Christian Brutal Sniper - Tumblr Posts

Omg uh have like a fem version of Christian brutal sniper I guess?

Just reading about Christian brutal sniper I kinda noticed a few things at first..and rethinking about everything I have read on his wiki I decided to make this little graph explaining what I discovered
….Is your man Majima Goro? literally?

I stole a meme from Twitter and redrew it lol

Herobrines evil transformation as in him just ditching his glasses and his top, just as silly as Christian Brutal Sniper just becoming goth and turning his hat fold to the left side
I have never been directly tagged in a post that I have seen before but I’d gladly take it

From the flames of the fire I feel you crawl into my bed Throwing shapes at the sky I watch you crying into me
some instagram requests

If you're comfortable with it, can you please draw CBS with top surgery scars? 👉👈


Stopped sharing my tf2 drawings with you for some reason.
Okay, not for some, for a specific. I was ashamed that my style jumped, and I also didn’t like that I share fucking sketches, although I could draw full-fledged ones. Why am I sharing sketches now? I think I found the style that I like
По какой-то причине перестал делиться с вами своими картинками по тф2.
Ладно не по какой-то, по конкретной. Мне было стыдно, что мой стиль скачет туда-сюда, а ещё мне не нравилось что я рисую скетчи еба́ные, хотя могла бы и полноценки делать. Почему, спрашивается, делюсь сейчас? Потому что я думаю, я нашла тот стиль что мне действительно нравится.
Please stop staring at them like it's dinner, Argus.

I drew my OC (and Mister Sniper) quite by accident and decided to leave this as a reference for the scars on their bodies!!
My canons and headcanons about their bodies under the cut if you're interested!
1. Argus Triggs.
Yes, this is an cross on his body. He literally burned it on himself. Oh, and I also think he has thick black hair, and he's also quite the hairy guy.
2. Mr Mundy
U know him. Autopsy scars and that cheek scratch from Spy. I added it to compare height and body build!
3. Samuel Wright
He's pretty.... Little guy! Oh, and he shaves his body hair so he's sleek as a bloody teenager. And he has small scars that were left by the person standing to his right :3
That's all I wanted to tell about them. Eheh
This idea deserves to be spread
Ehhhhh don't really know how I came up with this but yea

Version with my notes with bad handwriting:


big boy for my bbg. <3
i love him so much!!!!

Sorry for the endless stream of OC art but take a butcher's on this two.
Artist on the left - @stasikluch
These are our characters, in some picrew costumes.

Here's a reference if you're curious ^
Picrew -
@defctive-e @amongusmotherfucker

From the flames of the fire I feel you crawl into my bed Throwing shapes at the sky I watch you crying into me

I want what they have..
EDIT: I have removed the image of CPS in the Nun attire! It was wrong of me to draw him in such an outfit when real nuns dress as such for modesty and religious reasons. I will never do such a thing again to harm anyone who is a nun(or a Christian)!

you’re dead
large image:

I drew another CBS
this time with the beard
This funny
i saw christian brutal sniper at walgreens, he was buying condoms, junior mints, and benadryl
Holy Moly

Well, I don't know this fandom that well, but Christian Brutal Sniper inspired me.
Еб*т ты забавный челик