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so i watched the last eternal trailer many times since morning and i want to talk about some beautiful and interesting things it made me realize once again.

the way chibi-usa adores usagi and wants to be like her makes my heart shatter to pieces. all this time, she stuck in a body of a child even though she is over 900 years old so she also thinks and acts like a child. but she has important missions to do. chibi-usa is the weakest and most amateur senshi but she is also the heir of silver millenium and knows that one day she will be the sailor moon of 30th century so she hates to be small and useless. chibi-usa realized it a long while ago usagi is also stupid, crybaby, being scolded by others but she also has a big smile that makes other people happy, she is strong, beautiful, brave and never look down. meanwhile, chibi-usa made some mistakes in past, had to come over some traumas and still trying to learn how to be a true senshi. because of she stuck in a child body for a long time she feels hopeless, useless; thinks she will never grow up and never be worthy of the name of "sailor moon".

but then, she met helios. he told her "young maiden". he said that chibi-usa has beautiful dreams that she should never give up on them. he wanted CHIBI-USA to save him. i'm not sure, maybe it was the first time ever someone said chibi-usa such hopeful things. she felt like she can do something first time ever in her life. in order not to disappoint him, she wanted to help helios. helios made chibi-usa realize that she should never give up on her dreams no matter how impossible they seem so someday she can make them true. and maybe that was the reason why chibi-usa fell for him.
if this isn't "couple goals", then i don't know what is.
so i watched the last eternal trailer many times since morning and i want to talk about some beautiful and interesting things it made me realize once again.

the way chibi-usa adores usagi and wants to be like her makes my heart shatter to pieces. all this time, she stuck in a body of a child even though she is over 900 years old so she also thinks and acts like a child. but she has important missions to do. chibi-usa is the weakest and most amateur senshi but she is also the heir of silver millenium and knows that one day she will be the sailor moon of 30th century so she hates to be small and useless. chibi-usa realized it a long while ago usagi is also stupid, crybaby, being scolded by others but she also has a big smile that makes other people happy, she is strong, beautiful, brave and never look down. meanwhile, chibi-usa made some mistakes in past, had to come over some traumas and still trying to learn how to be a true senshi. because of she stuck in a child body for a long time she feels hopeless, useless; thinks she will never grow up and never be worthy of the name of "sailor moon".

but then, she met helios. he told her "young maiden". he said that chibi-usa has beautiful dreams that she should never give up on them. he wanted CHIBI-USA to save him. i'm not sure, maybe it was the first time ever someone said chibi-usa such hopeful things. she felt like she can do something first time ever in her life. in order not to disappoint him, she wanted to help helios. helios made chibi-usa realize that she should never give up on her dreams no matter how impossible they seem so someday she can make them true. and maybe that was the reason why chibi-usa fell for him.
if this isn't "couple goals", then i don't know what is.
I believe Chibi-usa haters are really the most funny community in the Sailor Moon fandom at this point. I literally read something like "Even Japanese animators hated her and that was the reason why she wasn't included to Sailor Stars" a few moments ago and i can't stop laughing now, at almost 1 am. I don't remember any single thing about Japanese people hated Chibi-usa? Unlike she was one of the most popular characters lmao. There were many character polls that Chibi-usa ranked at #1. The haters really seem to like spread false rumours about my pure child even though she did nothing wrong. Seriously i can't stand this community anymore.

a soldier and a princess guided by the moonlight and the high priest of the holy land of dreams.

a soldier and a princess guided by the moonlight and the high priest of the holy land of dreams.

❧ chibi-usa's future form: princess lady serenity ≛

❧ chibi-usa's future form: princess lady serenity ≛
if you see a bunch of weirdly dressed teenagers who r fighting over which ice-cream they should buy, it's them.

if you see a bunch of weirdly dressed teenagers who r fighting over which ice-cream they should buy, it's them.

wow hishounosenshi’s makin’ edits again unbelievaaaable

wow hishounosenshi’s makin’ edits again unbelievaaaable

wow hishounosenshi’s makin’ edits again unbelievaaaable
anyone here loves both heliusa and chibitaru ships? despite how many people usually having ship fights i actually ship helios x chibi-usa x hotaru...and i have so many headcanons about them too.
anyway if any of you agree with me, what do you think their ship name would have been? i think heliusataru sounds good but idk
anyone here loves both heliusa and chibitaru ships? despite how many people usually having ship fights i actually ship helios x chibi-usa x hotaru...and i have so many headcanons about them too.
anyway if any of you agree with me, what do you think their ship name would have been? i think heliusataru sounds good but idk

დ Chibiusa as a teenager in Sailor Moon Eternal part One დ
Thank you so much for writing this. Chibi-usa has been stuck in a child body for fucking 902 years, as much as we know from manga she didn't even know what is love because Neo Queen Serenity and King Endymion didn't seem to show her much love. She is a child, she acts and thinks like a child; she had several traumas and all she ever wanted was to be useful and getting loved by someone. There are different types of love and Mamoru was the first person to show kindness to her, honestly it's pretty obvious she never loved him in a serious romantic way. Even Chibi-usa herself admits it in Dream Arc, i can't understand why people misunderstooding her feelings.
Chibiusa's Crush on Mamo
I dont know why people have such a problem with this, little kids have crushes on their parents all the time and other family members. Its not a big deal and it's not a real romantic attraction. Then add in that mamoru and usagi are vastly different from the parents she knows, and that she views them as seperate people its clear theirs a disconect. While she has a crush its not like she actually wants him. She admits it herself, she knows he's going to be her father one day. Just like usagi, whose like her sister now will be her mom.
Wiseman just twisted her feelings and the situation.
And here, with helios she actually develops her first real love. Shown by her not going with Usagi to visit mamo in that one scene. It reaches its climax when she kisses Helios and unlocks her pink moon crystal, mirroring Usagi first unlocking the silver crystal when tuxedo mask was dying in her arms