Charater Lore - Tumblr Posts
EDAAMP LORE REAL- I knew I loved Edaamp a lot but GOD DAMN- annnd speaking of role-play…
Rp lore that no one’s gonna get🕴
2 AM art- i did that one twitter thing kinda, plus some extras and LUSI LORE!! -
Dente is a sabertooth tiger and is Edaamp’s old lusus, she was always there for Edaamp when nobody was. She is very bright, able to read and write by herself, and even play chess!! She’s a subspecies of lusus naturae, called Imperial lusi. Bred over sweeps to hone a keen ability to protect the royalty of Aforetime. But even with her purpose being clear with her history, the lusi’s strong material instincts remain persistent.
She’s a grandma, but will risk her own sabers for her grub at her core.
[He/Him for Edaamp] [She/Her for Dente, fhank you!!]
I am for some reason so bad at giving my characters names that in one of my universes, hint hint Chaos in Wyld, that i just give my characters titles that they go by instead as its easier than spending ages thinking of names tbh. Only one character from that world has a name and it's literally Silver. Sliver like the Pokémon character, which has nothing to do with the character.