Cass The Writer - Tumblr Posts
Cuddle His Angst Away || Steven Grant x fem!reader

Summary: Steven doesn't show up for your scheduled date once again, so you decide to visit him. As a result, you cuddle him to sleep to ease his stress
Warnings: none
Words: 2890
Authors: Cass & Fenrir

"Of course, this is the main hall; I don't think I need to explain it to you," Donna grumbled, bored and a little annoyed. She was lucky enough to be given the opportunity to introduce a new employee for some strange reason. "And here's our lovely gift shop, complete with Stevie." She tapped her fingernails against the counter as she spoke.
Because you didn't like her tone, you merely smiled and fawned at the poor man who looked like he had been up for days. "Hi.”
After a second blink, Steven realised what was up, as if he had been shaken awake from a deep state of reflection. "Hello." He replied. Welcome. You must be Y/N person. The tourist guide position has been replaced, I've been told. And it's Steven with a "v”, not Stevie, Donna."
"It's Y/N, not Y/N person. Bloody hell, Stevie, it's time to wake up," Donna said as she looked at her watch. "Y/N, you don't have any tours scheduled today. Just get to know this place. Stevie, and then you can get back to work." She walked away without saying anything more.
"Isn't she a lovely person?" You inquired, your eyes rolling. "So! Once again, hello, my name is Y/N and I'm a new tour guide." You smiled and extended your hand to him.
Clearly, Steven hesitated before taking your hand in his for a brief shake. He fixed his gaze on you for a few moments before he cleared his throat to say, "Just so you know, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me. I've been here for a while, so I know what, where, and how."
"This will be hugely helpful. Thank you incredibly much, Steven." You smiled as you looked at his name tag. "I'll contact you as soon as I need something. I honestly wouldn't dare to ask Donna anything." You nodded quietly, giggling.
"After all, she is the boss. Everyone in a position of power is a little bossy. She is the master, and I am the servant." Steven yawned quietly, covering his mouth with his curled palm.
"Being a boss does not imply being a jerk." You sighed and took a quick look around. "Difficult night?"
If it was just a bad night, he thought to himself, sinking back into his thoughts. Soon after, he shook his head and said, with a flat smile glued to his face, "Rather a difficult life filled with questioning the reason for being." His tone was still so low that he had to repeat twice before you could hear him properly.
You gave him a slight smile and nodded. "You say? As another of Donna's servants, can I purchase something from the gift shop? Or will she sever my head?"
Steven frowned briefly before breaking into a bright smile. "Sure. I don't presume any of those less would pose a problem for our beloved leader," Steven pointed to various items gathered in baskets or displayed on the counter and shelves behind him. "What would you want to get? Have any of those fancy souvenirs caught your eye, Y/N?"
"That Taweret plushie," you exclaimed happily and giggled as Steven handed it over to you. "Dear God, I wish she looked like she did in all the books. Goddess of fertility and childbirth. But for visitors, it's sold as cute stuffy. How much for it?"
"To you for free, this one's one me." Steven smiled as he ran his hand through his dark hair, which resembled a bird's nest. "I'm also not a fan of turning goddesses and gods into those," he said, pointing to a few other small statues and Osiris, who had been transformed into a whistle, "But money is money. As long as people are willing to pay for plastic Osiris to blow into his buttocks, they will be manufactured. There is nothing more or less. The essence of life."
You couldn't help but laugh quietly. "This is more than true," you said as you moved in closer. "Just between you and me, outside, whoever made those banners did a terrible job considering Ennead had only seven gods."
Steven's shrug was followed by a slight nod. "I believe you already know who came up with the idea."
"I'm betting on Donna. I believe she simply does not care to be accurate." With a shrug, you stuffed the plushie into your shoulder bag. "Thank you so much for that wonderful gift. I won't take up any more of your time, Steven. I should go take a look around."
Grant asked a simple question with an unexpected burst of courage that surprised him, "Do you want to meet for coffee later? With me? We could, for example, discuss museum related stuff. Or just drink the hot, black liquid that's supposed to enlighten your brain and burst your endorphins."
Looking at him, you blinked, surprised by the sudden invitation, but he was the only normal person you'd met here so far. You gave a nod. "Sure! That's perfect for me. So, Steven, I'll see you later."
Grant followed you with a careful glance, feeling a little dizzy as you walked away.
When a pair of children came to the gift shop looking for souvenirs, he simply pulled a sign with WE'RE CLOSED written on it and placed it on the counter, right in front of the children's faces. He then left his desk and went to the restroom, despite protests from children.
You obviously noticed him leaving, but you didn't give it much thought because you were too occupied with your surroundings. He was an odd lad, a tired one for sure, but he was nice, much nicer than your boss. Hopefully, you would make at least one good friend here.
In the bathroom, he sprayed his face with cold water and wiped it with a paper towel, looking in a large, long mirror.
"You're fucking stupid." Suddenly, a deep voice said within his head.
Even though Steven knew he was alone in the bathroom at the time, he took a moment to look behind his shoulder. "Who said that? WHO SAID THAT?!"
"Idiot. Did you just looked around even though you have a fucking mirror in front of you? Just so you know, this is not how you hit on a girl. How come you're so stupid to first talk about some plastic shit and then asking her out?"
Steven slipped hands in his hair, shaking his head. "You're not real."
"If I'm not real then you're not real as well, idiot."
Steven sat down on the floor for a few moments, gasping and thinking. Soon he realised the voice was gone.
You walked around the museum, making certain that you understood everything. On your latest tour, you even bothered the security guard, who was standing behind cameras, but he appeared to be more preoccupied with kitten videos on his phone.
When the work day came to an end, you decided to wait at Steven near the main entrance.
You both went to get that promised coffee after he joined.
Soon, you and Steven were sitting on the park bench, sipping your coffee. Your shoulder bag was next to you, plushie peeking out from beneath the clap.
"I hear a strange accent, so I'm assuming you're not from here." Steven said casually as he sipped his coffee.
You chuckled as you licked your lips after another sip of coffee. "Is it really that obvious? I was certain I'd be fine after my mother, who was actually from here." You sipped one more time and nodded. "I moved here from New York because I no longer felt safe there."
"All the superhero stuff, huh?" Steven inquired casually as he finished his coffee. "I, surely, would not want to live there. It's much calmer here."
"Exactly, I'd never heard of aliens wreaking havoc on London. So here I am, trying to find a job." You shrugged as you finished your coffee as well.
Steven indicated with a nod. "A reasonable decision."
"And you're the one who decides which decisions are reasonable and which are not?" Within his head, a deep tone whispered. "You're unable to gather yourself even."
Steven took a quick look around. "Be quiet." He muttered through clenched teeth.
"Steven... "Are you all right?" You asked, your eyebrow raised at him.
He shook his head quickly. "I'm fine, I'm fine. I apologise. Sometimes... Sometimes I'm a little odd."
"Don't we all at times?" You made a joke and threw away your cup. "I'm really worried about tomorrow. I'll be meeting with my first group."
Steven, after a brief moment of thought, stated, "I am confident that you will succeed. The previous tour guide was a stutterer. Can you imagine how long it took him to finish the sentence? He was never able to complete the tour on time, according to schedule."
"You've made me even more nervous! Oh my goodness, I hope I can stick to my schedule! What if I don't? That bloody woman will rip off my head." You became a little concerned.
"Well done, dumbass, you scared Y/N." Steven's inner voice screamed angrily. "Apologise."
Steven jerked up, startled by a sudden sentence he heard in his head. "Don't tell me what I should do!"
He noticed you glaring up at him after a brief moment; your head tilted as you blinked. "Please accept my apologies...," Steven referred to you, scratching the back of his neck. "I think you'll fit the role perfectly, don't worry."
"It's all right." You shook your head and took a few deep breaths to relax. "I apologise. I am a very nervous person, and being a tour guide is a little intimidating for me, but as you put it, I will be successful."
He simply rubbed your shoulder and patted it at the end. "You'll see, you'll do fantastic."
Two months have passed.
Steven tried to see you as often as he could. He knew you were upset with him for disappearing a few times and failing to show up for dates, being late for several days, but you kept forgiving him and his oddities.
Steven was an odd fella, and even after getting to know him better, that didn't change.
In terms of friendship and caring for him, you tried to be patient with him when he told you about some of his problems.
When he failed to show up yet again, you decided to go and see him yourself; you wanted to ensure that he was well. Fortunately, you knew where he lived, so you knocked on Steven's door soon after. "Steven! Are you in there?"
Steven eventually opened the door, peeping out of his flat, and smiling hesitantly as soon as he saw you standing on the corridor with your arms folded over your chest. "Y/N, hi, hi, I didn't expect you here, I thought we were set on Wednesday."
You said, tapping your foot against the floor with anger, "That's why I'm here. It's Wednesday, and we were supposed to meet an hour ago. Do you mind if I come in?"
Steven hesitated, but when he saw your cold stare, he let out a loud huff and stepped aside to make way for you to enter. "I still haven't cleaned so it's messy."
"I don't have a problem with that, Steven. I'm more concerned about you than your messy flat." Nodding, you stepped inside. "It's nice."
When Steven closed the door, he hurried to the living room to gather dirty dishes and place them in the sink.
"Steve, it's fine really. You better tell me what happened? I was worried."
Steve yanked on his shirt and replied, "I've lost my sense of time." He continued, "Of course, I think I dozed off..."
You sighed. "To be honest, I was worried something would happen to you." You said. "Let me help you clean up here."
"I'll do it later on my own. Do you want something to drink? Have a seat... Wherever there is free space."
You nodded as you walked to the couch and moved a few books to sit down. "Tea would be nice."
Steven then went over to the aquarium to feed Gus after the tea was served.
"So, it's Gus the fish. He's cute." You smiled, taking a sip from the cup.
Steven agreed and joined you right away. "I apologise once more for forgetting our date and for messing up dates in general... You know how difficult that is for me."
You moved your hand through his messy hair as you sighed, "Steven, you know it's hard, but it happens more often than when we started. I'm worried." You said, sighing. "Is there something we can do with that?”
"What would you like to do? We know there's nothing much we can do at this point."
As you sat there, you thought. In reality, he was right and this made you a little frustrated.
"Okay... You're right... I really don't know. Also, it's getting late. Maybe," shrugging, you glanced around a little, "I could stay here and keep you company?"
Nodding, he rubbed the back of his neck. "That would be wonderful. I think Gus already has enough of me and my talking. I would appreciate someone with whom to converse."
You joked, "Is it okay if I go home to grab some clothing? Since I don't think I could sleep in your clothes."
Steven glared at you, rolling his eyes back, and hummed loudly. "You don't need to change your clothes, Y/N, you can stay in them. If you feel the need to change, I can give you one of my t-shirts and a pair of sweatpants."
You nodded. "That would be lovely. It's hard to sleep in jeans. I hope those little requests won't bother you.".
Steven shrugged. "No, I don't mind at all. As far as I can tell, Gus has no objections, either."
Gus was probably sleeping in the water as the fish floated gently.
"Well, I am glad." Your reply was short as you looked in the direction of the kitchen. "Have you eaten yet?"
Steven didn't reply as he rummaged through his small closet. "I did... Some time ago... I'm not sure anymore."
"Do you feel hungry?”
"No, but if you are, I can go out to grab some takeouts."
"Well, I was planning to make something tasty, but since you aren't hungry, I won't go through your fridge," you said, getting up from the couch. "Tea?"
"No thanks. The refrigerator is empty, so no food can be found there."
Nodding once more, you walked to him and accepted the clothes he chose.
After changing in the bathroom, you returned to him as soon as it was done.
Grant was already in bed with his ankles cuffed.
It caught your attention as you sat on the bed. "Wow, I must say, I didn't fully believe this part. So, would you like to cuddle?"
He only nodded hesitantly after looking down at his ankles. "As you can see, I didn't lie. It's only for protection. I would appreciate some cuddles as well."
As you laid on the bed, you relaxed and opened your arms for him soon after.
"Come here, Steven. I'll cuddle you to sleep or simply carry you through the night." Your tone was sweet and soft as you placed your offer.
Steven rolled onto his side as far as his cuffed ankles would allow, creating an ocean of curly hair on your belly as his head was placed there.
As soon as you moved a little closer to make him more comfortable, you grabbed a blanket to wrap him a little. As you hugged him, one of your hands reached into his messy hair, gently stroking them, while massaging his scalp.
While humming softly, he let you fully embrace him and rolled to his side as much as he could. "Will this ever end?" Steven asked quietly.
One of your eyes was open when you looked at him. "What do you mean?"
"Will I ever feel normal again?"
"Steven... Do not say it as if you were some kind of maniac killing people all the time. You are a normal guy." You sighed and kissed his head. "Maybe someone can help you manage it."
Your tone made him feel as if his heart was melting.
"Even though we missed our few dates, I will still help you in any way that I can. Don't worry about that." You squeezed him a little.
Steven once believed that his emotional scars were a net that would sink him into briny depths. Nevertheless, he stood on the rock and the scars became bright sparks in the sunlight, golden fireworks giving light to the dawn, promising a brighter tomorrow. Your presence by his side made him think so, always being so caring and patient with him and all of his oddities. Grant felt relieved knowing you were always nearby to ease his worries.
Although Steven's problem was difficult, you knew better than to abandon him because of it.
Tucking the blanket around him a bit more, you held him. Throughout the night, you simply held him and offered him whatever comfort you could. He was the man you loved in the end.

