City Princess: Modern!Lucette - Tumblr Posts
Glazed over blue eyes blinked open, only to squeeze back shut again at the bright lights blaring down at her. Her head felt like she’s been ran over by a semi and her legs feel like jello. It took a few minutes for her full awaken, one hand rising to rub her head as she tried to comprehend whatever the stranger told her.
“DenLiner? Time? Ryuutaros?” She mumbled, the strange words bouncing around her brain before remembering that she should probably thank the guy first before interrogating him.
“Uh, Thanks for helping me, I guess. Some assholes”
Lucette started to explain what happened to her, opening her eyes to look at her sorta savior, only to trail off as she finally saw what was speaking to her, gaping in shock and bewilderment. Because It certainly wasn’t a human.
“ that....a costume?”
“Hey! How did you end up there? I found you out there on the streets, unconscious, so I figured I’ll bring you in here where it’s safer.”
Orange eyes regard with a twinkling curiosity. Ryuutaros twirls his lilac braid around a single white finger, peering up from the sketch that he had been working on just a few minutes ago. Aside from him, the dining car was mostly empty for the moment: everyone else had gone off to their own evening activities.
He sets the pencil down: “Oh, and before I forget! I’m Ryuutaros, you’re here aboard the DenLiner, a train that travels across the plains of time itself. Pretty neat, just try not to ask how it works.” In all honesty, he didn’t know either, chances are Owner wouldn’t explain it too.
At the answer that it was his actual face, Lucette blinked in disbelief, eyeballing the strange being in front of her before narrowing her eyes into blue slits. Raising a hand, she slowly reached over....and tapped her nail against the forehead of...his face.
“What are you?” She asked, tapping her nail on the being’s face a few more times before pulling away with a curious look. Most people would be freaking out about being in a strange place with a non human entity, but you know, when you lived the life she has, you get used to weird shit and learn to go with the flow. And it’s not like the guy is hurting her or anything.
“And is that your real voice? Like...genuinely asking.”
Okay, that was a bit rude. But she can’t be blamed for it! His voice didn’t really match his face! He sounds like a fresh out of high school teenager!
“What....your friends? There’s more of you?! And who you’re calling a stray?!”
She wasn’t gonna just let that slick ass comment slide by!
Glazed over blue eyes blinked open, only to squeeze back shut again at the bright lights blaring down at her. Her head felt like she’s been ran over by a semi and her legs feel like jello. It took a few minutes for her full awaken, one hand rising to rub her head as she tried to comprehend whatever the stranger told her.
“DenLiner? Time? Ryuutaros?” She mumbled, the strange words bouncing around her brain before remembering that she should probably thank the guy first before interrogating him.
“Uh, Thanks for helping me, I guess. Some assholes jumped…….me….”
Lucette started to explain what happened to her, opening her eyes to look at her sorta savior, only to trail off as she finally saw what was speaking to her, gaping in shock and bewilderment. Because It certainly wasn’t a human.
“Uhm… that….a costume?”
Yep, she’s gonna need some help. Actually, scratch that, a lot of help.
Ryuutaros laughs, swinging his legs to perch himself on a table nearby. He points at himself, amused: “No, this is not a costume, this is my face.”
If she thinks his look was startling, oooh she’s gonna be in for a huge surprise when she meets the others. Momotaros would throw a damn fit when he finds out their new passenger, and he certainly did not look as friendly as Kin-chan, ha!
“Any more questions before my friends come around to yell at me for bringing in more strays?”
Lucette’s right eye twitched at the comparison to a lost puppy, but before she could shoot back a response, her attention was caught by his answer to her question.
“An ima what? What the fuck is that? I have never heard of it.”
When he spoke of granting wishes, the girl smirked, raising a single eyebrow at him in amusement.
“Grant wishes? What, so you’re some kind of genie? You got a lamp too?”
