Classpecting Random Characters - Tumblr Posts
If Aesop Played Homestuck...
So... a bit of background,
I had this hobby where my friend and I would sit around and classpectisize characters from different fandoms (Usually, Fandomstuck).
I mostly base my results off of OptimisticDuelist’s videos about this thing and all, and I was wondering, if Aesop Carl from Identity V played Homestuck, what would his God Tier title be?
I had an idea and brought it up with my friend sometime before quarantine started, and he agreed that it fits Aesop well.
The God Tier title? The Knight of Doom.
Now why did we think it fit him? Tbh I kinda forgot for some time until I picked up my research again and remembered why.
So why is Aesop a Knight of Doom? Explanation; go!
Doom represents the burden and conflicts characters experience. It can represent hopelessness, futility, and oftentimes, death. Knights serve their aspect, or serve through their aspect. Aesop falls in both catagories when he serves doom in his backstory and through doom in his skill. In his backstory, Aesop serves doom to others by persuading them into letting him kill them because death was far more welcoming than life, and in his skill, he serves through doom by rescuing teammates from rocket chairs- from their doom- by embalming them and using his coffin. Even his occupation of an embalmer alone evokes Knight of Doom vibes! He serves and restores bodies who have met their doom!
That’s it and thanks for listening to my TED Talk!
(Does anyone know if I can change the text colours in Tumblr? ;w;)
If Henry Emily Played Homestuck
So y’all remember when I did that “If Aesop played Homestuck” post? I decided to do another one for fun.
This time, with Henry Emily from Fnaf because even though I don’t know what aspect I would give him, I know for a solid fact, based off of my friend’s research (which was based off of OptimisticDuelist’s research) that he would be a muse.
So let me explain my thought process...
Muses are the most passive class in Homestuck. This means that muses are in a happier state thinking of others, but due to being the most passive class, they also tend to be (or are) sacrificial. It also means that they have very little screentime. Muses are also master classes, and alongside the Lord class, are probably some of the rarest types of players. Muses command their aspect, or through their aspect for the benifit of others.
Now, how does this fit with Henry? WELL;
Henry has VERY LITTLE screentime. The first time we’ve heard of him was in the Silver Eyes Trilogy, but even then, he was only mentioned every now and then and never showed up since... y’know... he’s probably dead (probably). Heck, even in the games, we’ve only seen him once! And that was right before he died. Very little screentime. As for the sacrificial part, I don’t see how that can not be applied to Henry! Like, he literally burned himself, Michael, and the other animatronics, in a building, alive, to put an end to the tragedy William created (Reminds me a lot of Dead-Tier Calliope if you ask me).
Now as for his aspect... I’m not too sure... Right off the bat, I think of Doom, Blood, and maybe Hope.
Doom is represented by limits, labour, sacrifice, rules, technology, unsustainability, and conflict. It describes the conflict of the story and the burden the world places on every character. I can’t find the words to explain it, but I do think Doom fits Henry quite well... such as the sacrifice part, I mean, he did lose a lot, or at least, enough to send his mentality into shambles. He lost his daughter and his ex-friend/co-worker, and in the end, gave up his life for the sake of freeing all the souls and damning his William to hell. Technology is fairly simple to explain, he made animatronics. As for the labour and conflict part, I suppose it can be argued that Henry had been enslaved by his guilt after things hit the fan, and I suppose he was there when thing had hit the fan. Doom could also arguably work with William, but I have more reason to believe he’d be bound to the aspect of Life, but let’s save that for another post.
Blood is represented by bondage (Take it as you will), relationships, commitment, society, worldly attachments, character dynamics. It represents connection, responsibility, commitment to a collective, and an attachment to the world. It describes character dynamic, the relationships that influence the cast as the story moves along. I do feel like Blood fits Henry as much as Doom does. Henry feels responsible and commited to ending William’s reign of terror. He has connections to some of the most important characters; his daughter Charlie who becomes the Marionette and his ex-friend and co-worker William.
Since I feel as if they’re less likely to be Henry’s aspect, I’ll briefly mention Hope and Rage.
Hope represents positive emotions, imagination, belief, possibility, and coherence. I can only see Imagination and Belief fitting Henry. He set out to make a frachise when fantasy and fun comes to life. He had dreams! And in Fnaf Pizzeria Simulator, he had Michael craft a pizzeria so convincing so that William and the other scraps would not realise it’s true purpose, but I guess that fits Michael more tbh, but it was Henry’s idea tho.