The Easter Hunt || Marc Spector x fem!Reader smut

Summary: Steven Grant is your boyfriend. You live a happy life together. On Easter, something unexpected happens. You are surprised to learn Marc Spector wants to get laid with you. Would you agree to that?
Warnings: smut & language & Marc being bossy
Words: 3280
Pairing: Marc Spector x fem!Reader || Steven Grant x fem!Reader
Authors: Cass & Fenrir
A/N: In order to dispel any doubts, we know Marc & Steven are canonically Jewish and we respect that. Nevertheless, for this particular fic purpose, we chose not to adhere to this specific canon aspect. It is our hope that you will understand & react with comprehension.To those who may have felt resentful - please accept our sincere apologies for any triggering you may have experienced.

Easter was a more laid-back holiday than Christmas. Undoubtedly, the holiday was filled with family, friends, and delicious food. On Easter Sunday, people would receive chocolate eggs and occasionally a bunny. It was enjoyable to be able to celebrate these things. Furthermore, spring had just arrived, which meant that new flowers bloomed and everything came back to life after a long absence. In order to welcome the seasonally warm air, many people opened the windows instead of getting cosy for the winter.
Steven felt like he was on cloud nine; he had a cheerful mood. While the whole Easter dinner preparation was a bit overwhelming at times, he didn't mind as long as you were with him and Gus.
Grant spent his free time painting eggs and hiding them around his flat since the museum was closed for Easter and Donna didn't come up with any creative, brilliant ideas to make his life worse.
As you and Steven had been dating for a few months, you simply visited his place whenever you wanted. He even gave you the key. Your bag was full of stuff when you stepped into the flat. “Honey, I'm back!” You exclaimed.
As soon as he spotted you, he exclaimed enthusiastically, "Hi!"
You greeted him with joy, "I have everything!"
He clapped his hands a few times. "Thanks. Could you place the bags on the counter in the kitchen?"
As you nodded, you headed to the kitchen and put the bags on the counter. "I see you have cleaned a little. I'd help you if you waited for me."
"In the past, you have said that staying in motion is always better. I wanted to do something."
"I distinctly remember saying that we could clean and prepare the place together." You shook your head and started to unpack the bags.
"But why would you have to work your beautiful ass off when I can take more of your responsibilities on my shoulders since I'm at home?" Steven asked with a smug smirk on his lips.
"Because I want to help with everything, silly, but fine. Have it your way. What's next, boss?"
"I think you should try to find a few things hidden around the flat."
"The eggs are hidden around your apartment, right?"
"Not only eggs." He replied mischievously.
"I promise... if I find a gun here, I will make Marc apologise for this." You warned before you began looking through the flat.
Mark responded to Steven within his head, "If she finds the gun and tries to blame me, she'll rather get smacked in the booty."
Steven said, clearing his throat, "Shut the hell up."
Looking through all the possible hiding spots in the flat, you walked around.
Eventually, you found a few nicely painted eggs. He clearly put some effort into them.
You smiled as you approached him. "That's it. Do I get anything for those?"
"We have cheesecake, strawberries, beer and wine, and...," Steven rubbed your forearm, "Something in the bedroom."
When he mentioned the bedroom, you raised an eyebrow. "Oh? What's in there?"
"Not much there yet, but we've been thinking for a while..." Steven rubbed his hands together.
As you nodded and listened to him, you wondered what he really meant.
Steven stated hesitantly, "Marc and I... We've been thinking, or should I say considering... He'd like to give it a shot as well."
You chuckled a bit while humming. "Give what a shot?"
Steven blushed as he said, "Oh, don't make me say that."
"How else will I know what you mean?" You teased him with a smile.
You were kissed on the cheek by him. “Some playing, you know. Playing for grown-ups.”
"That doesn't ring a bell, sweetie." You kept on teasing him.
Marc's low, soft grunt was virtually inaudible after he gained control. He rolled his eyes before towering over you. "I want that pussy!"
"Couldn't Steven just say so?" You asked. "Is that fine with him?"
"He would try not to be. The body is mine, I must remind you."
"Calm down your horses, Marc. If he isn't okay with it, I am sorry, but I am not either." You frowned.
Marc glared at you, grinning a little too angrily and resting his hands on his hips. "Give me a moment." Immediately, he rushed to the nearest mirror. "Steven. Steven. Stevie! Fuck, you alive?"
"I'm Steven, Spector. S-T-E-V-E-N with a "v" in the middle. How many times do I have to repeat myself?" Steven asked through the mirror.
You sat down on the couch and crossed your legs while you waited.
Of course, you've slept with Steven before but only him, or at least you hoped it was just him, but honestly, you've never thought about Marc in this situation. It's strange how you got excited about the idea.
They talked for a while; eventually, they came to similar conclusions.
As Marc came back to you, he rested his hip against the desk near Gus' aquarium. "He doesn't mind at all."
You got up from the couch and walked over to him. Your palms moved up his chest until they reached his shoulders. "Well, in that case, I don't mind either. To be honest, I am excited."
"You have to stop giving me those eyes."
"What if I don't stop? Will you punish me?" You cocked your eyebrow.
He leaned in closer, fanning your cheek with his breath as he teasingly nosed your neck. Marc whispered hoarsely, "The kind of look you give Steven when you want to be fucked. If you aren't a good, cooperative girl, you're punished." He pulled back, taking in your look.
"Perhaps I wish to be punished?" You winked at him, smiling.
As he lifted your chin with his fingers, Marc asked in a teasing tone, "Is that what you want?"
Biting your lip, you nodded.
Marc's knee slid into the gap between your legs as he teased your mound. "Would you like me to fuck this cunt until you beg me to stop?" Marc asked again while moving his knee back and forth as he rubbed your pussy through your jeans.
As you played with your lower lip, you gasped and hummed happily. "I will gladly accept it, sir. I would like it very much."
In response to your whining, he stepped back and smirked in amusement. As he crossed his arms over his chest, he demanded, "Promise me, you're gonna be obedient." His voice was stronger and firmer this time around.
With a frown on your face, you rubbed your legs together to increase friction.
Nodding, you took a deep breath. "I promise to be good."
"That's my girl."
A smile spread across his face. "I am now the one chasing the Easter Bunny, and we know who it is."
Blushing you tried to run to bed, but Marc snatched you before you even got there.
Once he picked you up, you giggled loudly.
"The Easter bunny has been caught. Now I'll be praised."
As soon as you were back down on the floor, he made you walk backwards until you felt the cold wall of the room against your back.
Just then, Marc lowered his head a bit to place a wet kiss on the side of your neck, making sure to be as vocal as possible as he did so.
With a soft moan, you grabbed Marc's cheeks and pulled him into a deep kiss, wrapping your arms tightly around him. You wanted to be sure he wouldn't pull away too soon.
One of your legs was wrapped around his hip as he french kissed you.
The kiss continued as you reached down to grab the hem of the shirt he was wearing so you could remove it easily.
As he started working on your belt and the fly of your jeans, he let you tug it over his head and threw it aside, pushing you even more against the wall. "Is babygirl needy?"
"Always." You purred and threw aside your own shirt as well.
As your belt was also unbuckled and thrown aside, Marc opened your jeans and yanked them down rapidly, kissing between your breasts.
You stepped outside of them. You were only wearing your white, lacy underwear in front of him.
"Look at you, such a good girl in such defiant underwear. So fucking hot."
As he worked on your bra clasp with his skilled fingers, he attacked your neck once more with another kiss. The bra fell down soon after.
With a smile, you moved your hands up and down his chest until they rested on the waistband of his pants. "You're so strong, just bossing me around."
He cupped your breast in his large hand as he reached down. He gently squeezed it, causing you to moan. Marc noticed your nipple was getting hard, so he pinched it between his fingers and gently started to pull. In response to this, you let out a tiny moan before you began stirring again.
"Fuck. I want to suck your cock." You winced, staring into his eyes. "Please." You almost begged.
He pulled back from your nipple and pressed heated kisses along your neck as both of his hands slid to your hips to pull your body more firmly against him - him as well as the noticeable bulge in his pants. Spector whispered, "You're naughty, and I like it. Let yourself go, babydoll."
As you smiled, you moved your lips to his cheek and then his jawline. After that, you moved down his neck and chest, kissing every inch of his body. Before unbuttoning his pants, you remembered to pay special attention to his abdomen.
As soon as his cock popped free from his boxers, you licked your lips. You gave it a long lick from base to tip purring, "Yummy."
Both his hands were in your hair as he gently bucked his hips. Marc praised in a husky voice, "Just like that. Such a little, naughty girl. Keep it up."
Your mouth was wrapped around his tip as you sucked gently, muttering at the sound of his voice as you did so. Then, you took more of him in your mouth, moaning again, feeling how wet you became.
Marc grunted, watching you from above, "You're so fucking skilled. Steven said you're good at blowjobs, but I refused to believe him. I was so fucking wrong."
As he bucked his hips forward, he caught the back of your head and made you swallow the entire shaft. "Just like that. Look at me. I said look at me, Y/N."
As you stared up at him, you softly growled around him.
Your cheeks were cupped in his hands. He commented, "Such an obedient girl."
After pulling him out of your mouth, you nuzzled his palm and purred. "Thank you, sir."
"Up." He ordered simply.
Because you promised to obey, you got up even though you didn't want to.
Your tongue was warm as he kissed you deeply, tasting his precum on your tongue. Marc couldn't help but hum as he kissed you.
Soon after, you were placed on the bed.
After kissing your lips again, Marc proceeded to bite and lick his way down your stomach until he was kneeling in front of you.
It seemed apt. You were a goddess, and he was your worshipper. And fuck, how much he wanted to worship you.
Spector wasted no time sliding your lacy panties down your legs, finally ridding you of the obstructive material so that he could trail his eyes over your naked form.
When he pulled you forward to press open mouthed kisses to your inner thighs, Marc was able to smell your arousal, and it did little to quell the tenting in his ball sack.
As you laughed, you placed both your legs on his shoulders, looking down at him with a playful smile. "Please, sir. I need you. So badly."
He leaned forward and swiped his tongue along your cunt before you could protest.
He thought you were the sweetest thing he had ever tasted. Marc gritted, yanking one of your legs over his shoulder, improving its position and burying his face in your beautiful pussy.
You moaned and cursed breathlessly, which spurred Marc on further. As he furiously tinkered with your clit while making some obscene noises, he buried his fingers into your ass, holding you against his greedy mouth.
As your hands moved through his thick hair, you grabbed it, letting out all sorts of sounds.
His tongue was soon accompanied by his index finger. After slipping his digit in and out of your pussy a few times, his middle finger joined, stretching you out even more.
Marc rubbed his tongue across your clitoris, sometimes catching it a little with his teeth.
In the wake of the first climax, Marc flipped you over and climbed up, pinning you to the old mattress. The head of his cock brushed against your dripping pussy as he shifted again.
While trying to calm down from your high, you panted deeply. It was nothing like the time you spent with Steven. Steven was soft and gentle, putting your pleasure first. Marc was aggressive and domineering.
What if you had to be honest? You fucking enjoyed them both. "I need you to fuck me hard until all I can moan is your name, Marc."
He slid into your tight heat without another word, stretching you so perfectly that you thought you might explode. "Fuck." He mumbled against your neck, his shoulders tensed as he slowly began to rock in and out of you. "You feel divine. So tight around my dick. Fucking perfection. Damn. Thought Steven had made you lose just a little more. Thank God he didn’t. Fuck." He growled, the rumbling in his chest ten times more intense than it had been, his mouth claiming yours in a deep kiss as one of his hands tangled in your hair. "You're so fucking fine, doll."
A hand was moved into his hair as you whimpered, "Your cock is fucking big. You are stretching me so nicely and fucking me so well! Ough! Yes!"
"Do you like it when I fuck your little cunt like that?" he said, as he caught your chin between his thumb and forefinger.
The pistoning of his hips struck you at the point where you saw stars, making his pace suddenly frantic.
While he pressed heated kisses to your throat, his teeth caught your skin as he sucked it into his mouth, leaving a hickey behind.
Marc grabbed you by the throat as your pussy began pulsating around his cock. His hand was large and easily fit around your throat. He then began to choke you by squeezing slightly.
He felt as if he was climbing a mountain - higher, higher, higher - before he finally crashed. "Oh fuck!" Marc snarled, his lips slamming against yours in a brutal kiss as he ran for his own release. As his cock started swelling inside you, his thrusts became more erratic and rough. He pulled one of your legs over his tense shoulder and continued to fuck you throughout your orgasm.
While biting your shoulder, Spector started firing ropes of hot cum into your pussy, unable to stop himself.
Whimpering his name over and over again was like some kind of prayer for you.
Having your own climax combined with the sweet feeling of him filling you up made it even more magical. It was still hard to believe, but you didn't regret a thing. "Fuck.. Marc..."
Marc gasped for air and fell on you, his tensed muscles glistening with sweat. "That was something."
You smiled and wrapped your arms around him. You gently stroked his thick, now messy hair with one of your hands. "That was something. I'm not sure I'll be able to walk."
Marc rolled off you and lay close to you, admiring the shape of your naked body while tracing the curve of your waist with his index finger. "Steven is lucky to have you as a girlfriend."
Since his touch tickled,you giggled. "I know he is. I am lucky to have him as my boyfriend."
Marc rolled onto his back and looked up at the ceiling as he slipped his hands under his head. "Why did you agree to that? To be fucked by me?"
Turning on your side, you looked at him as you nuzzled your pillow. "I don't know. You are different. I think my curiosity took over."
"When I heard so many of your complaints about me, I believed you were going to take him out with a solid blow to the head."
It's true, you are nothing like Steven. You are an asshole, no offence meant, but still, I just wanted to know you better," you shrugged. "And you? Why did you want to 'try' this with me?"
His voice became weaker for a moment. "It's been a while..." He paused. "It's been a while since I held a woman in my arms."
"So I was like a free whore to you?"
As he let out a sigh, he frowned. He stood up from the bed to walk to the nearest window and look out of it, as he said, "No. Do you realise how hard it is to share your body with others? You need to share your space with them, and that makes it uncomfortable. I felt everything he did to you, as well as the things you did to him. How do you like this fucking answer?"
Following him was the first thing you did.
You wrapped your arms around him from behind and gently stroked his stomach while nuzzling his back. "I apologise, Marc. You are right, I don't understand it fully and I think that I will never do, since this isn't happening to me. Kindly forgive me for this stupid question. I still get confused." You said quietly. "I have a proposal."
While he did not return to you, he nodded, awaiting to hear what you had to say.
You explained, "No matter if it is sex or just cuddles, I'm here for you. Steven is a nice guy. I'm sure he will understand your needs."
Marc frowned to himself before turning around and looking down at you. "Do you mean that seriously?
Looking up at him, you nodded. "Yes, I am serious. You both deserved some warmth and comfort."
The feeling was strange, unlike anything he had experienced before. With disbelief and happiness mixed within him, he smiled a libit.
"Your smile is contagious, Marc. I am glad to witness it. Could you do something for me?" You ran your palm up and down his broad, naked chest.
The man tilted his head, waiting for your request to be dropped.
"Could you... Speak to Steven if he has nothing against it? I am sure he heard everything."
"I promise," Marc said as he glanced down at you for a while. "Nice tits."
With rolled eyes, you got on your tippy-toes and flicked him in the forehead. "Now, Mr. Spector? Are you a big or a small spoon?"
"Big one."
You took his hand and pulled him back to bed, nodding. There you lied down and let him be the big spoon as he pleased. You pulled his arm around your waist as you pressed your back against his chest. "Comfy?"
While placing the kiss on your nape, he smiled, saying, "Yes, very comfortable."
Steven tried to take control of Marc's body and ask if you thought Spector was better than him in those aspects, but Marc didn't allow it; he simply wanted to enjoy the moment with you.