Before she could tease him too much, the door open and in walk....well, more of them. Immediately, her guard went up, body tense and alert. She was now vastly outnumbered and essentially cornered in a small area. And already one is hostile about her presence. Not good.
But at being spoken about in third person right in front of her, Lucette wouldn’t stand for that.
“This random passenger has a name, thank you very much. Maybe start with that first before yelling?” She interjected snappishly, not appreciating the dismissive way spoken about her. Yeesh, at least greet her! Do these people not have basic manners?!
At the answer that it was his actual face, Lucette blinked in disbelief, eyeballing the strange being in front of her before narrowing her eyes into blue slits. Raising a hand, she slowly reached over….and tapped her nail against the forehead of…his face.
“What are you?” She asked, tapping her nail on the being’s face a few more times before pulling away with a curious look. Most people would be freaking out about being in a strange place with a non human entity, but you know, when you lived the life she has, you get used to weird shit and learn to go with the flow. And it’s not like the guy is hurting her or anything.
“And is that your real voice? Like…genuinely asking.”
Okay, that was a bit rude. But she can’t be blamed for it! His voice didn’t really match his face! He sounds like a fresh out of high school teenager!
“What….your friends? There’s more of you?! And who you’re calling a stray?!”
She wasn’t gonna just let that slick ass comment slide by!
He snickers. Ryuutaros wiggles a finger at her: “You’ll have to wait to meet them to find out. And yes, I just called you a stray, like one of those many puppies that looked so lost on the streets. And also yes, this is my voice, don’t ask me how I got it, I don’t even know either.”
Yep, the origins of any imajin is a right mess to untangle. A web of complex rules and shit that he really, really cannot be assed to learn. That’s for Tobias - kun and his Brainiac days: all those jargon about contracts, memories, all of that fun stuff. Though maybe he could ask him to run it through with her later on, would be funny to at least see her reaction to realizing that there are so much more to this thing called time than anyone could ever hope to understand.
“I’m a imajin, I grant wishes to people, what I look like is based on my wishmaker and contract holder’s memories. Anything else you’ll have to ask Tobias about it.”
Annnnnd speak of the devil himself -
The sliding door opens, in stomping a familiar red oni trailed by the blue of Urataros and the gold of Kintaros. Just as he called it, the second Momotaros had laid his eyes on her, he scowled and turned towards him: “Brat! What did I say about bringing random passengers onboard?!”
“I think it’s more important that I dragged her out to safety because someone knocked her out, Momotaros.” Ryuutaros resists the urge to roll his eyes, twirling his pencil through his fingers.
Lucette watched in speechless bewilderment as the blue one, Urataros, stepped forward and actually KISSED her hand. What the fuck?
“Uh...Lu...cette? She answered, puzzled by what just happened. She doesn’t know whether to knock the shit out of him or to blush. Weirdo. Judging by the purple one’s unamused comment, this is his usual behavior.
“Wait, Urataros, Kintaros, Momotaros, and Ryuutaros? Why do all your names have the same ending? Is it an ima-whatever you are thing? Are y’all related?” She questioned curiously after noticing the strange thing about their names. They don’t quite look like siblings, but she’s seen some wack ass looking siblings, so she can’t say shit.
At the reminder of what happened prior to her...rescue, Lucette growled lowly, seething. She cannot believe that those guys actually tried to mug her! The dumbasses really thought that she would actually carry money on her person! What year did they think is was, 2005?! No one carries money around willy nilly anymore! Especially not in a city!
And then had the audacity to get angry at her for having nothing but her phone! They’re lucky that she had been outnumbered.
“Those assholes really tried to rob me! They really thought that I would carry loose change on me while walking through an alleyway? How dumb did they think I was?!”
Lucette’s right eye twitched at the comparison to a lost puppy, but before she could shoot back a response, her attention was caught by his answer to her question.
“An ima what? What the fuck is that? I have never heard of it.”
When he spoke of granting wishes, the girl smirked, raising a single eyebrow at him in amusement.
