Cix X Reader - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

cix masterlist






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3 years ago

does anyone want to discuss sub!enhypen and sub!cix 😵‍💫😵‍💫

honestly i will be accepting thoughts on anything i dont even care

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3 years ago

god i kinda want to peg hyunsuk until he’s sobbing and bucking from overstimulation :( just wanna see his little cock release so much cum all over the covers and then breed him till he’s full :(

other idols may be cute and stuff but HYUNSUK? hes the subbiest of subs. fight me on that.

his dumb brain would just be filled with nothing, he wouldnt even be able to form a single sentence after that. you would be asking him if he wanted to take a bath and he’s just like “…wha??” w a pout in his face 🥺

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2 years ago

This is adorable 😩🥹

Cix + having a crush

For @yong-jelly cause I miss them ☹️

Cix + Having A Crush


Oh boy

I’ve talked about this before but he cannot keep it a secret

It’s not that he’s not trying to keep it a secret, it’s that he thinks he’s doing a great job playing it cool when in reality it’s very obvious to everyone

He just wants to make his crush laugh

The other members try to stay out of it

But it’s rlly hard to watch cause he tries to hard to flirt

He’s not bad at it, he just stumbles on his words sometimes

Who can blame him?? It’s you we’re talking about

But it takes him forever to confess so he sort of accidentally friend zones you for months

Confesses to you the exact thing you figured out months ago, and when you tell him you knew, he’s just so shocked

He’ll definitely need reassurance that you like him too and also that you’re not just saying that 😭

Cix + Having A Crush


Oh he’s confident

Constantly making you laugh

His face is stuck in a smug smirk

Practices pickup lines in the mirror but comes to the conclusion that they’re all terrible and you deserve better

He builds up the confidence to ask you out at a party and his stomach drops as he looks across the room to find you talking to another guy

He’s getting jealous 👀 his eyes do not leave you as he walks over to Jinyoung & Yonghee who are off on the side of the room having drinks

Jinyoung asks him what’s up and then follows his eyes, finding you on the other end of his stare and just goes “ohhh”

Jinyoung & yonghee decide to distract him and get him playing some games

later on in the night he finds you sitting on the couch by yourself, sulking & he sits down next to you and asks you what’s up

You tell him the guy you were talking to had an s/o all along and just wanted to make them jealous

Seunghun gives you a whole speech about how he’s an ass and you deserve someone so much better

You pick up your cup and just say “well, in the meantime…” and clink your cup with his

Minutes later you’re making out in the bathroom and he’s muttering confessions in between kisses

And oops he’s your rebound oh but he’s so much more than just your rebound

Cix + Having A Crush


So so so quiet around you 🥺

However when he’s around the other members he can’t help but gush about you

But he starts taking an interest in things you like, without you noticing

Mans won’t dare make a move tho, not until he absolutely knows you like him too

Part of it is out of respect & courtesy, but the other part of him just doesn’t want to be rejected by you, you mean the world to him

He’s not one for parties, but he decides to go to one because A) you’re there and B) he’s got his support system with him (aka the other members)

But he’s off on the side, while Byounggon & Jinyoung occupy the dance floor and Hyunsuk is off chatting with someone who caught his eye

Seunghun gives him a lil pep talk and afterwards walks over to you and whispers something to you

Yonghee’s heart sinks, thinking Seunghun wants you for himself

But when you walk up to him & offer to get him something to drink and call him cute, he blushes and realizes Seunghun would never do that

Lots of smiling at the things you say and when he laughs at your jokes he looks to the ground, blushing a little

He’s the designated driver for the night so pls make out with him in his car after the last member makes it home safely; he wants it but he is way too shy to ask

Cix + Having A Crush


Oh god, the stares he gives

You probably think he hates you, tbh

He gives you the death stare a lot, and of course you assume it’s because he does not like you as a person