A One-time Job || Marc Spector x Reader

Vol 2
Summary: Who would have thought crushing a scooter could lead to a tomb robbery, which in turn may lead to a steamy night with a handsome fella?
Warnings: unprotected sex, drunk sex
Word count: circa 8090
Pairing: Marc Spector x Reader, Steven Grant & Reader
Authors: Fenrir & Cass
Rating: explicit! (+18)
A/N: Because this fanfic does not follow canon story, Marc does not have a romantic connection to Layla

As the eventide sky bloomed red, the land cooled, and as Marc came to love the black skies and the moonlight, Egypt became part of Spector's soul in a way that he couldn't sometimes comprehend.
His love for sand grew over time; the sand dunes were the playful waves of the desert, they rose and fell as if the desert was breathing.
A desert that he loved so much taught him how to do so much with so little, to adapt and overcome in a way that allows life to thrive.
Marc Spector was a former mercenary who was left for dead in the desert; a person rejected by society at some point.
After the Moon God spared Marc's life, it was time for Marc to embark on a process of scouting the road less traveled, checking its safety, making sure it leads to someplace of greater importance than sticking to well-known routes. To undertake such an exploration, it took courage, a pure seed of faith, and a firm commitment to do what was right. Marc, however, was not the type of man to be easily scared - he accepted his new role with full awareness and promised to fight the crime as the Moon Knight.
A new quest awaited Marc - he got a tip about ancient artifact smugglers raiding Egyptian tombs, and they apparently were working with no one else but Arthur Harrow himself.
Despite preferring to work on his own, Marc accidentally got a young woman involved in the business during the manhunt he conducted last week. It was impossible for him to foresee that a girl would park her scooter in such a narrow alley, almost in the middle of it. He probably wouldn't crush it with the car he stole if the scooter was parked closer to the building, but shit happened.
It was exactly how he ended up in one of Cairo's bars, drinking whiskey and scanning the room with careful, brown eyes, looking for the person he was set up with.
To say the least, you were pissed. Your scooter was crushed, the dude left his number, and he almost fled. Fortunately, he was more honest than you thought, because the number was real.
You walked into the bar he had set up for the meeting. Before entering, you adjusted your jacket and took a deep breath.
As soon as he spotted you entering, he raised his hand to signal his location.
You waved and walked up closer to him as you gave him a soft smile. "So, little break from crushing scooters and running after people?" You asked, sitting next to him.
"A little." He was trying to follow the joke. Please accept my sincere apologies once again, miss."
"Oh, it's okay. I just broke my only mode of transportation." You shrugged, waving at the bartender. "How will you repay me?" You asked openly.
"What do you want? I can write you a check or...," He hung his tone, "I have another suggestion."
The last offer caught your attention, and you moved closer. "Other proposition? I don't take payments in nature."
Your face caught his attention as he studied it with his own brown eyes; you were a very pretty girl, he had to admit. You contrasted the soft features of your face, rosy lips, and perfectly shaped brows with the full curves of your hips as you sat next to him in tight jeans and a fitted t-shirt. "I didn't mean that. Well, since you're from here, I think your knowledge might be useful to me."
As you stared at him, you couldn't help but admit; if it wasn't for him crushing your scooter, you would happily hit on him on your night out. He was quite handsome. "I'm from here indeed, but what can I do to help you?"
As he tapped his fingers on his glass, he said, more to himself than to you, "So I think you'd find it easy to get into somewhere."
You nodded as the bartender brought you a drink and said, "Possibly, it depends on what place you mean. I won't help you get into a bank or anything like that. What's your plan?"
"I'm heading for the east side of the desert, where there is a tomb that has not yet been opened. That's my destination."
As you sipped your drink, you frowned.
If that asshole hadn't crushed your scooter, you would've ridden there yourself. Did you have a competition to find a treasure? "Oh really?" You asked, trying to make the most casual tone you could muster. "What would you find there? It's just an old tomb."
"There is a smugglers group that raids tombs, stealing artifacts, gold, and other things. I want to track them down and stop them."
"So you're some kind of secret police?" You laughed and patted all of your pockets. "Great. Hey? Do you smoke?"
"I do. Do you need a lighter?"
Taking out your lighter, you sighed, "I need a cigarette." Your lighter was empty.
Marc pulled Chesterfields from the pocket of his leather jacket. He offered one to you.
After thanking him, you took a cigarette and lit it. "Well..." You hummed, taking a drag of the cigarette. "Since we discuss such things, I suggest we change the location to a less public one. We can meet at my home."
He got up, nodding at you.
After finishing your drink and paying for it, you showed him the way to your place. "I usually use it for work and as a hiding place." You told him before opening the door to let him in.
The flat was filled with books, maps, and souvenirs from all over the world.
Despite the messiness of your apartment, he thought it was an interesting place.
Marc rubbed his fingertips against the books on one of the shelves.
As you sat on the bed with your laptop on your lap, you hummed and said, "The valley on the east side of the desert, you say... Are you just looking for that group or are you looking for something specific within it?"
"I want to retrieve the things they will steal."
"What do you mean?" You asked, raising an eyebrow. "I have a feeling there's more to it than you tell me."
"Only artifacts. We both know they have one purpose. And I know they have been observing this place for at least two weeks."
As you typed something on your laptop, you nodded. "Honestly, I wasn't there much. I would know more if someone hadn't crushed my scooter."
While inspecting your locum further, Marc rolled his eyes. "I apologized."
"I am kidding, don't get angry. I was searching for a way to open this tomb too, but I couldn't find a key to open the door. But what I did find was this," you showed him the picture on your laptop. "Can you see this?" You asked him as you touched the screen.
Crouching next to your bed, he watched the screen. "I guess it's some kind of riddle."
"Exactly!" You placed the laptop on the bed, slipped off of it, and sat on the floor next to him with the picture right in front of you both. "Well, you are almost entirely right. This is indeed a riddle. But you see those little gaps? That is a hidden entrance with the riddle as an opening mechanism."
Suddenly, it struck him. "My guess is that it is a Ptolemaic hinge."
"You think?" You pondered this and grimaced. "Wait! Of course! Why didn't I think about that?"
He replied, "Sometimes all you need is the right perspective."
"Or a proper partner in crime." You giggled all excitedly. "Shall we begin preparations? Should we rest first?"
Your words made him chuckle. "I don't even know your name, sweetheart."
You stared at him a bit shocked, and then it hit you. Your cheeks turned red. "Oh, shit! Right! Sorry. I am Y/N and you are..?"
"Marc." He reached out his hand to you. He shook your hand with a firm grasp.
Squeezing his hand firmly, you nodded. "Nice to meet you, Marc. What are your plans?"
"I think that would be the most effective way of getting around there," he pointed to a spot on the screen, "Before midnight, and just wait for them to show up."
"And what will we do when they arrive?"
He replied, cryptically, "And this, my dear Y/N, will be something interesting."
As you looked at your laptop, you smiled and said, "I'll take my gun. Great. I'll go get ready so we can leave."
"Wait. Wait. Let's set everything up. I have my motives to catch them, but what about yours?"
"I travel a lot, and I like to end up somewhere I shouldn't just to see an ancient temple or old ruins. In a nutshell, I like adventures. But my main reason is that I'm trying to get a guy named Harrow. He killed my uncle to steal some artifacts he had in his collection. What are you really after, Marc?"
"I cannot unfold them yet, but I think you will understand me better tomorrow for we both have a common foe." Marc replied, getting up. "I should leave to prepare."
"Fine, when and where should we meet? Just so we're on the same page." You questioned, looking up at him.
"Tomorrow at 10 pm, we'll meet at the bar where we met today. From there, we'll drive as close as we can."
Nodding, you confirmed, "Tomorrow, 10 pm, at the bar. Got it, and I'll be there ready to go. It's so exciting!" It was nearly impossible not to giggle with joy.
Marc offered you a surprised glance; the last thing he expected was a girl he just met fangirling about a possible upcoming exchange of fire.
Once Marc left, you couldn't help but jump in place from pure excitement. Your entire plan sounded so amazing that it seemed like a dream.
When all the emotions had subsided, you decided to start getting ready for tomorrow so that you would be fully prepared.