I’m not sure which of these aspects would fit Henry the best, but I do think either Doom or Blood. Ok I’m gonna end this post now cuz I’m so tired, I’ve been working on this post for like, about an hour :’DD
But what do you guys think? Does the Muse class fit him? And what aspect best fits him? Personally, I’m thinking of a Muse of Doom for now since the hero title of the Lord of Life kinda fits William, but idk :))
If The Omori Fandom Played Homestuck... [Pt 1]
Okay... so um... y’all know how I love assigning hero titles/classpects to characters and how I love the potential of Fandomstuck, right? Yeah, lmao so I decided to assign a hero title to my Fandomstuck interperetation of this psychological horror RPG game called OMORI! It’s a really good game and I had an idea for a hero title for them! And cuz I have a feeling this post is gonna be pretty long, I’ll go through what I think their lunar sway would be, as well as other things such as chumhandles, typing quirks, planets, sprites, strife kinds, and fetch modi in the next post uwu
Though please keep in mind that this is purely my opinion, and if you disagree with it, then that’s cool, you don’t have to listen to my conclusions! They’re merely suggestions uwu Additionally, all this speculation is based off of OptimisticDuelist’s own research and that this post will contain a lot of spoilers for OMORI, so be warned, and remember; this is all just for fun and to satisfy my Fandomstuck obsession :33
For the sake of not confusing the actual game from the character, I will refer to the game’s personification as ORI.
After playing the game, I strongly believe that ORI’S hero title is the Prince of Hope.
The aspect of hope relates to faith, possibilities, positive emotions, and all things imaginary, idealistic, and as my friend would say, all about “Faking it until you make it”. Additionaly, as quoted by optimisticDuelist, hope also “describes our faith in the narrative’s coherence, our excitement for building plot threads and our ability to immerse ourselves in the fictional world”. Majority of the game takes place in WHITE SPACE, a DREAM WORLD created by SUNNY after MARI’s death as a sort of coping mechanism to handle the guilt of the truth. Many things about the DREAM WORLD relates to hope, such as how SUNNY hopes to forget what really happened to his sister by immersing himself in the DREAM WORLD for the price of isolation in the real world (for FOUR years!) where, in the DREAM WORLD, everything is better because MARI is still alive there and all his friends are together and happy. The aspect of hope, however, is not just restricted to SUNNY/OMORI and WHITE SPACE, but also to the characters outside in the real world which is why I think the aspect of hope relates to ORI beyond the game’s protagonist. BASIL believes in SUNNY and that there was no way he could have killed MARI or vandilised all the photos, no matter how clear it was, and instead blames SOMETHING for all of it. Additionally, the rest of the cast believed in the lie SUNNY and BASIL created regarding MARI’S death and don’t even find out until the very end of the game if you get the true ending. We can also go a few steps further by bringing up the group’s hopes and dreams for a brighter future, SUNNY’s hope for forgivness and the fact that happy (And its other stages) are all positive emotions that play a role in battles.
Although I’m pretty set in stone about hope, you do see traits of other aspects throughout the game.
Time, since the aspect is linked to music, narrative pacing, decay, and is associated with photographs through the canon Knight of Time, Dave Strider. Right off the bat, we can link the whole photography thing to ORI since the truth is revealed to the player through a series of photos, and also that BASIL loves taking them. Additionally when the game brings us to the real world for the second time, we get to learn how the world SUNNY used to know changed in the last four years. Additionally, MARI and SUNNY played the piano and violin (respectively) and MARI died the day of their recital. If we wanted to go above and beyond, we could probably bring up how BASIL’S mental state takes a quick turn south when he finds out SUNNY’s gonna move, and on the last day, if left alone, will kill himself, which will either lead SUNNY to lock that memory away, or kill himself by stabbing or jumping off the hospital’s roof if the player gives up during OMORI’s battle. So yeah... lot’s of death.
Void and how it can represent secrets, lies, misfortune, and the unknowable alongside nothingness/meaninglessness and the physical world. This applies to ORI and how the whole reason WHITESPACE exists was due to MARI’s death and how it was covered up with a lie and how hard OMORI tries to stop SUNNY from discovering the truth.
Light, which represents imagination and true information, good fortune, and what’s important. Imagination also applies to WHITESPACE and how as the game goes one, we begin to learn the truth behind MARI’s death.
