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Goofy ah goodvibes defect product Chucky with a normal Chucky sketch beside him. He bites ankles and steals kneecaps to hide in the most random places. Feel free to make fanart or something there’s really no backstory other than he came out of the development factory wrong.

Meet Kahuna Mahelona: the Boyfriend of Glen Ray
He had moved to OceanBerry from Hawaii with his mother, father, and little brother Kekoa when he was five years old. Glen was one of the first kids to welcome and befriend Kahuna and they've been very close friends (and more eventually) ever since!
He is a laidback, chill, and a totally radical carbon copy of the typical Surfer Dude. Essentially, he's a lot like Kronk from The Emperor's New Groove: a big semi-muscular dumbass with a very big heart
He also has a huge passion and love for animals of all shapes and sizes (but especially dogs and small critters like rabbits and squirrels), hence his wanting to work towards becoming a wildlife conservationist (much like Steve Irwin, whom Kahuna idolizes)
He currently works at a surf shop in Hackensack called The Summer Shack, which is known for selling surfboard, summer clothes, and other supplies for a summer vacation to the beach and also occasionally volunteers at animal shelters in the area
Glen and Kahuna are also planning on being able to move in with each other in Hawaii once Kahuna can achieve a well-paying job in wildlife conservation and general animal care in the future!

Meet Natalie Winchester: Glenda's Girlfriend and a grumpy, aloof goth with a resting "I wanna kill everyone in this room" face!
She is a notorious town troublemaker and problem child to pretty much everyone around her, to the point where the locals of OceanBerry and people in the schools she's gone to (cuz she's been suspended/expelled from a LOT of them) call her The Black Berry Child due her extreme dark, hateful and violent nature that even surpasses Glenda's darkness by quite a bit (Glenda lowkey idolizes her due to this)
That's why when they both met at the OceanBerry Pond when they were both four years old (as Natalie had lived there all her life at this point) and immediately connected due to their similar interests in dark topics, dolls, and killing frogs and field mice they'd find lol
And they've been glued hip to hip practically ever since! In their teen years, they commit various crimes together like robbery, vandalism, graffiti, and beating people up with baseball bats. They also eventually started to run a Fight Club for females/female aligning folks in Hackensack!
She happens to come from a fairly rich family that had moved to Oceanberry before she was born for the rural lifestyle her family wanted to adopt for themselves, her family consists of her mom, dad, and her two younger twin sisters named May and Luna. Natalie is very quiet and not very sociable with her family and only feels close to her sisters, even if they annoy her a lot of the time. For these reasons, she sees Glenda's family as more of her family than her actual family
Natalie currently works as a Hot Topic cashier (which is located inside the Hackensack Mall) and always comes home with any kind of (stolen) merchandise that she and Glenda find interest in and both are currently saving money to buy a secret location for their Fight Club meetings