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Would it be possible to request headcanons for arkhamverse selina, Ivy and Harley falling for Bruce Wayne’s sister :)
Arkhamverse Girls x Fem! Reader being Bruce Wayne’s sister
Harley Quinn x reader, Pamela Isley x Reader, and Selina Kyle x Reader - All Seperate
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Harley Quinn
Uh oh. Destruction time. I mean that can be said for any situation with Harley but especially now.
Expect lots of unexpected visits and party crashes from her, especially post! city. Sometimes she’ll just show up and be like hey ^•^!!!!
Since she’s, you know. A criminal. It’s kind of off putting how used to her you get after the first like, two break ins. You’ll stroll up to the manor and she kinda just pops out of no where. There’s always an extra plate made cause she’ll just walk in, say she loves you, eat your food, pet your animals, and leave. And you love her for it.
Every now and then there’s a routinely kidnapping. Cause you know. Crime. She doesn’t hurt you or anything, she just kinda hangs around, maybe gets you dinner. You know, the works.
She’ll definitely get on the other rogues when they target you. But it’s completely fine when she robs your place of work, with sparkly little eyes beaming when she sees you. She claims it was 100% a coincidence, but her goofy grin as giggles give her planning away.
There will times where people are like “S/O!!! Why are you spending time!!! With a well known criminal!!!” And your just like. “Criminal? No this is my baby. Her name is Harley. She’s never done anything wrong in her life.” And their like “S/O she’s covered in blood”. “So what?”
She’s also the equivalent of those small little mean dogs. You know the stereotypical little chihuahua. Little mean little bitch. She’s not a little bitch, she can be a bit mean to others though. She doesn’t mean it, she just doesn’t like it when people are being rude about you. You tell her she can’t shoot people cause they don’t like you. She begs to differ.
She’ll hang out with you before any of your public outings. Putting makeup on before a gala? She brought the perfect lipstick for you!Yes what are you saying, she bought it 100% legally she doesn’t know what your talking about.. stealing???? Noo she could never. Just shut up and put it on.
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Pamela Isley
Angry >:(
She absolutely HATES your brother. She hate hate HATES HIM. The amount of harm his stupid company does to the environment is going to make her bite someone. Not you she promises. She fully acknowledges you have no say in the company and don’t even have any relations to the company. Except for your brother. She’s amazed that someone as beautiful and sweet as you can be related to someone so horrid and disgusting.
She’ll send you roses with little notes attached to it. Of course they aren’t poison. The ones she sent your brother though, she can’t say the same.
Again, lots of unexpected visits. But not to your house specifically, to your bedroom alone. You’ll walk back in and she’ll be sitting herself in front of your vanity mirror fixing her hair, or fumbling through your bookshelf, or trying on clothes from your closet and drawers. She’s always hard to say no to. She’s so nice and sweet to you, and she’s so gorgeous. You have trouble telling her to get out.
She’ll take you out to a very public places. She likes to flaunt the fact you spend time with her, and not anyone else. Her jealousy kicks to 900% very easily, especially when it’s a man trying to make advances on you.
She has a habit of leaving small marks on you, even if you don’t notice. Your lips are tinted green from her toxins, small hidden hickeys placed on your neck, flowers she grew decorating your dress, or braiding your hair with roses decorating it. Or maybe you smell particularly floral today. Must just be a new perfume hm?
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Selina Kyle
Okay so, she’s the one that most likely knows your brother’s identity. So it’s a bit embarrassing when she realizes that the sister of the man she was trying to court was 10% hotter then he was.
She actually doesn’t break into your house uninvited. She sits outside your window and asks very politely to come in, kinda like a vampire. But instead of biting you to drink your blood she bites you cause she’s weird like that.
She also has a habit of trying to steal something from your manor. You’ll catch her in the middle of the night in the middle of your house, you just tell her to take what she wants and leave. But when she says she wants you, you just roll your eyes and go back to bed. But you said she could have anything she wanted :(
Please take her to galas and events as your date. She’ll act like it’s nothing but inside she’s crying she so happy. She loves to be with you in public especially. She doesn’t know why, she just does.
Except many very legally obtained gifts. Ignore the height in robberies of jewelry stores, but enjoy this gorgeous necklace she found for you. I mean bought. She means she bought it. She bought it with money it was a legal transaction.
If you give her gifts back she will act like it’s nothing, she could just steal this easily. But it honestly means the world to her.
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Why is everyone on this app so h0rny