Chris Miller - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Chris Miller

unseenviewer - Untitled

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6 months ago

to explain the top tag on my last post

made originally for my instagram, which is kiki_l_bubbles

they do the same thing always!!

To Explain The Top Tag On My Last Post
To Explain The Top Tag On My Last Post

Chris Miller and Phil Lord (whom i combine to say Lord Miller, as that sounds more evil and epic), my mortal enemies 💪💪

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7 years ago

Solo's Suffering

Solo is the newest movie comimg out from the star wars/disney system whilst it isn't the first non episode movie for the franchise it is breaking a lot of new ground.

Solo's Suffering

Solo is focusing on one titular character which we have come to know so well throughout the episodes. Han Solo is alot of people's favourite character and to reinterpret him will naturally upset and offended some people because he won't be portrayed the way everyone wants him to be.

Not only is their a problem with fans reactions but also Alden Ehrenreich has both the honour and burden of the character cemented in Harrison Fords legacy. We have become so use to associating the character with Harrison that to see a new face take over will take a lot of great acting and script writing to convince us this younger actor is the same Han Solo from episodes 4,5 & 6.

Solo's Suffering

Then there is an issue of release date Solo abandons a now tradition for Star Wars which is having a December release. By ditching this month for May Solo faces more competition as May is in the mayhem which is the summer movie season. Of course diehard fans will still go regardless of a date but the average movie goer can often only afford one movie a month in the cinema. In May you have Avengers: Infinity War , Deadpool 2 and then there's Solo.

Solo's Suffering

Lastly you have the problem with directors, now an infamous issue in which Kathleen Kennedy fired Phil Lord and Chris Miller and insted instated Ron Howard to take over the project. This will naturally give the film two different feelings as we are seeing the film through two (or shall I say three) people's eyes. Obviously there is the example of Josh Trank being fired from Rouge One and Garreth Edwards taking over however the difference in that situation is that Rouge One was a story already told just without the visuals, it was building on something pre-established whilst Solo is doing something new. This change naturally brings out trepidation as we have seen directors taking over projects from other directors fail before. We've seen this in Justice League, A.I and Bad Girls each has it's own set of circumstances but some would say the same outcome.

Solo's Suffering

All of these points have definitely hurt Solo in some form in the end they might have just enhanced the film but to see that we will have to wait till May.

Solo's Suffering

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1 year ago

Paramount Pictures y Nickelodeon Movies han anunciado que Rihanna interpretará a Pitufina en una futura película animada de 'Los Pitufos' ...

Paramount Pictures Y Nickelodeon Movies Han Anunciado QueRihannainterpretar A Pitufina En Una Futura

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1 year ago

Paramount Pictures y Nickelodeon Movies han anunciado que Rihanna interpretará a Pitufina en una futura película animada de 'Los Pitufos' ...

Paramount Pictures Y Nickelodeon Movies Han Anunciado QueRihannainterpretar A Pitufina En Una Futura

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1 year ago

'The Tonight Show' tiene un Nuevo Guionista Principal con el regreso de A.D. Miles y la Salida de Mason Steinberg.

'The Tonight Show' Tiene Un Nuevo Guionista Principal Con El Regreso De A.D. Miles Y La Salida De Mason

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