Marc waited for you on the hood of his car, smoking a cigarette and checking his phone from time to time.
As you sat next to him, you casually asked, "Is my partner in crime ready for some fun?" The clothing you wore was carefully chosen in order not to scratch you, but also to prevent you from getting heatstroke.
A look was given to you; you wore tight, fitted combat pants, black boots, and a white shirt with thick stripes. "Hi. Much. And you? From what I can see, you also took some time to prepare for this event."
"Of course. Who would enter an ancient tomb without getting ready. Especially when we might be pursued by smugglers. From experience, I know they love to carry guns." You confirmed, tightening your shoelaces.
A holster was attached to his thick, leather belt. "I'm ready too, so nothing will surprise us."
You nodded enthusiastically as you said, "I have one too. So we are safe and sound on this adventure, I believe. We know where we need to go but how will we open the door?"
"I think I'll be able to open the door."
You immediately perked up. "You know how?! When did you solve it? How?!"
"Trust me." Marc briefly ran his fingers against your chin, smirking. "Get in, Y/N."
Immediately after letting out a quiet purr, you laughed for a moment. You followed him into the car. "Before we get there, I want to settle one more thing with you."
Taking a comfortable seat in the driver's seat, he closed the door. "Yes?" Marc asked, placing his arm on the back of your seat.
You looked at him fully seriously and said, "We enter in together and leave together no matter what happens. Can I rely on you, Marc?" When the questions dropped you offered him your hand.
Taking your hand, he said, "Deal. And after we're done, we won't return to your crushed scooter."
"Oh! Thank you for reminding me about that!" Nodding, you laughed and rolled your eyes as you settled into your passage seat. "Don't worry. The deal is the deal, but I honestly forgot about this already."
"You're fast at forgetting things." He joked, starting the engine.

Soon, you two got close to the tomb.
You had to park the car at a decent distance from the destination so as not to be seen.
Marc and you walked through the sand, keeping an eye on the surroundings.
You couldn't get rid of the butterflies in your stomach. It wasn't your first adventure, but you still felt like a kid in a candy store. It was more than exciting. You were curious about how he solved the entry problem, and you couldn't wait to see what he found in the tomb. "Based on what I see, I think we are the first ones here, or maybe they have already entered." You said, trying to see something in almost complete darkness if not counting the dim light of the moon.
"Down!" Marc snapped at you and grabbed your wrist, forcing you to lay flat on the sand. "Look carefully over there." He snapped, pointing to the tomb's entrance where two dark figures stood.
He removed the backpack he was wearing and pulled out a pair of binoculars. You received it after he checked them. "What are you seeing?"
Sighing deeply, you looked through the binoculars. When you looked closer, it didn't look as good as you had hoped.
At this point, you had a sense that there was more going on than just a 'smuggler group'.
It looked more like something out of a cult. So many goons were present. "My little eye detects cars and goons. Lots of goons with guns. I think I see Harrow.... He is standing there when they try to open the front door for him. What next?"
Marc announced, "We'll visit them."
The binoculars were moved away from your face as you asked him, "Excuse me? Ya just want to walk up there, say 'hi' and politely ask them to let us in first?”
"Cool your horses. I told you I have a plan. Come on."
Raising your eyebrows, you glanced in the direction of the tomb. You weren't sure whether or not you liked it, but you had an agreement after all, and you really wanted to get inside. In the end, you followed him.
As two of you sneaked closer to the tomb and group of people, he instructed, "Be careful and prepared. You can use the gun if needed."
As you looked around carefully, you stayed close to him. You hissed in a quiet voice, "That's right, but only two guns against a few machine guns isn't a good match. This doesn't add up."
Marc waved at you to calm you down. "Be quiet. Stop panicking."
Upon getting close enough to you, the man made you crouch, so the two of you remained in the darkness of the desert.
As you watched how they tried to open the gate, the two of you exchanged glances.
Marc muttered under his breath, "They're deluded."
Looking at everything that was happening, you whispered, "Yes, indeed. Trying to open it this way will take them ages." Looking around one more time, you tried to figure out whether the two of you could possibly work it out.
"Just hurry up and open the tomb!" Arthur himself yelled loudly to his men. "We've already wasted enough time. Let's not waste more of it."
Marc looked at you. "Stay close." He emerged from your hideout in the shadows moments later. "It's been a long time, Harrow. You can't even use a Ptolemaic hinge properly, as I can see."
While you watched him in shock, you remained silent. As a result, you just observed what was happening at this point.
"Steven... Or is it Marc at this point? I can see you finally got here." Harrow greeted him with a flat smile. "You must be desperate to come here by yourself."
The specter approached the other man, tapping his chin. "What's inside that you hired those idiots to get into? They have no clue what they're doing. Also," he gestured at you to join him, "I'm not alone."
Only your eyes were visible from your hiding spot as they glistened in the dim moonlight. With a frown on your face, you left your hiding spot to join Marc just like he wanted, even if you didn't like it. Slowly, you walked to Marc's side. "Hi?"
"This one is completely new to me. You're changing allies so quickly." Arthur chuckled.
"I know you!" You growled loudly. "Your goons killed my uncle for an artifact. I saw you on the recording!”
Harrow gave you a gentle smile for a moment. The nice man who wasn't keen on giving away something I needed? That is a shame. I'm sorry, but this is more important than one life."
If Marc had not grabbed your shoulder, you probably would have jumped on Arthur right away.
A fake smile appeared on Marc's face and he turned to you, leaning forward so that only you could hear his words, "Calm down. You will be able to avenge your uncle, but not now. Put your emotions aside and concentrate."
Mark walked to the wall of the tomb, counted something in his mind, and pushed one of the huge stones. This caused a huge granite block to move aside, revealing a narrow corridor inside.
As you ran up to Marc, your eyes widened and you gasped loudly. In spite of everything, you asked, "How did you do that?!"
Harrow said simply, "Isn't that cute? You've found someone who shares your interests. Such a shame it's over. Get rid of them both!"
When the first shots were fired, you cursed and ran for cover. "This is not how I expected it to turn out!"
Marc screamed, pressing his back against the stone wall, reloading his gun after a few shots were fired. "Go ahead, I'll cover you! Take whatever you find!"
"You... Are you sure?!" You screamed, hiding behind the cover again, firing a few shots yourself. "I won't leave you here alone!"
Marc yelled, waving his hand briefly at you. "Go!"
"Don't die here!" You followed his command and ran into the narrow corridor.
Being unfamiliar with what you could find here did not make it easy at all. "Fucking hell..." You groaned once you got further into the tomb.
Marc managed to shoot two of Harrow's smugglers. As long as he wasn't sure the group had rearranged their positions, he stayed under cover. When he realized the group had changed positions, he ran after you.
After a moment of walking, you stopped in front of the two different corridors. There was one going left and one going right.
As you took a deep breath, you tried to decide which way to turn when someone grabbed your shoulder. The first thing you tried to do was to punch the person who grabbed you, but when you saw Marc's face, your fist stopped. "Oh, thank God. Are you ok?"
"Don't ask silly questions now, let's go." He pulled your hand, taking your left side.
The two of you soon entered a large chamber with a stone altar in the middle.
As you looked around, you couldn't believe what you were seeing. It was better than you had ever imagined. All the hieroglyphs and sculptures were in almost pristine condition. "Look at all that!" You exclaimed excitedly and then realized you were still holding his hand.
After clearing your throat, you let go of it and looked at the altar. "Do you think it's there?"
Mark said, not realizing he was holding your hand tightly. "Picture the hieroglyphs on the walls, and I'll collect everything."
Several artifacts, as well as a golden Anubis statue, were soon placed in the backpack. "Come on! Let's find a way out."
You were taking the last picture before putting your phone in the pocket. "There should be a hidden path somewhere in this area. We just need to find it."
Marc rummaged through his pockets and cursed. "Y/N! Lighter!"
No time for a smoke break!" you joked, but quickly fumbled in your pocket to get your lighter.
He lit it and put his hand up. A slight windblow put out the fire soon after. "This way."
You nodded and followed him, grabbing your lighter from him as you passed.
Smugglers and Harrow were on a manhunt after you, so you could hear their screams.
You checked to make sure that your escape path was not visible before running after Marc until the two of you reached the outside world. "Are we safe now?"
As he ran alongside you, suddenly he lost his footing and rolled down a dune, pulling you behind him.
As he stopped rolling at the base of the dune, he laughed. "Yes. You bet we are! And they got fucking angry at this point for being fucked by one unstable mentally ill man and a beautiful woman by his side."
You laughed as well, resting your hand on his chest and resting your chin on it briefly. "Oh, I bet they're pissed, and c'mon! Don't call yourself that! Not to ruin the moment but we should leave before they decide to go back outside. We can celebrate in my flat."
Marc handled the bag for you and got up, following you back to his car.
You felt safest in the car when both of you were sitting in it.
You looked at him as you placed the bag on your lap. "Let's get outta here."
He started the engine and drove off. "So you saw Harrow before?"
"In a way, yeah. I had no idea who he was, but I tried to find him. I didn't succeed until today." You nodded, stretching your legs. "Is he your old buddy from school or something?”
"Acquaintance." He replied shortly. "Open the bag."
As he asked, you opened the bag. "You picked up a lot of stuff. I see gold, artifacts, and manuscripts. I hope I can take something. I need a souvenir from such an adventure." You pulled out an old, nice-looking bracelet and shrugged. "The finder keeps the find."
When he saw you rummaging through the backpack so eagerly, he smiled. "It will suit you. Hey, where would you like me to drop you off?"
"We should stop a few streets away from the flat. We can buy some beer, go to my place by foot, and then celebrate."
"Are you inviting me over?" He asked, smiling wryly at you. "And two days ago you were about to send the police after me."
"I still can, so don't push my buttons, Marc. A woman never forgets." You warned him by placing the bag next to your legs. "To answer your question, I will invite you over a second time. For whatever happened back there, we need to drink. That was something."
He nodded, remaining a tad silent while he was driving.