But in reality it’s infatuation, he can’t keep his eyes off you

You barely have even spoken to each other, like ever

Finally makes a move when you’re at a party and playing spin the bottle

He spins and it lands on you, and you could’ve sworn his lips lingered on yours

Next is your turn, and it lands on some other guy, so you kiss him

A short while later the game switches to seven minutes in heaven, and oops you’re stuck in a closet with Jinyoung

He’s backed you up against the wall, interrogating you about the kiss with the other guy

He leans in, about to kiss you when he asks “was he a better kisser than me?” Glancing down at your lips

Before you even think to answer you can’t take it anymore and you bring your lips to his

Cix + Having A Crush


Oh he was so careful about the secret

He was doing such a good job of keeping it, too

His wrongdoing was telling the members

He may be the maknae, but they all know how mature and responsible he is and would love to childishly rub it in his face how he has a little shy school boy crush on you

Byounggon is definitely the one who spills the beans

He accidentally texted you instead of hyunsuk being like “when are you asking y/n out??

When you reply with “wait what??” He sends the 😳 emoji and frantically types “NOTHING AT ALL FORGET I SAID ANYTHING”

You show up at Hyunsuk’s door

Oh god he looks so cute in his sweatpants and t shirt

You’re just rambling to him about how Byounggon texted you by mistake

And how “he kind of said something about you planning to ask me out, which I know, is totally crazy—“

He just reassures you that it’s not crazy, and invites you in

Asks if you want dinner & ends up cooking for you & cracking open a bottle of wine just for you 🥺

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Planned Works/Ideas for October

Hello everyone, as I mentioned previously I’ve been working on some stuff. I also have been feeling very inspired as of late and will be writing some more. I wanted to get this October started off right so here is a list of some things that will be coming your way hopefully sooner than later. I don't feel comfortable giving exact dates because as I've mentioned before certain factors can cause my writing schedule to be sporadic (also why I will not be participating in kinktober) Since some ideas are more developed than others his list will be separated into three categories:

Full ideas

People/characters who will be getting works

Ideas/tropes that I want to write about

Let's Begin!

First up here are the fully developed ideas that are in progress.

Yoon Hyunsuk (Cix)

Nerd!Hyunsuk x Popular!reader (college au)

Planned Works/Ideas For October

The tall, shy, handsome, boy who sits behind you in every class you share has a secret. Like many other people on campus, he was hopelessly in love with you. It began three years ago, freshman year, and every day it only got stronger. Over the years this has led him to do some… questionable things he's not a bad guy by any means he's just an awkward college boy in love. At first, it was innocent just sitting behind you in classes that you shared. He hoped that this would give him some time to gain some confidence to talk to you while still remaining close to you. He really didn’t mean to begin eavesdropping on your conversations or reading your texts over your shoulder, he just wanted to learn more about you before he approached you. But as time went on the worse he got from smelling your hair to following you around campus to lurking your socials to finally finding your dorm room. He told himself that he was just trying to return a jacket you left in class so he racked his brain for all of the information he “gathered” and remembered your room number. It was just supposed to be a quick drop off of the jacket he played out the scenario in his head a thousand times. knock on the door, tell you he picked it up when you forgot it, give it to you, and leave. But, when he knocked on the door it opened slightly you weren’t there but you left it cracked indicating that you would be back soon. The change in circumstances caused him to panic and so he decided to just go in and drop it on your bed as opposed to waiting at your door for you. As soon as he fully entered the room the door closed behind him and after folding your jacket placing it on your bed he goes to leave. Turns out you left your door cracked for a reason, he twists the knob and pulls with all his might but he can’t get it opened. The door jammed and he’s stuck in your room. Before he even gets the chance to panic he hears you right outside the door.


Klaus Mikaelson (TVD/The Originals)


Klaus kills a woman. Unbeknownst to him, this woman was the soulmate of a powerful witch. In revenge the witch curses him vowing that the day Klaus finds his soulmate they will be made immortal but their soul would be removed leaving an eternal one-sided soulmate connection where Klaus is completely connected to them ( can only love and desire them, unable to hurt or kill them, able to see their thoughts and feel their emotions/pain.etc) but they have no connection to him. The witch finally takes the only reverse to the spell to the grave with him and his wife leaving nobody else to break the spell. The story will center around an interesting toxic yet slightly romantic relationship between Klaus and the reader where over years they are continuously on and off again. Klaus does everything to get the reader to love and stay with him and the reader uses this to their advantage. When they’re together its great but when they’re apart things never go well. In the end, the reader can always leave him but he can never leave them so he takes any measure to keep them by his side.

