Cleanfur - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

A clownsona for @commandercorgi4

(Please don't repost or remove the caption)

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5 years ago
Made A New Icon For My Blog!

made a new icon for my blog!

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5 years ago
Just A Little Creechur.

Just a little creechur.

(Do not repost or delete the caption, please!)

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5 years ago
Just A Friendly Reminder!

Just a friendly reminder!

(Do not repost or delete the caption, please!)

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5 years ago
My Friend @ladyallo 's Cute As Heck Fursona

My friend @ladyallo 's cute as heck fursona ♡

(Please don't repost or remove the caption!)

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5 years ago
I Wish It Would Rain.

I wish it would rain.

(Don't repost or delete the caption please!)

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5 years ago
Anatomy Of @londraws Fursona!

Anatomy of @londraws fursona!

1. 4x eyes for gazing at their friends lovingly

2. big paws for making beautiful art and petting cats

3. a long body for storing all their talent

4. a bushy tail for lounging on

5. lil back feets for supporting all this greatness

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5 years ago
The Lil Creechur Got An Upgrade! They Have Iridescent Eyespots Now =3c
The Lil Creechur Got An Upgrade! They Have Iridescent Eyespots Now =3c
The Lil Creechur Got An Upgrade! They Have Iridescent Eyespots Now =3c

The lil creechur got an upgrade! They have iridescent eyespots now =3c

(Please don't repost or delete my caption! As this is a sona, please do not tag as kin!)

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5 years ago
Been A While Since I Drew This Noodle

been a while since i drew this noodle

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5 years ago
This Was Supposed To Just Be A Doodle, But My Puppy Walked All Over It With Muddy Paws So I Added A Scribbly

This was supposed to just be a doodle, but my puppy walked all over it with muddy paws so i added a scribbly background.

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5 years ago
*~assigned Creechur At Birth~*
*~assigned Creechur At Birth~*

*~assigned creechur at birth~*

*~assigned absolute rascal at birth~*

(don’t repost or tag as kin, pls)

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4 years ago
amereverie - Art Refs and Occasional Art

amereverie - Art Refs and Occasional Art

amereverie - Art Refs and Occasional Art


You may have made peace with your inner clown...

But have you considered embracing your inner furry?

(Seriously tho friend I love you! pls take this silly thing!)

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4 years ago

Ah yes. My old 2013 deviantart fursona...

Ah Yes. My Old 2013 Deviantart Fursona...

Godspeed Aki. You were a sparklecat monstrosity, but you came from a happier time.

Ah Yes. My Old 2013 Deviantart Fursona...


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4 years ago

Redraw 2020!

Redraw 2020!

I have a tradition of redrawing this picture every year. I was cutting it close this time, but it’s still technically 2020 so it’s all good!

Here’s the previous drawings, from 2017, 2018, and 2019!

Redraw 2020!

The individual images are under the cut!

(please do not repost, delete my caption, or tag as kin!)

Redraw 2020!
Redraw 2020!
Redraw 2020!

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4 years ago
I Love Him, He Hurts My Eyes.
I Love Him, He Hurts My Eyes.
I Love Him, He Hurts My Eyes.

I love him, he hurts my eyes.

(Please don't repost or tag as kin)

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