend u are very right :33 im so sorry this is so late :((((

much luv xxx

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5 months ago

heyy cash!! i can say in full confidence you’re the only one on this app who actually characterises katsuki PERFECTLY (imo), what do you think katsuki’s clothing style would be?? 💗💗💗

stop stop omg ill pass out....THANK YOU SO MUCH???? Yall rlly love to spoil me with these types of comments omg i'm so glad :<<< thank youu!

and OUUU I LOVEEE THIS QUESTION !! i've been itching for someone to ask me this lololol i have a whole pinterest board of what i think he'd dress like actually ! (im very normal)

i think he's very casual, he loves hoodies and baggy tee's or tee's with sleeves. baggy pants are a must for him too ! and ive mentioned this before but i feel like he's a big shoe guy, so i think you'll catch him with dunks on all the time i think he really likes those ! i feel he'd also like wearing converses and i feel he keeps them pretty clean, but they're a bit beat up and the white part is always faded and yellow-ish (despite him spending hours wiping at them lol he'd crash out) i do think he likes to keep his shoes very tidy n clean, you'll NEVER catch his dunks dirty tho ever, and if someone steps on them they get a blast to the face LMFAOOOO

OH OH to add i think he likes him a graphic tee as well, very stylish boy from a family of designers so yaknowww,, i think he likes 2000s styles as well but thats for another time

i don't think he'd wear hats Uber often unless its cold, and he'd love wearing headphones like..everywhere tho i feel like he likes to carry earbuds around as well i dont think he'd constantly want to wear headphones in general,, he loves him some music tho (and he can ignore people when he has them on LOLOLOL)

sorry for the rambling i love him, i added some images at the bottom to reference what i mean :33 much luv !!! and tysm for the ask !!

Heyy Cash!! I Can Say In Full Confidence Youre The Only One On This App Who Actually Characterises Katsuki
Heyy Cash!! I Can Say In Full Confidence Youre The Only One On This App Who Actually Characterises Katsuki
Heyy Cash!! I Can Say In Full Confidence Youre The Only One On This App Who Actually Characterises Katsuki
Heyy Cash!! I Can Say In Full Confidence Youre The Only One On This App Who Actually Characterises Katsuki
Heyy Cash!! I Can Say In Full Confidence Youre The Only One On This App Who Actually Characterises Katsuki
Heyy Cash!! I Can Say In Full Confidence Youre The Only One On This App Who Actually Characterises Katsuki
Heyy Cash!! I Can Say In Full Confidence Youre The Only One On This App Who Actually Characterises Katsuki
Heyy Cash!! I Can Say In Full Confidence Youre The Only One On This App Who Actually Characterises Katsuki
Heyy Cash!! I Can Say In Full Confidence Youre The Only One On This App Who Actually Characterises Katsuki
Heyy Cash!! I Can Say In Full Confidence Youre The Only One On This App Who Actually Characterises Katsuki

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5 months ago

what terms of endearment do you think bakugou would use for you? i'm a BIG fan of him calling you doll and/or princess 🥹🥹🥹

OUUU THIS IS SUCH A BIG TING TO ME U DONT GET IT!!! ive been waiting for an ask like this omg TSYM omg,,, i dont like him at all wdym??

but anyways !! i think it depends on high school katsu n pro hero katsu, let’s say you’ve been dating since high school so we can look at like a development! :3

now,,believe whatever you want,, but i think katsuki gets flustered very easily when its something he considers mushy. like he likes teasing you cus you’re the one getting embarrassed not him,, but he’d find petnames too sweet and that embarrasses him so he probably won’t call you anything besides your first name for a while, does that make sense ??

i think the fact of calling you by your name in itself is so intimate to him it makes him even more embarrassed than calling you a petname😭😭 but when he gets used to it he uses your name constantly. like you’re names just constantly in his mouth he uses it every chance he can.

slowly but surely i think he’d start off with babe, baby is too mushy for him to start off with and he’d get too embarrassed, it sounds a bit too loving and babe still sounds kinda cool. he is a loser lol if you hadn’t noticed.

but yeah he probably throws it out randomly and does not comment on it at all. also doesn’t look at you for a full ten minutes afterwards, don’t ask him for shit😭😭 he does alternate to baby when he’s feeling sweet once every blue moon or when he’s being a prick and messing with you lol

now for him as like a pro hero im also a realllly big fan of sweets ! its so cute and i feel like he’d use it ! sweets, sweetheart, sweet thing, sweet cheeks, sweetest YOU NAME IT HES GOT IT ALL POKEMON.

i think he’d like to throw in an angel in there too ! only to him you are very much a sweet thing like you can do no wrong, lotsa sweet stuff from him lol i DEFINITELY see him using princess too ! Half in jest and half cus you’re his pretty princess likee

(of course he Is an asshat so he has his teasing little nicknames but i feel like he wouldn’t use em much, like just to tease you i don’t see him actively calling you a dumbass 24/7 he’s a dick but not That much of a dick😭😭😭)

the older he gets the less embarrassed he gets like Everything is on the table for him, except ones he considers Too mushy because he thinks they don’t sound right when he says them LOLOL

also also this isn’t really a petname but i think he’d just loove calling you his,, his girl, his wife WHATEVER i feel like he does this all the time like his everyone is tired😭😭 its all “my girl this” “my girl that” like girl WE GET IT. LET IT GOOOO

much luv !!

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5 months ago

if u had to chose whos your fav in 1-A or do u have any specific order? no bakugou ofc i think we all know that one !

AAAA DANG IT😭😭 yall know me too well cus i was IMMEDIATELY gonna say katsuki LMFAOOO but this is SUCH a fun question thank you !!!

tbh w u i dont rlly care That much for the rest of the 1-A squad besides katsuki,, course i luv them. but katsukis my goat im sorry,, anyways if i had to choose i Would have to say shouto ! he's super silly and so fun to me, i find him super endearing but also interesting , the todo fam arcs are one of my all time fav arcs and i just love his development along side w the rest of his friends whenever i see pics of him starting to smile more in official arts and sketches my heart explodes into a gajillion million pieces,, my stinkie.. also this dude is a whole joke LMFAOO hes so stupid its funny, affectionately of course

tysm for this question, much luv !!!

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