As you stated, the car was parked or rather left a few blocks away.
While he was on his way to your flat, Marc bought some alcohol, keeping an eye on the backpack you were carrying.
It was a peaceful walk to the flat, filled with chatting.
When you arrived at the place, you opened the door and let him in. You placed the bag on the couch and looked at him. "Maybe you'd like to take a shower after such an adventure? I need it desperately, especially after you rolled me in the sand."
Trying to keep a straight face after hearing your offer, he cocked his brow.
Taking off the shoes, you muttered, "I have more sand in my hair than in my boots. I'll go first."
"Your flat, your rules." Marc replied, watching you disappear into another room.
When he heard the shower running, he dived into his backpack and pulled out several manuscripts. "Steven, wake up. Will you be able to read and translate those? Remember that we're looking for any clues about the Ankh Amulet."
As soon as Marc's eyes rolled back and Steven took charge, the man sat down on the floor, spread the sheets out in front of him, and ran his fingers along the verses. "I think I can. I'm not really proficient at ancient Egyptian, but Layla might be able to help." Steven's attention was suddenly drawn to the sound of a shower. "Wait a minute, we aren't in the hotel room. Where are we?"
Marc replied after overtaking the body, "It's none of your business. And don't you dare to mention anything to Layla."
Standing under the warm water, you hummed happily at the sensation. Lastly, you were able to get rid of all the sweat and sand you accumulated from that wonderful trip. Your excitement still lingered in the back of your mind. You thought about Marc. He was an interesting fella and you hoped to get to know him better.
You dried yourself off after the shower, tucked your hair in a bun, and dressed.
Since you were at home, you wore shorts and a checkered shirt.
You remembered to prepare clean towels for your guest.
You left the bathroom and smiled as you saw the manuscripts on the floor. "My, oh my, you are getting right to work."
A smirk appeared on his face. "Do you by any chance know an ancient Egyptian?" Marc asked with a hopeful tone.
"I don't know much about it, but perhaps I can look online." You shrugged, looking over his shoulder.
"Ok, no need to, it's fine." He gave a short reply.
"Go take a shower. It helps with thinking." You encouraged. "I left a towel for you there."
"Thank you." He said, getting up. After you showed him the way, Marc left for the bathroom.
Before walking to the kitchen, you glanced at all the manuscripts and shook your head.
It only took him a few minutes to remove dirt, sweat, and sand from his body. He appreciated you letting him use the shower. Having only known him for three days, he expected you to be more cautious having him in your flat.
You were sitting on the countertop with a cigarette in your hand and a bottle of beer next to you when he left the bathroom.
Because of your really short shorts, it looked like you would be sitting only in your shirt since your legs hung in the air. Your hair was already down as well.
Marc improved his jeans in the corridor. His eyes immediately fell on your legs.
Men are visualisers by nature, and it was exactly who Spector was as well. Observing your long legs with perfectly shaped calves, he could sense that your body was lean and tense with smooth, silky skin on top. After clearing his throat, he said, "Thanks for your hospitality."
You shook your head and handed him a bottle of beer. "No problem. At least this is something I can do. Now we can relax and rest before our next adventure."
Marc accepted the bottle, thanked again, and sat down at the table. "Your enthusiasm for the adventure is contagious. Do you have anything specific in mind or do you just want to feel the tension, excitement and desire?"
"I just love to explore. To see those places untouched by men for centuries, to see their mysteries and beauty. And you?"
"I have personal reasons that I'm not eager to share. Please forgive me." He apologized softly.
Giving him a nod, you smiled softly. "I'm not pressing, no need to apologize."
"You were brave back there."
"Says the guy who just walks up to the bad guy, saying hi as if he was his best friend." You laughed and took a sip of beer before taking a drag. As you shook some of the ash into the ashtray, you shrugged. "Not my first trip, and not the first time I've been shot at. I'm used to it."
"The way you look, I wouldn't say so. You look like a girl from a wealthy family, standing aside from all the trouble."
As you laughed, you brushed your still wet hair with your hand. "I guess we have something in common. You look alike, yet you step on the tail of the smuggler with the utmost vigor for some reason."
Taking another sip from his bottle, he chuckled a bit.
You took another sip, rocking your legs a little.
Marc got up, taking another look around your flat. "Are you living here alone?"
"I mostly use it to rest, prepare, and plan during my travel breaks." You explained, watching him. "Is it strange for a girl to live alone?" You asked.
"No," Marc replied honestly, "I was just wondering whether your boyfriend wasn't getting jealous of you living on your own."
"Well, he would have to exist first in order to be jealous." You concluded. "There's no need to worry about someone coming in and beating you for being here. Well, unless you annoy the hell out of me, in which case I'll do it myself."
A voice in Marc's head said, "Tough one," but Spector ignored it.
As he downed his bottle, he turned to face you. "I just wanted to know."
"Now you know. So what about you? Your wife or girlfriend won't mind if you work with a woman?" You asked, taking a drag of your cigarette. "I'm sure that I would."
"I don't have anyone." He replied honestly. Having anything to do with me won't result in you being pursued by any girlfriend or wife."
"Two singles! We're so lucky! Kind of sad." You sighed.
"What do you mean?" Marc asked, setting the empty bottle on the kitchen counter and lighting up a cigarette.
"Stop fucking talking and instead start acting, Spector." The voice within his head seemed relentless. "She likes you, I sense it."
You shrugged, finishing your beer. "What I mean is that it would be nice to return home to someone who cares and misses you." After saying it you hopped off the counter and grabbed one more beer. "You want another one?"
He followed you and took the offered bottle out of your hand. "Thank you, Y/N."
"No problem, Marc.” You gave him a smile. "Since you like to end up in odd places with odd people, let me show you where I ended up during my travels."

This is how the evening unfolded.
Marc just saw your pictures from each place, and you told him about what actually happened. It was fun talking to someone who listened to you.
You didn't stop at just two beers each, so after a while things got a little loose.
"It was a big, old ship!" You giggled, telling him one of the stories.
Marc laid with his head on your lap at that point, looking up at you and chuckling whenever you said something funny or got excited about something ordinary. You had a very cheerful attitude, and he regretted not having met you before.
Marc ignored Khonshu's plea to move his ass and not let the girl decide what to do; he had been sick of God's bullshit for the past few weeks.
Marc reached up to play with a strand of your loosened hair. "Ya pretty." He complimented you out of the blue.
When his words made you freeze, you were playing with his hair and giggling at your own story. You stared at him with confusion. He may not have meant it, but it was actually nice of him. "Thank you. You aren't that bad-looking either."
Laughing, he rolled his head back a little, his eyes closed. "Don't pretend you don't like me that way. Come on, I know I've got your attention."
"Maybe you did. Even if you did, what then? I think you're handsome." You were honest, immediately regretting saying it as your cheeks were covered in blush.
He looked at you, smirking. "Knew it." Playing with your hair, he touched the side of your neck, letting his hand slide down your collarbone, to your décolleté.
You raised an eyebrow just observing, curious to know what he would do next. "I see your hands like to wonder, huh Marc?"
With his index finger, he gently lowered the neckline of the shirt, peering inside. "Hmm. Nice boobs."
You chuckled and slapped his hand away, rolling your eyes. "I didn't say you could look in there."
"What if I want?"
When you looked at him, you got a nice idea that was probably affected by the alcohol, but you didn't care about it. "Well, then you should pay for that pleasure."
He slowly sat up, furrowing his brows, looking at you. "Like? Pay how?"
As you gently caressed his cheek, you said, "You need to pay like this." Your lips gently caressed his as you pulled him into a sweet kiss.
Your taste spilled onto his tongue, and he let out a moan, making out with you slowly, letting his tongue dance with yours as one of his hands instinctively cupped your breast and kneaded them.
As his rough hands played with your breast, you let out a quiet moan. You smiled as you pulled away from the kiss to grab the hem of his shirt so you could pull it over his head.
Having let you do so without protest, he immediately shifted his kisses to your jawline and to the side of your neck. A low grunt came from his lips as he kissed your warm skin.
A soft sound escaped your lips as you felt his kisses on your skin. Having someone so close again felt good. Your hand moved slowly to his chest. You felt each scar on his body.
Marc quickly pulled away to help you take the shirt off. "You're so goddamn pretty, Y/N."
At this point, you didn't try to hide from him since there was no point. You were completely naked in front of him. "Do you mean that or is that just alcohol talking?"
"I meant all of what I said." Marc growled, stealing another kiss as he cupped your breasts in his hands, massaging them, brushing his thumbs over your already hardened nipples. "Look at you, doll."
As his lips touched yours, you gasped, purring happily. Your palms rested on his shoulders and you straddled him, pushing him a little down. "I would rather look at you, handsome."
He laid comfortably on the mattress, immediately grasping your hips, massaging you there. "Look at you. So eager."
"Difficult to not be eager with you by my side. Especially after our little adventure." You hummed as you ran your hands down his chest, softly scratching his skin with your nails while rolling your hips to grind against him. "Is that your gun or you are just as eager as I am, Marc?"
He chuckled darkly to himself, caressing the curves of your hips and waist. "Well, well. You're so hot, Y/N."
His hand traveled down his body and Marc adjusted himself within his jeans as the bulge became uncomfortable for him. "This is what you're doing to me."
"Oh really? I feel flattered to hear that. Shall I help you again?"
He couldn't take his eyes off you; your face flushed with blush, eyes glistened with sparkles of desire and need of closeness, your breath hitched. "Yes." He demanded within a soft tone.
"So demanding. You need to receive some more attention. I will take care of you,"
After those words, you leaned down to kiss him deeply one more time before moving to his neck. While he caressed the curves of your hips and waist, he chuckled darkly to himself. "Well, well, you're so hot, Y/N." Marc said as he adjusted himself within his jeans as the bulge became uncomfortable for him. "That's what you're doing to me."
"Oh really? I feel flattered to hear that. Shall I help you again?"
He could not take his eyes off of you; your face was flushed with blush, your eyes gleamed with desire and need, your breath was tense. "Yes." He demanded in a soft voice.
"So demanding. You need to receive some more attention. I will take care of you." After these words, you leaned down to kiss him deeply one more time before moving to his neck. Next, you positioned yourself between his legs. As you stroked him through his pants, you giggled, "I wonder if you'll fit in. I can already see you are big."
With one hand on your cheek, he stroked you there with his thumb as his upper body rested on his elbow. Marc bit his lower lip as he observed you carefully. With one hand, he unbuckled his belt.
Not breaking eye contact with him, you bit your lip and nuzzled his hand.
Soon, he undid the fly of his jeans and pulled his cock out, giving himself a stroke.
Your palm wrapped around him and you stroked him yourself. After placing a brief kiss on his hand, you leaned down to swirl your tongue around his tip.
He gasped, not stopping himself from looking down at you.
Your warm tongue moved around his tip before you moved away a bit, giving him a few strokes. Then, after sending him one last smile, you wrapped your lips around his cock tightly. Purring around him, you swallowed as much of him as possible.
Marc started grunting loudly, instantly slipping one of his hands into your loosened hair to deepen your moves. "Such a good girl, just like that, sweet bean."
As you hummed happily at his praises, you continued sucking his cock. Your palm moved to his balls to massage and play with them gently.
Marc's muscles tensed as the blissful feeling spread across his body. He rolled his head back and laid comfortably on the bed, stroking your scalp with one of his hands.
You pulled away, replacing your mouth with your palm. "Feeling good? How about we try something better?'
He raised his head and gave you a look. "Yes to whatever you have to offer, doll."
"Look at you. So eager." You chuckled and sat up. Giving him a look, you started slowly removing your shorts, showing nothing else under them.
"Fuck." He whispered to himself, admiring your nakedness and smooth, tanned skin.
You made sure to stretch a little bit to fully present yourself to him. Then, you once again straddled him, wrapping your hand around his cock. Soon, you slowly slid down on him, letting out a moan as his cock stretched your pussy.
His hand instantly found its way to your hip where he gently massaged you, letting out a soft grunt, rolling his head back, resting it against the mattress. "Fuck. Oh, fuck, Y/N."
You rolled your hips, looking at him with a smirk on your lips. "Feels right, sweetie? You feel so good, so deep in, fuck."
"So good." Marc replied, gasping heavily and stroking your curves.
You started to move faster, moving on his cock while playing with your boobs. His name was like a prayer that you repeated, moaning just for him.
He moved his hands up your body, resting them on your breasts, kneading them, and brushing your nipples.
"Such a softie in bed. Who would have thought?" You teased, placing your palms on his hands.
He enjoyed your touch on his palms but your words made him a tad angry. Therefore, he pushed you off himself and rolled on top of you, pinning you down to the mattress.
Gasping loudly, you looked up at him and giggled. Not even a little were you scared of this, it was what you were waiting for.
He pushed himself back into your core, humming softly as he attacked your neck with kisses.
"Fuck, Marc." You moaned loudly, wrapping one of your legs around his waist as your hands moved into his hair.
His hips moved rhythmically back and forth; he was gasping as your inner walls squeezed his member.
You whimpered, feeling your climax approaching. Just as you expected, you cum soon around him, moaning his name as loud as possible.
He kept on fucking your pussy until he shot his warm semen in your core, biting on your neck with a loud grunt escaping his parted lips.
You squeaked, surprised by the bite, but instead of being mad you simply giggled, wrapping your arms around him "I see I have an animal in bed."
He crushed his lips against yours, moaning and whining, still bucking his hips into you.
Soon yet, he pulled out, making sure to jerk all of the cum drops that left on him on your pussy.
You gasped, kissing him before you pulled away with a cocky smile on your lips. "Well, well, well, fancy to leave me a little souvenir?"
"Maybe." Marc replied with a cocky smirk dancing on his lips.
Laughing, you cupped his cheek to press one more kiss to his lips before you moved a little to reach into the drawer of your bedside table. "You wanna smoke?"
He kissed his way down your body, flicking his tongue around one of your nipples. "Uh-uh. Thanks."
You took the pack of cigarettes, lighter, and little ashtray out of the drawer, and lit one.
He soon laid down by your side, sliding hands under his head.
"I hope you will stay for the night." You said, lying comfortably next to him.
"Ask nicely and I'll think of it."
You laughed and sat up on the bed to locate his shirt. Once you did, you grabbed it and put it on to quickly lay back by his side, puffing out a cloud of smoke. "It wasn't a question, to be honest."
His strong arm was wrapped around your waist as he smiled. "Bossy."
Shrugging with a proud smile, you gave him a glance. "Maybe a little."
"A little?"
"Yes, a little." You repeated, nodding.
He played with your loosened hair. "You're a cutie. Sexy cutie. Imagine waking up buried in that sweet pussy of yours."
"I never said you cannot do that. You won't wake up here alone." Turning on your side, you looked at him, admiring how handsome he was.
Marc reached for his boxers and pulled them up, offering you a place on his chest.
You quickly finished with your cigarette and put it in the ashtray to gladly accept the offer, getting comfortable on his chest.
He chuckled. "I would never say we'll end up fucking after I crushed your scooter."
"Oh! Thanks for reminding me. Where is my money, Marc!?” You growled playfully. Finally, you could get some rest after a day full of adventure.

