Childrens Activities - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

6 Fortune Cookies

You meal prep for the week.

Your little one will be in charge of getting various things from the fridge and cupboard and taste testing.

As you prepare various dishes, you will ask if the ingredients are fresh.

The little one will have to check the date on the packaging.

The little one will have to smell the food once opened.

The little one will taste the food (as long as it’s safe to do so)

Once properly prepared to eat, the little one will taste the food to determine if it tastes ok.

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4 years ago

6 Fortune Cookies

As things happen, you will allow your little one to make a mess =)

Clear off the kitchen table in preparation for making cookies =)

You will sprinkle flour on to the table

You will draw a letter into the flour

Your little one has to guess the letter

Then your little one will draw a letter and you will guess it

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4 years ago

6 Fortune Cookies

It's cookie time! =)

You will grab flour, oats, raisins, chox chips, white chox chips, M&Ms, chox chunks, peanut butter, shredded coconut, ...

Using a basic recipe ... peanut butter, chox chip, oatmeal raisin, dbl chox chip cookies, white chox chip cookies, and coconut cookies.

Your little ones will help prepare the dough for each.

The dough will be stored in tuperware containers in the fridge.

When the cookie craving strikes, you will scoop out a ball of dough and microwave it for 1 minute on a plate.

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