“Grant wishes? What, so you’re some kind of genie? You got a lamp too?”
Before she could tease him too much, the door open and in walk….well, more of them. Immediately, her guard went up, body tense and alert. She was now vastly outnumbered and essentially cornered in a small area. And already one is hostile about her presence. Not good.
But at being spoken about in third person right in front of her, Lucette wouldn’t stand for that.
“This random passenger has a name, thank you very much. Maybe start with that first before yelling?” She interjected snappishly, not appreciating the dismissive way spoken about her. Yeesh, at least greet her! Do these people not have basic manners?!
“My apologies for senpai’s behavior.” Urataros steps around, as per expected of him. Ryuutaros was so, so tempted to make a face at the blue imajin’s antics, taking the girl’s hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it. “Call me Urataros, young miss, those are my associates, Momotaros and Kintaros. May I ascertain your name?”
Yeah, you’re not Tobias, that doesn’t work.
The Phoenix imajin had his way around words even without attempting to be some sort of - what was that word - casanova about it. Yeah, maybe he’ll contact him and have him talk to her about it: “Kame - chan, I think that’s moving a bit too fast even by your standards. Shouldn’t we leave the smooth talking to Tobias - san?”
Kintaros spoke, his rumble of a voice echoing through the dining car: “Ryuuta, why are you still up though?” The dragon imajin shrugs, shifting around from his seat that he had hopped into to face him again: will he ever get the time to actually finish his sketches? Like, for crying out loud, how long had he been working on this particular one?
He twirls his pencil through his fingers as he said, bored and maybe just the slightest bit annoyed. “Went out on a bit of a walk, then came upon her unconscious out in the streets. Figured that it would be better to bring her back in here instead of letting whatever humans are out there do whatever they got in mind with her.” Humans are an interesting bunch, could be best friends forever with each other one second, then turn on the other in the next.
Pink lips pursed in distaste, not happy with the idea of having to stay overnight in a strange and unfamiliar place surrounded by non human beings.
“Someone else lives here? How many of you are there?”
Lucette arched a single brow at Ryuuta’s protest about his age and Momotaros’ brat comment.
“Uh...Define “only a few years younger”? Because to me, you sound like you just graduated from High School and are about to settle into your dorm room.” She pointed out, low-key agreeing with Momotaros.
“This mystery person coming over. Is he gonna be as grumpy and rude as that one over there? Because if so, we’re all better off not meeting.” Lucette asked, pointing a manicured nail at Momotaros’ form, not bothering to keep her voice down. If he had a problem with it, well, you reap what you sow.
“If I’m staying here tonight, where do I sleep? I don’t exactly see a room here on....whatever this is.”
Lucette watched in speechless bewilderment as the blue one, Urataros, stepped forward and actually KISSED her hand. What the fuck?
“Uh…Lu…cette? She answered, puzzled by what just happened. She doesn’t know whether to knock the shit out of him or to blush. Weirdo. Judging by the purple one’s unamused comment, this is his usual behavior.
“Wait, Urataros, Kintaros, Momotaros, and Ryuutaros? Why do all your names have the same ending? Is it an ima-whatever you are thing? Are y’all related?” She questioned curiously after noticing the strange thing about their names. They don’t quite look like siblings, but she’s seen some wack ass looking siblings, so she can’t say shit.
At the reminder of what happened prior to her…rescue, Lucette growled lowly, seething. She cannot believe that those guys actually tried to mug her! The dumbasses really thought that she would actually carry money on her person! What year did they think is was, 2005?! No one carries money around willy nilly anymore! Especially not in a city!
And then had the audacity to get angry at her for having nothing but her phone! They’re lucky that she had been outnumbered.
“Those assholes really tried to rob me! They really thought that I would carry loose change on me while walking through an alleyway? How dumb did they think I was?!”
“We are all a part of a team, we fight together for our shared contract holder, Ryoutarou Nogami.” Momotaros rolled his eyes, rubbing his temple in a familiar way that showed yeah he was indeed, very much annoyed. “The turtle, the stupid bear and the brat over there doodling in his book.”