Blood, which represents connection, responsibility, commitment to a collective, an attachment to the world and character dynamic. This applies to ORI and how despite the fact the characters had drifted apart ever since MARI’s death, they were all able to fall back together due to their friendship. Heck, the whole thing about them all being close friends is often seen and mentioned throught the game! In addition to that, the lack of connections ended up making everyone miserable and eventually, SUNNY owns up and tells the others how MARI really died in the end of the true end.
Heart, which reflects the soul, inner feelings, love and attraction, and platonic ideals of both people and objects. Additionally, canon heart players are known for roleplaying and personality splinters, which if you count OMORI (SUNNY’S dream alter ego) going around and protecting the truth by pretending everything is alright, then that kinda fits the heart bill as well. We could additionally go a little deeper by bringing up Sweetheart and the fact that the dreamworld is personal and important to SUNNY, since everyone in that world was either people in real life when they were still young or mascots from games and comics SUNNY knows of.
Kind of breath, since a part of the aspect includes detachment from the world... since... y’know, SUNNY HASN’T LEFT HIS HOUSE IN FOUR YEARS.
And kind of rage, since anger is one of the emotions the play a role in battles, and that a part of rage is that its contrivance is meant to make us see through the illusion of the fiction and focus on its flaws instead. This can be applied to how quickly the dreamworld falls apart as the game progresses, breaking the harmony time and time again, and constantly reminding us that everything is not as it seems.
Although these aspects could all be used to describe ORI, I still kinda see hope as the main aspect.
Now for the next point, why in the world would I think ORI to be a prince of all classes (Especially considering Homsestuck’s canon Prince of Hope)??? Well, I’ve already describes what hope is and how it relates to the dreamworld and its purpose, and then I’m gonna bring up what a prince (Alongside its passive counterpart, the bard) does; they destroy.
Princes are ones who destroys their aspect, or destroys through their aspect for themselves. As one of the most active classes, it can be stressfull for them to adopt passive roles, and tend to dominate the plot with the sheer impact of their actions. Royals (princes and bards) are those concerned with aristocracy, nobility, and the great figures who shape society, and due to that, share a focus on birth-rights and legacies. Royals are often intensly devout to the cause they believe in and the people they love and are not afraid to fight for what they believe is right. They tear down what’s old and stagnant to allow the flourishing of the new and are often formidable attackers, but also effective debuffers, as they remove their aspect from reality or wear down their enemy through its use. However, their reverence for high-class court society can make them judgmental or arrogant, and their greatest challenge is to resist the ego that would convince them that they’re above others.
The main reason I chose the Prince class for ORI is because they can destroy their aspect, and in this case, I will their aspect, being WHITE SPACE/the DREAM WORLD. As mentioned countless times earlier, WHITE SPACE is SUNNY’S safe place and their protection from the truth or what really happened, but as the game progresses, the player’s actions and OMORI’s reaction to anything that would reveal the truth breaks the illusion of the DREAM WORLD, before eventually, destroying it althogether in the end and (if you managed to figure out the hangman’s game) uncover the truth in the form of a broken realm known as BLACK SPACE. Additionally, the entirety of HEAD SPACE (WHITE and BLACK) was created by the game’s protagonist, which would already put them (SUNNY/OMORI) in an important position. If we want to expand on the whole aristocracy-nobility thing, we could bring up the fact that SWEETHEART is... I don’t really know what she is, but she’s super popular, rich, and owns a castle in the DREAM WORLD, and that CAPTAIN SPACEBOY/FRIEND is a well-known space pirate, and MR JAWSUM who is the owner of this hotel-resort thing. The fighting part of the Royals’ description easily fits ORI, since it is an RPG game. I could keep giving reasons as to why I think ORI would be a prince, and several other alternatives I thought would fit, but this post is already really long :’DD So the last thing I wanted to say about this was that the reason I thought ORI would be a prince, and not a bard, was mainly because of the prince’s activness and how as the game goes on, OMORI grows stronger before the final battle of the game turns into a struggle for power between SUNNY and OMORI.
Anywho, this is my really long explenation of why I would think ORI (My Fandomstuck interperetation of OMORI) would be a Prince of Hope! At one point, I did contemplate the idea of them being a witch, but then I felt as if that would have suited SUNNY more as an individual.
So yeah, that’s basically it and I’m gonna make another post later about all the other stuff afterwards, and to finish this post off, here is a picture I made of ORI using Gacha Club uwu (Cuz I have no drawings prepared ;w;)