As you were slowly waking up, you nuzzled to your pillow.
You turned around so that you could nuzzle Marc, feeling soberer than yesterday.
What an amazing day yesterday was! Honestly, in the morning you hoped for fun, but it didn't come.
He sat on the edge of the bed, shirtless, with his hair messy, and was visibly trembling, quietly sobbing.
As you opened your eyes, you frowned softly. Worried, you sat up and crept closer. "Marc? What's wrong?"
The man jumped up from his place, looking at you slightly above his shoulder. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... Did... Did I disgrace you... Oh, God..."
Confused, you laughed nervously, not sure what's going on. Did he regret last night? "You did and no need to be sorry, we both wanted this... Right?”
"Oh my God." The man replied and dared to look at you; his chin was shaking, eyes watery. "I'm so sorry."
"Hey, hey. Calm down." You moved even closer and dared to wrap your arm around his shoulder. "Marc? What got into you?"
"I'm not Marc! I'm Steven. With the 'v'. I'm not Marc... Can you imagine how awful it is to wake up with the taste of dry wine in your mouth when you didn't drink it..."
Since you've had similar accidents on your own in the past, you were actually familiar with the feeling. However, it definitely wasn't the right time to admit something like this, so instead, you blinked confused. "H... How Steven? I... I don't understand.."
"I'm Steven Grant. I'm a gift shop-ist... I work in the museum... And I apparently got laid! Please tell me we had a condom…"
"We didn't, but I take pills, so don't worry." You said, shaking your head. "So, yesterday it was Marc, and today it's Steven? Can you explain? I don't get it right now."
"Marc? Was he here? I don't remember giving the control to him..."
"Yes, he was here... We robbed a tomb together and then we had some fun here." You replied slowly, confused.
"He did it again. He stole. How could he do that? Oh God, we are going to be damned."
You were at a loss at this point. There was no way you could have known what was going on. He was more nervous than you ever were. Steven, is that right?" You patted his shoulder and smiled as soon as he looked at you. "I will change, give you back your t-shirt, and I'll make breakfast while we talk. Sounds good to you?"
"I... I don't know you..." He claimed slowly. "I... Where are we.... I need to get back to London. Gus! Gus will starve to death!"
"My name is Y/N. I met the other you when he crashed my scooter and we had a nice adventure together. Currently, you are in Egypt."
"Are you hurt? Do you need help?"
"No, no, I am fully fine. No need to worry about me, Steven." You shook your head, patting his shoulder.
He nodded and was about to say something but suddenly his eyes rolled back and the familiar voice asked, "Oh, you got up so early."
"Okay... You tell me what the hell is going on here or I punch you in that pretty nose of yours." You frowned.
Marc rubbed his temple and sat up on the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry. I have some… Personality issues. It’s a long story. It’s just a dissociative identity disorder, I was told.”
You moved closer and dropped your legs over his. "So? There is like... Two of you? You, a badass, and that poor, confused British guy?”
He looked at you hesitantly. "Yes, actually yes."
"That must be tough." You nuzzled his arm.
He didn't comment, just nodded. "It is. Hope you won't take me for a weirdo now."
"Don't be stupid. I have never met anyone like you before, but that doesn't mean you are a terrible one." You smiled and got out of bed to remove his shirt. As you walked to the kitchen, you picked up your shirt from the floor and put it on before saying, "Time for breakfast. I have nothing else in the fridge but beer and eggs."

The morning with Marc went like this. During breakfast, you talked and smoked cigarettes.
You didn't want him to leave, but at the same time, you couldn't keep him.
You walked to Marc as he was getting ready to leave. "Hey, Marc?”
As he adjusted the stripes of his backpack on his shoulder, he raised his head, looking up at you. "Yes?"
He didn't want to leave; rather, he wanted to stay as long as possible. Marc felt secure and safe by your side.
"I know you have to go," you sighed, nervously playing with your palms, "But I want you to know that if you need assistance in another robbery or just some company, you have my number."
Your nose was kissed by him. "Given our shared love of adventure, I will use your number soon."
Your eyes rolled as you laughed, blushing. "I hope so, but remember that my help isn't cheap, love. Now go before I try to stop you. Please, take proper care of yourself."
He held you tightly in his arms, brushing his cheek against yours, whispering, "See you soon." Moments later, he was gone.
As you sighed deeply and rubbed your warm cheek, you realized you had a crush on that man.
After Marc left, you returned to your regular routine and started planning another adventure.

A One-time Job - Vol 2 || Marc Spector x Reader || Steven Grant & Reader

Vol 1
Summary: Marc finally calls you after two months, only to drag you into another adventure among Cairo's sands
Warnings: none, just Steven in an attempt to be funny
Word count: circa 6900
Pairing: Marc Spector x Reader, Steven Grant & Reader
Authors: Fenrir & Cass
A/N: we have a non-linear story here that will kinda initally not follow the plot of the show until we deem otherwise - due to this fact we inform that Marc does not have a romantic connection to Layla. Also, red italics indicate Khonshu, green italics indicate Steven speaking within Marc’s mind

He was reluctant to call you, but he wanted to hear your voice again.
Marc wasn't sure how you would react to his call since it had been almost two months since your adventure. Since then, he hasn't contacted you; first, he didn't know what to tell you or how to act after your affair, and second because he didn't want to cause any more problems for you.
With his flipphone pressed to his ear, he waited for you to answer the call.
Currently, you were hanging from a harness that prevented you from falling to your death. While it wasn't comfortable, it hugged you well enough so you felt safe.
Apparently, one of your friends found a temple hidden deep in the caves, so you had to check it out.
As you focused on the descent, you twitched, scared by the sudden sound of your phone.
After pulling the rope to stop it, you reached into your pocket to look at the screen. Marc's name appeared on the screen. "Well well well! Look who has finally called me! How are you, handsome? Are you stepping on someone's toes once again or did you miss me?"
As he said, "Hi, Y/N," Marc was hesitant at first. "I missed you long enough, so I decided to take the first step since you didn't seem to be reaching out. Are you in Cairo?"
You casually swung your legs, saying, "Um... Nope. I'm currently hanging pretty high up in a cave. I think there are some hard rocks under me. It doesn't seem that dark there. Why? Do you need help robbing another tomb or even the pyramid itself?"
"If you're able to meet me next week at the same bar in Cairo, I'll tell you everything."
You huffed and then looked down. While discovering some ancient temple hidden in a deep cave would be fun, seeking an adventure in Cairo with MARC would be even more enjoyable and warmer. "Oh, sweetie! If you ask me nicely, I can get there as soon as possible."
Laughing softly, he cleared his throat. "Y/N, I'd like to meet up next week at our bar. In addition, I missed your scent."
"Oh, my, oh my, this sounds like a nice invite, and I'm pleased to hear we have our own bar. It's settled then! We'll meet up in OUR bar next week. I can't wait to see you."
"Thank you and please be careful in the cave. I'd rather have you whole, not just a piece."
Marc smirked proudly at his reflection in the mirror after he hung up. "Good job, man."
"Shall I remind you that Layla is also interested in you?" Steven asked mentally, but Marc just shrugged.
Placed the phone back in your pocket, you giggled and pulled at the rope. "Ey! I need to get up now! Get me up!"
There was no time to waste so you simply dumped your current working partner.
Before you grabbed your backpack and left, you instructed the team what to do, so you weren't such a bad friend.

It was wonderful to return to Cairo.
You decided to rest since you still had a few days before meeting with Marc.
After preparing your stuff, you spent most of the night in bed reading and smoking.
You were eager to see Marc again on the day of the meeting.
You kept playing with your scarf around your neck as you walked to the bar. Suddenly, excitement turned into stress.
He had already smoked a few cigarettes, which turned out to be a bad idea - his stomach was twitching and he was feeling a little nauseous.
Order yourself some whiskey, it'll help, Khonshu advised, but Marc almost immediately regretted listening to God again. Still, he downed two more glasses and waited impatiently for you to arrive.
After taking a deep breath, you nodded to yourself and decided to walk in.
Finally, you spotted his messy hair after looking around.
Seeing as he sat with his back to you, you took advantage of the opportunity. Your palms covered his eyes as you sneaked up behind him. "Guess who?”
He placed his hands on top of yours. "I guess she's a young, beautiful woman who likes to sneak on older men."
Your hands slipped off his eyes so you could fully wrap them around his neck. You nodded, nuzzling his cheek. "You're right, sweetie. Glad to see you again." After kissing his cheek, you took a seat in the chair next to him.
"Long time no see." He smiled brightly at you and reached out to caress your cheek with his palm. "Can girls get even prettier?" he asked.
Chuckling, you leaned into his touch, rolling your eyes a little. You're still a sweet talker, huh?"
As he gently touched the lower side of your cheek, almost on the jawline, feeling a scar under his fingers, he said, "Yes. You like adventures, and you also got a souvenir. What happened?"
You suddenly turned red, not expecting him to find that scar. You shrugged nervously. "Nothing too serious, little fight."
He warned softly, "Don't hide things from me. I know I've pulled you away from your second expedition, but I finally had the manuscripts translated. It's about the Anubis statue we discovered. There's a hidden tomb. His tomb. Near Giza."
Laughing, you moved your chair a little closer to him, clearly interested. "What's the plan? Are we going to get shot or is this a clean job?"
Marc replied, moving both hands through his locks to take them back, "I'm afraid option number one is preferable."
Groaning, you rested your forehead against his shoulder. Having a calm trip with him would be nice, but apparently, he enjoyed trouble more than you did. "You're a troublemaker, huh? Then why are you here?"
"Artifact. It's supposed to be hidden in the tomb."
"Cool, cool and what will you do with it? Would you consider yourself a private collector? Or do you sell those things?
"Let's say I'm a collector. Once you come to my house you'll be able to see my collection."
"That would be nice since I invited you last time," you patted his shoulder. It already sounded interesting. "So, you know how I am doing. How about you? What were you up to when I was gone? How's Steven?"
"We're looking for someone who has been successful at translation apparently. Steven? Steven is doing well. He has been in charge for the last two weeks since we returned to London. He works at the museum there."
You nodded, "So you collect stuff and he works in the museum?". "I hope he took good care of you then."
"Bravo. You're lying to the girl you like. Are you insane or does that idiot have too much influence over you, Spector?" Khonshu's tone showed his disappointment.
Marc smiled at you, grabbing your palm and saying, "Well, it's more complicated than that. He did take care of him. Or rather, I did."
"Well, I am glad to hear it. I just hope he wasn't too mad at me for waking up in my bed. To be honest, I was worried he would have a heart attack." You gently squeezed his plan. "I'm glad you called."
He pointed to his chest and smiled a little. "Don't worry about heart attacks of any kind. This heart is strong enough to survive," he said. "I missed you terribly."
I missed you a lot and I was also worried, but since you didn't call, I figured I wasn't needed at the moment." You shrugged. "I left my job to help you as soon as possible."
Then Marc leaned forward and stole a kiss from you while looking deeply into your eyes.
As you returned the kiss, you squeezed his hand even harder without realizing it.
As he pulled away, you sighed deeply. "I think this was the part I missed the most."
Marc was about to confess his feelings for you and admit that he had a crush on you when his hand aimed him a hard slap, hard enough to leave a mark on his cheek. "Crap!" Marc exclaimed.
Steven reminded him, "Layla, she also likes you, Marc, so hold your horses."
As you looked around, you made sure no one was watching. It wasn't like you knew him very well, but you never expected something like this. "Is there a problem?" You asked, raising your eyebrows.
Marc hissed a little angrily, mumbling something under his breath. "No."
"I have a feeling you're lying to me, but I'll pretend I do." You kissed the cheek he had just been slapped on. "Maybe we should start planning our next expedition?"
"I'll take you to my place. It's not a flat but a hotel room, but I think you won't mind, will you?"
"I don't mind at all, Marc. Lead the way, we have big plans to accomplish." You said, shivering with excitement.

