Charming Objects - Tumblr Posts
Simple charms/enchantments
I’m simple when I charm things.
I literally write what energy/feeling/charm I want to imbue an object with on a piece of paper and then put said object on top of it. I then sprinkle cleansing salt water (maybe salt water, maybe my sage and lavender water, whatever is handy) on it along with whatever dried herbs I feel correspond with the charm. Then I wait and let it sit while it dries. Once it dries, I burn the paper and hold the object over the smoke until it’s done burning.
And poof, charmed/enchanted item.
If you can’t tell, I’m personally not a fan of spoken magic and rarely speak when I practice my craft.
Charm protection spell
Items needed :
A pinch of salt
A jar with lid
A small piece of jewelry/item you want protected
1) Pinch salt into a jar of water
2) Repeat these words holding the item above the open jar of water :
Keep me safe
Safe from harm
Purify this water
Protect this charm
3) Close the lid and shake the jar to blend the salt
4) place jar next to a window at night or outside on a porch, anywhere closest to moonlight.
5) place item ontop of the lid of jar and go to sleep.
6) wake up early to check on jar. Repeat spell as done before. Do what you want with the water and wear item throughout the day.
Purpose of spell :
To bring protection, ability to get through the day, strength and confidence, etc. Item can be anything and should have an important meaning to you.
Notes :
First spell as a beginner witch. Feel free to use and let me know your thoughts.