Planned Works/Ideas For October

Choi Soobin (TXT)

Sub!SoobinxDom catgirl!reader

The Cat Owns You Part 2

Planned Works/Ideas For October

After returning home from the café Soobin you’re finally able to transform. Now being human you keep up a nice façade for the evening eating dinner and watching television peacefully. Having you around for these few hours has him believing he made the right decision after a while he took you to your room before retiring to his own for the night. He drifts off to sleep happily thinking that he found a simple way to fix his loneliness issue a cute catgirl who resides in the room beside his. Nothing could have prepared him for what would happen a few hours later. Waking up to feel his hands and legs in an uncomfortable position he tries to adjust himself but he can’t, opening his eyes to look he realizes that he’s tied to the 4 sides of his bedpost. Before he can question what’s happening he sees you making your way toward him with the collar he purchased earlier in your hands. You notice that he’s awake but continue on fastening the collar around his throat before positioning yourself to sit on him, straddling his spread body “(Y/N) what’s going on” he asks trying to sound stern but it comes out as more of a whisper as the reality of his situation really begins to set in affecting his body in a way he didn’t expect. “Shhh don’t worry I’ll take care of you” you whisper in his ear sending a shiver through his body. Every second that passes he can feel his resolve fading he knows that he wants whatever is about to happen and soon he won’t be able to say no you know this too. He quickly yet unconvincingly rushes out “ no you can’t do this” causing you to chuckle “ Yes I can, I can do whatever I want you signed the papers” before he can ask what you mean you continue “I own you”

Up next here are some muses that I will be writing about once I find the perfect ideas for them:

Garou (Genshin Impact)

Nejire Kamado (My Hero Academia)

Mina Ashido (My Hero Academia)

Shoto Todoroki (My Hero Academia)

Kazutora Hanemiya (Tokyo Revengers)

Choi Beomgyu (TXT)

Choi Chanhee (The Boyz)

Jeong Jaehyun (NCT)

Park Seonghwa (Ateez)

Wonho (Soloist)

Sunmi (soloist)

Sana (twice)

Beelzebub (Obey Me)

Loki Laufeyson (MCU)

Buckey Barnes (MCU)

Hela Odinson(MCU)

Wanda Maximoff (MCU)

And finally here are some ideas for works (I’m thinking of making a proper prompt list but for now you can request any of these ideas with a muse from above and I will try to fulfill it. Just make sure to specify what type of story you want (fluff, smut, angst, general hcs, drabbles, etc):

Reader is an evil sorcerer and the muse is their loyal familiar

Reader is a succubus and muse is a charge that keeps summoning them

Reader is like Hades and muse is like Persephone

Female Knight reader saves prince muse

Criminal reader goes yandere for normal muse

Opposites attract the big, scary, cold reader and soft cute muse

Muse who is a twitch streamer by day and a camgirl/boy by night

Reader is a Sugar mommy and muse is one of their many sugar babies it starts off fine but then muse falls in love and wants to be readers only one

Dom reader x fem switch muse x sub male muse

Ruler reader x harem

Reader is mean to everyone but muse

Smart tsundere reader dating clingy affectionate himbo/bimbo muse

Fem Joker type reader x male Harley type muse

Reader is an engineer who finds robot muse and fixes them

Vampire queen reader and yandere muse servant who wants to be readers walking blood bag

Hero reader saves muse from a yandere and muse becomes yandere

Demon reader x angel muse

A muse who keeps trying to kill a reader that they don’t know is invulnerable reader knows muse is trying to kill them but doesn’t stop them because they think it’s cute.

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