He stayed in a hotel with a view of the desert. In spite of the fact that it was the middle of the night, you could hear the beetles singing in the distance.
The room had a large bed, a small bathroom, and a balcony.
"Well, Well, Well. I see you like a large bed." As you removed your shoes and jacket, you couldn't help but tease him a bit more. You immediately stepped out onto the balcony.
Upon reaching the balcony, Marc wrapped his arm instinctively around your waist, his face leaned down as he nuzzled into your nape.
"I see you really missed me." Your hands clasped around his waist as you whimpered.
He nuzzled your neck and nodded. "So much. You can't imagine how much."
"It would be nice if you could call me earlier," you smiled and stroked his hair. "But I am here right now."
"I didn't want to put you in another bind."
You turned your head to look at him, giggling. "You didn't so I did it myself. I wouldn't mind some trouble with you, Marc."
While brushing his bearded face against your skin, he shifted a strand of your hair from your neck so he could kiss you there, focusing on his pulsepoint.
"Marc..." You whispered, trying not to moan for him.
Your jawline was kissed as he tightened the hug he was giving you.
"You're such a tease." You growled before making him kiss you.
He couldn't stop himself from feeling hotter and hotter with every second of the kiss. As he pressed your back more against the balcony railing, his strong palms gripped your hips.
You let out a hum, sitting comfortably on the railing. You wrapped your arms around his neck for safety.
You were held down by his arm, which was wrapped around your waist. Marc moved his kisses to the side of your neck again when the kiss was broken, almost moaning. "I love the scent of you."
When he kissed you, you giggled, running your hand through his hair. As you moved your soft hands under his shirt, you were able to touch him. "I would like to find out how soft this big bed is, handsome."
He kissed you once again, making sure you wrapped your legs tightly around his hips before picking you up; one hand under your ass, the other resting on your back as he carried you back to the room and placed you gently on the bed.
As you wrapped your legs around his waist, you joked, "So comfy, I wonder if it's durable."
He pinned you down easily, stealing another kiss from you while his hands slipped under your shirt; he groaned at the softness of your skin under his fingertips.
You moaned into the kiss, enjoying the feeling of his touch. You definitely waited too long for that. You were stupid not to have called him earlier, even if it was just to say hello. "Marc... I missed you so much." You whispered against his lips.
Marc kept on kissing you, slipping his tongue past your lips from time to time; his one hand slipped into your hair and he tugged on it gently to expose your neck where he sucked on your pulse point, leaving a visible hickey.
"Fuck!" You shouted for him loudly, not caring whether anyone heard you.
You strode his cheeks when he pulled away and smiled. “As much as I would love to be fucked in the mattress, I just want to be held. Can we... Just cuddle?"
Marc looked down at you, his eyes glistening with lust, but he nodded and rolled to his back, right next to you. “Surely.”
You placed a kiss on his cheek and moved to his neck before looking at him as you hummed. You nuzzled him before whispering into his ear, "Don't worry. I can't wait to feel that cock stretch my cunt."
His voice was barely audible as he spoke, "I regret not calling you sooner. What a fool I've been."
You giggled, blushing. "I wanted to call, but I didn't want to look desperate. Then I waited for your call."
"Kind of the same applies to me," he told you, playing with a strand of loose hair.
This made you laugh. "Apparently we are smart enough to find and raid a tomb but we aren't the best when it came to relationships of any kind."
Marc closed his eyes and agreed. He felt safe and secure in your presence as if all of his demons would have vanished in a flash.
Your head rested on his shoulder as you kissed his cheek. "Marc, where have you been these two months?"
"I had to return to London for a few weeks... Why are you asking?"
You traced a random pattern on his chest with your hand. "I just wondered where you were every evening."
"It looked like my doll was jealous as she thought she might have held some other woman in my arms," Marc teased.
Trying to conceal your blush, you nuzzled his neck. "This, too..."
"Is that so, my cute doll?" He caught your chin in two of his fingers and forced you to look him in the eyes.
Trying to not look him in the eyes, you nodded. "Yes..."
"Look at that, my little doll has grown jealous of me."
Growling, you looked him right in the eyes and nodded. "Yes. Yes, I was worried and jealous that you were busy with other ladies while I waited like an idiot."
"Just so you know, there was no other woman held in these arms. No other lips were kissed, no other curves were caressed by these hands."
You looked at him surprised but smiled and hugged him tightly. "The same is here. I traveled a little, yet I couldn't bring myself to touch, kiss, or sleep with another man. I was just thinking about you and your touch."
Marc closed his eyes, smiling a bit to himself. "I think I have a massive crush on you but on the other hand I'm a tad scared of what you'll think about me when you know the entire truth."
"I am also smitten with you," You said quietly. What is the whole truth then?"
Marc sat up and gently pushed you off his chest.
You sat up as well after he did. "Marc, I am fine. Nothing has changed. I met Steven, and I don't think less of you."
He swallowed a breath as his voice hung. "Steven isn't everything," he said.
"You can't get rid of me that easily, whatever it is," you assured him, rubbing his back.
"Several years ago, I nearly committed suicide in front of Khonshu's statue... Khonshu is the Egyptian God of the Moon. He offered me another chance to live as his avatar. My story sounds ridiculous but it's true," Marc explained slowly, trying to avoid your gaze.
As you stared at him, you asked, "I know who Khonshu is, but I have never heard of such a thing. Aren't gods just stories people made up to have something to believe in and explain things they cannot?"
Khonshu appeared next to the bed, looking pity on you. In a deep tone, he roared, "Girl has no idea what she's talking about. I am the true justice for the wrongdoers!"
Marc exhaled a sigh. "He just stated that he is the true justice."
With an eyebrow raised, you looked around before looking back at him. "He is here? Now?"
Marc pointed at the place where Khonshu stood. "Yes, he is over there."
"Marc. I don't see anything," You sighed. "So, you said you are his avatar. What does that mean?"
"Well, it's complicated. Avatars are supposed to be gods' guides on Earth and carry out their wishes without drawing attention to themselves."
"Are you his puppet then?"
"What a splendid summary she provided us with, worm," Khonshu let out a soft chuckle.
Marc rolled his eyes and flopped back on the bed. "Sort of."
"He isn't hurting you, right?" You asked, moving closer to him. "That's why you are looking for the tombs? Is Khonshu the reason?"
Not necessarily tombs, but those who commit crimes. Stealing ancient artifacts is part of that. It may sound bizarre, but Harrow got his hands on something very valuable. I am now tracking him and his men down to plan a final attack."
"I hope your god-friend won't snatch my head off," you said as you moved behind him to place his head on your lap. "Let me verify if I understand correctly - you are a vigilante in the hands of an Egyptian God of the Moon, beating up bad guys?
Marc laughed softly with his eyes closed. "No matter how ridiculous it sounds, it is what it is."
You ran your fingers through his hair gently. "Indeed, this sounds ridiculous, but we live in a world where there are real superheroes."
"Don't think I'm as fancy as Iron Man or Captain America." Marc chuckled.
Khonshu poked Marc with his cane. "Thanks to me, you are far better than them."
"Oh, c'mon! Don't kill my hopes for a billionaire or a handsome World War II soldier!” You joked and laughed, ruffling his hair. “Sincerely, I admit that this is quite a lot to take in, but I don't think any less of you. You seem to strive to do good things. That's important. Can I help somehow?”
"Oh, yes, she can. In case you get killed, I'll know where to get a new avatar from," Khonshu said before vanishing.
"Oh my God, he's a pain in the ass, I swear," Marc whined and rolled his head more to look into your eyes. "No idea how you could help, but it would be useful if you keep yourself outta any unnecessary trouble."
"Staying away from unnecessary issues will be hard when you're by my side, so I won't follow," you said, rolling your eyes as you kissed his forehead. "I'll do my best to help."
"Aren't you afraid? Scared? Anything?"
As you shook your head, you bounced a little in your seat. I'm not. It sounds nuts but at the same time, it sounds so exciting! Egyptian gods are actually real, and they use ordinary people as their avatars to be somehow present among us."
Marc cocked his brows as he studied your face. "You seem fascinated. I'm glad you aren't taking me, or should I say us, for some weirdo."
"Because it is fascinating! We've been taught our whole lives there is one God and to believe all old beliefs are just stories, but here you are telling me all of that," You said, looking right at him. "How can I not be thrilled?"
Marc rubbed your cheek with his hand, replying, "You're so cute. Little and brave, not scared of anything."
"Should I be offended that you call me 'little'?" You nuzzled his hand. "I am glad you crushed my scooter. I had a chance to meet you."
He smiled. "But look at you, you're little. That's the fact. Little and cute."
Growling playfully, you kissed his forehead again. "You don't sleep much, do you?"
"It's hard, you know? Because I can't be sure I'll wake up in my own body."
Nodding you moved away and started to remove your clothes until you sat just in your underwear. "Don't look at me like this. I won't sleep in my clothes."
He rolled to his side and rested head on his hand propped on the elbow. "Look at that. You're so fucking sexy."
"I know and thank you, but now jump out of the clutches. Time for some sleep. I will guard you.''
Marc removed his shirt and pants, staying in fitted, black boxers. He laid by your side, outstretching his arm for you.
You nuzzled to him, pulling the thin cover over both of you. "Comfy?”
"Yes." He replied softly, closing his eyes.

You were never a fan of getting up in the morning. Even at home, you loved to sleep, but the warm sun and noises outside didn't help you sleep.
Your body stretched as you let out a little sigh and opened your eyes.
The only thing you hoped for was that this Morning with Marc would be different from the first.
His breath was slow and steady as he slept on his belly, face nuzzled to the pillow.
There was no doubt that this was a much more pleasant sight. It looked as though he had gotten some sleep. Following a few minutes of watching him, you moved closer and kissed him on the head.
As Marc turned slightly to the side, his body twitched a little and a soft groan escaped his lips.
"Morning," you whispered, smiling softly. "Slept well?"
"Hey, gorgeous. Yeah, but I wouldn't mind a few more minutes. My head is killing me."
Nodding, you kissed his forehead. "Sure, take your time. I will go to my place and grab some stuff. We still need to find that tomb."
He nodded his head, not bothering himself to open his eyes.
You covered him, and got ready to get your stuff.

The process of gathering things back at home was exciting. You couldn't believe that Marc was back in your life. The things he told you last night sounded stupid but somehow you believed all of this and wanted to help as much as possible.
After collecting your stuff and gear, you headed back to Marc's hotel.
On your way there you visited the local market to find your friend and possibly get some info.