Ryuutaros made a face in his direction: “I’m only a few years younger than you guys.”
Either way, he lowers his pencil: turning towards Lucette. “I know there’s a lot to take in, but I think it’ll be better for you to at least stay over night. Tomorrow morning, someone’s going to come over and he’ll explain what the hell is going on exactly. Better than any of us ever will, gotta say.”
The young woman shot Urataros a wary look, arching a brow, trying to suppress the quirk of her lips.
“Didn’t you just try to smooth talk your way to me five minutes ago? You haven’t even taken me out to dinner yet and already trying to get to my room.” She teased gently, tapping her nails against her cheek.
“I’m guessing I’ll learn about “Owner” tomorrow from this Tobias person, so I won’t ask. Very well then, Urataros. Escort me to my compartments like a gentleman.”
She stood up from her spot, giving her odd savior a nod.
“I assume that you....sleep?”
They don’t really look like the sleeping types but eh, who the fuck knows how weird looking genie beings operate?
Pink lips pursed in distaste, not happy with the idea of having to stay overnight in a strange and unfamiliar place surrounded by non human beings.
“Someone else lives here? How many of you are there?”
Lucette arched a single brow at Ryuuta’s protest about his age and Momotaros’ brat comment.
“Uh…Define “only a few years younger”? Because to me, you sound like you just graduated from High School and are about to settle into your dorm room.” She pointed out, low-key agreeing with Momotaros.
“This mystery person coming over. Is he gonna be as grumpy and rude as that one over there? Because if so, we’re all better off not meeting.” Lucette asked, pointing a manicured nail at Momotaros’ form, not bothering to keep her voice down. If he had a problem with it, well, you reap what you sow.
“If I’m staying here tonight, where do I sleep? I don’t exactly see a room here on….whatever this is.”
Ryuutaros opened his mouth to reply -
Only for Urataros to interrupt him anyway: “Owner has already assigned you a compartment, will you allow me to lead you there?”
Wait, wait, how did the old man already know that they would have a guest?
He rubs his elbows, closing his sketchbook. Something’s always a little fishy about him, the way he seems to know everything - then again, he is the conductor of the DenLiner before any of them. Would make sense if he wasn’t human anyway, or at least not completely human somehow.
Either way, probably a good time for him to get to his own compartment after a bath and sleep for the night. Tobias would be able to explain everything better tomorrow morning, and Momotaros would get off of his arse for going out late at night.
The compartment bed wasn’t as soft or comfortable as her own bed, but it made do. She slept relatively comfortably throughout the night, dreaming of giant fluffy doggos and sweet kittens.
Only to be harshly woken up by loud noises and what sounds like talking. For a few seconds, her sleep addled brain couldn't comprehend her surroundings. As she groggily looked around, the memories of what happened yesterday trickled in, causing her let her head fall back into her pillow, sighing.
Right. She got mugged, beaten up, and was saved by some weird alien genie mechanical thing that is a part of a group of more weird genie mechanical things and is trapped on some train to....somewhere.
What a great way to start the weekend.
“This sucks ass.” She groaned into her pillow.
The young woman shot Urataros a wary look, arching a brow, trying to suppress the quirk of her lips.
“Didn’t you just try to smooth talk your way to me five minutes ago? You haven’t even taken me out to dinner yet and already trying to get to my room.” She teased gently, tapping her nails against her cheek.
“I’m guessing I’ll learn about “Owner” tomorrow from this Tobias person, so I won’t ask. Very well then, Urataros. Escort me to my compartments like a gentleman.”
She stood up from her spot, giving her odd savior a nod.
“I assume that you….sleep?”
They don’t really look like the sleeping types but eh, who the fuck knows how weird looking genie beings operate?
