Chickeee8's Asks - Tumblr Posts
mariella, how’d you meet curie?
M: We insult each other lovingly! :)
C: No we don't.
stanley? you there?
N: Well. I think he is. Not really sure what's going on in that head of his anymore, if I'm being completely and thoroughly honest.
hey if you don't mind me asking- Narrator, what- are you? A magical entity, a computer come to life, something else?? And why did you decide to rescue Stanley?
N: By virtue of me not really having a physical body, I'll leave my response in this small text box.
N: I am an AI! I was created to assist a company in its many affairs of business.
N: As for the rest of your question, you'll have to forgive me. I have discovered recently that I can't remember anything past... oh, say, five years ago?
N: I remember that I am an AI, and I know Stanley's name, but not much else. I assume it has much to do with the fact that a backup of his brain is downloaded onto my server. It takes up a lot of space.
what is curie?
C: The amount of knives I have is classified information.
C: But to answer your question, I am an AI in an android body.
hey narrryyyyyyyy you’re swag :) thanks for saving humanity . do you have gender
N: I'm not sure what "swag" is, but thank you for the compliment!
N: I can't say I saved humanity, though. Just Stanley.
N: And I'm fairly certain one must have a physical body to have a gender. I do not have a physical body, therefore no, I do not have gender.
N: My friends all call me he, though.
is the ship name for the curator and mariella marie curie
Yes they actually discovered radioactivity together and also discovered radium together, winning two Nobel prizes. Power couple fr fr
mariella what was ur life like b4 the apocalypse
M: I'm pretty sure my parents could tell you what life was like before the apocalypse! Unfortunately, I haven't seen them in a while.
curie??? you know the narrator???
C: We're... oh, how do I put this?
C: Normal people would say half-siblings if they only share one parent. Is the correct term "brother from another mother?" Or, I suppose since we're both artificial it would be "siblings from separate manufacturers."
what is the average airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
European or African?