Cg Bob Velseb - Tumblr Posts

Caregiver! Bob Velseb Headcannons
He would not know what to do when you age regress at first
Would probably get the hang of it after some time with you
Loves to watch you as you color him pictures or having tea parties with your stuffies (i imagine him sitting there like “why was I not invited? 🧍♂️”)
if you don’t do tea parties, would probably just being playing with your toys or playing pretend
He loves to play with you when he’s not out “working” (if you know you know 🫢😂) he loves to be around you a lot
He wouldn’t mind you taking his sweater and just either wearing it or cuddling it like a security blanket
Bob: “have you seen my sweater dar-“ sees you wearing it and playing with your toys Bob: 🥺🥹😭♥️🥰
Gives you nicknames like sweet pea, pumpkin, little love, darling, little sunray/moonbeam/cloudfluff, squishy, prince/princess, etc.
He lets you call him papa, dada, or daddy (sfw) you occasionally would call him bubby too (probably called him that when y’all first met because not comfy referring him as anything else yet)
He really LOVES to cuddle with you while watching movies or taking a nap together
He also loves it when you choose to sleep in his bed then in your own because he gets to cuddle with his little love bug 🥺🥰
Would make sure that you’re loved 24/7 and always gives you attention as much as he can
If you get overwhelmed he will give you your space to calm down or will sit next to you and hold you but if y’all are in public he will take you somewhere that’s less crowded and check on you maybe carry you around for a bit
If people try to mess with you he just glared them down and scares them off he’s very protective over you you’re his little munchkin of course 😚
always and i mean ALWAYS knows when you’re not okie. it’s like another sense or power he has
Bob: in the middle of cooking immediately stops for a moment “something doesn’t feel right” would go and check on you and banter you with questions (i have sensed a disturbance in the force 😂)
if you ask him to take you to the park or go play outside with you he would be honoured tho y’all would have to be careful going out (he is a wanted criminal you know but you usually don’t think much of it anyways 🤷)
he would take you to the park when no one was there or right when people have just left so you have the place to yourselves
sometimes he would take you on walks in the woods and y’all would find an abandoned playground in the woods (just be careful with possible broken playground equipment and such but obviously bob would be worried about you hurting yourself so he might try to keep you away from it until he could try to fix it or find another playground 🥺)
always carries a first aid kit, coloring books/crayons (colored pencils or markers if you wanted), snacks, drinks, favorite stuffie, etc. in a bag just for you 🥰