“Yeah, we are not too different from humans, we need our sleep and food too.” Ryuutaros waves at Lucette as she leaves. Shiiiit, how late is this now? Three AM or something? Either way, it was time for him to retire back to his own compartment -
He rubs at his eyes, blinking the sleep from them.
How he somehow managed to wake up at 8am right on time is beyond him. Ryuutaros groans into his pillow. Uuuuuuuuuuugh, of course it would happen on a weekend, or something of a weekend, yesterday was about Friday right? Hopefully Kai would keep his goons in line for the day: or maybe Naomi-chan would fix something good for breakfast this morning.
“Good morning to you as well, sleepyhead!”
He jerks, eyes snapping open and glaring at the cobra imajin lurking above him. Fucking asshole, of course he would sneak in here and wake him up when he wasn’t ready for it: “Asshole.” Ryuutaros grumbles again, rolling around in his bed to turn his back towards him. He’s going to go back to take a nap.
“And you’re cute. Come on, time to get up! Tobi and Isshin are also here.”
Lucette would’ve been content to lay in bed and sleep the day away, but the unmistakable smell of food piqued her interest. Sitting up in the bed, the woman let out a loud yawn as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.
How long has it been since she last ate? She didn’t have dinner last night and had only had a sandwich for lunch yesterday. Her stomach’s loud growl answered for her.
“Long enough for that.” She chuckled. Stretching the drowsiness out of her limbs, Lucette finally mustered enough motivation to rise out of bed, groaning. She took a minute to look over herself, running a hand through her poofy hair; making sure the elastic didn’t snap in the middle of the night.
She would’ve liked to at least bathe or brush her teeth first. Unfortunately, that choice isn’t available. She has no change of clothes and none of her special toothpaste she needs for her weak ass teeth.
“Fucking hell. Maybe the girls back in high school had a point in packing toothbrushes in their purses.” She grumbled, making sure her clothes were as presentable as they could be in this scenario and walking out of her compartment.
“Now...which way was the dining area, again?” She wondered out loud, scrambling her brain to remember the route. But nothing was coming up.
“Well shit. I guess I’ll just follow my nose.” She sighed, mentally kicking herself for forgetting. Letting the smell of food guide her, Lucette followed it, with a lot of effort, all the way back to the dining car.
“Good Morning!” She greeted as she walked inside, only to stop when she realized something. There were differently colored - what was the word? Imajin? in the dining car. Last time, there had been only four, a blue, a red, a gold and a purple; Ryuuta. Now there were two new ones sitting nearby, alongside Ryuuta.
Oh wait, yeah! He told her that there were more of them that would appear today. So hopefully, they’re not hostile?
“Well, Ryuuta told me we’d some guests today.” She stated out loud as she made her way over, her curiosity overriding her hunger. For the moment.
The compartment bed wasn’t as soft or comfortable as her own bed, but it made do. She slept relatively comfortably throughout the night, dreaming of giant fluffy doggos and sweet kittens.
Only to be harshly woken up by loud noises and what sounds like talking. For a few seconds, her sleep addled brain couldn’t comprehend her surroundings. As she groggily looked around, the memories of what happened yesterday trickled in, causing her let her head fall back into her pillow, sighing.
Right. She got mugged, beaten up, and was saved by some weird alien genie mechanical thing that is a part of a group of more weird genie mechanical things and is trapped on some train to….somewhere.
What a great way to start the weekend.
“This sucks ass.” She groaned into her pillow.
Whatever grumpiness from before disappeared -
Naomi always, without fail, made the best breakfast every morning. Ryuutaros grins into Philo’s shoulder: good fucking way to start off the day that would have otherwise been shitty as fuck. Breakfast sandwich with a cup of her specialty coffee! Hard to argue with his favorites.
He slides off of the snake imajin’s back into his usual booth.
“I see that your little situation has been successfully resolved with the offering of some food.”
Ryuutaros turns, rolling his eyes at the phoenix imajin sporting his amused little grin. “Morning, Tobias - san.”