Claude Wmmap - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago


When Athanasia goes into coma the first time, there’s a brief moment where she wakes up, before Claude puts her to sleep because he doesn’t like how she was crying from the pain. Now I can’t help but imagine that Athanasia kept waking up after that (before Lucas shows up), but she says the most random things; mostly her quoting pop culture media and memes from her time in Korea. Imagine how everyone would react, especially if Athanasia’s humor gets darker.

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1 year ago

I think he could see that she was already terrified, and as such wouldn’t answer any of his questions. So he kneels down to at/just below her level so he wouldn’t intimidate her quite as badly. Though I’m not quite sure how well that works considering the very next thing Claude does is pick up Athy and then dump her into Felix’s arms lmao.



I didn't notice it at first but Claude went from tilting her chin up to him while standing before he knelt to match her height, actually, a little lower than her height, effectively having her look down at him which must almost never happen except for Felix guarding him while he's sitting down.

He could have continued to intimidate her from above with his height but chose to stoop down to her instead and Idk about y'all but decided to kneel...and for what??? To intimidate her close up?? To see something?? *rips out hair*

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