Childhood Friends!au - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

Not so Honest (M)

Jungkook has got a pretty big problem, and he desperately asks you for your help.

Not So Honest (M)


Word Count: 9.3k

Genre: Smut, comedy, some fluff, orgasm denial, Sub!Kook but also Dom!Kook (let me live)

A/N: I am sorry for being a hoe + thank you for the help @jiminniemouse + @seoulscapes you guys accept my hoe ass & also I just want to note that I don’t know a thing about sex toys okay but that thing is REAL LOOK IT UP I WAS YELLING (I just don’t know about the latch, that was fictional on my part)

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4 years ago

Weeewwww🥵🥵 finished this series and this was AMAZING. The smut, AMAZING. Namjoon’s reaction after they did it, AMAZING.


filed under: hobi fic was due 

notes: you’ve always had a crush on hobi and he’s always handled that gently. what he can’t handle is you now, nine years later. 

warnings: eventual smut

part i // part ii // part iii


“you can come out of your room now,” namjoon says from the door before bursting in and sprawling across your perfectly made bed. he lets the teddy you throw hit him square in the face without flinching, one earbud still in and eyes glued to his phone. “hoseok left already.”

“so? i wasn’t hiding,” you lie indignantly.

namjoon gives you a look and you stand up from your desk chair to throttle him, when-

“joon,” you freeze upon hearing hoseok’s voice coming up the stairs. “sorry but i need my earphones back! i think i left mine at the gym and-”

“get out!” you hiss, hiking up namjoon by his lanky wrists with your surprising strength. you grab his ankles when he doesn’t comply, his head narrowly missing the pane of the bed when he falls onto the carpet with a heavy thump. “move, you big lump! before hoseok comes in and-”

“____!” hoseok says brightly, head poking round the edge of your door before he enters. “you’re home? we were playing mario kart downstairs!”

“oh yeah, um,” you start, dropping namjoon’s foot on the floor now that you’ve been caught manhandling him red-handed. not that hoseok cares. because hoseok is funny and cool and tall and a whole four years older than you. “well, i had lots of homework…”

“did you cut your hair?” he asks, pretty teeth showing when he smiles. you become very aware of the shit-eating grin on your older brother’s face who’s currently watching from the floor.

you did cut your hair. not that anyone noticed but your mum (because she took you). even if you squinted you hardly saw difference since it was just a trim, but of course hoseok noticed. of course. you gulp, twirling it nervously. “yeah…”

“it looks pretty,” he smiles wider when you finally meet his eyes. “very grown up!”

you hate that you can’t hide how pleased you look. “thanks, hobi.”

“here are your earphones,” namjoon says, sticking his hand in the air now that it’s silent. “just a heads up i might’ve broken the left one but the right one’s fine.”

hoseok scowls, yanking them from him his grip. “i literally gave these to you an hour ago,” and namjoon only apologises with a shrug. he sighs and cards a hand through his hair and you almost die from how gorgeous he is in that second. “whatever, buy me lunch after soccer tomorrow,” he looks back at you brightly. “bye, ____!”

“bye,” you say weakly after he’s already left.

namjoon snickers as he climbs back onto your bed, voice screeching unflatteringly. “thanks hobiiii…!”

you pick up the forgotten teddy and beat him with it. “would you shut up!”

“okay, miss grown up,” he says, before you stuff the teddy in his mouth.


and that’s how hoseok remembers you. the little sister he never had, a cute fourteen year old who liked to draw a lot, shy and soft spoken until namjoon finished the good cereal. sure, maybe he forgot you existed for almost a decade but the point is when namjoon mentions you’ll finally be able to make the next family gathering he feels happy. reminiscent of when the three of you used to play video games and eat ice cream in the garden. until-

“hobi!” you screech, and he just barely manages to catch you when you throw yourself into his arms. “it’s so good to see you!”

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