Your research with Marc was great fun; it got more and more exciting every time you two got closer to anything.
Eventually, the two of you found the tomb's possible location. The only thing left was to go there and check it out.
Before you secured the rope, Marc reminded you to be careful.
As you asked, "Are you worried, sweetie?" with a cheeky smile, you jumped down the opening, leaving Marc on top.
"Yes." Marc soon joined you down, using the very same rope you used.
As you untied the rope and turned on the flashlight, you concluded, "Well, that was fun." Glancing around, you felt the excitement building. "Do you see this, Marc?!”
Hieroglyphs covered every wall. You had no idea what they were saying, but the simple sight of them made you jump.
There were boot prints in the sand under your feet, leading further into the darkness of the tomb. "I see that, too." He pointed to the sand under your feet.
"And I was hoping for a quiet adventure with you, but troubles seem to love to follow you... Or be somewhere before you," you sighed and looked at him. "We should be careful."
The man followed the footprints on the sand, ordering you to turn out the flashlight.
It would be easier if there was an open space like last time," you whispered, staying close to Marc. "Do we have any plan?”
"Yes. If it gets heated on, you stay behind and don't try to play a hero."
"You think I will just leave you if it gets heated? You crazy?" You frowned. "Maybe we can sneak past them?"
"Stay here." He ordered, the tone of his voice changed.
The only thing Marc had to protect himself was his hands as he stepped into yet another huge chamber. In trying to circle the group of men who were setting up equipment there, he stepped on an old vase that cracked, attracting everyone's attention. "Fuck." Marc cursed.
Moments later, his skin turned as pale as his eyes and he knew he was clocking out.
You hid in your hiding place. Again. Just like last time, you simply observed and sneered when he cracked the vase, but things quickly got interesting.
Marc told you to stay, and despite knowing he would be mad, you slipped into the chamber anyway to do at least a little bit of good.
Marc's appearance changed; soon, a ceremonial suit of white armor given by Khonshu to his avatar appeared on Marc and he immediately attacked enemies.
You probably would have just watched him since everything became so interesting. However, to be a bit more useful you got rid of a few baddies, aiming more at their legs to lower your kill count.
Marc, holding a curved dagger in the shape of a moon and removing his hood, glared back at you when the terrain was cleared of goons.
As you waved from behind your cover, you smiled awkwardly. "Sweetie, you're looking great! You're a badass even, I would say."
Marc, despite knowing Khonshu won't approve, made a little turn to show you his entire outfit, spreading the cape a little. "Say hi to the Moon Knight."
After looking around one more time, you left your cover and approached the man.
"I am just speechless." You couldn't help but gently touch the golden moon on his chest. Your touch was so soft that you were basically doing it with your fingertips only. Your palm moved to touch the 'fabric' on his arm as you asked, "So, what exactly is that? Some kind of magical power? An ancient robe? An armor?"
"It's the ceremonial suit of armor, Khonshu granted it to me."
As you grabbed his hand to take a closer look, you said, "This is really beautiful. You look scary, but not for me. They feel like bandages, but they are not!"
Marc looked down at you as soon as the hood and mask that covered his face disappeared. "You're fangirling."
You squeaked, piling into your place. "Can you blame me? Look at what you're wearing and WHO gave you this! A ceremonial suit of armor from the ancient Egyptian God of the Moon! And I see no scratch on you... Is... Is it healing you?!"
"That's one of its advantages." He nodded and stepped aside, looking carefully around before crouching down and picking up the golden scarab. "The Scarab of Ammit will show us the way to Ammit's tomb."
Suddenly, Marc's outfit changed into a plain, white business man attire. Steven waved at you cheerfully, saying, "Oh! Where am I? Oh! Y/N! Hiya!" You could hear a thick, British accent of Steven's.
As you looked at him, you gasped and jumped again in your place.
The first thing you did upon greeting Steven was to look at his suit, touching the collar of the jacket. "I can't believe it! This suits different people. For Marc, it's a full armor, and for us, it's a suit. You look great, Steven."
He tried to show off his biceps. "Innit? Classy, fancy yet sharp, and dangerous! Just like me!"
As sharp as a pocket knife, eh?" You laughed. "It's just amazing how well it adapts to each of you. Khonshu, if you're here, I just wanted to let you know that you are a fucking genius with that thing."
"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, my name is Steven with a v!" He sang in a happy tone, rocking his hips from left to right. "Of course it's sharp!"
Khonshu appeared right next to you and poked you a little with his cane. "Of course I am. You see, idiots? She knows how to be polite and grateful."
You laughed softly and stumbled a bit. As you suspected, it was caused by Khonshu. "Okay! Let's get back to reality. Steven?"
When you called him, Steven was making sure his suit was not stained with blood. "Yeah?"
Marc and I came to this tomb to find the thing you're holding. Marc told me it's the Scarab of Ammit, a look at what was happening here before you joined," you clapped your hands, shrugging, before pointing to the way you two came. "We should go."
"I sense a better way. Come!" Steven grabbed you by hand and pulled you further behind him into the tomb.
You were shocked and let him lead you, curious as to what he sensed.
Soon, the two of you headed through long, narrow corridors, until you reached a wall. "Khonshu, do your magic trick!" Steven asked.
The God appeared behind you, poked his staff on the wall and it opened, revealing a narrow passage leading outside, into the desert.
Your mouth was wide open as you watched the stone blocks move. As you spent more and more time with them, things got crazier and crazier. "That's Harry Potter level shit."
"I like Harry Potter. And Avatar. Good films." Steven replied and extended his gloved hand to you. "Shall we?"
After accepting his hand, you followed him outside the tomb.
Steven's heart skipped a beat and he screamed internally when you grabbed him by the hand. Even though he wasn't happy with you stealing Marc from Layla, he realised how much he liked you.
Taking a glance at Steven with a smile, you were glad he didn't act hostile towards you. The fact that Marc liked you didn't mean Steven would be nice to you, but thank God he was.
"I think we should leave before someone finds us here. We can talk more about stuff back at the hotel. You can drive, right?"
“Ah, Marc, you've got this." A blink of an eye later, the white suit had disappeared and Marc stood in front of you in his regular clothing. "He doesn't have a driver's licence." He explained shortly.
"Ah, I like that suit." You whined, hugging Marc tightly while pretending to be disappointed.
"Come on."

Spector took you back to the hotel he rented the room in.
Your first move upon entering was to take the Scarab from Marc and sit at the closest table to take a closer look at the item. "So what does it do? Is it some kind of odd device that opens something? It calls for all the aliens that built the pyramids?”
Marc poked your ribs with a chuckle. "No, silly. I told you it was like a compass."
"Can I have a question?”
As he flipped over on the bed, he nodded. "I think that yes, you can have one."
"Khonshu is a god and he sees lots of things. I can't understand why you scurry about looking for magical compasses, manuscripts, and bad guys when he should just point and say 'go there, worm!', right?" You exclaimed, pretending to be Khonshu.
Marc propped himself up on elbows with a mischievous grin. "He doesn't know everything, and without his avatar, he wouldn't be able to find and defeat Ammit."
Khonshu appeared from nowhere on the balcony. "She should be more authentic if she wants to imitate me. Pathetic."
Getting into fangirl mode again, you jumped off the table and hopped onto Marc's bed. "What about other gods? Are they here as well? Do they have people as their avatars? Do they walk among us?
He responded as if it was the most obvious thing, "Yes, they do."
You chuckled softly, pushing his shoulder gently. "Don't say it like it's an obvious thing. I didn't believe in any of them until yesterday." You explained. "Have you met them? What are they like? Whom have you met?"
"Shhh. Easy. Except for Khonshu, I haven't met any of them, so far."
As you smiled, you looked down at the scarab that remained in your hand. "You found what you were looking for again. Do you think you will disappear again for another two or three months?"
"I'm heading to England." Marc stated.
You shrugged as you asked, "Can I like... Go with you? I have friends there. Someone will no doubt let me sleep on their couch."
"You won't stay with any of your friends, I guarantee."
"I don't want Steven to be bothered. It's fine." You assured him.
"You'll stay with us in his apartment."
"Do you think he would be OK with this? Or did you decide for him? I don't want him to wake up thinking I broke into his apartment."
"I will talk to him, or you can do so, if you wish."
Khonshu commented, "Don't worry, the idiot will be happy to talk to someone who's not just a reflection in his bathroom mirror."
"Just to be sure, I'd like to speak with him personally."
As Marc flopped on the bed, he took in a glance at the mirror hanging above it on the ceiling and soon surrendered his body to Steven. Heavy British accent followed, "Hiya, Y/N."
"Hi again, Steven." You greeted him with a kind smile. "I heard you and Marc were going back to London. If I may be honest, I don't want to be away from him. Could I perhaps rent a couch at your flat?"
"If you promise not to drive me bonkers, I think it'll be a very interesting experience, won't it?"
You assured him, "I am the finest roommate you will ever have. I will show you my maps and journals and I can cook. I hope you like old books a lot."
He looked at you and asked, "Do you like Egypt and Egyptian beliefs? I have a lot of stuff on the flat, it's a total mess... It's not against you staying there, but I'll need to make a few changes. Oh, I'll introduce you to Gus, he'll be delighted."
"There are many beliefs I admire, but Egyptian beliefs are my favourites! I can help you clean up a bit before I move in." You nodded. "I'll also pay for myself, don't worry about that."
Steven replied with a hint of hesitation within his tone, "It's not about cleaning really. I have something in there that many people would consider a red flag." The man explained.
"Steven, what did you mean by that? Now I'm curious." Turning to him, you placed your head on your hand.
"This is too much explaining. Soon you'll see for yourself."

There was no plan to sell your flat or anything like that, so all you brought to England were a few boxes filled with the most important things and clothes.
You nodded and looked around, carrying them inside. The flat was not much bigger than yours but was charming nonetheless. "How nice!"
Steven, who entered directly behind you, shook his head briefly for no. "It's messy, it's old... Ahm, don't go to the bedroom, I mean, it's over there," he pointed in the proper direction, "But don't go there yet, there is sand around the bed."
"Steven, I've seen worse places, trust me." You said, nodding. "It's your flat, so your rules apply. I'm not going there."
After lowering his head, Steven rushed to the said area of his apartment.
Khonshu appeared right next to you, poking you with his cane. "And you are going to live here? In this mess? You couldn't possibly get any lower, Y/N."
You shrugged, sitting down. "Oh well, I really slept in the worst places. If it means...” Only then you realised who you were talking to - it was Khonshu himself. After letting out a scream, you fell off the couch and onto the floor. "I... I can see you! Why am I seeing you?!"
Khonshu poked your shoulder with the tip of his slightly curved bill as he lowered his body. "I'm fed up with hiding from your gaze. I want you to admire my grandeur."
You frowned, looking right at him. "I honestly expected you to look differently." Getting up you took a closer look. "So you are real indeed! Oh my! I can't believe it. YOU ARE REAL! You are so tall!"
"He is!" Steven screamed from the bedroom.
Khonshu poked your belly a few times. "You can bathe yourself in my glory, little human."
You rubbed your stomach as you said, "I have more questions that need to be soaked in your glory. Why did you pick Marc? What gods also walk among us? Why do you look like this and why are you rude to boys when you clearly need both of them?"
"There are all kinds of the other gods among you. I saw his mental issues as something easily exploited, plus his skills as a mercenary overlapped with the role of my avatar. This is just the way I look and I'm not rude, just being honest."
"I don't like the mental issues answer. Can I touch you? Or are you look like a ghost? What with the staff? Can I hold it?” You asked, circling him curiously.
Khonshu turned his head in an attempt to spot Steven. "Marc, I need your help, she's tiring me already." After looking back at you, he nodded. "You can touch. But you can't hold my staff."
You immediately decided to try and touch him, gasping excitedly once you realized he felt just like Marc's ceremonial robes. "Fuck! So cool!”
Steven returned. "I'm afraid Marc is temporarily unavailable. Y/N, what are you doing to the pigeon?"
"I AM TOUCHING AN ACTUAL GOD!” Squeaking loudly, you jumped in your place.
Steven blinked. "You're a real fangirl but if I were you, I wouldn't touch him. You never know where he was lurking."
Khonshu turned his skully head to the man. "One more word, worm, I swear."
"Steven, please be nice to Khonshu." You asked. "What did you mean by Marc being temporarily unavailable?"
"I can't summon him back."
"Well, then I think I need to wait."

The rest of the day went quiet.
It took you a long time to unpack all your belongings.
The evening came, and you sat on a couch, drawing in one of your journals while Steven slept in his bed.
His body jerked suddenly and the man sat up.
Looking over your shoulder you waved at him. "Evening! Feeling better after the nap?"
Marc rubbed his temples, saying, "My head hurts like hell, I feel a little hangover..."
After getting up from the couch, you looked at him worriedly as you carefully walked up to the bed. "It's the second time it happens, and I witness it, love. Can I help you somehow?”
"Can you get me a glass of water, please?"
To fulfill the wish, you simply turned around and walked to the kitchen. You then went back to him and got on the bed, trying to avoid the sand. "Here."
Taking the glass, Marc downed the contents immediately, wiping his lips with the top of his hand as he did so. "Thanks. So, how do you like Steven's place?"
By placing yourself on his lap, you massaged his scalp with your hands while moving them along his temples. "It's nice. Really nice. I met Khonshu. I was just worried about you, love."
He closed his eyes, enjoying the touch of your fingers; it soothed his anxiety.
"Do you feel better? Because I need to talk to you, Marc."
"It's me, sweetie."
"As Steven slept and you were gone, I sat on the couch and was thinking a lot about you, Steven, and Khonshu." Your hands rested on his shoulders.
As he set the glass aside, his palms were placed on your hips. "Any conclusions?"
You nodded, getting more comfortable on his lap. "It's exciting, but also a little scary. Those are things that no ordinary person has to deal with every day," you remarked. "Get what I mean?"
As he looked at you bluntly, he shook his head no.
I'm trying to say that," your arms wrapped around his neck, "I love you and I'm worried about you. If you like it or not, you will have to deal with one stubborn, reckless treasure hunter. Not because of what you do but because I see something special in you as a person."
There was nothing left for him to do but kiss your lips deeply; it was more than he expected from you, and his heart was filled with joy. "I love you too, my little treasure hunter. For the better and for the worst."
"For the better and for the worst." You agreed, nodding your head eagerly. "I am not gonna leave, no matter how dirty stuff will get. I am ready to help."
He took one of your hands and brought it to his lips to plant a tiny kiss on its top. "The real adventure starts now."